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If You Died Today, Are You 100 Percent Sure You Would Go To Heaven?

[2] The title of the sermon: “IF YOU DIED TODAY, ARE YOU 100% SURE YOU WOULD GO TO HEAVEN?”

  • Today, I am writing this sermon to the unsaved. We’re going through the Gospel in detail.
  • I go through these same verses when I knock on someone’s door to give them the Gospel.
  • Let’s say I knocked on your door, and you answered, here’s what I would say:
  • “Hello, I’m Josh and this is my partner today, we come from a local Christian church.”
  • “I have a very important question to ask you today.”

“If you died today, are you 100 percent sure you would go to heaven?”

  • Now, what is your answer to that? Really. If you died today, are you sure you would go to heaven?
  • Most people have never even thought about this before. They have never been asked this question.
  • The vast majority of people do not know the answer to this question.
  • They are not sure. Some people who are sure believe that they are good enough to get there.
  • Those people will say, “Yeah, I’m pretty sure. I’m a good person. I try to do good.”

If you aren’t sure, this most likely means you aren’t going to heaven.

  • If you’re sure because you think you’re good, you for sure aren’t going to heaven.
  • This is why I’m preaching this today. After this, you can be sure you’re going to heaven.
  • And can you be 100 percent sure? Yes, you can be sure. The Bible tells us that you can be sure.
  • I allow the person to answer the question and speak until they are finished.

If someone doesn’t answer correctly, I immediately ask this question while giving body language that I’m ready to show them.

  • I hold up the Scriptures that I have with me. This is just a half page so it doesn’t look like a lot.
  • When I hold up the entire Bible, I’ve found that many people will say no. It looks like a big book.
  • The whole Bible is very intimidating to most people. So I use this smaller page.
  • I say, “Okay, I understand. Can I show you the Bible way to heaven?” And I point at this.
  • And I say, “These are God’s words so you know I’m telling you the truth. We will look at what He says.”

If they seem hesitant, I will say: “It’s not that many Scriptures.”

  • “I just want to go through this with you so you know for sure that you’re going to heaven.”
  • “And all of what I will tell you is straight from the Bible. And you can read these with me right here.”
  • Some people will say, “Okay, yes, I would like to go through them with you.” This is good news.

If a person wants to know how to go to heaven, you are well on your way to winning a soul to Christ.

  • If they agree, it’s time to get started. If they don’t agree, you say thank you and move on.
  • You can try again another day, or you hope another soul winner comes by before it’s too late.
  • Some people won’t be so nice. You’ll get accustomed to that. It won’t bother you much any more.
  • So, we start with the first Scripture.

[3] Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

  • The Bible says that ALL have sinner. That’s you, that’s me, that’s all your neighbors. Everyone.
  • We all come short of the glory of God. A sin is breaking God’s commandments.
  • This entire Bible is filled with commandments from God. We all break them constantly.

A sin would by lying or stealing because God says to not lie and to not steal.

  • Do you agree that you’ve lied before? Even the smallest of lies is a lie.
  • Do you agree that you’ve stolen before? Even the smallest of things is stealing.
  • I’ve lied before. I’ve stolen before. I’ve done much worse things before. I’ve sinned.

Do you agree that you’ve sinned? Most people will easily admit that they have sinned.

  • God’s law is one law. If you break even the smallest of commandments, you’ve broken His law.
  • And there’s a penalty for breaking God’s law. Let’s see what God says.

[4] Romans 6:23a For the wages of sin is death;

  • The penalty for sin is death. Our wages, or our pay, for sinning is death.
  • So, we don’t get away with what what we’ve done wrong. Everyone dies a physical death.
  • We know that everyone will die. Do you know of anyone who won’t die?
  • I’m going to die, you’re going to die, and everyone will die because we’ve all sinned.
  • The penalty is the physical death of our body.

But it’s very important to understand that there’s more to us than just our body or our flesh.

  • Deep down inside you know there’s more to you than just your body.
  • Your body is just the shell. The Bible tells us that we have a spirit, a soul, and a body.
  • The spirit within us is the life within us. When the spirit leaves a body, the body dies and is lifeless.

A physical death is when the spirit or life leaves the body. The life or spirit within you returns to the owner.

  • The Bible says that the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. Your life is His life. He is the owner.
  • The spirit is just the life within you. You also have a soul. Your soul is who you are.
  • Your spirit and soul are tied together very closely. Only God can divide the spirit from the soul.
  • So, the penalty for sin is a physical death but it can get much worse than that.
  • Your soul can also die. And that’s what I want you to see here in the words of the Bible.

[5] Revelation 20:14-15 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. 15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

  • So, the Bible or God Himself tells us that there is a second death.
  • We can’t avoid the first physical death of our body because we’ve all sinned.
  • But there is a second death, which is your soul in hell, that you can avoid.
  • And again, that’s why I’m showing you this today. I want you to avoid the second death.
  • And not only I, but God wants you to avoid the second death, which is the death of your soul in hell.

If you’re hearing this today, this means God wants you to be saved from death and hell.

  • God has a book, in heaven, that’s called the Book of Life. This is a very important Book.
  • You need your name permanently written in that book. If it is, you will go to heaven.
  • And we can’t go to heaven, write our name in that book, and then come back here and live.
  • We don’t even know how to get there. So, that’s impossible. We must do this God’s way.

If your name isn’t found written in the Book of Life when you die that first physical death, your soul will be cast into hell by God Himself.

  • You don’t get another chance after your dead. You need to know your name is in there right now.
  • We all die. We don’t know when death is coming for us. We could die today. 1 minute from now.
  • We could die 1 year from now. Or we might live another 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years.
  • We don’t know. That’s why it’s important to be saved from death and hell right now.
  • We want to get your name in that book of life permanently. And you can do that here very soon.
  • Let me show you what God says.

[6] Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

  • There are some really bad things on that list. But there are many things that we’ve all done.
  • I’ve been fearful before. I haven’t always believed in God. I’ve done horrible things.
  • I’ve put other things above God. For example, when I first started talking with you, you might not have wanted to hear any of this.

But this is the most important thing that you’ll ever hear. You might have wanted to go do something else.

  • But there’s nothing more important than you being saved today. NOTHING.
  • When we put other things above God, this is called idolatry.
  • If football is more important than God, this is sin. If your dog is more important than God, this is in.

If your Dad, Mom, brother, sister, best friend, grandma, grandpa is more important than God, this is sin.

  • Notice that “ALL LIARS” is on the list there. I’ve lied and that makes me a liar.
  • One murder and that makes you a murderer. We’ve all lied. So we are on that list.
  • The Bible even says that there are none good but ONE and that is God.

The second death is in hell. So, if all liars go to hell, there wouldn’t be anyone in heaven.

  • And there are people in heaven right now. So those people avoided that second death in hell.
  • And that’s the GOOD NEWS that’s in the Bible. God gives us a way out.
  • And you need to take that way out right now. You need to know the way, and take that way.
  • So let me give you the best news of your life because this isn’t difficult at all.

[7] Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

  • God loves you so much that He sent me here to show you the truth in His words.
  • He wants you to be saved, and He wants you to go to heaven when you die.
  • While we yet sinners, that’s both you and I, CHRIST DIED FOR US. Have you heard of Christ before?

Jesus Christ is the one who died for you. He is the Savior of the entire world. He can save anyone.

  • Even though we’ve done so much wrong against Him, He still died for all of us.
  • And He became the sacrifice for all of our sin. He died for every sin that we’ve ever committed.
  • He died for every sin that we commit right now. He died for every sin that you will commit.
  • He died for all your sin: past, present, future. He already knows what you’ll do wrong.
  • And He still died for you. Have you heard of Jesus Christ before? Do you know who He is?

You would stop here and listen to what they have to say. Most people in this country have heard of Jesus Christ.

  • You need to see what they know about Him and what they think about Him.
  • After you listen, you then go on to tell them the truth about Jesus Christ.
  • And keep the conversation on track. Don’t continue to go off in other directions.
  • You need to get through these important Scriptures with them. Many will go different directions.

If you have a partner with you, it’s their job to keep all the other distractions down while you keep the person focused on the actual words of the Bible.

  • You need to tell them who the right Jesus Christ is within the words of the Bible.
  • There are many different versions of Jesus Christ.
  • You need to tell them about the one who is alive in heaven right now.

Jesus Christ is the Son of God who made flesh. He has existed forever. He was born of a virgin.

  • He lived a perfect life and never sinned. This proves He is God. He came forth from God.
  • If He is the Son of God, He is God. He has a Father in heaven who is God.
  • There is a Spirit of God who is God. But your Savior must be Jesus Christ.
  • He must save you from your sins. Even though He never did anything wrong, most people hated Him.
  • You don’t want to be on that side. Even though they hated Him, He still died for them.

They spit on Him, mocked Him, beat Him, slashed Him, and never a bad thought from Jesus.

  • He even said, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”
  • Imagine you killing someone who gave you the life you have and loves you more than anyone could.
  • He gave you life and you didn’t even do anything for it. You didn’t work for it.

He hasn’t done anything bad to you. He gives you everything good that you’ve ever had.

  • People have done bad things to you but Jesus hasn’t. Oxygen, sunlight, shelter, water, food.
  • He keeps your heart beating. He can stop it any time He wants. He wants you to go to heaven.
  • Why? Because He knows you. He loves you. He gave you this life and wants to give you more.
  • He knows the exact number of hairs on your head. No one else knows that about you.
  • He knows all your thoughts. He knows what you’re thinking right now. I don’t, but He does.

Do you know what happened to Jesus Christ after He died? Remember, there is a body, spirit, and soul.

  • And Jesus had a body just like us, He had a spirit because He was alive, and He had a soul just like us.
  • The Bible tells us that His body was buried or placed in a tomb. His spirit returned to His Father.
  • And His soul went to hell. The Bible says that His soul was not left in hell, though.
  • His body was buried and His soul was in hell for 3 days and 3 nights.

If you or I died before we were forgiven of all our sins, our body would be buried or would return to the earth.

  • And our soul would go to hell. The Bible tells us that Jesus took our penalty already.
  • He already took your sin to hell with Him. He went to the lowest of hell.
  • He took on the sins of the whole world so that anyone can be saved by Him.
  • In other words, He already paid the price for you and for I. Jesus paid it all already.

So, if He paid it already for you, do you think you’ll have to do any work to be saved?

  • Jesus did a lot of hard work. Being crucified is not easy. His soul going to hell was not easy.
  • He already suffered and paid the full price. PAID IN FULL ALREADY.
  • Now, He didn’t stay dead. The Bible tells us that He was dead. He arose from the dead.

And remember, He was dead for 3 days and 3 nights. His soul went to hell.

  • His soul arose out of hell, His spirit returned, and His body arose from the tomb.
  • He arose from the dead in a new and glorious body that will never die ever again.
  • So, Jesus proved that He is God by arising from the dead. This is called the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the Gospel or the good news for you and I.
  • Why is it such good news? Because He already did all the work for us.

Now, here’s the important part. What MUST you do to be saved from hell?

  • Jesus did all the work, but there’s something very easy that you must do. Some people think it’s too easy.
  • But the truth is in God’s words. So we must listen and trust what He says because He has never lied once.
  • Now listen and see these words because this a very important question and answer in the Bible.

[8] Acts 16:30-31 And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? 31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

  • This man asks a very important question. WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED?
  • If you live your life and do your best to be good, you will find out that you can’t do it.
  • The more you know about God’s laws, the more you’ll find out that you break them.
  • You can’t save yourself. So you eventually fall down, give up, and must call out to God to save you.
  • What do I do then? What must I do to be saved? The answer is right there. And it’s simple.

“And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” There is nothing else there.

  • That is the answer you’ll find everywhere in this entire Bible from front to back.
  • Do you see that’s it ONLY BELIEVE ON Jesus Christ? There’s nothing else listed there.
  • And the Bible never says anything else is required for you to be saved. Jesus already did it all.
  • He is the sacrifice for sins. He alone is the Savior of the world, and He doesn’t need your help.

He is the Almighty God who can do all things. If you believe He’s the Son of God, you know He can save you.

  • If God can’t save you, then nobody can. But God can. Jesus can save you right now.
  • And what must you do to be saved? You must believe in Him or on Him. Do you know what that means?
  • Give the person a chance to answer.
  • Most people, even people who have been in churches for a long time, have no clue what it means to believe in Jesus Christ.

Allow them to answer and then explain it to them in detail. This is the important part. Believing in Jesus.

  • This is what saves them. If a Dad says to his son, “I believe in you, son.” What is he actually saying?
  • He’s saying, “I know you can do it son. I believe in you, son. I know you can do this.”
  • He trusts that he can do it. When you believe in Jesus Christ, you are believing that He can save you.
  • You are believing that He is God because only God can save you. I can’t save you. I’m a sinner too.
  • You can’t save yourself because you’ve already proven that when you broke God’s law the first time.

Believing IN Jesus means that you know only He can save you. If you add anything else, it’s not believing.

  • If you say you believe in Jesus but then you tell me that you must do all these other things, it’s not believing “IN” Jesus.
  • Believing in Him means trusting Him alone. Do you believe Jesus, by Himself, can save you?
  • Or does He need help from you? Does He need you to get baptized, stop sinning, go to church?

That would make you a part of being the Savior of the world, and you’re not. Only Jesus is Savior of the world.

  • So, if you want to be saved, you must put all your trust in Jesus Christ alone.
  • Let’s look at a couple more Scriptures to show you that I’m telling you the truth.
  • We’ll look at some words straight from the mouth of Jesus Christ Himself.
  • And now, when I read these to you, see if you trust exactly what Jesus says to you.
  • Imagine that Jesus was talking directly to you. Imagine your Creator speaking these words to you.
  • He looks you in the eye, and He says these things. Listen to this.

[9] John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  • This is what the Son of God says to you directly.
  • He says that whosoever, that’s you and I and that’s anyone.
  • Whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but HAVE everlasting life.
  • If you believe in Jesus Christ alone to save you right now, He gives you everlasting life right now.

He doesn’t wait until later. He gives it to you right now. This means your soul won’t die when your body dies.

  • That means you will never see the second death. When your body dies, your soul will go to heaven.
  • And heaven is where everlasting life happens. So, you can believe in Jesus Christ right now.
  • And He will give you everlasting life right now. Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
  • If I asked you what must you do to be saved, what would you say?

Would you say that it’s only believing in Jesus Christ, or do you think there’s something else you must do?

  • You would stop here and allow them to answer. See where they are in this.
  • See if they are still blinded by religion that they might have grown up in.
  • Are they understanding the words from Jesus Christ?
  • If so, you would continue. If not, you might have to take a step back and explain this even more.

[10] John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

  • This is directly from the mouth of Jesus Christ who is God. Remember, He is the authority.
  • Other people may have taught you something different. But Jesus doesn’t lie to you.
  • If you looked you in the eye and said this: “If you believe in me, I’ll give you everlasting life right now.”
  • The Bible says right there, “He that believeth on Jesus HATH everlasting life.” That’s present tense.
  • If you change your mind and believe on Jesus Christ right now, you will be saved.
  • There’s nothing else you must do to be saved from hell.

If the Son of God looked at you and said this, would you call Him a liar? That’s the opposite of trusting Him.

  • Trusting Him is equal to believing on Him or believing in Him. Do you trust what He’s saying.
  • And yes, it’s easy but most people won’t do it. Are you going to do it and be saved right now?
  • Nothing else is required. And the entire Bible teaches this same thing from front to back.
  • Jesus says in John Chapter 11, “And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.”
  • If you don’t want to hit that second death in hell, you must believe in Jesus Christ.
  • That’s the only requirement to be saved. And it doesn’t include any work. It happens in your mind.

[11] Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  • I want to make sure that you know everlasting life is a gift from God. The Bible calls it the gift of God.
  • And you don’t work for a gift. If I gave you a birthday gift, I don’t expect you to pay for it or work for it.
  • Salvation or being saved or receiving everlasting life is a gift. Jesus already paid for that gift.
  • And it’s right here and right now. Do you really want that gift from God?
  • Do you really want to go to heaven and be with people who have believed in God?
  • And these won’t be perfect people. We’ve all sinned. Only God can make us perfect. It’s not us.

So, if the person tells you that they believe in Jesus Christ, and they actually do, they are saved.

  • But there’s one important thing they need to understand and you need to make sure they are saved.
  • They need to know that they have received everlasting life if they have believed in Jesus Christ.
  • So, I show them one last Scripture and ask them a few more questions.

[12] 1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

  • I tell them, “You told me that you believe on Jesus Christ.”
  • I want to make sure you understand what that means.
  • Believing in Him is trusting Him and knowing that He has saved you just like He said.
  • If He said that you can KNOW that you have eternal life, what does that mean to you?

If He has already given you everlasting life, is there anything you can do to lose everlasting life?

  • Think about that for a moment. He said, “If you believe in me, you can know you have eternal life.”
  • He’s saying that you have it right now. He’s saying you won’t go to hell.
  • He’s saying your name is permanently written in the Book of Life in heaven.

If you have everlasting life, are you going to ever lose it? Is there anything you can do to lose everlasting life?

  • If you did something really bad 5 years from now, would you lose salvation?
  • If you killed yourself, would you lose the gift of everlasting life?
  • And you allow the person to answer to ensure they are saved.

If they think you can lose salvation, they don’t believe IN Jesus Christ.

  • Believing IN Him means that you know you’re saved and you can’t lose it because you’re in Him.
  • You might need to go to some other Scriptures to help them to see this. You might need to explain this further.
  • Go to John Chapter 10 and show them if needed.

[13] John 10:28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

  • He gives you eternal life right now or at the moment you fully trust Him or believe in Him.
  • And Jesus says this over and over and over again in every way imaginable.
  • Will you just give up all the other things, your works, and just trust Him to be saved?
  • And that’s it. He gives you eternal life, and you’re saved.

If you asked me if I’m 100% sure that I’m going to heaven when I die, I don’t say, “Well, I hope.”

  • Or, “Well, I think so.” No, I will tell you right now. There’s no doubt in my mind at all.
  • I’m headed straight to heaven to be with Jesus Christ when I die. And don’t feel sorry for me.
  • To die is gain because I’m going to be with Jesus Christ. And yes, I’ll miss you all.
  • But I know you’ll be there soon too. And it will be absolutely amazing to see you there.
  • It will be one of the best days you’ll ever see.

So, you need to know 100 percent for sure that you’re going to heaven or you aren’t going.

  • Why do I say this? Because believing in Jesus means you are 100 percent for sure.
  • You know that you’re going to heaven. And you know that it’s all Jesus or you wouldn’t know for sure.
  • If it depends on what we do, we would never know. And it would be too late. And we would go to hell.
  • To end. If the person says they believe and they know they have everlasting life, pray with them.
  • Why? Again, ensure them they are saved if they simply call upon the name of Jesus Christ.
  • And they can’t call upon Him unless they have believed in Him. If they believed, they can call.

[14] Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

  • Ask them if you can pray with them. You can have them repeat the prayer with you.
  • Make it simple. God knows what’s going on. He’s there with you or these people can’t be saved.
  • And we know He’s there because He wants them to be saved. The prayer doesn’t save them.
  • The believing in Jesus part saved them already.

[15] “Dear Jesus, I know that I’m a sinner. I know that you died for all my sins. I know you paid for my sins already. Please save me now and forgive me. Thank you for the gift of everlasting life that I know I cannot lose. Amen.”

  • And that’s it. Now you need to tell them what to do next. Give them a King James Bible.
  • Start in the Gospel of John. Read it through a couple of times.
  • Tell them that it’s important to get baptized in water as this is them saying they believe.
  • This doesn’t save them but it’s the first important step in following Jesus Christ and living for Him.
  • Explain that baptism is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Explain to them that finding a good church to attend is very important. They need friends who are saved.

  • Or, they will go the wrong way and have a horrible life. God doesn’t want this.
  • They are no His children. He wants you to do right. This won’t save you because you’re already saved.
  • Read the Bible. Pray. Study the Bible. Pray. Get baptized. Go to a good church that preaches this Gospel.
  • And give them your information in case they have trouble and need some help. That’s it.

Let’s pray.

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Home / Sermon Vault / If You Died Today, Are You 100 Percent Sure You Would Go To Heaven?

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