[2] The title of the sermon: “MINE OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE LAW.”
- I woke up at 2:47 AM the other night a and couldn’t go back to sleep.
- I’m not really sure how I got to this sermon, but this is what I wrote that night or morning.
- Can’t sleep? Study the Bible and write a sermon.
- I want you to pay very close attention to this sermon because I think this will help you in your understanding of much of the Bible.
- Let’s start in Philippians Chapter 3 verse 9. The Apostle Paul is writing here.
[3] Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
- You can have your own righteousness, which is of the law of God, if you follow the whole law.
- What is the law of God? It’s everything written in this book. The Bible is filled with the law of God.
- If you are going to have your own righteousness, you must follow the whole law.
Some people will attempt to say the law of God is only the Law of Moses, but it’s not.
- It’s every law in this book that was written by holy men of God who were moved by the Holy Ghost.
- Every command you see in here is the law of God.
[4] James 2:10-11 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. 11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
- We know, for sure, that we must follow God’s law 100% of our life, every moment, in order to be found righteous on our own.
- We are guilty of all if we offend in one point. God’s law is all inclusive. His law is ONE LAW.
- You have this book, which is a law book. And it’s actually quite small compared to the laws in this country.
- If you break anything within this book, you are guilty of breaking God’s law. ANYTHING. ONE THING.
- Again, break one of these laws and you’ve broken the entire law. You are guilty.
- You are condemned. What condemns you? God’s law in this book. You’ve broken it.
This is not difficult to understand, but somehow, the vast majority of “Christian” churches have deceived people.
- All we need is some good preaching, using God’s actual words, to correct these things.
- How shall they hear without a preacher? I heard from some good preachers, and now I am passing it on.
- And once you’re saved, work hard, ask God for wisdom, and He opens your understanding.
- So today, I hope you clearly see the truth in God’s words. I hope you learn many things today.
What are some of God’s laws? The greatest commandment is to love God.
- Loving God means following His commandments.
- When you love God and follow His commandments, you have love for your neighbor.
- You do not harm or hurt anyone when you follow God’s commandments.
- When you don’t follow His entire law, you hurt others.
If you’ve broken one law, you’ve broken the greatest commandment of all, which is to love God by doing what He says to do.
- Thou shalt not lie. Even the smallest of lies is still a lie. Thou shalt not steal.
- Even if it’s just something small that you’ve stolen, it’s stealing.
- Thou shalt not murder. You might say, “Well, I haven’t murdered anyone.” Hold on, though.
- Many people will say that the Old Testament God is much harder, difficult, and unreasonable.
They will say the New Testament God is more laid back, is okay with whatever you do, and loves you no matter what you do.
- The truth is usually the opposite of what you hear in this world.
- Let me show that you that following God’s laws haven’t gotten EASIER in the New Testament.
- God hasn’t lessened His laws and made things like homosexuality now okay.
- He hasn’t made stealing okay if it’s for a good cause. He hasn’t changed those laws.
- Jesus actually confirms that the laws are actually harder to fulfill than what we thought.
[5] Matthew 5:21-22 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: 22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.
- Jesus says that we shouldn’t kill or murder. But then He says that it’s more difficult than that.
- If we’re angry with our brother without a cause, this will also send you to hell.
- So, does Jesus look like He makes everything softer and easier in the New Testament?
- No, it’s the opposite. But yet, these false prophets are out there saying the opposite.
God never made the law easier to follow or easier to achieve.
- He doesn’t ignore His laws and say it’s okay to break them now that He’s come the first time.
- He came to fulfill the law. He didn’t come to delete them, minimize them, or anything close.
- People will say that murder in the Old Testament, “said by them of old time,” was punishable by death.
They will NOW say, “But not any more. Jesus loves you no matter what. He forgives you no matter what.”
- They say, “Everyone is a child of God. He doesn’t mind if you do this or that.” They are liars.
- Everything they say is the exact opposite of what God actually says.
- Jesus Himself is telling you right here that things much less than murder will send you to hell. Is He not?
- Thou shalt not commit adultery. People will say, “Well, I’ve never done that so I must be good.”
[6] Matthew 5:27-28 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
- This was always the law. If you look on a woman with lust, you know this isn’t right.
- As a married man, you know that you shouldn’t be looking at other women with lust.
- Jesus is confirming that His laws didn’t get easier. They have been the same.
- It’s definitely not okay to commit the actual act of adultery.
- And, it’s not okay to even look at a woman with lust. Do you see this?
- Jesus confirms the opposite of what these so-called “New Testament Christian Churches” teach.
- They say, “Judgement Free Zone. All are welcome here.” The Bible says the opposite.
We know that all of this has always been the law of God. People may say, “I have not committed adultery.”
- But you have within your heart if you are married. I am sure of this.
- You have looked at someone else with lust. You are not in total and complete control of your flesh.
- You are not Jesus Christ.
If you want to say that Jesus is a laid back, long haired, hippie who wears a dress, you would be wrong.
- If you think Jesus Christ says, “Peace and love to all, man,” you would be totally wrong.
- He tells you that He is tougher on sin than we even thought from the Old Testament.
- We know God is tough on sin in the Old Testament. He’s the same today. He hates sin.
- He hates and abhors lying. If He hates lying, which we minimize at times, He hates the other sins too.
[7] Deuteronomy 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
- I didn’t write this so don’t get mad at me. God didn’t command you to make sure you look like a woman.
- That’s not what this says here. You can read it for what God actually says.
- He didn’t say it’s okay to wear that which pertaineth to a man as long as you look like a woman.
- God wants women to dress a certain way. The world will tell you that it doesn’t matter.
Have you been deceived by the world yet again? Think about these things.
- If God didn’t care what you wore as a woman, He wouldn’t have said this right here.
- Now, is He easier on this in the New Testament? If you think so, you haven’t been listening.
- He’s serious about this right here. Look at bathroom signs. Women wear dresses. Men wear pants.
- You might think I’m wrong on this.
If I am wrong, then what piece of clothing pertains to a man that women shouldn’t be wearing?
- And, as a woman, you might say: “Well, I’m not doing that.” Okay then. Tell God that.
- Do you want to act like a rebellious teenager to God because you think He’s joking here?
- My daughters, when swimming, wear swim dresses.
Yes, other teenage girls have laughed at them while they, THEMSELVES, run around naked. LAUGH ON.
- And they call themselves Christians too while they laugh at my daughters.
- Who should be laughing at who? You run around with everything hanging out.
- Who is God more ashamed at? That’s what you should be thinking.
[8] Isaiah 20:4 So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
- Have you ever walked around a pool half naked with your butt hanging out?
- It’s a shame. It’s a sin. And you laugh at the young ladies who cover up their nakedness and shame?
- The mom’s of these kids don’t like my kids wearing swim dresses either. They make comments.
- So, you want to attack someone who is trying to follow the Bible and you call yourself Christian?
- I didn’t make fun of their kids for running around naked. I give people chances. I am patient with them.
- I hope they are saved, actually start reading their Bibles, and listen to what God wants.
If you’re a woman, I am sure you’ve broken the commandment to not wear that which pertaineth to a man.
- I am sure we’ve all shown are nakedness and shame in public. Plumber do it all the time. NOT OKAY.
- I really, really don’t want to see that. I can’t unsee that much like Lot vexed his righteous soul in Sodom.
What else is there? Jesus commands us to believe in Him. Have you always obeyed that in your life?
- I haven’t. I went years without believing in Jesus Christ. NOT GOOD.
- Being fearful of anything but God is breaking His commandments. I’ve been fearful. You’ve been fearful.
- What other laws in this book do most people break?
[9] Proverbs 23:29-31 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? 30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. 31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright.
- Mixed wine is alcohol. Look not thou upon that wine. If you do, this is sin.
- He says to not even look at it. Will you look at it AND drink it? God said to not even look at it.
- Are you going to ignore that and tell me I’m wrong about alcohol?
- Will you tell me that it’s okay because you aren’t getting drunk.
Listen, I know I say this often and it’s not funny any more. But I was born during the day but not yesterday.
- I’ve drank alcohol before. I did so for a few years. I know how it works. You can’t deceive me.
- “Well, I’m just taking a few sips and not getting drunk.”
- The moment you start drinking the poison, your judgement is being degraded more and more.
- And you might say, “Well, I can handle it because I’m accustomed to it.” Yeah, been there done that.
That’s because you drink too much. That’s why you THINK you can handle it. You can’t.
- God says so. He says, in Proverbs Chapter 23, that certain things will happen. AND THEY WILL.
- Are you really going to say that God is wrong? Do you REALLY know better than God.
- This is sin. LOOK NOT THOU UPON THE WINE WHEN IT IS RED. Don’t even look at alcoholic drinks.
Will you say Jesus turned the water into alcoholic wine and got everyone drunk? That would be sin.
- What a sick and nasty thing to say about the perfect and holy Jesus Christ. NASTY. SICK.
- The world and the so-called “Christian” churches have taught these things. And we think it’s okay.
They have deceived you yet again. THIS IS SIN.
- Will you call Jesus a sinner and transgressor of this command to not even look at it?
- And then think you have righteousness and are saving yourself? I am telling you the truth.
- Maybe you don’t like it. Maybe you hate me because I tell you the truth.
- Maybe you don’t want to hear it because alcohol is your God. Maybe you love alcohol more than God.
[10] 1 Samuel 12:23 Moreover as for me, God forbid that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you: but I will teach you the good and the right way:
- Ceasing to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ is sin. Maybe you didn’t know that.
- When I need prayer and you don’t pray for me, this would be sin. And I need prayer often!
- And there’s so much more than this in this little book called the Bible.
And yes, the Bible is small compared to the laws of this land. You can fill buildings with the laws within this state.
- And they are constantly changing. Perfect law doesn’t need to be changed. God’s words are the same.
- But the new modern “Bible” perversions are constantly changing God’s words. It’s nasty. It’s sick.
- It’s a sign of a reprobate. God warns not to change His words.
- But think of what this world tells you about the Bible. “It’s just too big. It’s just too much to read.”
- Some people think it’s a miracle when a celebrity finished reading the Bible cover to cover.
We do this easily several times per year. I’ve read the Bible cover to cover in one month. It’s not that hard.
- My wife and kids have been through the Bible many times because we read it together. Why?
- Because it’s not that long. It’s not that difficult. This isn’t some huge accomplishment.
Building a house is much more difficult than reading the Bible through cover to cover.
- And there are homes everywhere. Going to college 4 years is much harder than reading the Bible once.
- Do you see what I mean? God says to study to shew thyself approved. Meditate on His words.
IT’S NOT THAT DIFFICULT. You’ve been deceived. Read it. If you don’t understand everything, keep reading.
- You don’t understand everything in school when you first read a text book. But you kept going.
- And you learned it. The Bible is much more important to read than any other book and all other books.
- If you can’t read your Bible and study to show THYSELF approved, this is sin.
- I’m just showing you that all these things are sin. And there’s more and more and more.
Our own righteousness comes through us obeying God’s laws.
- If we want righteousness of OUR OWN to be saved, we MUST get it by following God’s laws.
- There’s no other way to get your own righteousness. It will only come through following God’s laws.
- And remember, I am talking about YOU getting YOUR OWN righteousness. Not God’s righteousness.
We would do this through our flesh on our own. Is that possible to do? Can you be righteous on your own?
- Paul, through the Holy Spirit, says, “Not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law.”
- Paul tells us that his own righteousness wasn’t good enough. He tells us this clearly and directly.
- This is written through the HOLY GHOST who is God and who is perfect. He doesn’t lie to us.
He tells you all of this so you can be saved. God wants you to go to heaven. He tells you the truth.
- Do you know why Paul’s righteousness wasn’t good enough? Because Paul didn’t follow the whole law.
- He thought he was following the laws of God, but he found out he wasn’t. He was deceived.
- He sinned ignorantly and in unbelief. He thought he believed in God, but he didn’t. The Bible says so.
- So, listen, don’t be deceived. You can’t save yourself in any way, shape, or form.
- This is why Jesus came. This is why Jesus was born into this world and came in the flesh.
[11] Matthew 19:17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
- The Bible tells us so many times that there is no human, who isn’t God, who has followed all the commandments.
- Some people, like the rich young ruler, believe themselves to be 100% followers of the law.
- They believe they are perfect and without sin. THEY DO. They are 100% deceived just as Paul was.
- Just as I was. Just as you were. We hope and pray they change their mind and are saved.
If you think you will get yourself to heaven, you must keep ALL the commandments.
- When God says to keep the commandments, He means the WHOLE LAW.
- When you think you are perfect, you won’t need Jesus.
- So then you MUST keep the commandments to enter into life.
- This is what Jesus says to this man who thought he was perfect. If you are perfect, keep them all.
Paul was a Pharisee as Saul of Tarsus. The Pharisees thought they were following the law of God perfectly.
- This is called trusting in the flesh and not trusting in God. We would have called Paul a false prophet.
- We would have thought that Saul of Tarsus would never had become the Apostle Paul.
[12] Acts 9:10-11 And there was a certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias; and to him said the Lord in a vision, Ananias. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. 11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold, he prayeth,
[13] Acts 9:12-14 And hath seen in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his hand on him, that he might receive his sight. 13 Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: 14 And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name.
[14] Acts 9:15-16 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: 16 For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name’s sake.
- And Ananias was a follower of God and went his way. He found Saul of Tarsus and did what God said.
- God can do great things so we must be careful who we label a reprobate.
- But, I can tell you one thing, if someone doesn’t want to humble themselves to the word of God, you won’t change their mind.
- I would have guessed Paul was evil. He was persecuting the church of God.
- I would have guessed king Solomon was evil when he was old. He did evil things but he was saved.
I believe the false prophets who LEAD the Church of Christ denomination and trust in their flesh are damned.
- I definitely do not believe that every person who goes there is damned to hell. I know this isn’t true.
- Many people are deceived and can be saved. Jesus saved Saul of Tarsus who became the Apostle Paul.
- Beware of wolves, though. The Pharisees, as a whole, were children of the devil. Not all of them.
- The ones who continued to trust the works of the flesh were. They are in hell.
- The reprobates were children of the devil who would always trust in their impure and defiled religion.
- Paul was a Pharisee before he believed in Jesus Christ.
[15] Philippians 3:3-5 For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh. 4 Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: 5 Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee;
[16] Philippians 3:6-8 Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless. 7 But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. 8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ,
- There is righteousness in the law of God. Every law of God is right and perfect.
- If you follow the law, you are righteous. But, even Paul, a past Pharisee, now knows that he broke the law.
- And because he broke the law, none of the so-called righteous things he did count for nothing towards being saved.
- Salvation is not of works because we’ve all broken the law. We are condemned. NOT RIGHTEOUS.
He counts them all but dung. His works of the law didn’t gain him any righteousness at all. The Bible says this.
- All the things you think are gaining you access to heaven are not doing what you think.
- You are deceived, and it’s time to wake up. Some people don’t understand why I preach this way.
Some people might think that I hate the people in the Church of Christ. And I’m just using them as one example.
- There are many like them. If I hated them all so much, why would I spend time trying to get them saved?
- Would you rather me just agree with them when I know they will go to hell? I’m not doing that.
- Why? Because I don’t want them in hell if they have a chance to be saved right now.
- Why would I preach things in an attempt to get them to wake up as I once had to wake up too?
I was on that same path. You were on that same path. Someone helped us so we help someone else.
- Paul was on that same path. God chose Paul to preach the Gospel. There are people like Paul out there.
- There are people who we need to turn to God. Paul worked hard against God. He thought he was right.
- He wasn’t. But now Jesus saved Paul and now Paul is working hard on the right side.
- That’s what we want. We work to get these people saved.
- And I want to thank a man out there named John who might be listening. He’s trying to do this.
- He wants people to be saved even though he will be labeled as a wolf by the false churches.
Why do you think God chose Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles?
- Most so-called “Christians” are just like the Pharisees. Paul was one of them. I was one of them.
- So, all those people think they are doing right but they just aren’t listening to God’s words.
- Paul was one of them. I was one of them. Now, I am not. I was blind but now I see.
- Paul was blind but now he sees. If you know his story, HE LITERALLY WAS BLINDED.
You must get to know Christ, and you will see His absolute greatness and His majesty. He’s awesome.
- You’ll begin to understand why He does things the way He does. His ways are perfect.
- Our ways are not His ways. His ways are not our ways. His ways are HIGH ABOVE our ways.
- We just need to trust in His ways because His ways will always get us to the right place.
- I count everything loss for Christ. I will lose it all for Christ just to know of Him.
- When you know Christ, you win. And it’s over. You win.
[17] Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
- Now that I know Christ, it kills me when people say faith in Christ is not enough. KILLS ME.
- I hate it when someone tells me that faith in Christ Jesus the Almighty Son of God isn’t enough.
- Are you telling me that Jesus Christ is not enough? I must do more. What must I do to be saved?
- Are you kidding me? I know this Bible now. I love it with a passion. Thy word is very pure.
And you’re going to tell me that salvation is of works? REALLY? You’re going to tell me you’re perfect.
- You’re going to tell me that you’re better than the Apostle Paul. You’re some new breed of human.
- There is no example of you within the Bible. You are a fairy tale created in your own mind.
- You’ve broken God’s laws. You have offended in many points. You are guilt. You are condemned.
That’s the truth. But you tell me that faith in Jesus Christ is not enough to save me? LYING SCUMBAG.
- If you aren’t a lying scumbag then stop acting like one. Don’t come at me. I PREACH FAITH.
- And guess what? I won’t stop preaching faith. You’ll have to kill me. And I follow Christ.
- That means He’s out there in front of me because I simply follow after Him.
If He wants me alive, I’ll stay alive. If He wants me dead, I’ll be dead. Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him.
- To all the wolves out there, you will never change my mind about Jesus Christ. I KNOW HIM.
- He saved me in a split second when I changed my mind and put all my trust in Him. You’re too late.
- I’m going to heaven no matter what now. If I die today, I’m going to heaven.
- If I die 50 years from now, I’m going to heaven. If I die anywhere in between, I’m going to heaven.
- You’re too late. You lost. JESUS WINS. Losers with the works based salvation. ALL LOSERS.
- I hope you come and try to convince me so you aren’t out there deceiving someone else into the lies.
Paul says, through the Holy Spirit of Truth, “NOT having MINE OWN righteousness, which is of the law.”
- Your own righteousness is nothing. Your dead work of water baptism can’t save you.
- “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Water baptism doesn’t make you righteous.
- Do you still think your own water baptism will save you?
Do you still think your own repenting of sin will save you? Put everything you’ve got together.
- Stack up your own righteousness. Does your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees?
- You’re acting just like them. Read the Bible. That’s you. You’re just like the Pharisees.
- You won’t listen to what Jesus says. Do you have more righteousness than Saul of Tarsus? No, you don’t.
- You have none on your own.
Think about repenting of sin as a requirement for salvation as the false preachers teach. Just think about it.
- They will say, “You must turn from all your sin. You must repent of your sin to be saved.”
- What are you actually doing when you repent of sin? You turn from sin and turn to the law of God.
- RIGHT? Turn from your sin and turn to the law of God. Do what He says. Obey His commandments.
You turn from sin and now follow the law of God. Does that save you?
- God said to not steal. You stole. Now you repent of that sin and don’t steal any more. Does that save you?
- This is what the false preachers are saying. Turn from sin and turn to the law of God. Do what’s right now.
- They are preaching that this will save you. This is exactly what they say. Let’s see what God says.
- Stick with me here and don’t give up. Get your mind ready to hear these things.
[18] Romans 7:9-12 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. 10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. 11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. 12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
- Repenting of sin to save you is turning to the law of God to save you. Can the law of God save you?
- Since you’re repenting of sin, you know that you had sin. You admit that you sinned.
- You admit that you broke God’s law. But you want to turn to the law now to save you.
- But that same law condemned you because you BROKE THAT LAW.
“And by it SLEW ME.” You died because you broke that law. That law is good and perfect. God’s law is holy.
- In this picture here, we have two subjects: YOU and THE LAW. One is good and one is not. The law is good.
- You aren’t good because you haven’t followed the whole law.
- Repenting of sin is a work that can’t save you because you’re turning to the law to save you that actually already slew you.
- The law can’t save you because you broke that law.
- If you’re a serial killer, law enforcement isn’t coming to save you. The law is coming to slew you.
If you think repenting of sin, turning from sin, stopping sin, is a requirement to be saved, YOU ARE SINNING!
- You won’t listen to what God is telling you in the Bible. SIN. You are following the flesh again.
- Circumcision is a picture of getting rid of the flesh. It was a a law that the Pharisees didn’t understand.
- It was the opposite of what they thought. Get rid of the flesh and simply trust God.
- But they actually thought physical circumcision was going to save them. They trusted in the law.
- But it’s sad because that same law is what condemned them to hell. And Jesus told them this.
- But they know more than Jesus Christ. OR SO THEY THOUGHT.
When you turn to the law, sin revives. The law just shows you how you are a sinner more and more. You die.
- You must be saved from that. The law kills you. Why? It’s good. You are not. It wins. Jesus saves you.
- Don’t turn to the law. Turn to Jesus Christ for salvation. Believe in Him for salvation.
- Receive the Spirit of God so you will now be spiritual.
- Then you can follow the law of God by walking in the Spirit of God that He gives you, not earned.
- The gift of God is eternal life THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. The law is not our Lord that saves us.
- But the law is good, perfect, just, holy. But we can only be saved through Jesus Christ who saves us.
[19] Romans 7:13-14 Was then that which is good made death unto me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful. 14 For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold under sin.
- The law is good. The law is spiritual. The law is not fleshly.
- Without being saved or born of the Spirit, we can’t follow God’s law because we are only fleshly.
- This is why we sin because we are in the flesh and the law is spiritual.
- We are carnal or fleshly, sold under sin.
- We are not spiritual until we believe in Jesus Christ ALONE for salvation.
In other words, there is no way to be saved without faith in Jesus Christ. Why?
- Because each and every person is in the flesh.
- We have no righteousness that comes through following the whole law, and the law slews us.
- And the law is good, right, and perfect. God says, I kill and I make alive. And it is good.
[20] Galatians 3:23-25 But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.
- Faith alone saves you and that faith gives you the new ability to walk in the Spirit and fulfill the law.
- You didn’t have that before you were saved.
- That’s why it’s so ironic that the Church of Christ say that they follow the law and have good works.
- Yet, they have not faith IN the Lord Jesus Christ because they need other things to save them.
- I NEED NOTHING BUT JESUS CHRIST TO SAVE ME. Oh yes, He is enough on HIS OWN. He is God.
But before faith came, we were kept UNDER THE LAW. Yes, we were. I tried to follow the law.
- If you’re truthful with yourself and do not deceive yourself, you’ll admit you couldn’t keep it.
- If you stay there and never put your faith in Jesus Christ alone, you will die in your sins. You will go to hell.
When you put your faith IN Jesus Christ, you don’t depend on the laws in the Bible to save you.
- “Get baptized” is a law and a physical work that you do. Turning from sin is a law and a work that you do.
- These works will not save your soul. Never have and never will.
- After you are saved, AFTER FAITH HAS COME, then you should do those good works because you can now walk in the Spirit because of faith.
[21] Romans 14:23 And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
- If you try to follow the law without being saved by grace through faith, you will only sin more and more.
- The law will show you how much of a sinner you happen to be. You will sin, die, sin, die, sin, die.
- Why? Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. The Church of Christ is teaching you to sin against God. NOT OKAY.
[22] Galatians 3:10-12 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. 11 But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, The just shall live by faith. 12 And the law is not of faith: but, The man that doeth them shall live in them.
- Trying to follow the law without faith is impossible because you are walking in the flesh.
- It is impossible to please God without faith. You do not walk in the Spirit without faith in God.
- “It is evident” that no man can be saved by following the law because no man continues in all the things written in this law.
- GOD SAYS SO. I hope you are seeing the truth. I hope all these Scriptures now make perfect sense.
- Will your own righteousness ever be good enough to get you to heaven?
[23] Philippians 3:9 And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:
- Paul, who was far ahead of all of us, found that he couldn’t make it to heaven by his works.
- I ask some of the people, “Are you better than Paul? Did you write books of the Bible?”
- “Did Jesus come to you in person and speak with you? Are you an apostle?”
I guess those are bad questions to people who believe in themselves so much because they do think they are better than Paul.
- They do think they are good enough to get to heaven when Paul wasn’t. The truth is they aren’t better.
- I’m not better. You aren’t better. And Paul wasn’t good enough to get to heaven on his own.
- We aren’t either because we aren’t good. We’ve broken God’s laws.
Paul found that he didn’t have any righteousness of his own. Abraham found the same thing long before.
- They found out that they must go to Jesus Christ so Jesus would give him HIS righteousness, which is of God by FAITH.
- Not of works. People will say, “Abraham didn’t even know Jesus Christ.” Maybe you forgot to read Genesis Chapter 18. Go read it now if you don’t believe me.
- Abraham knew Jesus Christ FACE TO FACE. Paul knew Jesus Christ.
- When they knew Him, they counted everything else as pure DUNG. Do you understand this?
Now go ahead and tell me that salvation is of works. You are a liar. Understand. Change your mind right now.
- Paul didn’t come to baptize in water.
- He came to get people to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the Gospel of insert your name here.
- We aren’t the good news. We’re not the gift to all humanity. Jesus is the good news. Jesus is the gift.
- That’s why God sent His one and only Son to save us. HE COULD DO IT. We can’t.
Jesus baptized no one Himself. Are you telling me Jesus didn’t get anyone saved?
- Water baptism, repenting of sin, and any other work you can imagine is not required for salvation.
- Jesus Christ and your belief in Him is all that is required.
- If there’s one thing I know for sure, it’s that Jesus Christ is all I need for salvation.
- If you never know anything else in your life but that, and you believe in Him, you’ll live forever.
- There is nothing else required but Jesus Christ. BELIEVE IN HIM NOW. Call upon Him now to save you.
Let’s pray.
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