[2] The title of the sermon today is “ROMANS CHAPTER 3.”
Summary Of Romans Chapter 2 and 3
- In Romans Chapter 1, you might remember that it starts off very positive with Paul praising the Church in Rome for their faith in Jesus Christ.
- Their faith was known throughout the world.
- Paul wanted to get to Rome and see his fellow believers.
- Paul was separated from the world and to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Remember, we need to be the same way.
- Put away the things of the world and put on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
But remember in verse 18 of Chapter 1, the positivity of Paul changes.
- Paul starts preaching hard from verse 18 to the end of the Chapter.
- He is speaking against wickedness in Rome.
- Paul tells us that NO ONE has an excuse for rejecting the ONE TRUE GOD.
- The people who reject God over and over again become fools. God gives them up to a reprobate mind.
- They are rejected by God. They are wicked and hated by God. God rejects them.
Then, Paul continues in Romans Chapter 2 with the hard preaching and teaching.
- He says, “You can’t hide from the JUDGEMENT OF GOD.”
- Paul tells the wicked Jews that they have blasphemed the name of God.
[3] Romans 2:24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.
- Christians do the same things today. We haven’t learned from the Bible and from the mistakes of others.
- We MUST act like we represent God. We MUST be different from the world and more like God.
- We need to choose to walk in the Spirit each and every day.
- We see that Paul is then speaking to the Jews in Chapter 2.
- So, Paul condemns the wicked Gentiles in Chapter 1.
- Then, he condemns the Jews for being wicked in Chapter 2.
- Now, we’re going to combine that in Chapter 3.
You’re going to see that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
- The Jews aren’t better than anyone else. The Gentiles aren’t better than anyone else. ALL HAVE SINNED. –
- There are none righteous; NO NOT ONE!
- We shouldn’t act like we’re better than anyone because we’re all sinners.
- We must be humble and be different in the way that Jesus is different than the world.
- We need to represent the ONE TRUE GOD in the best way that we can.
In the last part of Chapter 2, we learn that a true Spiritual Jew is one inwardly. A true Jew is not one outwardly.
- It’s not one who thinks fulfilling the law and doing good works saves you. Works can’t save you.
- The Jews thought they could follow the law and be saved. God says if you believe that you aren’t a Jew.
- A true Jew believes God and God rewards that Jew for their faith in Him. It’s not of works.
- The entire Bible teaches that salvation is not of works.
- With that quick recap of Chapters 1 and 2, let’s start in verse 1 of Chapter 3.
What Advantage Hath The Jew?
[4] Romans 3:1 What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision?
- Being born a Jew and being circumcised in the flesh doesn’t make you one of God’s people.
- Paul is asking the question, “Then, what advantage does the Jew have? What do they get out of circumcision?”
- Paul answers this question in verse 2.
[5] Romans 3:2 Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God.
- Paul says that in MUCH every way the Jew has an advantage over others. Why?
- He says it’s mainly because the oracles of God were given unto them.
- God’s word was delivered directly to the Jews. God showed them miracles over and over again.
- They were the keepers of God’s word.
[6] John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
- Think about this. All the prophets throughout the Bible were Jews.
- Every person who wrote anything in this Bible was most likely a Jew.
- Some people think Luke may have been a Gentile, but some think he may have been a Jew as well.
- Just because God chose the Jews to be His people it also doesn’t mean He won’t reject them when they go against Him.
- God’s people do not reject Him. Rejecting Jesus Christ is rejecting God.
- The religion of Judaism reject Jesus Christ; therefore, they are not God’s chosen people.
- This is crystal clear throughout the Bible.
But look, the Jews had a GREAT ADVANTAGE because they knew God’s word. They received the word of God.
- This is a HUGE advantage over others.
- We have a HUGE advantage because we have the word of God in the King James Bible.
- I do feel very badly for people who are trying to learn about God with corrupted bible versions.
- They are at a HUGE disadvantage. Do you see how the Jews had the advantage over others?
- Jews were growing up in families who knew God. They had a great exposure to God and His words.
- They passed down the Scriptures from generation to generation. They taught their children about God.
The next part of Chapter 3 starts talking about believing God’s word.
- Romans Chapter 3 is an absolutely amazing Chapter and one of my favorites BECAUSE this Chapter helped to save me.
- This helped me to see the TRUTH.
- Do you know how much trouble I had understanding the Book of Romans several years ago?
- I couldn’t understand it. Do you know why? It’s because I didn’t understand salvation.
- I didn’t understand that it ONLY takes faith or putting all my trust in Jesus Christ to save me.
- Once you understand that and believe on Jesus, you’re saved.
- You get the gift of the Holy Spirit, and that Spirit guides you into all truth.
- Then, everything begins to make sense.
- Now, I understand the Book of Romans, and I thank God for that because it’s an AMAZING book and this Chapter right here is ONE OF, IF NOT, THE BEST at showing someone that it ONLY takes faith to be saved.
- It’s not of works. Look there at verse 3.
[7] Romans 3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
- Paul is saying the Jews had a GREAT ADVANTAGE over anyone else because they received the word of God directly.
- He asks the question, “But what if some of those Jews did not believe what God said?”
- All God asks us to do is believe Him. The Jews had a greater advantage and YET they did not believe.
- Jesus is the King of the Jews. Salvation is of the Jews. Jesus is the way, the truth, the life.
- He is our salvation, and He is the King of the Jews. His own people rejected Him.
- Jesus is written about throughout the Old Testament. The Jews had that Scripture.
- At the end of verse 3 Paul asks, “Shall unbelief make the faith of God have no effect?”
- Is the unbelief of the Jews going to stop others from being saved? Let’s see. Continue in verse 4.
God Is True But Every Man Is A Liar
[8] Romans 3:4 God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.
- God is true. Every man is a liar this verse says. Is that the truth? Oh yes it is.
- You can call me a liar, and I’ll say “YES, I AM!” I have lied before in my life and that makes me a liar.
- I am not a good person because I’ve broken God’s commandments.
[9] Ecclesiastes 7:20 For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
- After you learn the truth in the Bible, it starts to get to you when people tell you other people are good people.
- I hear people say, “Joel Osteen is a good person.” And I say, “Yeah, I don’t think so.”
- Joel Osteen is the most evil of evil because he lies about God and creates his very own false God.
- There is nothing more evil than that. A drug dealer is the lesser evil when compared to Joel Osteen.
- Have you heard the country song by Luke Bryan that’s called “Most People Are Good?” Well, guess what?
- That’s a lie straight from hell. Country music is evil. Here are some of the lyrics from that song:
“I believe you love who you love. Ain’t nothing you should ever be ashamed of. I believe this world ain’t half as bad as it looks. I believe most people are good.”
- Well guess what Luke Bryan? You’re a liar, and I don’t care what you believe.
- If you believe most people are good and the Bible says the opposite, then you’re a liar.
- People idolize you more than Jesus Christ. I’m sick of the trash.
- Luke Bryan says you should never be ashamed of anything you do.
- That’s a good way to get the wrath of God upon you. Put that in a country song. It rhymes.
- Romans 3:4 says, “LET GOD BE TRUE!!! And every man a liar.” Do you see that? Don’t listen to man.
- Don’t listen to the TV. Don’t listen to the worldly music. Don’t listen to anything that comes from this world. You’ll be very sorry you let it into your mind.
When you’re judged by God Almighty, did you trust in God’s words?
- When God looks at you, will He see the blood of Jesus Christ covering all your sins?
- Believe on Jesus, and God won’t see your sins.
- Believe on man in any way, including yourself, and God will judge you according to YOUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
- If you trust Luke Bryan telling you that you’re a good person, you’ll be sent straight to hell.
- There is none GOOD!
- If you trust the Bible which tells you that no man is good, then you’ll look for a Savior in Jesus Christ.
THIS BIBLE is God’s word and reveals everything we need to know.
- If you think God reveals things to you differently and it contradicts God in this Bible, then God ain’t the one revealing things to you.
- If something goes AGAINST the Bible, then it’s a lie. It’s not of God and it’s not from God.
- Are you going to base what you believe on what you’ve heard from the world? From your friends?
- From your co-workers? From your church?
- From your worldly “pastor” who doesn’t even read the Bible or know the Bible? From your parents?
- From your brother or sister? From your wife or your husband? From the music you listen to?
God’s Words Are True Words So You Should Listen To His Words
OR, are you going to base what you believe ON THE TRUTH, WHICH IS THIS BIBLE?!!
- Look, this is VERY important to understand today. GOD’S WORDS ARE TRUE WORDS.
- You will never be led in the wrong direction. Listen to Him and Him alone. Stop reading other books.
- Read the Bible. God says, “I’ll teach you all things!”
- If you believe what God says, you’ll understand HE WILL TEACH YOU ALL THINGS!
- You don’t need ANYONE else. Read your Bibles. God will teach you ALL THINGS.
[10] John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
- I might not even get everything right that I’m telling you today BECAUSE I’m not perfect. I’m not good.
- But, do you know what is perfect and good? This Bible right here. Read it. Study it. Learn from it.
- If you truly understood what you had right here, you would protect this with your life and LOVE reading it all day long.
[11] Psalm 119:97 O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.
- Who are you depending on in your life? If someone let’s you down, are you going to give up on God?
- If your church leaders let you down, are you going to quit reading the Bible? Who are you depending on?
- Don’t depend on ANY man or woman in this life. They will let you down.
- Do you know who won’t let you down? God won’t let you down.
“My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name.”
- Don’t put your trust in anyone else but God. You’ll NEVER be let down. Understand that today.
- Man will let you down. I might let you down. God won’t.
- Put all your trust and hope in Him, and your life will be full of joy. TRUST GOD ALONE.
- We can only OVERCOME through Jesus Christ. That’s what verse 4 is telling us.
- Let’s continue in verse 5.
[12] Romans 3:5 But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? (I speak as a man)
- Look, the God in this Bible says He will repay evil with evil. God gets ANGRY. God punishes.
- God’s wrath is upon all those who won’t believe what He says.
- There are hundreds of verses throughout the Bible that say this, and they aren’t hard to find.
- If you’ve never seen them, you’re not reading the Bible.
- If you’ve never heard them, you’re probably in a typical so-called “Christian” church that doesn’t use the Bible or only picks what they want to hear.
The Churches Today Think They Are Better Than God
The churches of today think they are better than God. They will tell you that God wouldn’t punish anyone.
- That’s what verse 5 right there is talking about. Paul says, “I speak as a man.”
- This is what man thinks today.
- The truth is God WILL TAKE VENGEANCE, and those OH SO RIGHTEOUS Christians in the churches today would NEVER take vengeance because it’s all about love everyone no matter what.
- Those righteous Christians think they’re better than God.
- God doesn’t love no matter what.
- God is RIGHTEOUS ALL THE TIME even when He’s throwing people into hell. They have no excuse.
- God gave them all the chances they needed.
[13] Romans 3:6 God forbid: for then how shall God judge the world?
- God cannot judge the world if He cannot take vengeance on those who oppose Him.
- God’s going to get rid of all opposition.
- And I can’t wait for God’s opposition to be gone because God’s way is perfect.
- We are to hate sin and to hate the people who hate God. To hell they will go.
- And this will truly be a glorious day when all the evil and wickedness is gone.
- If you have people you don’t want to see thrown into hell, you better be telling them the truth.
- Going to church doesn’t save you.
- Your own beliefs that you’re going to make it to heaven aren’t going to save you.
- Your own belief that you’re a good person doesn’t matter. You’re not a good person.
- God HIMSELF says so. If you say different than God, it’s not going to matter what you think.
- It’s that simple. Let’s continue in verse 7.
[14] Romans 3:7-8 For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory; why yet am I also judged as a sinner? 8 And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.
- Paul is saying that our unrighteousness doesn’t make us more righteous with God.
- Paul isn’t saying to go do whatever you want because God will cover everything for you with His righteousness.
- Do you know how we BELIEVE that salvation is a gift from God and once you believe on Jesus Christ to save you that you’re SAVED (past tense SAVED)?
- Religions don’t like to hear that because they’ll say that you’re giving people a license to sin.
- That you’re saying that all it takes is faith on Jesus Christ to save them.
They don’t have to do anything else. That’s what we’re saying BECAUSE that’s what the Bible says.
- But guess what? God’s not giving us a license to sin. He’s not saying to go do whatever you want.
- He says the opposite of that. He says, “Do I mean to go do whatever you want and ignore God’s commandments?”
- GOD FORBID is the answer to that.
- In verse 8, you’ll see that people are slandering Paul’s name just as they’ll slander our name BECAUSE you’ll tell them all it takes is faith to be saved.
- People have done it to me many times already. “Josh is lying about the Bible.” In verse 8 there, that’s what people are doing to Paul.
No, It’s Not Okay To Sin
“You’re giving people a license to sin, Paul!!! You’re a liar, Paul.”
- “Josh, you’re telling my kids it’s okay to sin. You’re telling them they don’t have to repent of their sin to be saved. You’re a liar, Josh. You’re lying to my children.”
- This is what’s going to happen TODAY because Churches are NOT teaching the Bible.
- They have no idea what Romans Chapter 3 really says.
- They couldn’t explain one verse to you because they aren’t saved and the Holy Spirit is not there to teach them.
They will not believe that FAITH ALONE is all it takes. They think they are saving themselves.
- They think their church is going to save them. They think their great friends are going to save them.
- John 6:47 sure DOESN’T say, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He who follows a fake religion HATH everlasting life.”
- JESUS doesn’t say that. Jesus NEVER says your religion is going to save you.
Have you EVER heard me say that it’s okay to do whatever you want since you’re saved?
- Have you ever heard me say to just ignore God because you’re going to heaven?
- Paul NEVER said that. Show me where Paul says that, but he’s still being slandered by others.
- Paul is telling the truth but it doesn’t match man’s words or man’s beliefs so they slander Paul.
- So get ready for that.
The Bible doesn’t say to go do whatever you want since you’re no longer under the law.
- Religions today even teach that we’re under grace and not the law so it’s okay to do whatever you want and ignore God’s law.
- PAUL NEVER TAUGHT THAT. He’s teaching the opposite of that in this Chapter.
- Salvation is by grace through faith. Paul is teaching what it takes to be saved.
- Paul teaches us that it’s not of works. Paul teaches us that we SHOULD follow Jesus and walk in the newness of life.
- We shouldn’t want to sin because we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us.
- Reject the fleshly desires and walk in the Spirit. That’s what Paul teaches.
- Let’s continue in verse 9.
[15] Romans 3:9-12 What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: 11 There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. 12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.
- Am I better than anyone else? No way. Paul is saying, “Hey, I’m not better than anyone else.”
- Chapter 1 and 2 has already proven that both the Jews and Gentiles are sinners. We’re all under sin.
- There is none that do good all the time. There is none righteous.
- There is none that seek after God at all times in their life.
- When the Bible says there are no good people, you better believe that.
- You aren’t good, and I’m definitely not good.
- In other words, there’s no one better than the other because we’re all sinners.
- The Bible says that one sin makes you guilty of all.
[16] James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
- There’s not one righteous person here on Earth. There’s nothing YOU CAN DO to make yourself righteous.
- There’s no amount of good works you can do to make yourself righteous.
- The only way to MAKE YOURSELF righteous is to go back in time and stop Adam and Eve from sinning.
- And then stop their children from sinning.
- Then the next generation, and the next, and the next, and the next. YOU ARE GOING TO BE BUSY.
- In other words, you cannot make yourself righteous.
Your Works Do Not Make You Righteous
Your water baptism doesn’t make you righteous in ANY WAY. Your church attendance doesn’t do it.
- You feeding the lazy homeless people doesn’t do it either.
- You helping people who hate God definitely doesn’t do it.
- Getting 10,000 people saved won’t make you righteous before God. Why?
- Because you are a sinner who continues to sin. It’s that simple. All are under sin.
- All are gone out of the way.
[17] Romans 3:13-18 Their throat is an open sepulchre; with their tongues they have used deceit; the poison of asps is under their lips: 14 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: 15 Their feet are swift to shed blood: 16 Destruction and misery are in their ways: 17 And the way of peace have they not known: 18 There is no fear of God before their eyes.
- Without God, your throat is an open sepulchre. Imagine what that’s saying.
- Imagine an open tomb with a dead body that’s rotting. That’s not a good sight.
- There’s not a good smell there. God says, “That’s what your throat is like to me. It’s nasty.”
- Why is that? Because we’ve used our mouth to deceive others. We tell lies.
- Our mouth is like a poisonous snake because we’re full of cursing and bitterness.
- We like to run towards problems. We like to cause problems.
- Before we knew God, there was no fear of God in our eyes. I can attest to that for myself.
- I didn’t know God. I was nasty, vile, and sick. Okay? I thought I knew God.
- I didn’t because I didn’t know the Bible. I went to Church, but I sure didn’t know God.
- I know God now, and I still sin every day. I am not good. Let’s continue in verse 19.
[18] Romans 3:19-20 Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. 20 Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin.
- God’s law makes everyone guilty. No one has followed His rules all their life. All are guilty.
- Do you see how Paul is stressing that over and over again?
- It’s very important to understand that we are not good people. That’s the first step to salvation.
- If you think you’re good, you don’t need God. But God says, “YOU ARE NOT GOOD.”
- God says, “We need Him!” You better believe that you need God to save you.
- No one can be justified by the deeds of the law. Do you see where it says that in verse 20?
- You can’t do enough good things for God because you have sinned.
That’s the same thing as going to court and asking a judge to excuse you for the murder you committed because you fed some homeless people.
- God says, “You don’t become good by doing good things.”
- God says, “You can’t justify yourself through works of the law!!!”
- How many times does God have to say that? He says it over and over again in the Bible.
- Yet, Christian Churches teach the exact opposite.
[19] Romans 3:21 But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
- This verse says the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD without the law is manifested.
- This righteousness is witnessed by the law and the prophets. What is this righteousness of God?
- Verse 22 answers this.
[20] Romans 3:22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference:
- If you want to be saved and enter into heaven, you must be righteous in God’s eyes.
- How do you become righteous in God’s eyes? How are you going to make it to heaven?
- The answer is right there in verse 22. You become righteous in God’s eyes by FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST.
- There is no other way. Is this only for a certain group of people?
- No!!! Verse 22 says it’s to all and upon all that BELIEVE!!! There is no difference in people.
- Why is there no difference of people?
- It doesn’t matter who you are or where you came from because verse 23 says:
[21] Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
- Jews aren’t better. Gentiles aren’t better. There is no better person. We are all sinners.
- No one is better than the other because we all sin all the time.
- If you think you don’t sin, you don’t understand God’s rules in the Bible.
- A bad thought is sin. Taking that same action is a much worse sin, but the thought of it is also a sin.
- One sin breaks God’s law. Jesus Himself says this in Matthew Chapter 5.
[22] Matthew 5:27-28 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
- And look, there’s not one man who has ever lived that hasn’t done this. Not one.
- And that’s just one single point of the law. You’re simply fooling yourself if you think you don’t sin.
- In other words, ALL HAVE SINNED. There is none good.
- Let’s keep going in verse 24. This is an amazing verse.
- We understand that we’re all sinners, and we’re not good. This is not good news for us.
- But now, let’s get some good news!
[23] Romans 3:24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus:
- Because of the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made, we can be redeemed! How can we be redeemed?
- We don’t have to do any work for it at all. Verse 24 says we are justified freely BY HIS GRACE.
- FREELY JUSTIFIED. Grace is getting something that we don’t deserve.
- Do we deserve the gift of eternal life? No, we don’t. Why? Because we’re sinners.
- We’ve broken God’s laws. Does that verse say that we’re justified by OUR WORKS?
Does it say we’re justified by OUR GREATNESS? Does it say we have to be baptized?
- Does it say we MUST repent of our sin to be saved? Does it say we have to turn from our sin to be saved?
- How do we get this redemption through Jesus Christ? Notice it says THROUGH CHRIST JESUS.
- Through the SAVIOR. Not in ourselves AT ALL. It’s through Jesus.
- How do we get this redemption through Jesus? Let’s see what verse 25 and 26 say.
[24] Romans 3:25-26 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; 26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus.
- Jesus was set forth to be a sacrifice for our sins through FAITH in the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Because God is patient with us, He gives us the opportunity in our life to be saved even though we’ve hurt Him.
- How do we become righteous? It’s NEVER our righteousness.
- We declare HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS by believing on Jesus Christ to save us. When we do this, we are justified.
- Today, just as Paul did right there in verse 26, we declare the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
- We believe on His name.
Romans Chapter 3 Is Telling Us That We Aren’t Good Without Jesus Christ
We don’t believe in ourselves. We aren’t good. That’s what this entire Chapter is about.
- If we believe in ourselves to save us, we’re in trouble the Bible says.
- We have NO righteousness within us on our own. None.
- So again, how are we justified? Right there at the end of verse 26. What do you see?
- Jesus is the justifier of anyone who believeth in Jesus.
- Does that verse include anything else BUT believing on Jesus?
- Does it say, “He that is Catholic will be justified?”
Nope, sure doesn’t. But Catholics will reject you when you want to tell them the truth.
- They’ll say, “Hey, we’re good with god. We don’t need to hear the Bible. We got our pope.”
- “Our pope will stand up to Jesus for us.” This is a very sad thing.
- The pope is just like the rest of us. I’m not good. The pope is not good.
- In reality, he’s an evil little man from hell and to hell he will go if he never puts all his trust on Jesus Christ.
- Let’s continue in verse 27 there.
[25] Romans 3:27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.
- Where is boasting? Boasting is talking about how great you are.
- It’s showing your personal worth to everyone around you.
- It’s saying, “Hey, you all look at me and how great I am!!! Take a look at me!!!”
- Paul says, “BOASTING IS EXCLUDED.” There is no boasting. What gets rid of boasting?
- What tells you that you aren’t good?
- Does the law of works tell you that you aren’t good?
No. Think of that. You have all these people in these so-called Christian Churches like the Catholics and the Church of Christ who say you MUST keep doing good works and endure to the end to be saved.
- Their good works are getting them to heaven.
- All of the good things they do are gaining them the gift of God or keeping it for them.
- That’s what they believe.
- When they stand before God, they’re going to say something like those people in Matthew Chapter 7.
[26] Matthew 7:22-23 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
- Jesus does not know them because they are boasting about their good works.
- If you think salvation is through works in any way, you aren’t saved.
- Remember that because this is all building up to THE MOST IMPORTANT point of this entire chapter, which comes at the very end.
- We can’t boast about being saved through OUR GREAT WORKS!
- We aren’t saved through works in any way. There is no boasting in the law of faith.
- This means the law of faith is NOT ABOUT YOU in any way.
- There is no boasting because it’s not about you. Boasting is all about you. Works is all about YOU.
- Faith is all about Jesus. Do you see that today?
I love the next verse. Let’s look at verse 28. And then I want you to tell me how Christian Churches can teach the exact opposite.
- Do they even look at the Bible? I didn’t for much of my life. That’s why I didn’t know it.
- But, do the leaders of these churches even look at the Bible? They can’t. They don’t need it I guess.
[27] Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
- What does that verse right there say? What does it mean? It’s very simple.
- He’s telling you the conclusion to everything that He’s been teaching us in Chapters 1, 2, and 3.
- It’s all led up to this point in verse 28.
The Only Way To Be Justified Is By Faith Alone
We conclude that a man is justified BY FAITH. What isn’t included? He says, “WITHOUT THE DEEDS OF THE LAW!!!”
- The law is every commandment from God within this book. That includes baptism.
- That includes going out and teaching and preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- That includes loving your neighbor as yourself. That includes loving the Lord God with all your heart.
- That includes not lying, stealing, cheating, coveting, and murdering. That includes repenting of your sin.
- The deeds of the law are all the works that you MUST do to follow God’s commandments.
- Repenting of sin takes work.
- The Bible tells us directly that repenting of sin is a work of the law in God’s eyes.
- God commands us to turn from our wicked ways.
[28] Jonah 3:10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.
- God saw their WORKS. What did God see as their works? That they turned from their evil way.
- That’s what we call repenting of sin today.
- We say repenting of sin is being sorry for that sin and turning from it.
- It’s a work of the law because God commands us to turn from our wicked ways.
- Paul is concluding right here that we can ONLY be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.
This means placing ALL YOUR TRUST on Jesus to save you and understanding that there’s no works you can do that will save you.
- Good works don’t even count as good works until Jesus is the foundation of your salvation.
- Without Him as the foundation, your works are not good because they are not done in faith.
- You MUST understand that JESUS is THE ONLY SAVIOR. It’s 100% Jesus and nothing else.
- It’s not of you in any way. It’s all Jesus. That’s it. Believe that, and you’re saved right now.
- If you still want to add something else to it, you’re not saved. You’re not going to heaven.
- It’s not about you. It’s not about your church. It’s not about your religion. It’s all about Jesus Christ.
- That’s it. Paul concludes that’s it’s FAITH alone!!! See that today. Let’s keep going in verse 29.
[29] Romans 3:29-30 Is he the God of the Jews only? is he not also of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles also: 30 Seeing it is one God, which shall justify the circumcision by faith, and uncircumcision through faith.
- The Jews are justified by faith. The Gentiles are justified through faith. Do you see that?
- It’s not any different for anyone. The entire Bible says that Faith saves you.
- It says nothing different from that. The Jews aren’t saved because of their ethnicity.
- No one is saved through any other means BUT faith alone.
[30] Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
- So, it’s all about faith. Faith is believing on Jesus Christ to save you.
- If you add anything or take anything away from that, it’s not faith. That’s the definition of faith.
- It’s all JESUS or faith isn’t there. Let’s finish with the last and most important point. Verse 31.
[31] Romans 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.
- This verse is extremely important. “Do we then make void the law through faith?”
- He’s asking, “Since we’re saved through faith, do we not need to follow the law any more? Can we just do whatever we want?”
- Remember the discussion earlier?
- People who believe that their good works is saving them or keeping them saved will slander your name when you tell them that it’s faith alone that saved.
- It’s pretty clear and easy to see that’s what the Bible teaches.
No Works Will Save You
Those same people who believe in a works based salvation will teach that you MUST continue to repent of your sin to be saved OR you MUST do this OR you must do that.
- The Bible never says anything like that.
- They think that you’re teaching it’s okay to sin if you believe Faith alone saves you.
- They don’t understand verse 31 right here.
- Those people don’t see verse 31, and they don’t understand it.
- They think that faith alone is not enough to save you.
- Jesus isn’t enough on HIS OWN is what they’re really saying. They have to be a part of it.
- They have to do things too. It’s just too simple and easy to believe on Jesus.
- There’s no way that faith alone is enough. That’s what they’re saying.
Let me explain to you what verse 31 means, and why this is proving that FAITH ALONE is enough.
- This is VERY IMPORTANT to understand today.
- When you put all your trust in God and nothing on yourself or anyone else, you’re saved.
- That’s past tense. You can’t lose it because it doesn’t depend on you AT ALL.
- How would you establish God’s law? How would you get people to follow your law? How would you do it?
- I’ll tell you how God did it because that’s the answer.
God established HIS LAW through faith. If you have faith in God, you know that He’s there.
- You understand who He is. The more your faith grows, the more and more you understand God.
- When you’re saved, He gives you the gift of the Holy Spirit who teaches you all things.
- The Holy Spirit teaches you the law. The faith that you have will establish the law.
- The more that your faith increases, the more you will follow the law.
- The more you walk in the Spirit, the more you will follow the law.
When you’re saved by grace through faith, you understand that you’re not a good person.
- You understand that even the smallest breaking of the law is a sin.
- You understand that not doing something God asks is a sin.
- You understand that you sin each and every day.
- You know that you aren’t good because you trust what God says in His words.
- You understand that YOU DON’T DESERVE IT. That’s what GRACE is.
- You don’t deserve it in any way no matter how good you think you are. You’re not good God says.
- God GIVES you the gift because you believe what He says.
That’s what faith does for you. You get better each day through faith in God.
- You turn from sin, you repent of sin because of the Spirit living inside of you. It’s not of yourselves.
- God is helping you get better.
- On the other hand: When you think salvation is based on works, you think that you’re a good person.
- You think that the things you are doing is making you more righteous in God’s eyes.
- You think that you’re stopping sin each day. In reality, you’re minimizing the sin that you do.
- You start to think things like: “Well, that’s not really that bad.”
- Or, “I’ll just ask for forgiveness and keep doing the same thing.” That’s not a bad sin. How do I know this?
- Because I was like that myself.
You begin to set the standard for sin to a very low level.
- You start to do more things because you think they aren’t that bad.
- You continue to do things worse and worse.
- But, you deceive yourself because you are convinced you’re going to work your way to heaven.
- “It’s not really that bad. Other people do it too. It’s okay.”
- That’s what’s happened to the world today. That’s what’s happened to the churches today.
- The standard is very low. Is not going out door to door to spread the Gospel a sin? Oh yes it is.
- Where are the churches?
- NO ONE has ever came to my door to give me the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST. No one.
- That’s the biggest of biggest sins.
“But, that doesn’t REALLY count because it’s not REALLY that bad.” WRONG.
- When I wasn’t saved, did I ever get any better? Did I stop sinning? No, I got worse.
- I minimized sin because I figured out that I couldn’t be perfect.
- I couldn’t stop sinning, but I was told by Churches that I should stop sinning. HYPOCRITES!!!
- They were doing the same things!!! What was wrong with me?
- You see: I just got worse and worse when I thought it all depended on me. I WAS GOING TO BE GREAT.
- “Look at me, God!!! Look how great I am.”
- That’s what people are doing who won’t accept FAITH ALONE SAVES!
[32] Isaiah 64:6 But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
- What’s the Bible say? ALL OF OUR RIGHTEOUSNESSES ARE AS FILTHY RAGS!!! Do you see that?
- We don’t make it on how good we are. We aren’t good.
- If you depend on yourself, you’ll get worse.
- You’ll sin more and more because you’re going against what the Bible says.
- And that’s what all these churches and religions have done to people in this area.
- They won’t teach the Bible. They make up lies and spread them all over.
- Hey, we’re losing the battle in this area! This is our home, and we’re losing to all those liars and deceivers.
- Understand that today.
Faith Establishes The Law Because You Now Believe God Is There
FAITH ESTABLISHES THE LAW. Works do not establish the law. Do you see the difference today?
- I’ve been there. I’ve thought my works save me. I thought being a good person saves me.
- I thought I must continue to repent of my sin to be saved. But, when would I be saved? NEVER.
- That’s right. NEVER. If I continued to think that works saved me, I would have went straight to hell.
- Anyone who depends on themselves to save themselves is not getting better.
- I can 100%, without a doubt, say that right now and it’s the truth.
All the churches like Church of Christ, Catholics, Anglican, Methodist, and anyone who teaches works to be saved are not saved.
- YOU WILL NEVER BE SAVED through works, and you will not get better!!!
- You will NEVER come closer to God through your works. NEVER.
- How do I know this? Because those people don’t have the Holy Spirit living within them. The Bible says so.
- You aren’t getting better unless you’re saved. And you can be saved and ignore the Holy Spirit too.
- God gives us a choice. But, I can guarantee you that you aren’t getting better unless you’re saved.
- God says so. You are 100% saved by faith alone. If you’ve never believed that, you’re not saved.
Romans Chapter 3 is one of the GREATEST chapters in the Bible for understanding that faith is all it takes.
- I hope you’ve seen this today, and I hope you teach this Chapter to as many people as you can.
- We don’t want our friends and family to be thrown into hell. But guess what?
- God sets the rules, and He gave us this book.
- The rich man was sent to hell in Luke Chapter 16. He CRIED in torment to Abraham.
- He asks Abraham to please send someone to warn his 5 family members. Abraham responds in verse 31.
[33] Luke 16:31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
- That’s why God gave us this Bible.
- And He’s giving us a chance to persuade our people before they are sent to hell.
- And that’s what we’ll try to do.
But look, explain to people that this Bible is the truth. The King James Bible is the truth. Read it. Learn it.
- Understand Romans Chapter 3.
- Faith alone saves. That’s the entire point of the chapter. Remember that.
- Whenever you need a reminder of that, go to Romans Chapter 3.
- Works do not save. Faith saves.
Let’s pray.