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The Seven Trumpets And Seven Vials Of God’s Wrath Occur In This Order

The 7 trumpets and 7 vials in the Book of Revelation occur together.

They happen one after the other in order. All of the vials don’t come at a later time. A trumpet is sounded and a vial is poured out.

Look To The Bible For The Truth

This is 100% truth from the Bible.

In other words, the 7 vials of God’s wrath aren’t poured out after all of the 7 trumpets are blown.

And the 7 trumpets aren’t blown after all of the 7 vials are poured out.

There’s a HUGE amount of false preaching when it comes to the Book of Revelation. It’s difficult to find the truth, but you can be the judge today.

See the truth today.

Here’s The Order Of The 7 Trumpets And 7 Vials

Here’s how it works according to God’s word, which is always 100% truth:

  1. Trumpet 1, Vial 1
  2. Trumpet 2, Vial 2
  3. Trumpet 3, Vial 3
  4. Trumpet 4, Vial 4
  5. Trumpet 5, Vial 5
  6. Trumpet 6, Vial 6
  7. Trumpet 7, Vial 7

In our Revelation Chapter 16 sermon, this is explained in detail.

But for now, I want you to see the comparison of Scripture for each trumpet and each vial.

Trumpet 1 Versus Vial 1

Notice how closely related trumpet 1 and vial 1 happen to be.

Notice that trumpet 1 and vial 1 are poured out upon the earth.

Trumpet 2 Versus Vial 2

I’ve underlined the similarities for each of the trumpets and vials in the images but take a look at the entire Scripture comparison.

As you can see, trumpet 2 and vial 2 are poured out upon the sea.

Trumpet 3 Versus Vial 3

Please read and see how each trumpet and vial happen concurrently with each other.

Trumpet 3 and vial 3 are poured out upon the rivers and fountains of water. I hope you’re starting to see the connection now between the trumpets and the vials.

Trumpet 4 Versus Vial 4

The sun is common between trumpet 4 and vial 4.

The fourth trumpet and the fourth vial are poured out upon the sun.

Trumpet 5 Versus Vial 5

I hope you’re beginning to see the light now even though darkness is seen in the fifth trumpet and vial.

Darkness occurs for both the fifth trumpet and the fifth vial.

Trumpet 6 Versus Vial 6

What do you see in common between the sixth trumpet and vial?

During the sixth trumpet and the sixth vial, you see the great river Euphrates mentioned for both. Four angels are loosed with the sixth trumpet, and the river is dried up with the sixth vial.

This makes a lot of sense because the water is dried up and the four angels that were bound are loosed from the river.

Trumpet 7 Versus Vial 7

Now, take a look at the very last trumpet and vial.

For the seventh trumpet, you see lightnings, voices, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.

What do you see with the seventh vial? The same thing!

You see voices, thunders, lightnings, a great earthquake, and great hail.

The Book Of Revelation Reveals Things To You

Remember, the Book of Revelation is split in half. This is the key to understanding the Book of Revelatation.

God wrote the book to us to reveal things to us. He didn’t write it to make it hard to understand.

Revelation Chapter 1 through Revelation Chapter 11 are in chronological order.

Revelation Chapter 12 through Revelation Chapter 22 are in chronological order.

Each of the trumpets and vials go together. The trumpets and vials are God pouring out His wrath.

Have You Seen Our Daniel’s 70th Week Chart?

daniel's 70th week chart
Daniel’s 70th week chart from True Words Christian Church

Download Daniel’s 70th Week Chart: [download id=1214]

With the Daniel’s 70th week chart, you can see how the trumpets and vials occur together in the second half of Daniel’s 70th week.

The tribulation is over after the sun and moon are darkened at the end of the first half of Daniel’s 70th week.

Please see our Book of Revelation series for more information.

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12 responses to “The Seven Trumpets And Seven Vials Of God’s Wrath Occur In This Order”

  1. Simon Bennett Avatar
    Simon Bennett

    I like this article …striaghtforward and simple as the word of God is!

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Thanks for the kind words, Simon. I am glad you enjoyed the article. Yes, the word of God is straight forward. It becomes much simpler once you put the work in and God provides the wisdom and knowledge.

      1. M Avatar

        Excellent summary. We are very close. Avoid the Covid “vaccines” which are the mark of the beast that we may avoid these trumpets and vials and judge the wicked who destroyed the earth.

        1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

          Hello M,

          Yes, we are getting closer. Though, I do not believe we are quite there yet. I do believe the COVID “vaccines” are evil and are another step towards the mark of the beast. For example, I am being threatened termination at my job for not taking the COVID vaccine. You can see the mark of the beast getting closer as some people are beginning to stop people from purchasing food, traveling, etc over the vaccine. This is very similar to the mark of the beast. The first thing we should look for, though, is tribulation. And yes, we are starting to go through tribulation now but I believe the tribulation at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week will be to a much greater degree than what we see now. We will see wars, famine, pestilence, disease, death, and martyrs to a greater degree. But yes, be ready for everything as we are getting closer.

          Thanks again for stopping by. Hope you will subscribe and keep in touch.


          1. Randy Rampley Avatar
            Randy Rampley

            Also, the man of sin, the son of perdition must sit in the holy place claiming to be God, showing signs and wonders that he is God. The abomination of desolation must be here first and foremost before any mark may be given. Whether it’s the beast or the mark of God. Endure until the end and you shall be saved. Blessed are those that wait on the Lord. Blessed are those that when he comes back find you still working in the field. Cursed are those that are received into thinking that the antichrist is the messiah for he comes peacefully and prosperously. The nations will hand over the world to him by his flatteries alone. He will play the told of Christ and bring world peace. Christ said he came not to bring peace but the sword. The sword is his tongue. It is the truth and the word of God that cuts both ways. He came to divide! Be mindful of the first supernatural entity that comes next to this world. Wait on the lord. Though you be poor, rich are you! Don’t think about what you shall eat or drink or what you should wear. God knows what you stand in need. Take no thought about what you shall say when you are delivered up before kings and rulers for his name sake. For whatever shall be given to you, that speak you, for it is not you that speaks, but the holy spirit.

          2. Joshua Tapp Avatar

            Hello Randy, nice to meet you. That is correct on the son of perdition (antichrist) must be revealed before the rapture and before the second coming of Jesus Christ. I am not sure we will agree on everything as “endure to the end” in those chapters is talking about the flesh being saved because you made it through all of the tribulation (the tribulation ends at the 6th seal when the sun and moon are darkened just as Jesus says in Matthew 24 verses 29 through 31). I hope you will allow the words of the Bible to change your mind on this if you believe differently. Everyone can’t endure to the end during those times as there are souls under the altar who have been slain for the word of God.

            Matthew 24:9-13 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

            The same shall be saved. The flesh shall be saved from death. These people won’t ever die a physical death because Jesus comes in the clouds. To prove this chapter is talking about the flesh being saved, just read the entire chapter word for word slowly. You’ll find this:

            Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.

            The tribulation lasts from seal 1 through seal 5. This is the antichrist causing all the troubles. God’s wrath doesn’t come until the Day of the Lord. The trumpets and vials are God’s wrath from heaven. If you read Revelation closely, you will see this:

            Revelation 6:9-17 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: 10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. 12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. 15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; 16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: 17 For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?

            Do you see how at the end of Revelation 6, you see the Bible say: “For the great day of His wrath is come?” He’s saying His wrath is now here. And it’s there on the Day of the Lord which is happening at Seal 6. If you read from there, you will see that He is preparing to pour out His wrath now. Seals 1 through 5 are not His wrath and are a part of the tribulation. Then the tribulation is over. Daniel’s 70th week or 7 year period is not equal to the tribulation. The tribulation is over according to God’s words in Matthew 24 (after the tribulation the sun and moon shall be darkened). This happens at seal 5 meaning the tribulation is over.

            But, yes, I agree that Jesus Christ cannot come back until the son of perdition is revealed. I know the antichrist comes before Jesus comes back. You are right because you match what the Bible says.

          3. Randy Rampley Avatar
            Randy Rampley

            Autocorrect got me a couple of times. “Son of Perdition”

          4. Joshua Tapp Avatar

            I will fix it for you. I hate auto correct!

          5. Mandy Smith Avatar

            I thankyou for this reading and understanding of the 7 trumpets..but I’m tired of people stating the vaccines are the mark ..they are not for the mark HAS to be accepted knowingly what it stands for…you cannot take the mark by accident or forced also the mark is on the right hand(not in) AND the forehead.. I think it’s time believers stand their ground and state this and more…if it offends others then so be it…offence is not meant but like faith you cannot sit on a fence it’s one way or the other 🙏

          6. Joshua Tapp Avatar

            Mandy, I have never stated that vaccines are the mark of the beast. I have said the opposite many times. And if you’ve listened to any of my preaching you’ll know that I don’t care to offend someone. I tell the truth from the Bible and it is what it is. We offend people all the time. I go door to door preaching the Gospel 5 to 6 days per week most weeks. Many people get offended. A few people get saved. I trust what the Bible says about the mark of the beast.

    2. Donnie Dean Jr Avatar
      Donnie Dean Jr

      Pastor Joshua! Thank you so much my friend! For soooo long I’ve been trying to order the trumpets vs the vials. I was always aware of the similarities. They are so similar that it bugged me a lot because I often wondered if they were the same. But I knew they couldn’t be bc there are some differences. I never thought about them being concurrent. Your research has completed a study that I’d long ago embarked on. Thanks again friend.

      1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

        Hello Donnie,

        Thank you so much for studying the Bible! Glad this helped you.

        You will see that the actual words of the Bible align with the end times events that we have ordered. Please see this:


        Thanks again, and I hope to see you around here more often!


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Home / Bible Prophecy / The Seven Trumpets And Seven Vials Of God’s Wrath Occur In This Order

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