[2] The title of the sermon: “DID I HURT YOUR FEELINGS?”
- Did you know that hurt feelings prevent people from being saved and following Jesus Christ?
- And, yes, Satan knows this so he has developed the cupcake generations of this world.
- The definition of a cupcake is being cute and cuddly.
- Cupcakes don’t preach against anything, and this world wants to turn you into a cupcake.
I am not a cupcake. I am not a princess. I am not the most special thing you’ll ever lay eyes upon.
- I don’t spend 3 hours fixing my hair and making sure every little hair is in the exact spot that I think everyone else will like.
- I don’t use hair gel. I didn’t spend my teenage years pulling my hair back so I wouldn’t have hair like this.
- I don’t go to the beauty parlor, sit in the chairs, get my feet massaged, and my nails done.
- I cut my own hair. And yes, you can probably tell. But, I don’t care what you think of my hair.
[3] Ephesians 4:17-19 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, 18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: 19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
- Pay close attention to verse 10 there in Ephesians Chapter 4.
- “Who being past feeling.” They are past feeling. They don’t feel for anyone else except themselves.
- They are so selfish that they could care less about others. They could care less about their own children.
- They could care less about their own father, mother, brother, and sister.
The Bible tells me that they have had their understanding darkened. They are alienated from the life of God.
- Why are they so far from God? The Bible says right there that it’s because of the ignorance that is in them.
- This cupcake generation is all about their own feelings. ALWAYS AND FOREVER. “It’s all about me.”
- This is what they think in their own minds. And it’s constant. It’s all about them.
- They create their own god that is within their mind and act as if they love the true God.
I was called a Pharisee recently because I read the Bible over and over again and preach against lesbians.
- I was told that people don’t need to read the Bible to be close to God. Do you see what’s happening?
- They create their own god in their own mind that fits what they think God should be.
- But the Bible tells us all about God. If you want to know the real God, you need to read the Bible.
- I was told that God loves lesbians and homosexuals because that’s how they feel about god.
“Well, I feel this or I feel that. I could feel god in the Hillsong music. I could just feel him in the Bethel music.”
- “I could feel the presence of god in the Catholic church. I could feel god’s presence as I tempted Him.”
- “I told him, god, you better show yourself to me or I will never believe in you.” This is what they do.
- And we know it wasn’t the Almighty God who lives forever that showed Himself to them.
- They say, “I saw god. I talked with god. I died and went to heaven for 0.48 seconds.”
For example, a guy named Bob contacted me on You Tube and told me he died and went to heaven before.
- He told me that he knows that Jesus Christ is just a man like him, very intelligent.
- He told me that this trip to heaven revelaed many things to him.
- He says that Jesus is not God, but just a man like him. And he thinks he is more intelligent than Jesus.
These people love to live by their feelings. This makes them god. They want to be god.
- Can all you people out there do me a favor? If you want to contact me to tell me what you feel, don’t.
- If you contact me just because you want me to agree with something stupid you believe, don’t.
- These people want everyone to care for them and them alone. They love their feelings. “I can feel it.”
- They are like an only child who gets all the attention. Anything you say will hurt their feelings.
- Well, I’m going to hurt their feelings today. THEY NEED TO GROW UP.
And they are everywhere. This world is multiplying them each and every day. It’s quite sickening.
- We’ve had them in this church before. Many of them. And they won’t like this today.
- But, look at me. Does it look like I care if I hurt their feelings? I don’t. I am kind and considerate.
- But, these people need their feelings hurt. They need to get over their selfishness. That’s what it is too.
- They aren’t the only person in existence. There’s billions of us out there. You aren’t the only one.
These cupcakes who only feel for themselves are past feeling for anyone else. This is not love.
- They have given themselves over unto lasciviousness or looseness and lustfulness.
- They think they can have anything they want at any time they want it. And you better give it to them.
- They love to indulge in everything they want. And everything is me, me, me. You can see this everywhere.
- If they come to church, you better make everything about them. If not, you hurt their feelings.
They don’t care if they hurt your feelings because your feelings don’t matter. It’s only their feelings.
- They can make false accusations and make you feel like the worst person on the planet.
- They don’t care because they only care about their own feelings. “How are MY FEELINGS doing today?”
- They have made their own feelings their own god. They live by what they feel each day.
If they don’t FEEL like going to work, they don’t go to work. If they feel tired, they sleep no matter where they are.
- If they don’t FEEL like going to church, they don’t go to church.
- If they don’t FEEL like being kind today, they aren’t kind.
- If they don’t FEEL like eating what their mother fixed them for dinner, they don’t eat it.
- And their precious daddy and mommy just let them do whatever they want to do. “Oh, bless your heart.”
- Their precious public school teacher must let them do whatever they want to do.
Listen, they are past feeling anything for you or I. This is why this world wants you to smoke marijuana.
- Legalize marijuana so you turn into a cupcake and worry about yourself only. I’ve seen it all before.
- They want you to stare into space saying DUH while they shoot you up with vaccines.
- They want to scare you to death so they want you doing drugs.
- They don’t want you to feel for anything important. They want to lift you up as the most important.
- “Well, he had to do that for himself. He had to betray everyone for himself.”
- “He had to do what was best for him. She had to do what was best for her career.”
They want you to be passive and half dead while they do whatever they want. And that’s what’s happening.
- This is how you get people like Joe Biden in office. The brain dead leading the brain dead.
- They want you to vote for their puppets that say, “Legalize marijuana.”
- And the cupcakes say, “You’ve got my vote!!! I love my herbs, kutchie, devils lettuce.”
- “I love my mean green. My pot. I love my mary jane, reefer, dubsley. It’s 4:20, man. Let’s smoke.”
- “Hey man, let’s fry our brains so we seem cool to ourselves but idiots to everyone who has a brain.”
- Hey, pot smokers out there. Do you understand you are only cool to yourself?
While you’re sitting there smoking your marijuana, you become a cupcake that can’t take anything.
- My words that I preach hurt your feelings. Cupcakes say, “I don’t want to be preached to.”
- If someone hurts your feelings, you run back to your safe place on the nasty smelling marijuana couch.
- They call people that are high on their couch, “BAKED POTATOES.” They are baked couch potatoes.
- I don’t call them that. Do you know what I call them? LOSERS with a CAPITAL L.
- An L shaped cupcake. Now, did I hurt your feelings, potheads out there? STOP BEING A LOSER.
- Candypants, barbie, whiners, Caillou, pumpkins, snowflakes, sissies.
- You will be so much of a loser that you’ll go straight to hell. That’s losing.
Look up sissy on Google and it’s flagged as a derogatory term. Even Google is a snowflake. Snowflake Google.
- Sissy is a soft, timid, or oversensitive person.
- Or a boy or man viewed as being overly interested in things traditionally associated with women.
- For example, the man/woman at McDonald’s who paints his fingernails would be called a sissy.
- He would be a cupcake. Or maybe princess or barbie or candypants.
Guaranteed that he loves to follow his heart and is a big fan of the disney princesses.
- He probably says, “Oh, I love cinderella. I want to be just like her. I feel so much like a woman.”
- Because he feels like a woman he paints his fingernails like a woman. Or he dresses in women’s clothing.
- He says within his heart, “I can be anything I want to be. I can be a woman if I want to be a woman.”
- “No one is going to tell me what I can or can’t be. I can get pregnant and have babies if I want to.”
- “I can be a bird if I want to be a bird. I can be a cat if I want to be a cat.”
- And the world says, “YES YOU CAN BE WHATEVER YOU FEEL!!! A woman today and a bird tomorrow.”
You know what kills me about these people who feel like they are cats and want to be cats?
- Do they even know what a cat does? A cat attacks little baby rabbits and rips their guts apart.
- And then chews up all the insides including their intestines and eyeballs.
- They eat nasty rats. They hunt nasty things. And this fits them perfectly. The joke is on them.
- Cats have kittens with other cats. Is that what they want? They want to sleep with cats.
And yes, this might offend many people out there but again I really don’t care. This needs to be said.
- My wife and I have a bed that we sleep in at night. She is my wife, and I am her husband.
- We sleep together in our bed. Our bed needs to be clean. I’m not sleeping in a nasty and dirty bed.
- A husband and wife sleeps together. Now, what’s happened out there today?
Dogs and cats with their nasty butts and mouths are sleeping in the beds.
- They go outside and use the bathroom. They don’t wipe their butts. They don’t wear underwear.
- They jump up in the bed and wipe their butts in your bed. You sleep there. Your wife sleeps there.
- Your husband sleeps there. AND NOW ALL THE DOGS AND CATS SLEEP THERE.
- The children probably want to be cats and dogs now because their parents love the household pets more.
The parents would rather have their nasty dog or cat than their very own children. This is truth.
- The parents show more love to the pets than they do their own children. They sleep with them.
- Or the kids want to be birds so they can fly away from their parents who hate them.
Listen, I will be very clear because I don’t care if I hurt your feelings. A dog doesn’t belong inside your home.
- And a dog especially doesn’t belong in your bed or your children’s bed. “Oh, he won’t bite.”
- You fools. Dogs bite. “Oh, my dog never bites.” You fools. A dog’s job is to bite. He bites all kinds of things.
- He licks all kinds of things. And then he comes and licks you. You fools. You need to stop now.
- I am not sure I can take another person telling me that their dog doesn’t bite. It’s like parrots.
A dog is not that important. A dog is not to be your companion in this life. Humans are to be your companions.
- So, remember, go find some human companions in a good church.
- These people won’t eat you like your dog would. “Oh, he doesn’t bite” while he eats your face off.
- People are out there praying for their pets over people.
- “Oh, God, please help my dog to be the best dog in the world. Please help Fido to rule the world.”
- “Please help people to notice my beautiful dog. Thank you for this amazing dog that you’ve given me.”
- “Sit Ubu sit good dog.” Hey, dogs are not that important.
- I don’t know if you’ve seen the Bible, but God doesn’t think too much of dogs. But you lift them up?
[4] Deuteronomy 23:17-18 There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel. 18 Thou shalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog, into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow: for even both these are abomination unto the LORD thy God.
- God compares sodomites or homos to dogs. So, you can laugh, but I don’t even want a dog any more.
- I don’t want something that God compares to a sodomite. And yes, sodomites act like dogs. NASTY.
- And if you don’t think what they do is nasty then something is wrong with you. Are you past feeling?
- Have you lost your mind? It’s easy to see who listens to this world and is overcome by this world.
[5] Revelation 22:14-15 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. 15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
- Dogs, according to God, are vile. “The dog is turned to his own vomit again.”
- But you take that dog, treat that dog better than your own child, and sleep with that dog?
- You sleep with that dog as you would your wife or your husband? That’s reaching some sick levels.
- Who do you sleep with at night? “Oh, I sleep with fluffy the great. I sleep with Fido the magnificent.”
- “I breathe in all the dog hairs and pieces of feces that my great dog left on my pillow.”
- “I feel so magnificent when I sleep with my dog. I love my dog so much.” Come on, cupcakes.
Listen, you need to learn how to get your feelings hurt so you aren’t so sensitive. Soul winning does that.
- People love their dogs because their dogs don’t ever talk to them.
- They don’t hurt their feelings so they love them more. You need to learn how to lose.
- We had an adult here losing the Scripture memorization to children so she gets mad and causes trouble.
- If you’re an adult and you haven’t learned how to lose, you have big issues. It’s time to learn.
- You aren’t the best at everything, princess. I’ve taught my children how to lose.
Before they were old enough to understand what I was doing, I would play cards with them.
- And the old IFB preachers go, “What??? You looked at a deck of Uno cards? You are wicked.”
- Yes, I looked at Uno cards, and I have grown a beard. And my hair isn’t always perfectly groomed.
- A man that attended here for a while told my Dad he needed to cut his hair.
- And his is better groomed than mine. Sometimes I don’t trim my beard for weeks.
- And I wear clothes that have paint on them, dirt, mud, and holes at times. “Oh no!!! Kick him out.”
But look, I would play Uno cards with my kids and teach them how to lose. They would get mad at first.
- I would play against one at a time. I would setup the deck and deal them all the draw 4’s and wild cards.
- I would give me all the skips and reverses. I would say, “Do you care if I go first?”
- They would think they were going to destroy me, and they never got a chance to play anything.
- We play games at our house and one of the things the children learn to do is lose. I lose too.
- I don’t always win either. I’ve learned to lose. It’s good for you.
But all the leagues around here for children teach them that they only win all the time.
- “We don’t want to hurt their feelings. Oh poor little munchkins. Don’t hurt their feelings.”
- And that’s the attitude of parents, teachers, and adults everywhere. And this is what we get.
- If you whip your child, they think you are the most evil human on the planet.
- If you raise your voice now, this is considered to be child abuse.
- We get spoiled little brats as the result of this way of thinking. God says to teach them obedience.
- When you don’t obey, you lose. You get chastened. And this is reality.
- But this world is teaching the children that they should never get their feelings hurt.
And then when they do get their feelings hurt, they want to shoot up the entire school and kill people.
- Everything of this world is designed to lead to death. It’s all a game to the devils, and they win.
- All the music of this world will lead to death. And the music teaches you how to live by your feelings.
- People believe worship music to be God’s music. It’s not. You’ve been deceived.
- The children of this world worship music that teaches them all the wrong things.
- They worship movies that are just sick, vile, and nasty. PG movies are sick, vile, and nasty.
- The TV is designed to pull you in and never let you go. You input all this vile trash into your head.
- The magazines, newspapers, and internet is designed to pull you into death and teach you evil.
For example, the world teaches you how to devalue life and minimize life.
- Life is a gift from God, and there’s nothing more valuable that has been given to us than life.
- For example, I would give everything I have on this earth for the life of my wife.
- I would give everything I have for the life of any one of my children. There is no value on life.
- I would sale all my possessions, my house, car, socks, shoes, clothing to save their life.
I can get more of the other things, but I can’t get more life without God. I would do the same to follow Jesus.
- So the world teaches you to forsake God. This cupcake generation is forsaking God.
- The value of life is minimized. The music minimizes the value of life. The video games do the same.
- Children play video games where people are killed all day long, and it’s a joke or it’s funny to them.
- The televisions make light of death. Horror movies are absolutely made by psychos and reprobates.
- And the people of this world love them so much. Life just keeps getting stepped on in this world.
- People treat this gift of life from God as it is nothing.
[6] 1 Timothy 4:2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
- Children are killing their own parents because they didn’t get what they wanted.
- They have killed their mom so they could order a video game from Amazon that she wouldn’t order.
- This world is teaching these things. Their feelings are only for themselves. They care for no one else.
- Here’s another one that I’m tired of hearing. Are you ready for this one? This one will hurt some feelings.
- This is learned from this world too.
We’ve been selling our funriture and many other things. Older people retire and then sit at home watching TV.
- The TV teaches them to ask people for things at a lower cost because they are on a fixed income.
- The man says, “Can you give 75% off because I’m on a fixed income and retired.”
- Hey man, I have a wife and four children to feed, and I work. Maybe you shouldn’t have retired.
Maybe you shouldn’t sit and watch TV all day long DOING NOTHING. I already have it half price.
- And then you want another half off? “I’m a school teacher. Can you give it to me?”
- “I work at a church. Can we just have it? I am a fire fighter on a fixed income. Can you give it to me?”
- “I am God’s gift to all this earth. Can you just give me everything you have? I am retired.”
- Come on people. Have you ever in your life thought about someone else besides yourself?
- What does it mean to be on a fixed income anyway? MY INCOME IS FIXED TOO. Duh. What is this?
- I don’t have a money tree outside that gives me more money when the weather has been better.
Cupcakes, snowflakes, rainbows, unicorns, princesesses. People live in a fairy tale world.
- I get what I want when I want it and however I want it. And if you don’t give it to me, I hate you.
- You’re like the little Disney charatcers that you wanted to become so badly.
- You’re like Shaggy and Scooby Doo sleeping together while you smoke marijuana.
- Everything this world is teaching you goes against the word of God.
- Do you want to hear something weird? Listen, this is 100% weird and sickening.
I took a guess that this was happening because my wife has seen a lady on You Tube who worships baby dolls.
- She treats the baby dolls like actual babies. Seriously. She gets real food ready for them.
- She talks to them. She records all of this, which is even more weird. She changes their diapers.
- And worse than that, people are watching these things. And my wife was one of them.
- This is crazy stuff. So I looked to see if doctors are prescribing baby dolls for people to help them.
And, of course, they are. And then I see psychologists are doing these things.
- And then I remember that someone in my family just did this for Christmas. WEIRD STUFF.
- “Well, the baby doll helps with anxiety.” SNOW FLAKES. God is the answer. Not a plastic baby doll.
- You fools. Do you have anxiety disorder? You’re probably a snowflake and a cupcake.
- This world created you. Tik Tok, Snapchat, the schools, and the fools created you, cupcake.
- Now it’s time to get over yourself and stop thinking about yourself so much.
- It’s time to start thinking about the right things and to stop all the self love, which is actually hate.
“Well, my Dad punished me and took my phone away.” Yeah, you know what?
- Every parent should take every electronic device from every child they have right now and SMASH IT into little pieces.
- And I’m giving you righteous advice right now. Sledge hammer it into oblivion.
- One day your child will thank you for that. I am serious. They will hate you now. SO BE IT.
- We don’t care if your feelings get hurt. We care about the right things. We do the right things.
- This world has turned the cupcakes into fearful little chickens.
[7] Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.
- They run from their own shadows because this world has put the fear of everything into them.
- I’ve seen groups of teenagers run up and kick someone half to death and then run away.
- They’re trash. They’re scum bags. They’re cowards. They lower the value of everything good.
- In good churches, we have little David everywhere. We aren’t afraid of you. Why?
- Because God is our protection. We are not afraid to die. We’re going to heaven. To die is gain.
Do you know what else I hear from this cupcake generation? “I feel like I’m this. I feel like I’m that. I can feel it.”
- They say, “I should probably mention to you that I feel like a lesbian.”
- “I felt this as a little child. I could just feel the lust I have for women.” AS A CHILD?
- You learned these things or someone taught you these things. I don’t care what you feel.
- We are to live by the word of God and not by our feelings. I don’t care if you feel like a homosexual.
- The world is teaching this everywhere and constantly. They throw it in our face constantly.
There are people who feel like birds. Does this make them a bird because they feel like a bird?
- NO, YOU IDIOTS. YOU FOOLS. “Well, my daughter can be a bird if she wants to be a bird.”
- “If she feels like a bird, then she is a bird.” Psychos. Reprobates. You’ve lost your mind.
- Everyone in their right mind knows that you aren’t a bird, or a dragon, or a monkey, cat, or dog.
- You aren’t a wolf. I don’t care what you feel like, you clowns.
- This world thinks you must bubble wrap everyone in love. But it’s not love.
- Telling a child they are a cat and getting them a litter box makes you insane.
Men wearing dresses is an abomination, but they want to wear dresses because they feel pretty.
- You aren’t pretty. You are vile, gross, sick, nasty, and vomit worthy. This is the truth.
- If you feel like a lesbian, this doesn’t make you a lesbian. If you feel like a man, but you weren’t born as a man, YOU AREN’T A MAN.
- You can wear your butch clothing, cut your hair like a man, wear pants, walk like a man, talk like a man.
- You aren’t a man. You don’t have man parts. I don’t care about your feelings.
- “I am a woman trapped inside of a man.” No, you aren’t a woman. Is this so difficult?
- And I’m the bad and evil one because I hurt someone’s feelings???
I’m not the pyscho prescribing plastic baby dolls to “help” people. I’m not buying cat litter for the children.
- I’m not handing out trophies to the losers. The winners get a trophy. Not the losers.
- God doesn’t hand out participation trophies so your feelings aren’t hurt and so you will love Him forever.
- He commands you to to things His way, and if not, you get thrown into hell forever.
- Do you see how He’s the opposite of this snowflake, no feeling, brain dead generation?
They say, “We are the most progressive generation. We have climate change at the top of our priority list.”
- “We will get rid of all the animals who let out gas from their rear ends except for our beautiful dogs.”
- “We will fill our homes with dogs, cats, rats, hamsters, gerbils, and pigs.”
- “But you farmers cannot have animals to eat. You cannot have chickens who lay nuritious eggs to eat.”
- “We want fake meat grown in labs so the world doesn’t explode.” The idiots are committing suicide.
- And they don’t even realize it. They have no clue what they’re talking about. The guns did it.
- “It’s the fault of the baby I made with some stranger last night. Let’s kill the babies. Let’s eat the babies.”
“Nothing is our fault. We are beautiful snowflakes and cupcakes who are so delicate.”
- “We dance around like princess ballerinas and the world loves us so very much. We are so delicate.”
- “We are the most delicate part of society, and we must be treated that way.”
A man had a shirt with the name of Jesus Christ on his shirt in a mall.
- He got kicked out because his shirt offended someone. The name of Jesus Christ offended a cupcake.
- But a man wearing a dress doesn’t bother them at all. A faggot doesn’t bother them at all.
- They say, “I think it’s great you’re sodomizing another man. Good for you, my snowflake friend.”
- “We are so delicate.” Does everything I am saying hurt your feelings? Yes? GOOD.
Think about what God commands us to do in the Bible. Let’s think about this.
- We are born into this world as a child. God gives us this gift of life. Our parents are to take care of us.
- Most can’t get that right. Our parents are supposed to teach us the Bible. Most don’t.
- We are supposed to find and be a part of a good church who preaches the right things.
- Without that, you won’t know what to do. People find dunghill churches. The church on the dunghill.
- They won’t find churches who preach the right things. No one reads their Bible.
Parents are supposed to make sure they are teaching the right things to their children.
- As we grow up, we do some wrong. And we are to get a whipping. We are to get beat with the rod.
- This hurts your feelings. This is losing when you get a beating. You learn to lose. Not happening any more.
- Snowflakes and cupcakes are too delicate now. They can’t take anything.
- If someone says anything to them they don’t like, they lose it. They must get back to their marijuana.
- As we grow up, we are supposed to be sober and learn to work for God. Learn the right things.
- Do the right things. We aren’t supposed to watch TV, play video games, and do all these other things.
We are supposed to be a part of a good church and do the works of God. But the world teaches you other things.
- This world teaches you to get your kids in all these other activities where God is last.
- God is never to be found or mentioned even in these so-called “Christian” homeschool groups.
- If you even mention God, everyone throws a fit because you want to preach the right Gospel.
- “Oh, we can’t talk about Jesus in this Christian group. Did not anyone tell you that.”
- “You must treat this group like church and never mention Jesus Christ.”
[8] Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
- What way? The Gospel. Baptism. Church. Prayer. Reading the Bible. Studying the Bible.
- Winning souls to Christ. Teaching all things in this Bible. The wife is a preacher.
- Not in church. But she’s a preacher and a teacher to her children.
- But this world says no. Send your children to the free public schools so they can teach them to be cats.
- They will teach them all the opposites of what you’ll find in the Bible.
They will teach your boys to feel like girls and the girls to feel like boys. “But I felt it, Mommy.”
- “I felt like a girl. I know you said I am a boy, but I can’t deny my feelings, Mommy.”
- “My teacher said I am a girl. And she said that you might say that I’m not. She said you are a liar.”
- And the world shames that Mommy into telling her boy that he can be a girl.
- Are you serious? You will never shame me into that trash. You’ll have to kill me before that happens.
- You reprobates out there can go to hell. Seriously. That’s where you’re headed 100% for sure.
- Does that hurt your feelings? And for all you so-called “Christians” out there. Here’s some Scripture.
[9] Psalm 139:19-22 Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men. 20 For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain. 21 Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
- Yes, king David would hate you out there today. He is a man after the Lord’s own heart.
- God hates the evil and wicked people who are teaching our children to be snowflakes.
- But, let me ask you. How is this happening? Are you watching what’s happening to your children?
- Are you paying attention? As a woman, you are to be a keeper at home.
- As a man, you are to ensure you’re wife is at home. And what is she doing? She’s doing God’s work.
Is that what’s happening, though? No. You can see how the world has convinced everyone to hate God.
- They reject Him. They act like they are Christians out there too. They tell lies about Jesus.
- They’ve convinced these fake Christians that it’s okay to be a homosexual. “I feel like one.”
- “It’s okay. Don’t deny your feelings. God made you that way. He loves you no matter what.”
- As the little snowflakes cry together. Hey, this is happening out there.
A Catholic priest just said that he died and went to hell. And then he says, “I would never wish that on anyone.”
- “I’m going to start forgiving people more often for what they do.”
- Hey, you reprobate, you don’t forgive sin. Jesus Christ forgives sin. You don’t even know that.
- What have you been doing with your life? Been living a holy Catholic devil life?
- You haven’t even read the Bible. You act like you are the one who forgives sin and makes people clean?
- “Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God.” YE BLOODY MEN. Tricking, deceiving, laughing, and loving it.
Do you leave your children with other people? You aren’t supposed to be doing that.
- Are you paying attention to everything? “Well, I have to give them some room because Dr. Phil said so.”
- “My psychiatrist said that they need room. They need their space.” Who are you listening to out there?
- Are you that dumb? I am serious. Wake up, man. Wake up, woman. Is this offensive to you? GOOD.
- Raise your own children. Bring them up in the nurture and admonition OF THE LORD.
[10] Ephesians 6:1-4 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. 2 Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. 4 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
- Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right.
- Don’t whine about not getting everything you want. YOU LITTLE WHINERS.
- “You can’t say that to children.” I just did. “Well, you can’t.” I JUST DID. Whiners, complainers.
- Honor thy father and thy mother. These little children I see out throwing fits needs a butt whippin.
- And guess what? You don’t see my children doing that because I’ll give them the biggest one they’ve ever had right there in the middle of public. And they know that so they don’t throw a fit.
Provoke not your children to wrath. The world is doing that right now. The children hate their parents.
- Other children talk your children into hating their parents. Did you not know that? Surely you did.
- Can you not see? Are you too high on marijuana all the time. We went to Wal-Mart the other night.
- First time I’ve been to the Shelbyville Wal-Mart in about 10 years or so. I hate that place.
- I’ve never been followed around more in one place than in that Shelbyville Wal-Mart.
We go to get in the car and this woman opens her van door. She had children with her.
- And this nasty marijuana smell comes flying out the door. Smells like a nasty skunk. Sickening. I HATE IT.
- And she has dents everywhere like she plays bumper cars while she’s driving.
- Pam says, “You better let her go out first.” Nasty people. Drugheads, crackheads, dopeheads.
- This little town is filled with them. And guess what? It’s the same across this entire country.
Nobody is following these words. A small number of churches are teaching these words.
- But people have more important things to do than to go be in a good church.
- Right? The attitude out there is: “WHO CARES WHAT GOD SAYS? WHO CARES.”
- “He loves you and cares for you no matter what you do.” You lying scumbags out there. TOTAL SCUM.
- If people would read their Bible, they would know what’s coming next. They have forsook God.
- They say, “Jesus Christ” over and over again and not in the way that we say His name.
- We give glory and honor while they curse His name over and over again.
We are to raise our own children. We are to teach our own children. We are to get them to a good church.
- We are to lead them and show them how to do the works of God. We are to train them.
- We are not to send them off to college where the fools flourish. We are not to send them to the wolves.
- We are not give them access to pure trash on the Internet and on the TV’s. But that’s what’s happening.
- And then they’re feelings are hurt all the time because no one tells them they’re wrong.
- No one punishes them when they do wrong. No one stops them at any moment in their life.
And the result is adults who whine and complain about everything. Adults who can’t take a harmless joke.
- An adult who thinks she was abused as a child because a teacher called her carrot top.
- An adult who thinks she is perfect and everyone else just flat out stinks.
- Adults who are scared of their shadow when the sun is out. An adult who is afraid of freckles.
- A man who must stay up all night because he’s scared of the dark. A man who must have the lights on.
- A man who can’t work because a long day of work is just too much. A man who thinks the earth is flat.
A man who sits in his chair watching Andy Griffith all day. A man who pops pills all day long.
- People who will drive to work to get their money but won’t get up for church.
- Retired men who sit and talk about everyone at Hardees every morning.
- Farmers doing nothing but gossiping like old women at the country store all day long.
- TV’s that never get turned off.
- Couches with holes in them from big lazy butts sitting there all day long.
Gossip about everything. “Did you hear what happened to him? Did you see what she did the other day?”
- Let me give you a tip out there old men and women. God didn’t tell you to retire and do nothing.
- God didn’t tell you to go play golf until you die. God didn’t tell you to go fishing for fish all the time.
- God didn’t tell you to ask for discounts because you’re retired. “I’m on a fixed income.”
- The older you get you shoud be helping the younger generation more. Not taking more from them.
- God told you to do the works of God. Old men gossiping like the women in the Bible.
- BUSYBODIES, TATTLERS. Men who act like women. This world makes me sick. Evil upon evil.
- People love their TV’s but will never open their Bible. Hurt feelings but never souls won to Christ.
“Oh, I got rejected at a door. I quit forever.” Cry babies. “You better buy me a TV, Josh.”
- “You better buy me a pressure washer, Josh. You better give me enough money for bills in March, Josh.”
- ”I had Covid, Josh, so I had to quit my job. I got a government check but I spent it on a new couch.”
- “My old couch had butt holes burned in them, Josh. I needed a new couch.”
- “Now I don’t have any money for food. I need you to pay my rent, Josh. I don’t want to work, Josh.”
- Calls from the same people saying the same thing. “I’m going to get kicked out. I need money.”
- “I’m on a fixed income, Josh.” This is all I hear, man. I’m sick of it. Get up and do something.
Get your Bible out and do it right.
- “I could never move to a good church, Josh, because my butt won’t move from this couch.”
- “It appears to be stuck. I just can’t do it. WHOA IS ME. WHOA IS ME.” Snowflakes.
- I’ve offered to people over and over again. I’ll help you move to a good church.
- I don’t have to do that. But I do because I want them to live the life God wants them to live. I do.
I don’t even know the people, but I want them to get it right. Not only for them but for their children.
- Not only for their children but for their grandchildren. And so on and on.
- I want to see those people in heaven. I want to see their children and grandchildren in heaven.
- And for what? For me just doing a little bit of extra work to help these people. Yeah, it’s worth it.
- But yet, people will get mad at me for preaching a sermon like this. My job is to wake you up.
- You’re in a trance out there. If you’re like that right now, do me a favor.
- Take your hand and slap yourself upside the head. Seriously. WAKE UP. It’s time right now.
- It’s time to get up and stop thinking that everything and anything is stopping you.
[11] Proverbs 26:13 The slothful man saith, There is a lion in the way; a lion is in the streets.
- Hey, listen up. THERE IS NO LION IN THE WAY. Get up, get your stuff, and get to a good church.
- If you don’t know where one is, I do. Contact me. I’ll help you find one.
- You say, “But I don’t have enough money. I don’t have enough of this or that.”
- Come on man. Stop making excuses for everything. Why don’t you have any money? Get a job.
- That’s what I did. Now I have some money. It’s that simple. Now get up and move.
Listen, the point of this sermon is to hurt your feelings so you’ll think about someone else for once.
- Stop thinking that everything is about you. It’s time to make things about God. He told you what to do.
- He doesn’t take excuses. “But this or but that.” No. He will hurt your feelings. So you better get ready.
- He will wipe dung on your face. He will make you eat dung. He will make you ashamed.
- He will punish you, chasten you, whip you, and even kill you. He will cast you into hell.
- And yes, that’s the true God. The false god being preached in churches would never hurt your feelings.
- Read your Bible, and you’ll see who is telling you the truth. Don’t and never learn the truth.
I hope you’re seeing what the world is doing to you out there. Get rid of all that trash information going in.
- Stop the TV’s. Stop the Netflix trash. Stop all the trashy movies. Stop the horror movies.
- Stop the Hillsong. Stop the rap. Stop the heavy metal. Stop the country music.
- Stop the public schools. Stop the careers for mothers. Stop the “we must have big house” attitude.
- Stop the “Oh, I could never live without my Starbcks.” Come on people.
- Stop all the trash and get to God. Get you a King James Bible and start reading.
- If you want me to give you the Gospel personally, call me. Text me. Email me.
Let’s pray.
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