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Making Scripture Say What It Doesn’t

[2] The title of the sermon: “MAKING SCRIPTURE SAY WHAT IT DOESN’T.”

  • Many people come at me constantly trying to show me how I am wrong with what I teach.
  • There is no shortage of those people. They constantly try to make Scripture say what it doesn’t say.
  • They are Jehovah’s Witness, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, Calvinists, Reformed Baptist, Independent Fundamental Baptist, Southern Baptist, Dipsticksationalists, White Board Breaker Man, and more.
  • And I know that you all know there is no shortage of those people. But we stand by God’s words.

I want to go over some things today that I constantly hear from so-called “Christians.”

  • Abraham’s bosom. 7 years tribulation. Losing eternal life. Jesus can come back at any moment.
  • Baptized in Christ. Born of water. Faith without works is dead.
  • I am not going into these in great detail. I’ve done that before. I want to just cover them at a high level.
  • Let’s start in Luke Chapter 16. The phrase Abraham’s bosom is in the Bible one time.

[3] Luke 16:22-23 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

  • People will take this Scripture and somehow create a compartment in hell called Abraham’s bosom.
  • They will say that all the people prior to the death of Jesus on the cross went to Abraham’s bosom.
  • “And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom.”

Where was Abraham and the beggar? IN HEAVEN. This Scripture doesn’t say they were in hell.

  • The beggar, Lazarus, was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom. IN HEAVEN.
  • When a saved person dies, they go to heaven. Paradise equals heaven.
  • The Bible never speaks of two compartments in hell. Carried into Abraham’s bosom.

Abraham’s bosom is seen in Genesis Chapter 16 verse 5. Sarai says, “I have given my maid into thy bosom.”

  • That’s actually the first time the word bosom is seen in the entire Bible. It’s a physical body part.
  • There’s Abraham’s bosom. Did Hagar jump inside the large chest cavity of Abraham?
  • Was Abraham of the giants and was over 9 feet tall? I still couldn’t fit in his chest cavity.
  • You can bring Shaq here, and I can’t fit in his chest cavity. Abraham’s bosom is his actual chest.

Why in the world would anyone make up 2 compartments in hell and call one of them paradise?

  • There is no paradise in hell. The word hell is in the Bible 54 times. Read all of them. No paradise in hell.
  • So, let me ask you a question. If you were going to put your hand into your bosom, what would you do?
  • I want you to see this. We use the Bible for the truth.

[4] Exodus 4:6 And the LORD said furthermore unto him, Put now thine hand into thy bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow.

  • Moses put his hand into his own bosom. The word again is INTO, I-N-T-O. What did Moses actually do?
  • If you were putting your hand into your bosom, what would you do?
  • Would you go get a drill with a hole saw and cut a hole so your hand would fit inside your chest cavity?
  • No, you wouldn’t. You take your hand and you would put it under your arm where it meets your chest.
  • This is your bosom.

There is not one Scripture in the Bible that speaks of Abraham’s bosom being a compartment in hell.

  • But people love to make the Scriptures say something they don’t.
  • We go word by word because every word of God is pure, perfect, spotless, righteous, holy.
  • Verse 23 of Luke 16 says, “And in hell HE lift up HIS eyes, being in torments.”
  • The rich man was in hell in torment. No where does this say Abraham and Lazarus were in hell with him.
  • The rich man IN HELL sees Abraham afar off. There is a great gulf between them.

Abraham and Lazarus are being seen in heaven while Lazarus is in hell.

  • Old Testament saints went to heaven. Jesus is the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
  • Abraham knew the Gospel. “In thee shall all nations be blessed.” The Savior would come from Abraham.
  • Jesus is the Son of Abraham, the Son of God. Abraham knew God would justify the heathen through faith.
  • To him give all the prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins.

“And seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.” Where was Lazarus? Where was Abraham?

  • The rich man saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his bosom.
  • There’s 1) Abraham and there’s 2) Lazarus. When you put your hand in your bosom, where is that again?
  • Abraham had his arm around Lazarus. He was in his bosom. He wasn’t inside his chest cavity.

The Bible doesn’t say the rich man saw a giant Abraham and Lazarus inside.

  • The Bible doesn’t say Abraham was inside Abraham’s bosom. How does that even work?
  • But, do you realize how many people believe this false doctrine? The majority believe it.
  • But yet, the Scriptures don’t say any of this. But they act like it does.

And then what they do? They take other Scriptures and twist them to agree with their fairy tale.

  • They say, “Jesus went and preached to the spirits in Abraham’s bosom.”
  • They say that He led captivity captive when He went and got them out of Abraham’s bosom.
  • They say the soul of Jesus Christ went to Abraham’s bosom.
  • Where did Noah go? Abraham wasn’t born yet.
  • Did Noah go to another waiting place until Abraham died and went to his own bosom?
  • No, Noah went to heaven because he found grace in the eyes of the Lord.

Let’s go to the next one. 7 years tribulation. Where does the Bible say the tribulation is seven years? It doesn’t.

  • When I preach that Jesus comes in the clouds after the tribulation, I am immediately called a liar.
  • You all know that the 7 year period is Daniel’s 70th week. The tribulation is not equal to Daniel’s 70th week.
  • It’s very easy to prove that the tribulation is over at the sixth seal in the Book of Revelation.
  • Matthew 24 is all about end times events and the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Yet, people tell me that I use the Scripture in Matthew 24 out of context. The context is His second coming.

  • What Bible are these people reading? Let’s see what the actual words say.
  • “What shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?”
  • In other words, “Jesus, when are you coming back?”

[5] Matthew 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

  • If we use the Scripture within Matthew 24 to prove when Jesus is coming back, are we taking the Scriptures out of context?
  • No, we aren’t. People attack me after I show them multiple times. I call them clowns. They get mad.
  • I say, “Hey, what’s wrong with being called a clown. You’re funny. I laughed. You made me laugh.”
  • “Many kids love clowns.”

[6] Matthew 24:29-31 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: 30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

  • When is Jesus coming back? After the tribulation. When does the rapture happen? After the tribulation.
  • But understand that the tribulation is not 7 years. Daniel’s 70th week is 7 years.
  • When someone calls Daniel’s 70th week the tribulation, they would be wrong.

The tribulation is only a part of Daniel’s 70th week. When the sun and moon is darkened, the tribulation is over.

  • We look to the Book of Revelation for sun and moon darkened. We find it in Revelation Chapter 6.
  • Jesus says, “Hey, here are the signs.” The sun and moon is darkened.
  • One of the clowns I mentioned told me that I must be into witchcraft because I am so worried about the sun and moon being darkened.
  • No, I am listening to what Jesus Christ says.

[7] Revelation 6:12-13 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

  • The tribulation is over at the sixth seal within Daniel’s 70th week.
  • This happens about 1335 days into Daniel’s 70th week just as Daniel 12 verse 12 says.
  • This is halfway into the 7 year period plus 75 days.

If Jesus Christ says, after the tribulation the sun and moon is darkened, then we know the tribulation is over when the sun and moon is darkened.

  • And then we know the great day of his wrath is come as you see at the end of Revelation Chapter 6.
  • So, where does the Bible say the tribulation is 7 years? No place. Fairy tale.
  • A saved Christian should believe what the actual words of the Bible say.
  • Does Jesus tell us exactly when the tribulation will be over? Yes, He does. We listen to Him.

Let’s go to the next one. People say, “Oh, you’re one of those once saved always saved people.”

  • That’s right. I am one of those people. And I know I am saved because God tells me I can know.
  • 1 John 5:10-13 saved me. The apostle John’s words saved me. He is a foundation.
  • I love John. I love the Gospel of John.
  • I know that no matter how many people I preach the Gospel to I will never get more people saved than the Apostle John.
  • But I’ll give it a shot anyway. What do the actual words of the Bible say? Let’s take the simplest.

[8] John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

  • Jesus Christ, the Son of God, looks you right dead in the eye, and says:
  • “If you believe on me, I give you everlasting life. You will never die.”
  • What are you going to say to that? “Oh, you’re on those easy believism people.”
  • And I say, “It must not be to easy because you don’t do it.”

Believing on Jesus Christ is putting all your trust in Him alone as Savior of the world.

  • I know He can do all things. If He can do all things, He can save me.
  • I know His works saved me. I know His death, His burial, His resurrection saved me.
  • What else can I do but believe on the Son of God for salvation? There is nothing else I can do.
  • There is nothing else I must do besides believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • Because we believe, we speak. Because we believe, we go knock on a door and open our mouth.

If you believe on Jesus Christ, you’re saying, “I am 100% sure that Jesus Christ can save me.”

  • I put my faith in Him. And when He says, “You now have everlasting life,” will you call Him a liar?
  • That’s what these people are doing. He says, “And I give unto them eternal life.”
  • “And they shall never perish.” And the so-called Christians mock us for believing His words?
  • He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

Think of what people are saying when they say, “Yes, you can lose everlasting life.”

  • I’ve been told that trash my entire life. I don’t put it up with it any more. Serpents. Vipers.
  • An elder in a church that I was ordained a deacon in laughed at me when I told him I have everlasting life.
  • He said, “You actually believe that?” I read him 1 John 5:10-13. I said, “You don’t believe that?”
  • What’s so funny about God’s words and calling God a liar? It’s not funny to laugh at God’s words.

How can you not believe what God says? Listen, when you trust in Jesus Christ, He is the rock.

  • He doesn’t do wrong. When I put my trust in Him, I know I can trust Him. He does what He says.
  • He says, “Josh, believe in me and I give you EVERLASTING life. You will never die.” Do I believe Him?
  • Oh yes I do. 100% without a doubt. There is no Scripture that says otherwise.
  • I can put my trust in Him because He is perfect. I am not. I am a sinner. I can’t trust myself.

I can’t trust my works. I am guilty. Jesus Christ is innocent. He was slain for me. He went to hell for me.

  • Now, will I get up and do something for Him? Yes, I will. He loved me. I will love Him now.
  • And I won’t stop. Will I have tough times? Yes, I will. Will that stop me? No, it won’t.
  • If I mess up, will I lose everlasting life? No, it’s impossible because His words cannot be broken.
  • Let’s go to the next one.

I have heard with my own ears in churches throughout my life: “Jesus can come back at any moment.”

  • People think if they say something enough that it will make their fairy tale a reality.
  • Can Jesus come back at any moment? No, He can’t come back at any moment.
  • He comes back according to His words that cannot be broken. He says so.
  • What must happen before Jesus can come back? The Bible tells us exactly what must happen.

The tribulation must begin. Seal 1. Daily sacrifice must begin. Seal 2, 3, 4, and 5. The antichrist dies and is healed.

  • The false prophet helps the antichrist. The abomination of desolation must happen.
  • The mark of the beast is given. Tribulation turns into great tribulation. The two witnesses come to preach.
  • The tribulation ends. Seal 6 happens. The sun and moon are darkened. Stars fall from heaven.
  • The 144,000 are sealed in heaven. This won’t be the Jehovah False Witnesses.

Since none of those things have happened, I am not going to stand outside all day and night and look into the clouds waiting for Jesus to come back.

  • I told one of these clowns to please do what they tell me to do. Go outside and watch for Jesus to come back any moment.
  • But people call me a false preacher because I say, “Jesus cannot come back at any moment.”

“He will come back according to His words.” He tells us to watch for all of the things He tells us about.

  • I am watching for those things. I am not standing outside looking at the clouds waiting for Him to come.
  • When the sun and moon are darkened, then I know He can come back at any moment.
  • Then, you might find me standing outside staring at the clouds if I am here when it happens.

If you all saw me today outside staring into the clouds all day long, what would you think?

  • “Is he okay? What is he doing? Wow, what a faithful servant to God.”
  • Hey, I have work to do for God. I don’t have time to waste.
  • All of these things haven’t happened. When they do, I know the time is coming close.
  • I will never know the exact day, hour, minute, and second because I won’t know the exact day, minute, hour, and second the tribulation started.
  • The Bible never says that Jesus can come back at any moment. Let’s go to the next one.

Baptized in Christ. People think that the Bible says you must be baptized in water to be saved.

  • Fairy tale. They’ll attempt to use John Chapter 3 to say you must be baptized in water to be saved.
  • The mega church in Louisville, Kentucky called Southeast Christian Church will teach this.
  • When soul winning in specific areas around that church, you will run into all of these people.
  • Some are saved people, but they weren’t saved by that church.

I asked the saved people that go there, “Do you have to be baptized in water to be saved?” They say, “No way.”

  • They say, “It’s faith alone in Jesus Christ. I believe in Jesus Christ. He is the Savior of the world.”
  • “He is the THE sacrifice for sins.” And then I ask them, “But did you know they teach you must be baptized in water to be saved.”
  • And they say they had no idea. It’s on their website. There’s 20 to 30 thousand people that go there.
  • And they don’t know this. People who believe in water baptism for salvation will use Galatians 3:27.

“For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

  • They say, “SEE!!! I told you that you must be baptized in water to be saved.” Really? It says that.
  • No, the Scriptures don’t say that. Acts 2:38 doesn’t say that. Let’s see what the Scriptures say.

[9] Galatians 3:26-27 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.

  • Did these people miss verse 26? They ignore that and go to verse 27.
  • They somehow think verse 27 says you must be baptized in water to be saved.
  • Baptism is full immersion in something. There are different baptisms in the Bible.
  • Must we be baptized in Christ to be saved. Yes. But this doesn’t equal water baptism.
  • Don’t take this the wrong way. When I am saved, I fully believe that it’s Jesus Christ alone.

Who will save me? Jesus Christ. There is none other. What will you offer God as the sacrifice for sins?

  • I’m taking Jesus Christ alone. Why should God let me into heaven? It not me. It’s not my righteousness.
  • It’s the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and He said I can have His righteousness to get me there.
  • I’ll take it. I’ll put it on. I don’t want anything else with it. I am fully immersed “IN” Jesus Christ.
  • There is no other Savior. There is none other name under heaven whereby we must be saved.
  • My name is not a part of it. My works are not a part of it. Salvation is not of me.
  • I’ve taken His sacrifice. I’ve believed on Him. I’ve been baptized in Christ.

Simple question. Does baptism in Christ equal baptism in water?

  • Think of the equation. One side you have baptism in Christ. The other side you have baptism in water.
  • Equal or not equal. If water equals Christ, then the equation would be equal.
  • When someone gets baptized in water, are they stepping into Christ and putting Him on?
  • No, it’s water. It’s not even pure water. It’s symbolism. You better have already believed in Christ.

You better already know it’s all Jesus Christ or nothing. Not of works. Don’t add anything to Jesus Christ.

  • He is the Almighty God. He can save you. He doesn’t need your help with your works.
  • Water baptism is obviously a work and salvation is not of works.
  • Baptism in Christ does not equal baptism in water. ONE BAPTISM. The one in Christ saves you.
  • Let’s go to the next one.

Faith without works is dead. When soul winning in Kentucky, I run into this all the time.

  • They’ve listened to the Gospel. They agree that it’s faith alone. They agree that it’s all Jesus Christ.
  • They agree He is the Savior of the world. And then I ask, “Is there any works you must do to be saved?”
  • They respond, “Yes, faith without works is dead.”
  • And they look at me like this means that you must do works to be saved.

Does faith without works is dead EQUATE to a works based salvation?

  • Pastors have told me that faith without works is dead means that you can lose salvation.
  • Faith without works is dead. Amen to that. Perfect Scripture. Yes, faith without works is dead.
  • A basic of the Bible is that faith alone saves. Does James Chapter 2 teach differently?

[10] James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.

  • If you have faith alone in Jesus Christ without any works, are you saved? Yes, you are saved.
  • Faith saves you. If it hath not works, it is dead. What is dead? What does this Scripture say is dead?
  • Even so faith is dead if it hath not works. This doesn’t say you are dead.
  • This is saying your faith is dead when you don’t have good works to go with it.

Why would someone make this Scripture say something that it doesn’t?

  • James Chapter 2 doesn’t teach a works based salvation.
  • It is teaching that good works are very important for you to do with your faith.
  • If you don’t have good works, your faith is dead, being alone.
  • Faith saves. The Bible says so hundreds of times. This verse doesn’t say different.
  • It simply says that your faith is dead and not profiting anyone.
  • The Bible doesn’t say you must have perfect faith to be saved.

So, listen, these are just a few examples of Scriptures that people use to prove false doctrine.

  • We have to actually listen to what God says in the Bible.
  • We don’t add false views into the Scriptures and act like they say something they don’t.
  • Being born of the water doesn’t mean water baptism is required to be saved.
  • Being born of the water is being born of the flesh. The Bible explains this directly.
  • Don’t read false views into the Scriptures when they don’t say these things.
  • Focus on every word of God when you are reading it.

Let’s pray.

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3 responses to “Making Scripture Say What It Doesn’t”

  1. Janene Avatar

    Pastor Josh, I don’t see how they can still think how they think after you explain it and gives scriptures to back up what your saying. You have simplified it for us. I am so thankful for you, you just don’t know how much. I prayed for someone that is preaching truth to come and Jesus did not let me down. I know God answers prayers!

    Thank you Pastor Josh for your love for God’s people and for the love of truth! If you want the truth please continue to view this site and his YouTube at True Words Christian Church. You will be taught the true word of God and you will learn the most important thing and that is how to be saved and go to Heaven.

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Hello Janene,

      I thank God for you as well. God always answers prayers when we believe, in faith, nothing wavering, according to His will. And His will is for His people to be taught the right things according to His words. As we read the Bible over and over again, we know who is telling the truth and who is not.

      I hope you’re doing well today. It’s cold, rainy, and very windy (45+ mph gusts) here but we just got back from knocking on doors and giving the Gospel. I am going to write up the results. Started as a bad day without anyone answering or listening if they answered but finished with 2 people being saved (both were men)! Awesome day!

      In Jesus Christ,

      1. Janene Avatar

        Hello Pastor Josh, that’s awesome 2 saved. Keep up the good work for the Lord. I know He is smiling down on y’all . Blessing to you all😊.

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