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The Star Of David

You’ll find the so-called Star of David on Jewish synagogues, tombstones, clothing, jewelry, and even on the flag of the man-made state of Israel.

Does the Star of David really represent King David of the Bible?

Does the Star of David really represent the God of the Bible or even the God of the Old Testament?

When you want to find the truth, where should you look?

You should always look to the Scriptures of the King James Bible. We’ll learn the truth about the Star of David today by using the word of God.

What Does The Star Of David Look Like?

Notice that the star of David is actually 2 triangles.

Have you ever noticed the flag of the man-made state of Israel within so-called “Christian” churches? Look a little closer. I remember the Israeli flag in a church I attended. I wasn’t really aware back then of what was happening.

You’ll even see “Christian” churches with the star of David on the outside of the church building. You’ll find them next to the graven image of the cross as well.

The Star of David Represents The False Religion Of Judaism

According to the Britannica encyclopedia, the Star of David gained popularity among Jewish mystics that attached magical powers to the shield of King David. Supposedly, King David’s shield had a six pointed star on it.

They also say that magical traditions of the non-Jewish had a five pointed star as the seal of King Solomon.

Supposedly, the star of David gives the Jews protection against evil spirits.

The star of David is a seal of the false religion of Judaism. There is no Scripture within the King James Bible or the Jewish Talmud describing the star of David. NONE. The first five books of the Bible do not mention a Star of David at all.

King David doesn’t mention his own star anywhere. What does this mean?

If King David doesn’t mention this “great star” of his, this means King David didn’t have a star to represent himself. He knew better. He didn’t have a graven image to represent himself. The Bible never mentions this once.

Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Deuteronomy 5:8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:

King David didn’t make a graven image for himself and tell people to use this as the symbol of their false religion. This isn’t in the Bible anywhere.

God hates images that supposedly represent Him.

Deuteronomy 4:15-19 Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day that the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire: 16 Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female, 17 The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, 18 The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the waters beneath the earth: 19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

The star of David doesn’t represent the God of the Bible. That star doesn’t represent David.

What Does The Star of David Actually Represent?

The Bible does tell us about a star that is used in the false religion of Judaism, though. Let’s take a look at the Scriptures. And remember that every word of God is true.

Amos 5:25-27 Have ye offered unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? 26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves. 27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond Damascus, saith the LORD, whose name is The God of hosts.

There’s additional Scripture in the New Testament, the Book of Acts, that references this Scripture in the Old Testament, the Book of Amos. We’ll learn more when we compare Scripture with Scripture.

Acts 7:42-43 Then God turned, and gave them up to worship the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel, have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices by the space of forty years in the wilderness? 43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.

The prophet Amos tells us that Israel has “the star of your god.” This isn’t talking about the God of the Bible: God the Father, Jesus Christ, or the Holy Ghost. Who is the false god that this star represents? Acts Chapter 7 tells us.

“The star of your god Remphan.”

The star of David is actually the star of Remphan, a false god that isn’t alive and doesn’t breathe. Any false god worship is actually the worship of Satan.

The Religion Of Judaism Is Satan Worship

You can either believe what the Bible says or not. Read these Scriptures and draw your own conclusions.

Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

The religion of Judaism is not the original religion of Jews. Jesus Christ is a Jew. He doesn’t practice the false religion of Judaism.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

The false religion of Judaism is Satan worship. Jesus Christ Himself says that there are a group of people who call themselves Jews but are not. Who calls themselves Jews and has the star of Remphan as the image that represents them?

Romans 2:28-29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: 29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

Anyone can call themselves anything, but actual Jews worship Jesus Christ. The religion of Judaism hates Jesus Christ. Therefore, the religion of Judaism is a false religion and they are not Jews in the spirit. God says so.

Again, 100% without a doubt, the star of David does not represent the God of the Bible or King David. The star of David is actually a star of a false god. And yes, the religion of Judaism is a false religion that worships Satan.

1 John 2:22-23 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: but he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

The religion of Judaism rejects Jesus Christ as the Messiah or Savior of the world. They’ll even say that they would crucify Jesus again if they had to. They hate Jesus Christ, the Son of God. And if they don’t worship the Son of God, they do not worship God the Father. The only other thing left to worship is Satan. And that is who they worship.

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10 responses to “The Star Of David”

  1. Dave Cameron Avatar
    Dave Cameron

    Hi Josh! I like these short articles. I agree with you 100% on this one A number of churches that I have attended have had the “star of David” in their auditoria. Another form of false worship and idolatry is the portrayal of live images of Jesus by actors on the big screens. They did it again last Sunday. My wife and I looked away in disgust. To mention this to anyone would be like talking to a wall. Keep up the good work. Dave Cameron

  2. Joshua Tapp Avatar

    Hello Dave, yes, the Bible is very clear about images. God didn’t put any pictures in the Bible or images of Himself for a reason. But, in the “Christian” churches all over the world you’ll find images everywhere that are used in worship.

  3. Michelle Avatar

    Truth be told! Understand that the word Jew wasn’t in scriptures until the 1880’s. There is a difference between a Jew and one who is a Israelite of the tribe of Judah! Stolen identity here due to lack of knowledge. Jesus Christ was not a Jew, but the King of Kings from the Tribe of Judah. They were called Judeans, not Jews. This is why America has fallen due to a lack of knowledge. Judaism is a false religion and satan is their god. So Judaism is a religion and a Judean is from the tribe of Judah. There were twelve tribes=Israel. Israel or Jacob whom wrestled with the angel of the Lord and became Israel. Those whom worship GOD, worship in spirit and truth! The Star of David is in the Bible; it’s the star of Solomon and Moloch’s and Chuin! There is nothing new under the sun, and the old concealed is in the new revealed! Anyone who doesn’t believe Jesus is the SON OF GOD/MESSIAH YAHSHUA is Antichrist and we are to have nothing to do with them or so much as wish them Godspeed or their sins will be upon us! This is why we are told to come out of her my people and touch not the unclean! For flesh and blood have not told you these things but my FATHER whom is in heaven! The same story over and over tells us to come out of her! Paganism is everywhere in America. Jesus Christ could walk in almost any church today and be denied; due to the worship of the false christ and the spirit of error. Daniel’s three Hebrew children tells the story of all Boeing down to the sounds of music, but the Shadriach, Mesach, and Abindnigo didn’t bow! They were separate! May the spirit speak and give you eyes to see and ears to hear! Michelle

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Michelle, are you saying that the word “Jew” wasn’t in the King James Bible in 1611?

      The words Jew, Jewess, Jewish, Jewry, Jews, and Jews’ are in the King James Bible 309 times in 275 verses. The first match is in 2 Kings 16:6.

      2 Kings 16:6 At that time Rezin king of Syria recovered Elath to Syria, and drave the Jews from Elath: and the Syrians came to Elath, and dwelt there unto this day.

      The last match is in Revelation 3:9.

      Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

      There are people who call themselves Jews and are not.

      Matthew 27:11 And Jesus stood before the governor: and the governor asked him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And Jesus said unto him, Thou sayest.

      Was Nicodemus a child of the devil? Not all of the Jews were children of the devil. Many of them were. The word Judean isn’t in the King James Bible one time.

      So, I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to say. YAHSHUA isn’t an English word so it isn’t in the English Bible either. The name of the Son of God is Jesus, in English. I speak English. So again, I am not sure exactly what you’re trying to say.

      I agree with some of the things you are saying (Judaism is a false religion and a deception), but others I do not. But, maybe I lack the knowledge that you have. Please explain how the word Jew wasn’t in the Scriptures until the 1880’s. I do believe the people who call themselves Jews today are not Jews. Real Jews will worship God in the spirit and rejoice in Christ Jesus.

      Philippians 3:3 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.

  4. David Ira Cain Avatar
    David Ira Cain

    7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
    2 Thessalonians 2 – the false Christ (Satan), will come to earth claiming to be God (6th trump). Christ Jesus returns at the 7th trump, not until = [Hebrews 9:26-28 (ONCE, AT THE END) = 1 CORINTHIANS 15:52 (AT THE LAST TRUMP) = 1 THESSALONIANS 4:17. Scripture is backed by 2, or more witnesses]. The pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is false teaching. Christ is returning for a virgin bride. Those that worship the false Christ (Satan) thinking he is the true Christ will no longer be spiritual virgins (Matthew 24:19; 25:1-13; Luke 21:23). Oil in the lamp = truth = God’s Word & The Holy Spirit. The virgins rejected have “snake oil” (deceit; falsities; lies) in their lamps. Satan spreads confusion through false teaching. People often accept (wo)men’s words, teachings, or doctrine as truth when it is false. THE ANY-MOMENT DOCTRINE, & PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE DOCTRINE = SATAN’S SNARE = FALSE TEACHING. Satan masquerades as an angel of light (he will pretend / claim to be Christ); (2 Corinthians 11:14 – “disguised; masquerades).” Guarding a lie with truth, Satan has many in the dark about the true plan of God (Hosea 4:6).

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      When is the tribulation over?

  5. Clara Avatar

    I’ve been having a lot of trouble lately with my belief in God. I am aware of all the news going on and I am thankful that I still live with my parents. As I am about to transition to a teenager I have been having more questions like: I believe Jesus is real, but why? And I want him in my heart. I sometimes do things, play things, and watch ungodly things and sometimes curse at stuff I don’t like 😣 I feel bad but I feel like I can’t really stop. I used to be bullied but then I feel like I somehow became the bully. I feel bad now. Will I go to Hell? 😰😰😰 I always love the thought of eternal life in heaven! I don’t want to go to Hell 💔😭 And I’ve been having some “shower thoughts” about the pentagram and star of David and the black star from Islam and stuff. Any answers you can give me please? I’m so sorry this is confusing 😵

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Clara, there is one moment in your life where you can be saved by Jesus Christ and know 100% sure that you will go to heaven. Going to heaven is a free gift, but you must accept this gift. I want you to know how to take this gift today. Please watch the video on this site:


      That video is from my current Pastor, and you need to watch this and pay very close attention. There’s nothing more important in your entire life.

      Let me know what you think once you watched the video closely.

      God Bless You,

  6. Dr Best Avatar
    Dr Best

    Wow… We hardly hear the truth these days. But I thank God there are still few tht spend time to know the truth in order to spread it, just like Ezra. Thank you and I pray tht God keeps strengthening you

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Thank you Dr. Best.

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