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A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ

[2] The title of the sermon today is “A PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST.”

Churches Are Lying About A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ

  • Let me tell you something today: This sermon isn’t what you think.
  • That title right there isn’t what YOU THINK. You’ll see what I mean in just a few minutes.
  • Churches all in this area are LYING to my friends, my family, my people.
  • And I’m sick of it. And I will preach against it today with all that I have. I’m sick of the lies.
  • When we go out soul winning, I ask people: “What do you think it takes to be saved?”
  • “How do you get to heaven? What does your church teach you?”

60 years of going to Highland Baptist Church in Shelbyville, KY and a woman couldn’t tell me how to get to heaven.

  • That’s sad. That’s a FAILURE OF A CHURCH right there. And they’re all around here.
  • Many churches in this area and throughout Louisville are teaching that you MUST have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST to make it into heaven.
  • Some of my friends have told me that’s what it takes BECAUSE that’s what they learn in Church.

Could I get some Scripture on that?

  • Where does the Bible say that I MUST have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ to be saved?
  • Let’s look for some Scripture on a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • The phrase “PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP” is not found in my Bible ONE TIME.
  • So let’s look for each word. Let’s search for the word “PERSONAL.” Guess what?
  • The word personal isn’t in my Bible ONE TIME. Not once.

Let’s look for the word “RELATIONSHIP” in the Bible. Guess what?

  • It’s not there. NOT EVEN ONE TIME is it there.
  • I want you to turn to John 6:47 in YOUR KING JAMES BIBLE. I’ll give you a second to get there.
  • John 6:47. Fourth Book in the New Testament. The Gospel of Jesus Christ written by the Apostle John.
  • The same John is the one whom JESUS LOVED. He also wrote 1, 2, 3 John and Revelation.
  • He was a fisherman, and he was in a ship with his brother James and his father Zebedee when Jesus called him out the very first time.
  • What does John 6:47 say?

[3] John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

  • That looks pretty simple to me. That’s JESUS HIMSELF speaking right there.
  • You can’t lose everlasting life. Everlasting is life that NEVER ends.
  • If you could lose it, then it wouldn’t be everlasting.
  • If you messed up your relationship with Jesus and lost salvation, then it wouldn’t be everlasting life.
  • That verse doesn’t say:
  • “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that develops a personal relationship with me HAS everlasting life.”
  • Does it say that? Does the Bible say that anywhere?
  • There’s hundreds of verses and the ENTIRE BIBLE teaches that BELIEF or FAITH on Jesus SAVES you.
  • Being SAVED is a ONE-TIME event.
  • Once you put ALL your trust and ALL your confidence in Jesus, that’s BELIEVING ON HIM.
  • That’s the moment you’re saved.

You MUST Have And Keep A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ???

So today, I ask: “What in the world do these FALSE PREACHERS mean when they say that you MUST have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ in order to go to heaven?”

  • You have to take a step back and see what they’re doing by telling people this.
  • They’re making it so you NEVER KNOW if you’re going to heaven.
  • They are saying YOU MUST keep this relationship until your dead.
  • You MUST continue to OBEY until you die.
  • Well, guess what? If that were the truth, then NO ONE would make it to heaven.
  • And ESPECIALLY, those lying false preachers wouldn’t make it.
  • Why? Because they’re telling LIES about the WORD OF GOD to get what they want.

Do you know what they’ve really done?

  • They have CREATED their very own PERSONAL JESUS that is whatever they need him to be.
  • So I want you to see what they’ve done today.
  • TODAY, see how they’re teaching people that they can have their own PERSONAL CREATION of Jesus.
  • This isn’t the JESUS IN MY BIBLE. You don’t get to create some FAIRY TALE JESUS.
  • Open your eyes today and find the ONE TRUE JESUS who is right here in THIS BIBLE.
  • So, this false teaching of a RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST isn’t something little.
  • It’s turned the TRUTH of GOD into a lie.

[4] Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

  • Churches are changing the TRUTH OF GOD into a lie. Why are they doing this?
  • That verse right there tells us. And it’s very obvious when you open your eyes and take a look.
  • They are serving themselves!!! They are worshipping themselves.
  • THEY ARE NOT worshipping and honoring THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS.
  • Don’t be one of those people. Don’t fall for the lies in this world today.

That was an introduction to this sermon today, and like I said, it’s not what you thought it would be.

  • People want GOD to be personalized to them.
  • They want their own God. They want their own CUSTOMIZED JESUS that fits them exactly.
  • The entire world of advertising and marketing is ALL ABOUT YOU.
  • They want to make YOU HAPPY so you spend ALL YOUR MONEY with them.
  • It’s not truly about you, but they make you feel like it is. It’s really all about them.
  • And that’s what the churches today are doing. They make you FEEL like it’s all about you.
  • But it’s really all about them. And where’s God in the conversation? He’s not even in the conversation.

Can God Really Be Personalized?

Churches today are teaching that GOD can be personalized to fit us in every way we need.

  • This is sick, vile, nasty, and TRULY wicked stuff disguised just like advertising and marketing.
  • Instead of BELIEVING ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to be saved, you must have a personal relationship.
  • Instead of that SAVING YOU, now it’s been changed into a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Jesus.
  • And the Bible NEVER says that you’re saved in that way BUT evil churches all around continue teaching it.
  • So, it’s not BELIEVING that saves you. It’s not FAITH that saves you ANY MORE.

The churches are teaching the OPPOSITE OF THE BIBLE. They changed the truth into a lie.

  • So now, as long as you have your own little personalized relationship with Jesus NO ONE can tell you what’s right and wrong.
  • It all about you and what you believe. It’s YOUR personal beliefs that save you.
  • Well, let me tell you, if your PERSONAL BELIEFS don’t match the Bible, God’s wrath will be upon you.
  • It’s not about you MY FRIEND. It’s not about ME. It’s not about US. It’s all ABOUT GOD.

The evil spirit of the WORLD teaches you that’s all about YOU and YOUR relationship with Jesus.

  • The Bible teaches that it’s not ALL ABOUT YOU.
  • The Bible is ALL ABOUT putting others before yourself by doing what GOD SAYS TO DO.
  • I’m not going to follow the SPIRIT OF THE WORLD. Guess what SPIRIT I’m going to follow?

[5] 1 Corinthians 2:12-14 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. 13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  • Don’t be foolish and follow SAYINGS and TEACHINGS that don’t match the Bible.
  • You can’t trust a church that teaches SALVATION is through a personal relationship with Jesus.
  • All of these CHURCHES and PEOPLE have gone in the way of CAIN.
  • If you went in the way of Cain and now you see, it’s time to turn back before it’s too late.

[6] Genesis 4:3-7 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. 4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: 5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. 6 And the LORD said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen? 7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.

  • God wasn’t MEAN to Cain because He liked Abel better. He wasn’t playing favorites.
  • God REQUIRES what HE REQUIRES. God rejected Cain’s offering because it wasn’t what He asked for.
  • Cain wanted to do it HIS OWN PERSONAL WAY. And God said, “I will not accept YOUR WAY, CAIN!!!”
  • Abel brought HIS OFFERING in FAITH as God asked Him to do. We know this from Hebrews Chapter 11.

[7] Hebrews 11:4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh.

  • So these other people who want to do it their own way, are just like Cain.
  • I’m not saying these other churches and people aren’t working hard for God. They think they are.
  • Hey, I was one of those people who had been deceived. I was doing it my OWN WAY.
  • Cain worked hard, but he was doing it his own way. That’s not what God wants. He says to do it MY WAY.
  • Not your way. MY WAY WORKS, GOD SAYS. Your way doesn’t work. I’M GOD. YOU AREN’T.

God’s Way To Heaven Is By Faith Alone And Nothing Else

God’s way to heaven is BY FAITH. These other people are working for it.

  • They MUST develop this personal relationship and keep it all their life. That’s working for SALVATION.
  • That’s Cain’s way to please God.
  • “If you work all your life developing a personal relationship with Jesus, will God accept you into heaven?”
  • Cain already gave us that answer in the Bible. GOD WILL REJECT YOU unless you do it HIS WAY.
  • HIS WAY is through faith. And you can’t know Jesus unless you have FAITH.
  • Faith is the exact opposite of works. You believe on God to do it and not yourself.

[8] Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

  • Let’s break that verse down right there.
  • In order to have faith, you MUST FIRST hear God’s word and BELIEVE what God says.
  • That’s what FAITH is. When you HEAR something from the Bible, do you believe it?
  • If you do believe what HE SAYS, that’s FAITH.
  • So Abel brought his offering by FAITH. That means He heard God speak and He believed Him.

Cain heard God and didn’t believe what He told him. Cain did it his own way. And he gave it all he had.

  • Cain worked hard and brought the best of the land that he had.
  • He said, “GOD, HERE’S THE BEST I HAVE. This will have to be good enough for you, God.”
  • And God said, “NO, CAIN!!! I REJECT YOUR BEST.”
  • You can give it all you have the rest of your life working for God, and it won’t be good enough to save you.
  • Why is it NEVER going to be good enough to save you? The Bible tells us why.

[9] Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

  • Abel brought the lamb as a sacrifice. He understood what the lamb meant.
  • Abel knew about Jesus Christ, the lamb of God. He brought that lamb for a sacrifice.
  • And some smart “CHURCH” people will say: “Abel didn’t know Jesus Christ. He wasn’t born yet.”

[10] Acts 10:43 To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

  • Abel was a prophet of God. And when I see the Scripture right there in Acts 10:43, I believe what it says.
  • ALL THE PROPHETS, through HIS NAME, WHOSEVER believeth in HIM shall receive remission of sins.
  • And some of those same “CHURCH” people will say: “Well, Abel wasn’t a prophet.”

[11] Luke 11:50-51 That the blood of all the prophets, which was shed from the foundation of the world, may be required of this generation; 51 From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation.

  • So, yes, Abel was a prophet BECAUSE Jesus Christ HIMSELF says so in Luke Chapter 11.
  • Abel brought the sacrifice of the lamb because he understood that works didn’t save HIM.
  • He understood that a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP doesn’t save anyone.

Abel Knew That It Was Faith Alone

He understood that it’s FAITH ALONE that saves and that it’s not of works.

  • Cain decided he would do it his way through works. He gave it all he had.
  • It was rejected because his offering wasn’t brought in faith. He didn’t bring a lamb to be sacrificed.
  • He brought the work of his own hands and told God that was good enough to save him.
  • The blood of that actual LAMB that Abel brought didn’t take away his sins. The blood of an animal can’t do that.

[12] Hebrews 10:4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins.

  • It was to show that Abel understood that the blood of the LAMB, Jesus Christ, takes away sin.
  • That lamb that Abel brought was a PICTURE OF THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
  • So, let’s get this STRAIGHT TODAY so NO ONE will deceive us ever again with these false Gospels.
  • Our good works will never get us to heaven. They aren’t GOOD ENOUGH.

No work we can do is good enough. Go give it the best you have and it won’t be good enough.

  • OUR PERSONAL BEST is not good enough. OUR PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP is not good enough.
  • Do you know what gets you to heaven?
  • Why in the world would you not take the GIFT? Why in the world would you want to work for it yourself?

Hear the words of the song JESUS PAID IT ALL:

  • Jesus paid it all
  • Sin had left a crimson stain
  • He washed it white as snow

Salvation doesn’t come OUTSIDE the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made for you.

  • You can’t twist it around. You can’t change it into something else.
  • Salvation doesn’t come through your work. Salvation doesn’t come through the best of the land.
  • Salvation doesn’t come through YOU EARNING it your own personal way.
  • Be like Abel. BELIEVE WHAT GOD SAYS. Don’t do it your own way. Abel simply believed what God said.
  • He trusted God and HIS WORDS.

Are You The Savior?

If you believe that you must live a good life through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, then you believe YOU ARE THE SAVIOR!!!

  • You need to understand that today. “Well, YOU HAVE to do this. Or, YOU HAVE to do that.”
  • That’s what churches today are saying when they tell you that YOU MUST have a personal relationship.
  • “You must continue in that relationship. You MUST keep that relationship until you die.”
  • FAIRY TALES my friends. It’s not in the Bible. It’s made up and sounds good. But it’s not what God said.
  • And if it’s not what GOD SAID, it has ZERO POWER to save you.

If you have to keep a personal relationship with Jesus, then when are you saved?

  • That’s not good news. You might as well mess around all your life and have fun until the very end.
  • That’s what this personal relationship trash is teaching people. I was one of those people. I know.
  • It’s NOT THE WAY to God. It’s the way TO HELL.
  • Hey, it’s not JOYFUL to never know if you’ll make it or not.

[13] Luke 2:10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.

  • I have great JOY today because I know JESUS saved me. PAST TENSE SAVED.
  • I have FAITH IN HIM to save me, and I’m saved. No matter what I do, I KNOW I’M SAVED.
  • That’s good news. Knowing that you’re saved is what changes your life.
  • I am in the hands of Jesus and my Father who is IN HEAVEN high above everything else.

For the people who don’t want to take it now and want to build their relationship and want to gain it on their own terms, I ASK THEM TODAY:

  • “Is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ NOT ENOUGH to save you?”
  • You’ll accept Him but then you want to add your own works to it?
  • You’re spitting in the face of Jesus Christ.
  • You’re just like the Pharisees who wanted to add their own works.

They wanted to add their very own righteousness. Don’t do it my friends.

  • The good news is YOU CAN ACCEPT Jesus Christ ALONE 100% right now.
  • Don’t add yourself to it. 100% JESUS or nothing.
  • If you think your goodness gets you to heaven, you’re going to be in for a BIG SURPRISE one day when you find yourself BURNING IN HELL.

[14] Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

  • Churches who believe it takes a personal relationship have made their own path to a false heaven.
  • These are the same people who say you MUST repent of your sin CONSTANTLY to be saved.
  • You MUST repent of your sin to STAY SAVED. If you don’t, you’ll lose your salvation.
  • Hey, that’s a VILE, NASTY, WICKED, and 100% PURE EVIL teaching.

If You Preach That You Can Lose Eternal Life, You’re Calling Jesus A Liar

Teaching ANYONE they can lose ETERNAL LIFE is calling Jesus Christ, who is God, a liar.

  • Again, the words “REPENT OF YOUR SIN” or any combination you can think of is NOT IN THE BIBLE AT ALL.
  • Yet, that’s all you hear from these false churches. “REPENT OF YOUR SIN,” they say.
  • I want to show you the absolute closest thing in the entire Bible to REPENTING OF SIN.

[15] Jonah 3:10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

  • “God saw their WORKS.” Notice that GOD HIMSELF calls it WORKS.
  • And what does He call works? “That they turned from their evil way.”
  • And then GOD repented of the evil that He had said he would do unto them and HE did it not.
  • Some people teach that repenting is turning from sin or stopping sin.
  • Stopping sin is a work, and it’s a great work to do BUT you’ll never stop sinning completely in this life.

REPENTING OF SIN is a work. It’s a good work, but it does not save you.

  • Changing your mind (REPENT) and believing on Jesus Christ to save you, is what saves you.
  • If you have to turn from all your sin to be saved, THEN NO ONE will be in heaven.
  • If you have to stop sinning to be saved, THEN NO ONE will be in heaven.
  • This is something YOU MUST DO so obviously it doesn’t save you. JESUS ALONE saves you.
  • HE is the SAVIOUR. You are not. Understand this today. Believe the word of God today.
  • Once you’re saved, you should do your absolute best to walk in the SPIRIT and not the flesh.
  • Then, you’ll be able to get better at not sinning.

If you’re not saved, it’s impossible to walk in the Spirit because you don’t have the HOLY SPIRIT.

  • You get the HOLY SPIRIT living inside you once you’re saved.
  • With the HOLY SPIRIT, then you have TRUE POWER within you. Then, with the help of the HOLY SPIRIT, you can start doing better with the sin in your life.
  • But you don’t get that HOLY SPIRIT until you TRUST 100% in the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

The people who say you must have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by continuously repenting of sin believe that they are perfect.

  • They will tell you that they have repented of all their sin and they have no sin in their life.
  • They’re saying, “Hey, at this point in time, I’m perfect because I have repented of all my sin.”
  • That’s what they’re saying. But what they don’t get is they just lied AGAIN!!!
  • You will NEVER be perfect in this life. Your flesh is going to continue to sin for the rest of your life.
  • Give it up. You aren’t perfect. ARE YOU JESUS CHRIST? You’re saying you’re perfect?
  • “Well, I’m not a sinner any more.” That’s what they’ll say.
  • Well, I say the exact opposite and you’ll see the difference. “I AM A SINNER. I CONTINUE TO SIN.”
  • “I CONTINUE TO MESS UP EVERY DAY.” I’m not good. I’m not righteous. Don’t look at me for an example.
  • I agree 100% with the Bible and the Apostle Paul. He says this in 1 Corinthians Chapter 15.

[16] 1 Corinthians 15:31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

  • I die daily. Admit it. You sin daily in your flesh. Are you better than the Apostle Paul?
  • If you think you are, I LAUGH AT YOU TODAY. You aren’t better than the Apostle Paul.
  • He admitted that he sinned every day. He had to choose to walk in the Spirit or the flesh.
  • BUT HE WAS SAVED already. But the battle continued in the flesh.

You Sin Most Of The Day And Don’t Even Know It

And if you think you know every sin that you commit, I LAUGH AT YOU TODAY.

  • “Well, I repent of every sin I do every night. I get on my knees every night, and I list out the sins I committed each day.”
  • Well, that’s silly because I guarantee you that you’ve missed millions of them.
  • And the NUMBER ONE sin that you missed is YOUR UNBELIEF on Jesus Christ.
  • First, before you can do anything good in this life, you must place ALL YOUR FAITH on Jesus Christ.

[17] 1 John 3:12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous.

  • None of your so-called GREAT WORKS are good unless you first TRUST JESUS CHRIST 100%.
  • Cain’s so-called good works were EVIL the Bible says.
  • Saying that you’re saved by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is a works based salvation and is PURE EVIL just like the Bible says.
  • But look what it says about Abel’s works. His works were righteous. Why? Because he had FAITH!!!

And people will say (and they are all around us today – The Southeast Christian Cult especially):

  • “I wake up every day and pray to God. I read my little devotional book with one Bible verse.”
  • “I talk to God throughout the day. I repent of my sin.
  • “I love everybody no matter what like my devotional book says to do.”
  • Hey, none of that means you’re saved. It doesn’t matter what your little devotional book says.
  • It doesn’t matter what your Sunday School Teacher says. It doesn’t matter what your Preacher says.
  • God will send you to hell if you don’t believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, the one in HERE.
  • It’s not some false Jesus you made up in your mind. GOD IS A SERIOUS GOD.
  • He for sure doesn’t accept your false god that you created in your church or in your mind.
  • Why do all that? God’s way is VERY SIMPLE. Stop listening to false preachers sending you to hell.
  • Don’t read a devotional. Where does God say that? READ THE SCRIPTURES.


  • God is NOT a respecter of PERSONS.
  • He doesn’t SAVE people in different ways based on a personal relationship.
  • God didn’t treat Cain differently than Abel. God gives you an EQUAL opportunity.
  • EVERY PERSON IN HEAVEN GOT THERE through the Blood of Jesus Christ.
  • Some people don’t want to read the Bible because GOD doesn’t make it all about them.

[18] John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

[19] John 12:46 I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness.

[20] Romans 10:11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.

Do you see why ARROGANT people in today’s world don’t want to do it God’s way?

  • They want to make it all about them and how good they are.
  • They want to be HIGHER or have some advantage over their fellow human beings.
  • “Well, I’m better than you because I have a GREAT personal relationship with God.”
  • But, do you see what God says? WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH has eternal life.
  • So, that means ANYONE can be saved. WHOSOEVER. That’s not very personal is it???
  • It doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter how great you are.
  • He doesn’t judge you on a personal basis to get into heaven, TO BE SAVED.
  • You’re sealed with the HOLY SPIRIT or you aren’t. And that happens ONCE and you don’t lose it.

Church Isn’t Here To Fit You And What You Want

People want CHURCH to cater to them. People want CHURCH to FIT THEM. They want it THEIR WAY.

  • “It must be personalized to me, or I’m not coming. It needs to make me FEEL GOOD about myself.”
  • Let me tell you this in case you haven’t already understood this.
  • I’m not here to please you at all. I’m not here to please myself at all.
  • I’m not here to make you happy or to feel good about yourself. I’m here to preach the WORD OF GOD.
  • I’m here to preach AGAINST LIES and false teaching in this world and in the so-called churches.
  • Churches around here are an ABOMINATION to God Almighty. Why? They teach lies.
  • God NEVER says that CHURCH should be changed to make you happy.
  • We’re going to preach the word of GOD how HE WANTS IT PREACHED. And God’s not weak.

You might think I’m a little too tough or too strong on things, but let me tell you this.

  • I AM NOT STRONG ENOUGH. I AM NOT TOUGH ENOUGH. God’s much tougher and stronger than this.
  • I’m not even a drip in the GREAT FLOOD when it comes to God’s POWER, STRENGTH, and TOUGHNESS.
  • And I don’t care if ANYONE likes or dislikes the word of God that I preach.
  • That door right there allows people to come in and it allows people to go out.
  • If you want to learn what God wants, you’ll love it here.
  • If you want to make yourself happy, you’ll hate it here. And why do I say things like that?
  • Because the Bible says them EXACTLY. See the Book of Galatians.

[21] Galatians 1:10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.

  • Did Paul seek to please God or to please man? Should you seek to please God or man?
  • So don’t get mad at me for following the WORD OF GOD. If you do, there’s the door.
  • Notice it swings outward. I would love for you to change your mind and try your best to please God.
  • There’s plenty of churches fighting to make you HAPPY and to make you FEEL GOOD.
  • They’re everywhere around here. Go get yourself a free fitness center, a gym, smoke and lights.
  • Go find everything that makes you happy. Get your free child care and throw them children around.
  • Send them kids off to people you don’t even know who they are.
  • “Well, they have all had background checks.” I DON’T CARE.
  • You aren’t taking my children. I don’t know you.

What Do You Like Best For Church?

You won’t get a survey from this CHURCH asking you what you like best for Church.

  • Do you like this type of music or this type or what type of worship style do YOU like best?
  • We’re here for you. Just tell us what we need to change about Church that makes you happy.
  • Do you want a new worship experience with contemporary Christian music?

[22] Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

  • Hey, guess what? Do you see that verse right there? You don’t get a choice. I don’t get a choice.
  • We won’t sing trashy Christian music with false doctrine and false teaching within the words.
  • And guess what else you won’t find here?
  • You won’t find compromise on HOMOSEXUALS. There won’t be a VOTE to see if they get to stay.
  • If you want to come into the church holding hands with your homosexual friend, you will head straight back out the door. That’s GOD’S RULE.
  • There is no compromise here. We don’t get to change God’s rules.
  • Jesus called it like it was. He wasn’t politically correct. He didn’t play games.

[23] Matthew 23:33 Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

  • That’s JESUS CHRIST speaking right there to the religious people.
  • Why should CHURCH be changed to something you like? Does God change into something you like?
  • A false god does. That’s what people are doing in today’s world. “MY GOD IS WHATEVER FITS ME.”
  • “I CALL HIS HAME JESUS.” You better have the right Jesus.
  • The right Jesus doesn’t change for you. You should be changing into what HE WANTS.
  • He’s the boss. You do what He says. We need to get the order right. It’s not US up on the #1 pedestal.
  • It’s not all about US. We aren’t number one. Notice, we’re down here on Earth.
  • We aren’t on a throne in heaven. We aren’t the KING. Do you want God to change for you?
  • NEWS FLASH. God doesn’t change for you.

[24] Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

  • That’s a pretty easy verse to understand.
  • In other words, He doesn’t change for you. HE’S THE SAME.
  • So, if you aren’t on the same page with Him, who do you think needs to change?
  • It’s not HIM! Read the Bible. It will change you so you align with HIM.

Why do you think there’s so many different Bible versions now?

  • They keep making them so everyone has a Bible that fits them personally.
  • God doesn’t need to change HIS WORDS!!! How difficult is that to understand?
  • Go to a SATAN Christian bible book store and ask them what bible you should get?
  • Let me give you the right answer first. THE KING JAMES BIBLE. There is no other.
  • But they will ask you what type of person you are? “This Bible will fit you better.”

God Doesn’t Change Who He Is To Make You Happy

Hey, God doesn’t FIT YOU. God doesn’t care what type of person you want to be.

  • He gave you the BIBLE, and He wants you to FIT TO HIM.
  • Not the other way around Joel Osteen and Kyle Idleman. It doesn’t work that way.
  • Do you want a Bible that is gender fluid?
  • Do you want a Bible that doesn’t discriminate against women?
  • Do you want one that changes all of God’s words and you’ll never know the truth?
  • That’s what they’re asking. It’s all about YOU. Don’t fall for that trash.
  • What do you like? It doesn’t matter what you like. The elderly Bible is the King James Bible.

500 different Bible versions. They just keep coming.

  • When you understand that God doesn’t change, then you’ll understand you don’t need a new bible version.
  • You don’t need a PERSONALIZED Bible version that fits you BETTER.
  • What you need is to be PERSONALIZED to the King James Bible.
  • God doesn’t need to be personalized to you. You need to be personalized to HIM.
  • Do what He says. Do what He wants.
  • The Bibles aren’t the same. They don’t say the same thing. STOP spreading those lies.
  • There are complete verses straight from the MOUTH OF JESUS CHRIST taken out.
  • The requirement for baptism is taken out of the new corrupted bible versions.

[25] Acts 8:36-37 And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? 37 And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

  • Verse 37 is missing from new bible versions as if it’s not IMPORTANT.
  • That’s just one example. Trust the King James Bible. Get rid of the others. They don’t say the same thing.

And people ALWAYS come up with some excuse. And God doesn’t accept excuses.

  • “Well, the King James Bible is too hard to understand.” Hey, it’s 8th grade reading level.
  • My children are doing just fine learning it. And it’s amazing because they LEARN NEW THINGS.
  • That’s the whole point of learning. You’re reading the Bible to learn.
  • People don’t want to do any work any more. Everything must be catered to them.
  • Are the new bibles here in America doing great things for us?
  • No, they are watered down trash that has changed the word of God into a lie.
  • And you see the result of that in this AMERICA today. No one will stand up for God.

So-called MEN OF GOD, preachers and pastors, won’t even answer questions because they’re scared that their response will lead to their persecution.

  • Ask them: “Do you believe God’s law that He set out in Leviticus is perfect?”
  • “I’d rather not answer that,” they’ll say. Why not? I’ll answer it. Here’s my answer. “YES, IT’S PERFECT.”
  • “Do you believe that homosexuals should be put to death by the government?”
  • “I’d rather not answer that.” Here, I’ll answer it for you. “YES, BECAUSE GOD SAID SO.”

God’s Law Is Perfect In Every Way

God’s law is perfect. If the government followed those laws from the beginning, we’d have a great country.

  • Try implementing those laws now. WOW!!!
  • Preachers won’t stand up for God. They are supposed to be the FRONT LINE for God.
  • If they won’t do it, their church members definitely won’t be prepared to stand up for God.
  • You won’t EVER hear me say: “Well, I don’t want to answer that question. I’ll pass.”

The NIV has made such an impact on our AMERICA that we’ve had 45.7 MILLION abortions between 1970 and 2015.

  • And that was just legally reported abortions.
  • In 2015 alone, over 638,000 abortions reported. That was a historic low!!!
  • 1.43 million abortions in 1990 was the highest in a single year in the United States.
  • The NIV has taken out 5,219 words when compared to the King James Bible.
  • Do you think they say the same thing?
  • The word MAN and MEN has been removed from the modern bible versions.
  • What do you think that has led to? GENDER NEUTRAL trash.
  • Now we teach our children that they don’t even know what gender they are.
  • The bible version BOLOGNA is simply giving the people what they want.

You’ll hear this from people: “We don’t have a religion. We have a relationship with Jesus.”

  • They will say: “A religion doesn’t save you.” And that’s the truth. A religion sure won’t save you.
  • And especially a FALSE RELIGION won’t save you.
  • But a relationship doesn’t save you either. The Bible doesn’t say that.
  • FAITH SAVES. Not a relationship.
  • Does Paul say in the Book of Romans: “We conclude that a man is JUSTIFIED by a relationship with Jesus without the deeds of the law?”
  • Is that he says? No, sure isn’t. Here’s what he says:

[26] Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

  • FAITH saves you. Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ saves you. NOTHING else saves you. NOTHING.
  • Is religion bad? I HATE FALSE RELIGION. True religion isn’t bad. Watch what the Bible says.
  • And keep in mind that religion doesn’t save you. PURE RELIGION is good, though.

[27] James 1:26-27 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man’s religion is vain. 27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

  • Pure religion is to be saved through faith and to be undefiled before God.
  • The only way to be sinless in front of God is to be saved by HIS GRACE through faith on the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  • Pure religion means you will stay away from the world. BE YE SEPARATE from the world.
  • True religion means putting others before yourself. Visit the fatherless and widows who need help.
  • Pure religion means watching your mouth. BRIDLING YOUR TONGUE.
  • People don’t like that. PURE RELIGION brings you closer to Jesus Christ.
  • Pure religion is NOT EQUAL to the Pharisees who thought they were better than everyone else.
  • Pure religion is knowing and understanding you’re a sinner and you aren’t good.

Fellowship With Jesus Christ


  • Yes, but you have to do what He says to do.
  • When people say that you MUST have a relationship with Jesus Christ to be saved, they’ve twisted the truth.
  • It’s a lie straight from hell. You can’t be saved through YOUR WORK on a relationship.
  • The closest word to RELATIONSHIP in the Bible is FELLOWSHIP.
  • In order to have FELLOWSHIP with Jesus, you first need to be SAVED.
  • You first NEED to trust in HIM with all your heart to be saved. He is the only way to be saved.
  • Fellowship with Jesus can’t be HAD without being saved first. Understand that today.

[28] Matthew 7:21-23 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

  • If you haven’t put all YOUR TRUST in HIM at some point, then you aren’t saved.
  • JESUS says right there: “I NEVER KNEW YOU.” That means you were never saved.
  • FIRST, believe on HIM, and then you can have FELLOWSHIP with Jesus.
  • Do you see how churches have twisted the truth?

You can be saved and not have fellowship with Jesus. You can be saved and fall away from Jesus.

  • This is just like a son or daughter who breaks fellowship with the DAD.
  • The DAD has nothing to do with that son or daughter any more because of their actions.
  • But guess what? That DAD still has a son or daughter. Same thing with GOD!
  • You can be saved and a part of HIS FAMILY now but He can disown you. He can end your life.
  • But you’re still going to heaven. You shouldn’t want to break that fellowship.
  • And in order to stay in fellowship with God, you need to OBEY HIM. Do what He asks.
  • If you mess up, ask for forgiveness and try not to do it again.
  • Tell HIM you’re sorry. Tell Him you need HIS HELP.
  • So yes, you should do your best to stay in FELLOWSHIP with God but know you’re already SAVED.

[29] 1 John 1:6-7 If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

  • You can’t have FELLOWSHIP with God by walking in darkness of this world.
  • You need to separate yourself to GOD and walk in the SPIRIT.
  • But understand today, that the FELLOWSHIP can be broken and you’re still saved.
  • And also understand today, that breaking fellowship with God is not a good thing.
  • He can and will punish you for going up against HIM. He does it all throughout to show you the truth.

Getting Drunk Is Not Fellowship With Jesus Christ

You can’t fellowship with Jesus while you’re out getting drunk.

  • You can’t fellowship with Jesus without STAYING UNSPOTTED FROM THE WORLD.
  • Pure religion keeps you in FELLOWSHIP with GOD.
  • So pure religion isn’t a bad thing. FALSE RELIGION is a VERY BAD THING.
  • Following God’s rules is PURE RELIGION. Be a doer of the word.
  • But churches have thrown out religion now and replaced it with a personal relationship.

They figured that they can’t obey God 100% of the time so now it’s just a relationship that SAVES YOU.

  • They still aren’t getting it. It’s not a relationship that saves you.
  • No one will ever be PERFECT in this flesh. You’re going to mess up.
  • But you can ask for forgiveness and stay in fellowship with Him ONCE YOU’RE SAVED!!!
  • A relationship should be based ON LOVE, right? Staying in fellowship with God is based on LOVE.
  • And what did Jesus say? Here’s what He said. Very easy to understand.

[30] John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

  • You stay in fellowship with Jesus by doing what He asks you to do.
  • Do you understand what He did for you? Then do what He asks. He loves you that much.
  • Do you love Him? Then do what He says. That’s what Jesus asks.

And do you know what’s amazing about GOD? He’s an amazing God.

  • He doesn’t even say that you have to continue to love Him all your life to make it to heaven.
  • He simply says to believe on HIM and in a moment you can be saved.
  • You don’t have to love HIM the rest of your life to be saved.
  • But you do need to love HIM to stay in fellowship with Him. Loving Him is doing what HE wants.
  • And you can’t know what He wants without knowing the Bible inside and out.

If you can’t read the Bible constantly, you’re not going to have fellowship with GOD.

  • I read the Bible in ONE MONTH. You can read it once per month too.
  • And we can do even better than that. Try it and see what He shows you.
  • I thank God today for everything He’s shown me and given me. He is an amazing GOD.
  • And do you know what’s even better? He’s MY GOD. And He’s leading me because I LOVE HIM.
  • Is HE your God? Is HE leading you today because YOU LOVE HIM?

So to end today:

  • FIRST, be saved. Believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR SAVIOR.
  • That means it’s nothing of YOURSELF. Trust HIM ALONE, and it’s done. You’re saved.
  • Once you’re saved, stay in FELLOWSHIP with Him by doing what He asks.
  • Read the Bible. Understand what He wants. Pray to God constantly.
  • When you mess up, ask God for forgiveness. Do your best to die to self each day.
  • Give yourself over to the SPIRIT OF GOD each day.

Tell others about Jesus Christ and how to be saved.

  • Don’t do stupid things that go against God. Stay away from worldly trash like all TV.
  • If you want to stay close to God, I’ll give you a tip. READ YOUR BIBLE.
  • When you have free time, READ YOUR BIBLE. Even if you don’t understand, keep reading.
  • God will guide you and will help your understanding. Put some effort forth towards God.
  • And understand that no matter what, YOU’RE SAVED through the sacrifice JESUS MADE for you.
  • You have eternal life that NEVER ENDS. You might mess up badly, but you’re saved.
  • When your body is done and worn out, understand that your life doesn’t end.

Let’s pray.

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4 responses to “A Personal Relationship With Jesus Christ”

  1. David Cameron Avatar
    David Cameron

    Greetings Pastor Tapp!

    Your message is right on. I have been soul winning with an associate pastor for years. Lately he starts his opening at the door by asking folks if they have “a personal relationship with Jesus.” It kind of bothers me, but I have never confronted him with this particular thing. The people are unnecessarily confused right at the start. Whenever I mildly confront him with anything, he rebuffs me. He is a thorough Scofieldite.

    My church’s idea of witnessing is to pass out invitational fliers, to do “visitation”, or to put on big community outreach events with hamburgers, hot dogs, games and the like. Every Sunday is a salvation message with an “altar call”. The hope is that maybe the gospel will be transmitted by osmosis. It never works. They keep praying for revival. They are like a man who quits his job and then prays for God to feed him and his family every day. I keep telling my revival-praying friends that revival will start when they start soul winning at the doorstep.

    Thanks again for the good message.

    Dave Cameron

  2. David Cameron Avatar
    David Cameron

    Greetings Pastor Tapp!

    Your message is right on. I have been soul winning with an associate pastor for years. Lately he starts his opening at the door by asking folks if they have “a personal relationship with Jesus.” It kind of bothers me, but I have never confronted him with this particular thing. The people are unnecessarily confused right at the start. Whenever I mildly confront him with anything, he rebuffs me. He is a thorough Scofieldite.

    My church’s idea of witnessing is to pass out invitational fliers, to do “visitation”, or to put on big community outreach events with hamburgers, hot dogs, games and the like. Every Sunday is a salvation message with an “altar call”. The hope is that maybe the gospel will be transmitted by osmosis. It never works. They keep praying for revival. They are like a man who quits his job and then prays for God to feed him and his family every day. I keep telling my revival-praying friends that revival will start when they start soul winning at the doorstep.

    Thanks again for the good message.

  3. Marianna Geoffrey Avatar
    Marianna Geoffrey

    I love listening to REMOVED LINK sermon on relationship with jesus, Pastor Keion is such a good speaker. He taught me how to find my faith and apply it to my daily life. I hope more people see him and listen to his sermons.

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Don’t post that trash here. Go somewhere else. You aren’t getting any links here. Your pastor is more concerned about his clothing than the Bible. SWAG! Wow. Get out of here.

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