[2] The title of the sermon today is “THE ORDER OF DANIEL’S 70th Week.”
What Is Daniel’s 70th Week?
- What is Daniel’s 70th week before we get into the order of Daniel’s 70th week?
- Let’s take a look at the Book of Daniel to explain more. We look to Daniel Chapter 9.
[3] Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
- The Book of Daniel mentions SEVENTY WEEKS to finish the transgression. What else do you see there?
- To make reconciliation for iniquity. To bring in everlasting righteousness.
- To seal up the vision and prophecy. And to anoint the MOST HOLY.
- All of these things will be happening during the seventy weeks that Daniel mentions here.
- Daniel’s 70th and final week has not yet happened. Once Daniel’s 70th week begins, the end is near.
[4] Daniel 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
- The Bible ITSELF splits Daniel’s 70 weeks into 3 periods of time. The Bible never says they are consecutive.
- We see 7 weeks and then threescore and 2 weeks. Threescore and two weeks equals 62 weeks.
- A score is 20. Threescore is 60 and then add 2 to get 62 weeks.
- So far, we see a 7 week period and then a 62 week period. 7 plus 62 is 69 weeks.
- All of these things already happened, but we know they will happen again.
- For more information, you can see our verse by verse study through the Book of Daniel.
- I’m not going to go through all of those details today.
[5] Daniel 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
[6] Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
- Daniel’s 70th week will be the end. One week equals 7 years.
- Jesus Christ didn’t come in the clouds in AD 70. The Book of Revelation tells us about FUTURE EVENTS.
- We use the Book of Daniel to give us order and timing of these future events.
- Daniel’s 70th week will be a 7-year period of time that matches the events in the Book of Revelation.
- Within this 7-year period of time, we will see 3 MAJOR EVENTS occur.
These 3 major events will be the tribulation, the Day of the Lord, and God’s wrath being poured out.
- This is the correct order according to the order given within the Bible.
- Those 3 major events will make up Daniel’s 70th week or that 7 year period of time.
- Make sure you get this. The 7-year period of time is not 100% THE TRIBULATION.
- The Bible never says that the Tribulation is a 7-year period of time.
- Daniel’s 70th week is a 7-year period of time. This is the future events in Revelation.
- They consist of 1) the Tribulation, 2) The Day of the Lord, and 3) God’s wrath.
- Here’s a timeline. You’ll see 7 years on this timeline, approximately.
- This is the simplified version of Daniel’s 70th week that matches perfectly with the entire Bible.
- This is the exact order of events you will see in the Book of Revelation.
- Remember, 3 major events: 1) Tribulation, 2) The Lord’s Day, and 3) God’s Wrath.
- And all of those 3 major events will be fulfilled within Daniel’s 70th week, which is a 7-year period of time.
- And you might ask: “Josh, how sure are you that this is correct?”
- And I will tell you that I am 100% sure that this is correct. Why can I say 100% sure?
- Because the Bible gives us the exact order over and over again.
Remember this order as we go throughout this sermon today.
- You might want to sketch it out quickly on a piece of paper if you have one with you.
- You have a 7-year period of time. Approximately the first half is Tribulation.
- Approximately, in the middle is the Lord’s Day. This is a single DAY.
- And then the last half is God’s wrath being poured out.
Now, to show you that this is correct, we’re going to use the Scriptures today.
- You might be thinking: “Where’s the rapture on this timeline?”
- “Where’s the great tribulation? Where’s the abomination of desolation? Where do the seals occur?”
- “What about the 144,000? Where are they at on this timeline? What about the two witnesses?”
- “Where are the trumpets and the vials on this timeline?”
- At the end of this sermon, you’ll know where all of those events take place.
- To start, let’s go to Matthew Chapter 24.
[8] Matthew 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
- The disciples of Jesus Christ ask Jesus directly: “What shall be the sign of thy coming?”
- “What shall be the sign of the end of the world?” Thank God that Jesus answers this directly.
- Jesus gives us the exact order of end time events within this chapter. EXACTLY.
- And this order that He gives us is the exact order you will find within the Book of Revelation.
Is Matthew Chapter 24 Written To The Jews Only?
Some false preachers will say that Matthew Chapter 24 is written to the Jews only and this isn’t for us.
- Let me give you a fact right now. THE PEOPLE WHO SAY THESE THINGS ARE IDIOTS.
- They need to WAKE UP right now. Don’t be offended. I was one of those idiots in the past. NO MORE.
- I wouldn’t listen to anything they say. If they say things like this, you should question everything they say.
- It’s time to wake up. Let’s say that Matthew Chapter 24 was written only to the Jews.
- What would that change about the signs of the end and the order of events? It doesn’t make a difference.
- Matthew Chapter 24, Mark Chapter 13, and Luke Chapter 21 are all parallel chapters.
- They say and mean the same things. And watch what Jesus Christ says at the end of Mark Chapter 13.
[9] Mark 13:37 And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.
- Now, did Jesus write Mark Chapter 13 to just the Jews as the false preachers will say?
- They regurgitate trash like that from the seminaries and the Bible colleges who are filled with idiots.
- They are just like the scribes and Pharisees. Who did Jesus write Mark Chapter 13 to?
- “And what I say unto you I say unto ALL, watch.” Jesus wrote this to ALL and not just the Jews.
- If Matthew Chapter 24 is a parallel chapter with Mark Chapter 13, who is Matthew 24 written to? ALL.
- So, don’t fall for all that trash, lies, and deception. The world is FILLED with it right now.
Back to Matthew Chapter 24. The disciples ask Jesus what will be the sign of His coming?
- He’s coming back again. This will be His second coming. This will be His final coming.
- Let’s see exactly what Jesus says and notice the order of events.
[10] Matthew 24:4-5 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
- What’s the VERY FIRST thing that Jesus mentions right there?
- Many shall come in His name saying “I AM CHRIST.” Is that not what He says?
- Keep in mind that this is Jesus Christ, THE ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE ALMIGHTY, speaking right here.
- This is not a false preacher. Who will you believe? Will it be Jesus Christ or some man or woman?
- Will it be Jesus Christ or your Bible college professor? Which one will you choose to believe?
Notice that some secret rapture is not the first thing that Jesus mentions for end times events.
- There is no secret rapture ANYWHERE in the Bible. It’s not there. If you think so, SHOW ME. Not there.
- The Bible says, “AND EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM.”
- The false preachers will teach you that the rapture is next. “He could come at any moment.”
- “He could come before this service is over. You don’t need your money. Put it all in the offering plate.”
- The truth is: Jesus cannot come at any moment. He will come according to His words.
- He will not break the Scriptures. He says HIMSELF, “The Scriptures cannot be broken.”
- Jesus Christ will come according to the Scriptures. The Rapture will come according to the Scriptures.
Again, what is the first thing that will happen in the end times events?
- Jesus clearly says that many shall come in my name, saying, “I AM CHRIST. And shall deceive many.”
- The pre-tribulation rapture false preachers say that Jesus is coming in the clouds at any time for the rapture.
- They say Jesus is coming next in the clouds at the rapture and Jesus says the opposite.
- Jesus says, “Many shall come in my name saying I am Christ.” He says to BELIEVE THEM NOT.
- He says, “TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU.” Wake up people.
The rapture isn’t happening next. The antichrist will be coming before Jesus Christ comes back.
- If not, why would Jesus give this exact warning for the end times events?
- When you read the Book of Revelation, you’ll see the antichrist coming before Jesus Christ comes back.
- You’ll see the antichrist before the rapture.
- A pre-tribulation rapture has Jesus coming in the clouds BEFORE the antichrist shows up.
- A pre-tribulation rapture has false preachers teaching that Jews alone are tribulation saints.
- What a load of garbage!!! The Bible never teaches anything like this. Let me show you something.
- If tribulation saints were Jews only, then the Bible would be wrong. Let me show you a Scripture.
[11] Revelation 7:9-10 After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; 10 And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
- This large multitude of people show up in heaven in white robes. Right? Do you see that?
- Who are these people? Make sure you see this.
- The Bible says, “A great multitude, which no man could number, OF ALL NATIONS, AND KINDREDS.”
- “AND PEOPLE, AND TONGUES.” Does that sound like Jews only? ALL NATIONS AND KINDREDS.
- They have white robes. I’m going to skip down to verse 13 in Revelation Chapter 7. Watch this.
[12] Revelation 7:13 And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
- The elder asks, “Where did all these people IN WHITE ROBES come from?”
[13] Revelation 7:14 And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
- The people who came out of great tribulation are FROM ALL NATIONS AND KINDREDS.
- Are they not? The Bible is very clear. There will not be only Jews as Tribulation saints.
- Saved people from all nations, kindreds, people, and tongues will go through tribulation.
- And many will come out of great tribulation. Tribulation switches to great tribulation.
- Let’s keep going in Matthew Chapter 24. First thing that happens next is ANTICHRISTS will come.
- THE ANTICHRIST WILL COME. What’s next? Let’s see.
[14] Matthew 24:6-8 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
- Once the antichrist comes, we will see wars and rumors of wars. BUT THE END IS NOT YET.
- These wars and rumors of wars are also part of the tribulation. God is not doing these things.
- God is not the one causing these things to happen. You can see this in our world today.
- God isn’t causing all the troubles. You will see this same order in Revelation. What’s next?
- Famines, pestilences, earthquakes. All of these are the beginning of sorrows. Jesus has not come back yet.
- Does Jesus say He’s coming back before any of these things happen? NO, HE DOESN’T.
[15] Matthew 24:9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.
- Remember, Jesus is writing to all saved people who understand His words in this book.
- The false preachers will say, “We won’t have to go through tribulation. This is for the Jews only.”
- AGAIN, Jesus never says that ONCE. Not once. They made up a fairy tale. They are deceiving people.
- They have pastors thinking they don’t need to know any of this because they’ll be raptured away.
- Do you see how evil these false preachers are? Jesus warns us of all these things and they don’t care.
Will You Be Raptured Away And Not Need The Book Of Revelation?
They say, “I don’t need to know this because I will be raptured away before the tribulation.”
- JESUS CHRIST DOES NOT SAY THIS ANYWHERE!!! But He does tell us this.
- “Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you.”
- “And ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” You need to be ready to die for Jesus.
- If you won’t give up TV to read the Bible, then you won’t die for Jesus.
- If you won’t go out and preach the Gospel for Jesus, then you won’t die for Jesus.
- If you won’t stand up against queers and homosexuals, then you won’t die for Jesus.
- If you won’t stand up against the vaccine, which is similar to the mark of the beast, then you won’t die for Jesus.
You need to check yourself right now. Would you do what Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did?
- Will you stand up and say what needs to be said no matter if they kill you?
- If a burning fiery furnace were right there, would you bow down to the antichrist or be killed for Jesus?
- Seriously. Which one will you choose? If you won’t hear the words of Jesus, you won’t die for Him.
- If you choose your seminary teaching over the words of Jesus Christ, you won’t die for Jesus.
- The greatest honor and privilege any of us could ever have is to die for Jesus Christ. He died for us.
- I WILL GIVE MY LIFE FOR HIM. We need to be ready for this because Jesus says so.
- We need to teach our children to be ready for this. We don’t know the exact time it’s coming.
- But we know it’s getting closer when we see all of these signs that Jesus is giving us.
[16] Matthew 24:10-12 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
[17] Matthew 24:13-14 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. 14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
- Notice that Jesus Christ has not yet come in the clouds. The rapture has not yet happened.
- False prophets shall arise and deceive many.
- The gospel shall be preached to all nations at this time before the end shall come.
- AND THEN SHALL THE END COME. All of this is tribulation so far to this point.
- Let’s keep going and see what happens BEFORE Jesus comes back.
[18] Matthew 24:15-18 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) 16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: 17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: 18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.
- The abomination of desolation will happen BEFORE Jesus comes back. Make sure you see this.
- We’ve been reading the EXACT ORDER of events from Jesus Christ HIMSELF.
- The abomination of desolation will take place in Judaea, in the holy place.
- That’s why verse 16 says to let those in Judaea flee into the mountains.
- False preachers attempt to add more meaning to that Scripture, but they twist that Scripture.
- They say, “SEE, THIS CHAPTER IS WRITTEN TO THE JEWS ONLY.” Again, that doesn’t change anything.
- The Jews don’t have a different reality of end times events than anyone else. It all happens the same.
[19] Matthew 24:19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!
- This means that we will be going through tribulation. Why would Jesus say all of these things?
- He doesn’t ever say, “Don’t worry CHURCH AGE SAINTS. You will be raptured away.”
- “You won’t have to go through tribulation.” The tribulation is not God’s wrath being poured out.
- The Book of Revelation clearly states this. The first 5 seals in Revelation are the tribulation.
- Once we get to seal 6, the tribulation is over. I will show you this very clearly here today.
- After the sixth seal is opened, we see this in Revelation Chapter 6.
[20] Revelation 6:12-13 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
[21] Revelation 6:14-15 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
[22] Revelation 6:16-17 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
- So, we just saw the sixth seal opened. Verse 17 right there says, “For the great day of his wrath is come.”
- This means that EVERYTHING PRIOR to this was not God’s wrath being poured out. Right?
- NOW, the great day of His wrath is come. Everything prior to Seal 6 is not God’s wrath being poured out.
- Because the great day of His wrath is NOW COME. Just to further prove this point, I’ll go back to seal 5.
[23] Revelation 6:9-10 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
- At seal 5, the people who were slain for God ask God how much longer until He avenges them?
- His wrath hasn’t started yet. He isn’t killing His own saints or saved people here.
[24] Revelation 6:11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.
- They are told to rest for a little season. It’s not yet time for God’s wrath. And that it at seal 5.
- So, we know God’s wrath isn’t being poured out during the tribulation of the first 5 seals.
- What we’ve read so far in Matthew Chapter 24 matches the book of Revelation perfectly.
- I’ll show you that here in this sermon, but let’s keep going in Matthew Chapter 24.
[25] Matthew 24:20-21 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: 21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
- Tribulation, which is the antichrist, wars, famines, pestilences, death, disease, being killed for Christ THEN turns to GREAT TRIBULATION.
- Make sure you understand this. Tough times will turn into VERY TOUGH TIMES.
- Tribulation will turn into great tribulation. And notice, the rapture hasn’t happened yet.
- The second coming of Jesus Christ hasn’t happened yet.
- During all of this, JESUS CHRIST has not yet come. He says so. And He says to not let anyone deceive you.
- Read it for yourself. If someone preaches a different order than Jesus Christ, who do you think is right?
- Tribulation and then GREAT TRIBULATION and Jesus Christ hasn’t come back yet. Let’s keep reading.
[26] Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.
- Now, what do you think this verse means? We already saw that people will come out of great tribulation.
- We went over this in Revelation Chapter 6. Remember? A great multitude of people show up in heaven.
- These people are from every nation, tongue, and kindred. They came out of great tribulation.
- “Except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.”
- He’s talking about the flesh being saved. He’s not talking about the soul going to heaven.
- He’s talking to saved people here and saying if He didn’t come back soon, NO FLESH WOULD BE SAVED.
- In other words, during the great tribulation, saved people will be killed in large numbers.
- But Jesus is going to shorten the great tribulation by coming back soon after this.
The Elect = Saved People Who Have Believed On Jesus Christ
Who are these people in this Scripture? THE ELECT. Some false preachers attempt to twist this Scripture.
- They say that “THE ELECT” are all the tribulation saints which they define as Jews only.
- Does the Bible say that the elect are the Jews only? No, it doesn’t ANYWHERE.
- The elect are SAVED PEOPLE who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.
[27] Colossians 3:10-12 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: 11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. 12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;
- Does the Bible not tell you directly right there who the ELECT happen to be?
- The verse prior, verse 11 says: “There is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision.”
- There is neither bond nor free. BUT CHRIST IS ALL, AND IN ALL.
- The elect are defined by the Bible as anyone who Christ is in. If you’re saved, you are the elect.
- If you are saved and you’re alive during the great tribulation, Jesus will come back and save you.
- He will save your flesh from being killed if you make it all the way through to His second coming.
- Let’s keep going in Matthew Chapter 24. Through all of these things, Jesus has not yet come back.
[28] Matthew 24:23-24 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
- During the tribulation and great tribulation, people will be attempting to deceive you.
- If they say, “Lo, here is Christ, or there; BELIEVE IT NOT.”
- He’s saying that many antichrists, false Christs, and false prophets will arise.
- Many of them will show great signs and wonders. Make sure you see this.
- MANY OF THEM WILL DO GREAT MIRACLES. Jesus says, “Don’t believe them.”
If these things happen before the sun and moon are darkened, DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!!!
- “IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they shall deceive the very elect.”
- If you’re saved and hearing these things today, you will not be deceived. You will know what’s coming.
- Don’t believe the great signs and wonders of these deceivers, antichrists, and false prophets.
- Keep in mind that these Scriptures are coming straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ.
- If you are saved, you won’t be deceived. You are hearing this right now so you won’t be deceived.
[29] Matthew 24:25-28 Behold, I have told you before. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. 27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.
- There won’t be a secret coming of the Lord Jesus Christ that you will miss.
- You have to make sure you aren’t deceived by a fake coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- He won’t be in some secret chambers. People who won’t read the Bible don’t know these things.
- The lightning comes out of the East and shines even unto the West.
- Every eye shall see Jesus Christ. It will not be a secret. If you don’t see Him, then it’s false.
[30] Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.
- Revelation Chapter 19 is not the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- CLOUDS aren’t even mentioned in that chapter. Revelation Chapter 19 is the battle of Armageddon.
- The second coming of Jesus Christ happens before that. You can see the order in Revelation.
- The Battle of Armageddon happens at the very end of Daniel’s 70th week.
- The Battle of Armageddon doesn’t happen at the end of the tribulation.
- When Jesus comes back at His second coming, the eagles will be gathered together unto Him.
- All the saved people will be gathered together to Him at the rapture IN THE CLOUDS.
Now, I want to stop in Matthew Chapter 24 right here for just a few minutes.
- The next Scriptures in Matthew Chapter 24 will be the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- We’ll see the rapture soon in Matthew Chapter 24. But let’s recap what we’ve seen so far.
- At the start of the chapter we see:
- Antichrists, wars, famines, pestilence, and earthquakes.
- We then see people being killed for the name of Jesus Christ. Martyrs.
- Then we see the abomination of desolation and great tribulation.
- That’s exactly what we’ve seen so far in Matthew Chapter 24. Jesus Christ hasn’t come back yet.
- Now, let’s stop and look to the Book of Revelation.
[31] Revelation 1:19 Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter;
- This is the outline of the Book of Revelation. Three parts: past, present, and future.
- The future events are called the HEREAFTER.
- Revelation Chapter 1, 2, and 3 are the past and the present things at the time John was writing.
- Notice that the verse right there uses the exact word, HEREAFTER, for future events.
- When we get to Revelation Chapter 4, we see this:
[32] Revelation 4:1-2 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter. 2 And immediately I was in the spirit: and, behold, a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne.
- Revelation Chapter 4 is the START of the FUTURE events in the Book of Revelation.
- Immediately John is in the spirit. This is not the rapture. This is not a bodily resurrection of John.
- He is caught up in the spirit so God can show him things which must be hereafter.
- God is going to show John the future events.
Future Events In Revelation Match What Jesus Christ Says In Matthew 24
And these future events will match what Jesus Christ told us EXACTLY in Matthew Chapter 24.
- Daniel’s 70th week is a 7-year period of end times events.
- Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21, 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5, and the Book of Revelation match perfectly.
- We see the tribulation begin in Revelation Chapter 6 with the first seal being opened.
- I want you to watch as I read this and see how this matches the order in Matthew Chapter 24 perfectly.
[33] Revelation 6:1-2 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.
- This is not Jesus Christ on the white horse. This is an imitation of Jesus Christ.
- This is the antichrist. He’s the one causing the issues during the tribulation.
- He gets his power from Satan that old serpent.
[34] Revelation 6:3-4 And when he had opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.
- There’s the second seal. He takes peace from the earth. This is war. He has a great sword.
[35] Revelation 6:5-6 And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
- Now we’re going to see famine as food is going to cost too much for people to afford.
[36] Revelation 6:7-8 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see. 8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
- Now we see death. More and more people are dying. Wars, hunger, and death.
[37] Revelation 6:9-10 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?
- Now you see martyrs. These are people being killed for the word of God.
- There’s the first 5 seals. Antichrist, wars, famine, death, and martyrs.
- This matches Matthew Chapter 24 perfectly. Put them side by side and they are perfectly aligned.
- Now, let’s see what’s next in Revelation and see if this matches Matthew Chapter 24 perfectly.
[38] Revelation 6:12-14 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
- There’s the sixth seal. What happens there? Earthquake, sun turns black, moon becomes as blood.
- Stars of heaven fall to the earth. You see a fig tree in this Scripture.
- The sun and the moon are darkened and the stars of heaven fall to the earth.
- We’re going back to the exact verse in Matthew 24 that we left off at. We haven’t left out any verse.
[39] Matthew 24:29-30 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
- Now we see the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- Remember, at the beginning of the chapter, the disciples asked Jesus about His second coming.
- What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?
- We’ve seen all of the other things come to pass. We have not seen God’s wrath being poured out yet.
- We’ve seen tribulation and great tribulation.
Now, we see that the tribulation is over BEFORE Jesus comes in the clouds.
- The verse says right there at the beginning: “Immediately AFTER the tribulation.”
- This means that once we see the signs listed here that the tribulation is OVER. It’s done.
When you see the sun and moon darkened and the stars falling from heaven, you know the tribulation is over.
- Why? Because Jesus Christ says, “AFTER THE TRIBULATION the sun shall be darkened.”
- “The moon shall not give her light. The stars shall fall from heaven.”
- So, we know the tribulation doesn’t last past SEAL 6 in Revelation because the sun and moon are darkened in seal 6.
- This means the tribulation is over just prior to SEAL 6 being opened. Do you see this?
- At seal 6, the sun and moon are darkened.
- Jesus says, “The tribulation is over when the sun and moon are darkened.”
- Once all those things happen, then shall they see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven.
Right? Do you see this? Immediately after the tribulation, you shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds.
- This is the second coming of Jesus Christ. When will it happen? Jesus just told you.
- Once the sun and moon are darkened and the stars fall from heaven, HE’S COMING BACK.
- This is very simple. If someone tells you that Jesus Christ is back and you haven’t seen the sun and moon darkened and the stars fall from heaven, then it’s not Jesus Christ.
- Now we know for sure that Jesus Christ comes after the sun and moon are darkened.
- If you look through the entire book of Revelation, the sun and moon is only darkened in one place.
- And it’s not REVELATION CHAPTER 19 when Jesus is on the white horse for the Battle of Armageddon.
The 2nd Coming Of Jesus Christ Is Not In Revelation 19 On The White Horse
But yet, false preachers will teach that the second coming of Jesus Christ is on the white horses in Revelation 19.
- There’s no mention of white horses here in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21 or anywhere else that describes the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- What does Jesus tell us about the signs of His second coming? Sun and moon darkened.
- Stars fall from heaven. Powers of heaven shall be shaken.
- THEN JESUS CHRIST COMES IN THE CLOUDS. This is His second coming.
- And it’s directly after the sun and moon are darkened. What happens at the second coming?
[40] Matthew 24:31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
- What does that look like to you? That’s the rapture right there.
- This describes the rapture PERFECTLY and EXACTLY. And there’s no arguing with that statement.
- He will send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet.
- The angels will gather together the elect, or the saved, from one end of heaven to the other.
- In other words, at the second coming of Jesus Christ, the RAPTURE will occur.
- Now, let’s read the Scriptures that describe the rapture.
[41] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15 But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
- The rapture is a bodily resurrection of saved people.
- Those who are already in heaven with Jesus will come with Jesus in the clouds.
- They will receive a new body. Their bodies, right now, are sleeping. But they will arise.
- For those who are still alive on earth at the second coming:
- They will receive a new body as they are caught up in the clouds to be with Jesus.
- All of the saved people prior to the rapture will be caught up together with Jesus Christ in the clouds.
- Why? Because God is gathering all of His people together before He pours out His wrath.
- Let’s keep reading about the rapture.
[42] 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
- The Lord descends from heaven with a shout from the archangel.
- At His second coming, He must come down. He must descend. You see the TRUMP of God.
- There will be a loud trumpet that sounds. Not a voice like a trumpet but an actual trumpet will sound.
- The dead in Christ shall rise first. All those who died prior to the rapture will be raised first.
For example, Adam and Eve will arise first. King David will arise first. Daniel will arise first.
- THEN, we which are alive and remain are next. We will all be caught up together with Jesus in the clouds.
- That’s the rapture. This matches Matthew Chapter 24 perfectly.
- This isn’t something new that I’m teaching. Saved people from all times have believed this.
- It’s written in the Bible, and it’s very clear. If we go back to the original King James 1611 Bible, we see this.
- That’s Matthew 24:31 in the original King James 1611 Bible.
- “And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to another.”
- Look to the notes in the margin there. You’ll see 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
- These are CLEAR RAPTURE SCRIPTURES that describe the rapture.
- And the King James translators, who were led by the Holy Ghost, related Matthew 24:31 to the rapture.
- But false preachers won’t even when they are CLEARLY related to the rapture.
[44] 1 Corinthians 15:51-53 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
- You see a trumpet sounding and the all of us being changed and given a new body. This is the rapture.
- Matthew 24 tells us about all of these other things happening and then Jesus coming in the clouds.
- And then we see the rapture happening at his second coming which is directly after the tribulation.
- We haven’t seen God pour out His wrath yet because God will not pour out His wrath on the saved.
- If we continue from 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4 to Chapter 5, you’ll see more proof that the rapture is on the Day of the Lord.
- We just saw the rapture in 1 Thessalonians Chapter 4. Let’s continue into 1 Thessalonians Chapter 5.
[45] 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. 2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.
- Chapters were put there by man to make the Bible easier to index and find specific Scriptures.
- Chapter 5 there continues from Chapter 4. This is obvious from the “BUT” at the beginning of the verse.
- So, we were just talking about the rapture in Chapter 4. This means we’re still talking about the rapture.
- The Bible says, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.”
- In other words, I don’t need to tell you when the rapture happens. Why? Verse 2 tells you.
- “For yourselves know perfectly that the DAY OF THE LORD so cometh as a thief in the night.”
- In other words, this 100% means that the rapture is on the Day of the Lord. NO DOUBT.
For Those Who Understand The Bible, The Day Of The Lord Will Not Surprise You
The Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night for those who don’t understand the timing in the Bible.
- For those of us who are understanding this and will continue to study this, it will not surprise us.
- And to show you this, let’s read some more.
[46] 1 Thessalonians 5:3-6 For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. 4 But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. 5 Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.
- We are the children of the light and understand the words of the Bible. This means we will be watching.
- What will we be watching for? ALL THE SIGNS that Jesus gave us in Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.
- And we know the order of things from the Book of Revelation as well.
- Why would he tell us to watch if the rapture was coming at any moment? MAKES NO SENSE AT ALL.
[47] 1 Thessalonians 5:6-10 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.
- God has not appointed us to wrath so we will not go through God’s wrath.
- After the rapture happens on the Day of the Lord, God’s wrath will begin.
- No matter if our body is dead or alive at the time of the rapture, we will be with Jesus Christ at that time.
- As we started this sermon, Daniel’s 70th week consists of tribulation, the Day of the Lord, and God’s wrath.
We clearly see that the rapture happens on the Lord’s Day.
- Would that make the Lord’s day a good day for you? Yeah, if you’re saved, it’s the greatest day you’ll see.
- But, for the unsaved, it’s going to be a terrible day because God’s wrath is going to begin.
- The Day of the Lord is described throughout the Bible. I can’t go over all of them due to time.
- But let’s look at some of them.
[48] Joel 2:31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.
- Does that not match what we’ve been learning today? PERFECT MATCH!
- The Day of the Lord is great and a terrible day.
[49] Zephaniah 1:14-16 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD: the mighty man shall cry there bitterly. 15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, 16 A day of the trumpet and alarm against the fenced cities, and against the high towers.
- The day of the Lord is a great and terrible day. HIS WRATH IS COME. That day is a day of wrath.
[50] Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
[51] Acts 2:19-20 And I will shew wonders in heaven above, and signs in the earth beneath; blood, and fire, and vapour of smoke: 20 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:
- The sun and moon are darkened before that great and notable day of the Lord come.
- The rapture occurs on the day of the Lord so all His people will be saved from His wrath.
- The Book of Revelation gives us the exact same order of events.
[52] Revelation 6:12-13 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
[53] Revelation 6:14-15 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;
[54] Revelation 6:16-17 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?
- That wrath is the wrath of God, which is the wrath of the Lamb who is Jesus Christ.
- After the tribulation is over, THEN we will see God’s wrath begin. The day is come.
[55] Revelation 8:1 And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
- Right before the trumpets of God’s wrath begins, the seventh seal is opened and heaven goes silent.
- Does this not match with many natural disasters that come from God?
- When a tornado is close, things get very quiet. Before a tsunami, things get very quiet.
- The seventh seal occurs on the Day of the Lord and right before God’s wrath begins. Silence.
- And the Bible confirms that this is ONE LITERAL DAY. There is silence for about 30 minutes.
- The Bible then makes it very clear that these things that are happening are coming from heaven.
- The things happening during the tribulation were not from heaven. NOW, God’s wrath is from heaven.
[56] Revelation 8:2 And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.
- With the 7 trumpets, we’ll see God’s wrath.
- The Book of Revelation is split into 2 parts. Revelation Chapter 1 through 11 is the first part.
- The first part shows the trumpets of God’s wrath.
- The second part of Revelation is Revelation Chapter 12 through 22.
The Vials Match The Trumpets Perfectly
The vials are shown in the second part of Revelation and they match with the trumpets perfectly.
- Trumpet 1 and Vial 1 go together. Trumpet 2 and Vial 2 go together. AND SO ON to Trumpet 7 and Vial 7.
- This is more proof that Revelation is split into 2 parts.
- The other proof is that we see Jesus Christ being born in Revelation Chapter 12. We go back in time.
- The Book of Daniel follows this same division and order, which gives us another clue.
- If you study the trumpets and vials, you will clearly see that these consist of God’s wrath.
To close out this sermon, I want to give each family a Daniel’s 70th week timeline. Need 2 volunteers.
- I’ve put all the details on this timeline and the details are far beyond what I can explain in one sermon.
- But, if you go through all the Scriptures in the Bible, you will see that this fits perfectly.
- Notice the 7-year timeline there in the middle of the chart.
- Look to the bottom of the chart. You’ll see tribulation, great tribulation, and then God’s wrath.
- Right at the end of great tribulation, you’ll see the Lord’s Day towards the middle upper half.
- You can look up all the Scriptures included in this chart.
- Do you remember the Scripture from Malachi about the day of the Lord? I’ll put it here again.
[57] Malachi 4:5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
- There will be 2 witnesses that God will send in the Book of Revelation.
- Elijah will most likely be one of those 2 witnesses.
- If you look at your timeline, you’ll see the two witnesses on the lower right.
- They will be coming to preach the Gospel to all nations prior to the Day of the Lord.
- They will begin right at about the time of the abomination of desolation.
- The abomination of desolation is when the antichrist forces people to bow down to his image.
- The two witnesses will show up around that time. All of this matches the Bible perfectly.
Please take the time to study the end times events. Compare the Bible to this chart as you study.
- If you have any questions at all, please let me know. Many people here in this church know this well.
- This was a sermon on the order of Daniel’s 70th week or the 7-year period of time at the end.
- There are other end times events that occur after Daniel’s 70th week.
- For example, the Battle of Armageddon is right at the end of Daniel’s 70th week.
- The thousand year reign of Jesus Christ is directly after Daniel’s 70th week.
- The Battle of Gog and Magog is AFTER the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ.
- The Great White Throne Judgement is AFTER the Battle of Gog and Magog.
- The new heaven and earth are after the Great White Throne Judgement.
- With that said, I hope this sermon has helped you understand Daniel’s 70th week to a greater degree.
Let’s pray.
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