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Godly Love Versus Worldly Love

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[SLIDE 2] The title of the sermon today is “WORLDY LOVE VERSUS GODLY LOVE.”

False Love Cannot Be Compared To True Love

  • False or fake worldly love cannot be compared to true Godly love. There’s a HUGE difference.
  • In fact, worldly love and Godly love is exactly the opposite. We MUST stop falling for worldly love
  • It’s not love.

Worldly love is SELF LOVE. Godly love is love for others and is not selfish.

  • And to be 100% honest with you, I am so, so, so SICK of the fake and false worldly love that is preached throughout churches in this country.
  • It’s vile, nasty, and doesn’t follow the word of God AT ALL.

Today, we’re going to learn the true meaning of LOVE. God is love so we’re going to learn who God is and what God says love is.

  • We’re not going to listen to the world and allow the world to define love for us.
  • We have the perfect Bible, and that’s what we’ll use. We don’t use the word of ANY man.
  • We use the Bible.

If this sermon sounds harsh to you, that’s because the world has taught you wrong.

  • When I say the world, I mean the worldly seminaries, the worldly churches, and all of the popular false preachers, ministries, books written by man, and so on.
  • I’m talking about anything and everything that doesn’t match the word of God.
  • And this is 99.99% of ALL THE THINGS you’ll see and read.

We have to get into the Bible more than the things of this world to truly understand God.

  • The word of God might sound harsh to you, but it’s the truth.
  • If you get into the word of God more than the world, the world will seem harsh and NOT THE BIBLE.
  • If the Bible seems harsh, that means you’re not accustomed to reading it. That’s the truth.
  • We need to change that.

This is why we have Bible Reading Schedules available everywhere.

  • We don’t tell you to read some scholarly book from some expert that went to some prestigious college.
  • In reality, that man has NOTHING compared to the word of GOD!
  • This is ALMIGHTY GOD the Creator of ALL THINGS.
  • And people will continue to choose books written by some man over the word of God.
  • We don’t need them AT ALL.

Because of man and all of man’s views, the world has come up with some NEW DEFINITION of LOVE.

  • This is not God’s love. The world will say, “Oh, that’s very loving.” OR “This is loving.”
  • OR “You’re so hateful.” In reality, they have no CLUE what love is.
  • Many will say that this sermon is so “HATEFUL” and not loving at all. Well, we’ll see what the Bible says.
  • Let’s see what the Biblical definition of LOVE is.
  • Let’s see what GOD says love is since He knows a little more than the rest of the world.
  • Wouldn’t you say? You see: GOD IS THE SOURCE OF ALL TRUE LOVE.
  • Worldly love is SELF LOVE. Real love is directed towards someone else and NOT YOURSELF.
  • Let’s look at 2 Timothy Chapter 3 starting in verse 1.

[SLIDE 3] 2 Timothy 3:1-7 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

  • Verse 1 and 2 say that in the perilous or dangerous times of the last days MEN WILL BE LOVERS OF THEIR OWN SELVES!
  • When you open your eyes to the truths within the Bible, you will see this everywhere.

STOP Worshipping Men And Women

Even in the cemeteries (I mean seminaries) you have men and women worshipping other men and women more than the word of God.

  • I’ve heard this over and over again.
  • People from churches and seminaries will always direct you to some book to learn what they believe.
  • And it’s not the Bible.
  • They are more important than the Bible, and they don’t even realize that’s what they’re saying.

Well, here’s my view. You need to read this book or listen to this man, and you’ll understand.

  • NO!!! You see: I don’t NEED to listen or learn from ANY MAN.
  • What I need is the BIBLE, the WORD OF GOD. I need to learn from God.
  • That’s called putting GOD FIRST, NOT MAN.

You won’t ever see me writing some book about God, selling it, and making a fortune like all of these popular Pastors, professors, ministers, teachers, blah, blah, blah.

  • I don’t want ANYONE wasting time reading my book when they could be reading the word of GOD!
  • NEVER direct someone to another book other than the King James Bible.
  • Do you understand what the WORD OF GOD means? GOD ALMIGHTY wrote this book.

You can combine every human that has ever lived, and they could NEVER write this TRUTH.

  • Hundreds of billions of people cannot COMPARE to THE GOD ALMIGHTY.
  • Self love is HATRED for your fellow men and women. Listen to this passage from Matthew 24.

[SLIDE 4] Matthew 24:10-12 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

  • People who say they are loving in this world today, are truly hating.
  • When you love everyone no matter what and accept everything no matter what, this isn’t love.
  • This is hate. This sends people to hell. This does not get people to heaven.
  • Verse 12 says BECAUSE INIQUITY (OR SIN) shall abound, the LOVE OF MANY shall wax cold.
  • In other words, worldly love accepts everything and true love no longer exists in these people.
  • You can see this in the world today.
  • So now, let’s take a look at what the Bible says about TRUE LOVE, REAL LOVE, the LOVE OF GOD.

[SLIDE 5] 1 John 5:1-3 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2 By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 3 For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

  • When we love God and keep His commandments, we are showing Godly love. This is love.
  • Verse 3 says that THIS IS THE LOVE OF GOD, that we keep HIS COMMANDMENTS.
  • In other words, if we aren’t keeping God’s commandments, then we aren’t showing Godly love.
  • If we don’t go out and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this community, we aren’t keeping God’s commandments and we aren’t showing love.
  • If we keep quiet when someone needs to hear about Jesus so they can spend eternity in heaven VERSUS hell, we are hating that person.
  • We aren’t showing the love of God.

STOP Living In Fornication

There are MANY, MANY other examples. God commands us not to fornicate.

  • If someone is living in fornication and they don’t realize that’s a very bad thing to God Almighty, we should tell them.
  • No one should want to make God angry.
  • By showing those people what the Bible says about fornication, you could help save those people from God’s wrath.
  • That’s love. If we stay quiet, this is hate.

You might say: “Well, it’s going to cause problems and I don’t want to cause an argument or fight.”

  • Oh yeah, is that what Jesus did? Or, is that what Paul did? Or Elijah or Elisha?
  • No, you see, Jesus Himself caused all kinds of arguments.
  • Paul argued and fought with the brethren over the truth. That’s who we need to be like.
  • The world will say we have a lot of HATE but God knows the truth, and we’ll abide in God’s love.

[SLIDE 6] Matthew 10:34-36 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.

  • Listen, we can’t be on both sides. We’re either on God’s side or not.
  • We can’t play the middle line and make everyone happy.
  • If you’re family doesn’t want to believe what God says, then get away. Tell them the truth.
  • If you cause an argument, SO BE IT! Their blood won’t be on your hands.

[SLIDE 7] Ezekiel 3:18 When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

  • God’s love means that you warn others about God and who He is.
  • We should all fear God with everything that we have. We should tremble.
  • If we truly know God and who He is, we will tremble.

Through God’s EYES, the loving person is the one who LOVES GOD and KEEPS HIS COMMANDMENTS.

  • LOVE is fulfilling the LAW OF GOD. People won’t like that.
  • If you tell someone what the Bible says about specific sins, they won’t like it because they love it and want to keep doing it over and over again.
  • This is one reason people don’t want to read and learn the Bible.
  • It’s going to tell them they can’t do whatever they want and whatever makes them feel good.

You see: Churches today like to get more members and more offering so they say it’s okay to do whatever you want because we’re a LOVING church.

  • No, you see, the Bible says they are a HATEFUL church. The world teaches the opposite of the truth.
  • The world says: “Forget all the THOU SHALT NOT do THIS. We can do whatever we want because God loves us no matter what.”
  • God doesn’t say that in His Words. Where do you get that stuff? The world!!! It’s all false!!!

God Doesn’t Ever Command Us To Love Everyone And Everything All The Time

The world tells us ALL THE TIME that we should always love one another.

  • I’m sure you hear that all over the TV, radio stations, and churches.
  • Let’s see what the Bible says because people will take a verse here and there without taking the next verse or the verse before it to see the actual context of the verse.

[SLIDE 8] 2 John 5-6 And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another. 6 And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

  • This passage tells us that we can’t just love one another as the world teaches.
  • Verse 6 says in order to love one another, we MUST walk after HIS COMMANDMENTS.
  • If we’re constantly breaking God’s commandments, we don’t have LOVE. That’s what the Bible says.
  • So, if we want to be more loving, we better follow God’s rules for us.
  • I want to read you a VERY popular verse that is partly used by SO MANY people in the world today.
  • They like to pick and choose little sayings from the Bible that support their false views.

[SLIDE 9] John 15:17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

  • I’m sure we’ve all heard that one before because it’s everywhere out in the world.
  • And it’s a great verse but it’s used incorrectly.
  • Loving one another isn’t ACCEPTING every sin and everything that people do wrong.
  • The world wants us to say: “Yes, it’s okay to change your gender. It’s fine to become a man when you were born a woman. Or, it’s fine to live in fornication. Or it’s okay to be a homosexual.”
  • And that’s the verse they will quote to you. Well, let’s take a closer look at that verse in context of the chapter. John Chapter 15 starting in verse 9.

[SLIDE 10] John 15:9-17 As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. 10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love. 11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. 12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you. 13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14 Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15 Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. 16 Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you. 17 These things I command you, that ye love one another.

  • Jesus says: “If you keep my commandments you shall abide in my love.”
  • He says to love one another as I have loved you.
  • He’s talking about loving your brothers and sisters in Christ.
  • He’s not talking about every person in this world.
  • Jesus HIMSELF says: “You’re my friends IF you do what I command you to do.”
  • Does that sound like unconditional love to you? I can assure you it’s not.

Those verses aren’t so popular, but that last one is.

  • LOVE ONE ANOTHER is repeated over and over again throughout this world.
  • People take what they want out of the Bible and forget the rest. We won’t do that here.
  • We’ll take it all just as God intended.
  • God didn’t command us to just pick and choose whatever WE WANT TO HEAR.
  • Does God love everyone no matter what? The world will answer OH YES!
  • God loves everyone no matter what. Well, the BIBLE DOES NOT SAY THIS ANYWHERE.

[SLIDE 11] John 14:21-24 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. 22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world? 23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. 24 He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father’s which sent me.

  • JESUS says He that loveth me will be loved by MY FATHER. According to this verse, who does God love?
  • It’s only those people who love Jesus Christ, who believe on Jesus Christ to save them, who have made Jesus their Savior.
  • The Bible is VERY CLEAR and VERY SIMPLE.
  • If you keep God’s commandments, you have the love of God and you’re loving one another.
  • If you don’t keep God’s commandments, you’re not loving one another and you don’t have the love of God.

Biblical Love Is Doing What’s Best For Others Even When It’s Difficult

Now we see that Biblical love is doing right by other people and doing what’s best for others.

  • Those people might now think you’re doing right, but telling them what the Bible says about something is teaching them the truth that they need to hear.
  • Doing God’s commandments is doing what’s best for others.
  • Don’t lie, steal, fornicate, commit adultery, don’t murder, don’t covet, honor your parents.
  • Following these commandments is doing right by others.
  • If you aren’t out murdering people, you’re keeping God’s commandment, and I guarantee you people will agree that you’re doing right by them.
  • Same things goes for ALL OF GOD’S COMMANDMENTS!!!

Some people don’t realize they are making God angry so it’s loving when you tell them what they are doing is wrong.

  • This is GODLY LOVE. You see: If I’m doing something wrong, I want to know so God doesn’t come after me.
  • I want no part in God’s wrath.
  • If I’m doing something purposely over and over again, I know and understand that God’s coming after me harder and harder.
  • We can’t hide from God.

[SLIDE 12] Jeremiah 23:24 Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

  • Let’s look at some other examples of worldly fake love versus true Godly love.
  • The world will tell you that you aren’t supposed to correct, punish, or spank your children.
  • The world says it’s just not loving to punish your children. That hurts them and it hurts their feelings.
  • Well, that’s the opposite of what the Bible says. Let’s see what the Bible says.

[SLIDE 13] Proverbs 13:24 He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes (soon).

  • So the Bible says if we spare the rod, that we HATE our children.
  • If we love our children, we chasten or punish our children.

But the world says if you love your children that you can’t punish your children.

  • Give them whatever they want so they will always love you.
  • People will say that there’s no way they can spank their children because they love them too much.
  • What a joke. Okay? That’s a lie. The Bible says opposite. I’ll take the Bible.
  • If you don’t, you’re calling the Bible a lie.

The Bible says those parents who don’t punish their children HATE their children.

  • Take a child who was NEVER punished, and you’ll see the difference really soon.
  • If I never punished my children, they wouldn’t listen to me.
  • My children listen because they know when I say I’m going to do something, I DO IT!

[SLIDE 14] Proverbs 23:12-14 Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. 13 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. 14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.

  • But yet, the world will take that verse right there and say it’s just too harsh for our new and modern world.
  • We are too progressive for that. We are too loving of ourselves to do anything like that.
  • Well, let’s take a look at the direction the world is moving.
  • It’s headed straight for hell because we make up our own rules.
  • We are just too modern to believe the word of God. It’s a joke of a world.

Withholding Correction From Your Child Is Hating Your Child

There is nothing LOVING about withholding correction from your child. Children need correction.

  • If they’re going the wrong direction, we need to correct that direction.
  • If it continues and the child needs harsher correction, we give them harsher correction. Why?
  • Because we don’t want them ending up in hell. That’s why. Eternity matters.
  • Their feelings getting hurt because they wouldn’t listen DOESN’T MATTER. Hell matters.

Think about that. The love of God says to do what’s best for the child.

  • The world says to do what’s best for yourself. It’s not easy spanking your children.
  • It’s not easy correcting your children. It’s easier to just let it all go. It takes work to be a good parent.
  • The parents who don’t want to spank their children SIMPLY want their children to like them more.
  • That’s what they’re saying. I don’t want them to hate me for spanking them.
  • I want to be their best friend. I want to be the cool Dad. I want all their friends to like me too.
  • I want to give them whatever they want. Then they’ll turn out to be great adults. WRONG!!!
  • This is loving yourself. That’s what’s best for you. That’s making YOU happy.

[SLIDE 15] Proverbs 28:23 He that rebuketh a man afterwards shall find more favour than he that flattereth with the tongue.

  • Look at that. Do you see what that says?
  • Again, it says someone who rebuketh a man OR tells a man the truth even though it might hurt will find MORE FAVOR than someone who flatters them with their words.

So look, I could stand up here and preach another sermon like all the other churches about loving everyone no matter what because that’s what God does.

  • But that’s a lie. And I will not lie about the Bible.
  • I could get more people in here, offend fewer people, and grow a huge church full of people who don’t want to hear the truth.
  • Instead, I want to show GODLY LOVE by telling you the truth of the Bible.
  • You don’t get that anywhere else that I’ve seen, or I would be there myself.
  • We want and need people who want to hear the truth. We don’t need people who want to hear the continued lies of the world.

I hope, instead, that you see that I’m telling you the truth and you find more favor with us here because we only tell you the truth.

  • We don’t lie to your face in order to flatter you.
  • When we say we’re glad to see you here, you can know that we’re glad to see you here.
  • We don’t want your money. We’re happy to see you here because YOU ARE HERE. Not your check book.
  • YOU. And that’s the truth.

You need to know that we say here in this Church is from the Bible.

  • If you hear something that sounds harsh or mean or anything like that, you need to understand that’s God and HIS NATURE.
  • That’s who HE is. He puts the fear of God into us when we read HIS BIBLE. He is God, and we are not.
  • Do you see the difference in Godly love and worldly love? Worldly love is lies and deceit.
  • It’s loving yourself and always doing best for yourself.
  • Worldly love is raising your children without correction.
  • That same child that grows up in worldly love will grow up and tell you that they hate you.
  • The child that grows up in GODLY LOVE will grow up and tell you that they love you. How do I know?
  • Because the Bible says so. And it’s the 100% TRUTH.

Children Need Rules

Children need rules. Make them keep the rules or be punished.

  • Raise them to contribute to the family and to work hard.
  • Don’t lie and tell them everything they do is perfect. If they do a bad job, let them know that they failed.
  • They will do better. Teach them to get better and be better. Don’t just let them do whatever they want.
  • They need boundaries. Correct them. Love them the GODLY way. Children are amazing. They learn fast.

Do you know how long one spanking lasts for correction with my children? One spanking has lasted months.

  • When I tell them to stop doing something, they listen after that punishment.
  • They understand that I’m serious. I don’t threaten and not follow through.
  • God doesn’t threaten and not follow through.
  • When God says His wrath will be upon you, you better believe that HIS WRATH WILL BE UPON YOU.
  • And you don’t want that.

God Almighty is a good, good Father.

  • He punishes me, and I love Him for that because I know He’s doing it to correct my paths.
  • He’s doing it because He loves me. He’s doing it to keep me from worse and worse things.
  • Another lie from our world today is that ONCE our child turns 18 that they’re adults.
  • It takes one magic rollover one night from 17 years old to 18 years old that proves they are adults.
  • WRONG. They aren’t adults. 18 in no way means a child is an adult.
  • We think they can then live with us and have the freedom to do whatever they want to do. WRONG.

The Bible never says children are adults when they turn 18. Do you know when children are finally on their own?

  • It’s not 18 years old. It’s when they get married and move out to start their own life.
  • They aren’t on their own until that happens.
  • If you live at home with your parents, you are under their authority.
  • You don’t get to do whatever you want.
  • If you want to do what you want, you’ll be thrown out of the house.

[SLIDE 16] Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

  • When you leave your father and mother to be married, this is when you’re on your own and under your new authority.
  • Your parents are not your authority in the home any more.
  • You shall leave your father and mother and cleave to your spouse.
  • Same thing goes with churches. If people don’t want to conform to God’s words, they will be thrown out of the church.
  • If people want to continue in drunkenness and fornication, as an example, they are to be thrown out of the church.

[SLIDE 17] 1 Corinthians 5:9-13 I wrote unto you in an epistle not to company with fornicators: 10 Yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world, or with the covetous, or extortioners, or with idolaters; for then must ye needs go out of the world. 11 But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat. 12 For what have I to do to judge them also that are without? do not ye judge them that are within? 13 But them that are without God judgeth. Therefore put away from among yourselves that wicked person.

  • So listen, remember that the love of God is keeping HIS COMMANDMENTS.
  • He says not to company with brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ who are fornicators, covetous, extortioners, idolaters, drunkards, and railers.

God Takes His Family Very Seriously

Do you see how God takes HIS FAMILY seriously?

  • He says don’t company with these people who say they are a part of my family.
  • Are you going to do what He says?
  • You see: actions by people who love their brothers and sisters in Christ will lead to changes much faster than just accepting everything.
  • If we do what God says, things ALWAYS work out in the end.

If we choose to ignore the difficult parts, things will not work out well.

  • For example, one wicked person who enters into this Church will not take everyone to hell.
  • They will be removed immediately. Same thing goes with your family.
  • Don’t let one child take all the rest to hell with them.
  • You do what you got to do according to God’s commandments.
  • Those decisions are made in GODLY LOVE and not WORLDLY LOVE.

It’s a lot easier for me to just allow someone who is a fornicator to continue attending church.

  • But you see: God says don’t allow that in MY CHURCH.
  • This is NOT MY CHURCH or YOUR CHURCH, this is God’s Church.
  • He is the leader, and we’ll do what He says.
  • Now get this: if that person repents and changes their way, they are welcome back immediately if they want to conform to God’s words.

Churches in this world today won’t kick anyone out BECAUSE the world tells us that this isn’t loving.

  • We’re supposed to accept anyone and everything they want to bring with them into the Church.
  • God says the opposite. I love this next passage.
  • Listen, I absolutely love the Old and New Testament, but I tell you, the Old Testament is my favorite.
  • It goes against everything this world tells us today, and I love it.

[SLIDE 18] 1 Kings 15:11-14 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father. 12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. 13 And also Maachah his mother, even her he removed from being queen, because she had made an idol in a grove; and Asa destroyed her idol, and burnt it by the brook Kidron. 14 But the high places were not removed: nevertheless Asa’s heart was perfect with the LORD all his days.

  • So Asa did right in the eyes of the LORD! He removed idols from the land.
  • He took away the Sodomites or Homosexuals out of the land.
  • He even removed HIS OWN MOTHER from Queen because she made an idol to worship.
  • The one thing he didn’t do was destroy the high places of idol worship.

Are we to do the same things Asa did?

  • The world says this is not loving to remove homosexuals from your churches. God says differently.
  • God says TRUE LOVE is following my commandments.
  • If we aren’t following HIS COMMANDMENTS, we do not have true love.
  • If your own family members aren’t living in God’s commandments, they need a rebuke.
  • This is what the BIBLE says!

[SLIDE 19] Romans 12:9 Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

  • This verse says let love not be fake. HATE that which is evil and CLEAVE to that which is good.
  • If you don’t that’s fake love.

Evil And Wicked Things Should Stay Out Of Church

We cannot allow evil and wicked people and things to come into God’s church. It’s that simple.

  • If you didn’t know that fornication or sex outside of marriage is GREATLY CONDEMNED by the Bible, and now you know, it must stop if you want to continue coming to church.
  • If all churches took that same stance, there wouldn’t be fornication in God’s Church.
  • Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Your SAVIOR, and the Holy Spirit will help you and guide in stopping those acts of fornication.
  • It’s your choice. Your choices lead to consequences.

The world will say that Churches are not loving when they throw people out or don’t allow homosexuals or transgender within the church.

  • Well, here’s the deal. Those people are REJECTING GOD so GOD says to reject them.
  • Those people are making the choice OVER AND OVER again to reject God.
  • Change your ways before GOD rejects you. That’s the warning.
  • Instead of accepting wickedness and evil into the Church, it must be rejected.

The world tells us to make friends with everyone.

  • Listen, we can be kind to everyone but we will not allow people who hate God to attend this Church.
  • Hating God is not following His commandments. The Bible says so.
  • The world will come back and say that Jesus preached love, love, love and accepts sinners for who they are.
  • Really? Well, let’s see if that’s what the Bible says. But first remember, JESUS IS GOD.
  • Everything Jesus says agrees PERFECTLY with God the Father.
  • Everything that is said in the OLD TESTAMENT matches perfectly with the NEW TESTAMENT.
  • I want to go back to a passage you should be familiar with because we read part of this earlier.
  • I want you to see what JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF SAYS.

[SLIDE 20] Matthew 10:34-38 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. 37 He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.

  • If your child is more important than JESUS CHRIST, then you have a problem my friend.
  • If your family takes priority over this BIBLE RIGHT HERE, you have a HUGE problem.
  • Jesus says you aren’t worthy of HIM if you place ANYTHING else above JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF.

Do You Want To Hear The Word Of God, or Make Up Your Own Words?

Look, there’s people out here that want to hear the word of God and then there’s people that want to make up their own rules.

  • There is NO UNCONDITIONAL LOVE from God.
  • God SAYS: IF you believe what I say, then you’re part of my family.
  • If you won’t believe me, then I’ll throw you into hell. It’s that simple.
  • Fornication is not allowed in this Church at all and that’s called GODLY LOVE.
  • God doesn’t allow fornication. God HATES fornication.
  • If you continue in fornication, expect to be punished by God. Listen to this:

[SLIDE 21] Ephesians 5:3-10 But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; 4 Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. 6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. 7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them. 8 For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) 10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.

  • And look, you might not like this type of preaching.
  • Just go ahead and say you don’t like the words of the Bible. This is coming straight from the Bible.
  • If you don’t like it, you’re connected to the world too much.
  • And yes, this might be uncomfortable because you don’t know the Bible. Read it. Learn it.
  • This is GODLY LOVE because God HATES SIN. He doesn’t want to see it any more.

What do you want God to do? Do you want God to congratulate people who sin? Great job on the fornication.

  • Great job on the drunken night where you don’t remember what happened.
  • Great job on cheating people out of money. No, GOD HATES SIN. We MUST hate it too.
  • This is how we get rid of sin. We must hate it. When you hate doing something, you’ll stop doing it.

If you’ve already messed up in your life, it’s over. But guess what? Today is a new day.

  • Repent and get it right starting right now. If we repent of our wicked ways, God will have mercy on us.
  • If we choose not to, God will not have mercy on us.
  • Preachers throughout this world LOVE THEMSELVES over others.
  • Look, if I get up here and try to make friends with you, I sure won’t be teaching you the truth in the Bible.
  • Do you want to hear THE TRUTH FROM GOD or lies from man?
  • I might offend you, but listen, you got to get over it because it’s BIBLE.

God’s love is telling people the truth about GOD. Do you want get it right by learning the truth or continue to get it wrong because of lies?

  • If you just didn’t know, it’s still your fault. The Bible says so.
  • You can sin out of ignorance, and it’s still a sin. You don’t get out of it because people have lied to you.
  • It’s your responsibility to get it right. You have the Bible just like I do.

You Won’t Hear A Sermon Like This Around Here

If your eyes are opened, you’ll know that the world today and ALL THE CHURCHES around here WILL NEVER preach a sermon like this.

  • I would be kicked out of every other church around here for preaching THE BIBLE.
  • I know because I’ve talked with these people. This type of sermon was common 50 years ago.
  • Now it’s all SOFT and feminine preaching about love everyone no matter what. That’s false.
  • The Bible tells us that TURE LOVE will continue to decrease as we head towards the end.
  • You can see that today.

We can either stand up for GOD and preach the BIBLE or not.

  • I am so sick of all these people who want to twist God’s words when He’s very clear about everything.
  • Sick of the false preaching. Sick of the false doctrines. Sick of being lied to about GOD’S LOVE.
  • GOD IS TRUTH. GOD IS LOVE. He’ll tell us what love is.
  • The world, including seminaries, churches, preachers, ministers, scholars, so-called Biblical experts will flat out lie to your face.
  • I HATE LIARS. Why do I hate liars? Because the Bible tells me to hate them.
  • When someone lies about the Bible saying something that it doesn’t, we need to call it out immediately because we hate it so much.
  • KING DAVID HIMSELF said it very well in Psalms Chapter 139.

[SLIDE 22] Psalm 139:21-22 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.

  • Listen, I’m not making friends with these churches who are lying to your faces.
  • We need to call these people out and tell them to REPENT and start preaching the BIBLE.
  • Stop loving themselves so they can have more friends, make more money, and have people worshipping them.
  • If they repent and start telling the truth, then I’ll be friends with them.
  • I can forgive very quickly just as God tells me to do.
  • If you don’t want forgiveness, though, then I don’t forgive. Same with God Almighty.

I will not make friends with people who are lying in these churches. None of you should do the same.

  • When people deceive others and use God’s word to do so, I can’t imagine the wrath that God will have for those people.
  • This is a warning to those people. God’s word WARNS THEM OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
  • They need to get the LOVE OF GOD and forget about the love of this world.

While we’re at this point of Churches lying to people, let’s get straight to it.

  • I’m sick of churches ignoring the words of the Bible and doing whatever makes the people happy.
  • The Bible clearly says women are not to be preaching in the Church.
  • The Bible clearly says that deacons are the HUSBANDS of one wife.
  • And every Church around is moving or already has moved to allowing women to preach in the Church and to be deacons.

Women, Are You Reading Your Bibles?

Women out there who are taking these positions? Are you reading your Bibles?

  • You don’t mind going against the word of God.
  • I’ll tell you what, if God said in His Bible for men not to preach in His churches, you wouldn’t see me up here.
  • Church leaders, are you okay with going against God’s commandments?
  • I guess so because that’s where all of you are headed.
  • It’s sickening and vile for God’s own self-proclaimed people to ignore Him. It’s sick.

They do this and use LOVE as their excuse. They just want make their people happy.

  • They don’t care if God’s happy. They are lovers of themselves. The Bible tells us this will happen.
  • And it’s sad that NO ONE WANTS TO MAKE OUR CREATOR HAPPY. Listen, I’m sick of it.
  • I’ve had enough. We stand up now, or we sit down and be cowards.
  • What’s your choice? Are you going to stand up with me for GOD, or are we going to fade away in the background like cowards?
  • If you can’t stand up for God in our country with the freedom of speech that we have, you’ll NEVER stand up for God when your life is on the line.

[SLIDE 23] Daniel 3:6-7 And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace. 7 Therefore at that time, when all the people heard the sound of the cornet, flute, harp, sackbut, psaltery, and all kinds of musick, all the people, the nations, and the languages, fell down and worshipped the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.

  • Are you going to fall down and worship the false love of this world?
  • That’s what’s happening right in front of our faces, and I can’t take it any more.
  • We MUST open our eyes and FOCUS on God above.

[SLIDE 24] Daniel 3:12-14 There are certain Jews whom thou hast set over the affairs of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego; these men, O king, have not regarded thee: they serve not thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up. 13 Then Nebuchadnezzar in his rage and fury commanded to bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego. Then they brought these men before the king. 14 Nebuchadnezzar spake and said unto them, Is it true, O Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, do not ye serve my gods, nor worship the golden image which I have set up?

  • Imagine a furious King staring you down and about to throw you in a fiery furnace.
  • Are you going to bow down and worship his false god?
  • Listen, this same thing will happen in the future just as Revelation describes.
  • Will it happen in our life time? I don’t know, but it might. How are you going to answer?
  • Are you going to be strong in your faith in the word of God? Do you 100% KNOW that God will save you?
  • Do you know the love of God?
  • Let’s see how God’s people answered this furious King with his fiery furnace.

[SLIDE 25] Daniel 3:17-18 If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king. 18 But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.

  • Are you going to do the same?
  • Or will you side with the world over your very own Creator who gave you life and has power over life and death?
  • Will you choose worldly love today or GODLY love. GODLY love is tough love.
  • GODLY LOVE tells you the truth.

Are You Going To Stand Up And Preach The Truth Or Not?

Are you going to start preaching the truth with me OR NOT? Are you going to start telling others the truth or not?

  • It’s time my friends. It’s time for the truth. You see: I don’t care what people like.
  • I care what God likes, and HE IS LORD OVER MY LIFE. And I hope you see that.
  • MAKE GOD THE LORD OVER YOUR LIFE. Not everyone else.

Elijah was all alone. He didn’t care. He had God on HIS SIDE. He wouldn’t give up GOD ALMIGHTY for the world.

  • God fed Elijah with ravens who brought him food. He wasn’t alone. God was on His side.
  • And if I have to do this alone, I’ll do it. But I sure would be glad if you joined me.
  • God needs HIS PEOPLE to stand up NOW. Will He find anyone worthy?
  • Listen, we need strong men and strong women to stand up for the truth.
  • The words of the Bible are the truth. Our strength cometh from the Lord.

[SLIDE 26] 2 Timothy 4:1-5 I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. 5 But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.

  • If that’s not the truth in today’s world, I don’t know what else would be truth.
  • The time when people will not endure sound doctrine IS HERE.
  • Open your eyes and listen to what you hear in other churches. It’s amazing.
  • The mega Churches HEAP TO THEMSELVES TEACHERS who turn the Bible into fables.
  • These fables and stories make all of the people HAPPY. They love their preachers.
  • They control them through their offering and their paychecks.

You see: that won’t happen here. I don’t get paid. No one but GOD CONTROLS ME.

  • God gets what HE WANTS from me. No one gets paid here.
  • All offering 100% goes to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to this community (NOT 2,000 miles from here), buying Bibles for people, doing community events in which we show the TRUE LOVE OF GOD, and helping our church members.
  • You don’t see us passing around the offering plate and pressuring people and shaming people into giving money.
  • Why? Because we don’t care about money.

If God wants us to have more money, then HE WILL PROVIDE THE MONEY WE NEED TO DO WHAT HE NEEDS US TO DO.

  • We don’t count on ourselves. We put ALL our faith and all our trust in GOD ALMIGHTY.
  • He is the endless supplier of all things.

Godly Love Is Telling People The Truth

GODLY LOVE is telling people the truth. Help your family and your friends by telling them the truth. That’s love.

  • They might not like it, but God will. We need to go out into this community and tell people the truth.
  • Some people will listen and some people won’t.
  • Warn those people who won’t listen because the Bible says to warn them.
  • Maybe they’ll change their mind. This is sharing the LOVE OF GOD.

You see: worldly love has taken over this community, and you’ll see what’s happened because of that.

  • No one goes out and preaches the word of God door to door. No one.
  • I’ve lived here all my life and NOT ONE person has ever given me the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
  • And even more sad is the fact that NO CHURCH I’ve seen in this area gives the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.

Listen, we can be VERY KIND when sharing the truth with people.

  • I don’t and you don’t have to share it as I’ve shared it with you today. We’re in Church right now.
  • This is preaching mode. If we’re out in the community, or with you’re family, you can say it very kindly.
  • Be kind. Be nice to others. BUT NEVER hold back the word of God.
  • ALWAYS teach people TRUE LOVE. Let’s teach the world that TRUE LOVE is keeping God’s commandments.
  • If we keep His commandments we abide in HIS LOVE, and we’ll ALWAYS do what’s best for others and not for ourselves.

Let’s pray.

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We are an Independent, Fundamental, Soul Winning, KJV Only, Baptist Church located in Louisville, Kentucky. Our mission is to preach the true words of the gospel to every creature, win souls to Jesus Christ, baptize, teach all things, and make disciples.