[2] The title of the sermon: “JAMES CHAPTER 2.”
- Let’s start there in verse 1 of James Chapter 2.
[3] James 2:1 My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons.
- Faith doesn’t include the respect of persons. Righteous judgment doesn’t include respect of persons.
- What does respect of persons mean within the Bible?
[4] Leviticus 19:15 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honour the person of the mighty: but in righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbour.
- In other words, it doesn’t matter if a person is poor or mighty. Judge without respect of persons.
- “In righteousness shalt thou judge thy neighbor.”
[5] Proverbs 24:23-26 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment. 24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him: 25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them. 26 Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.
- Now, listen to this. Some families believe everything one of their family members does is right.
- A mother will defend her son to the death no matter what her son does.
- Her son can be a wife beater, a drug dealer, a murderer, and she will still defend him.
- This goes directly against God’s words. A mother will defend her son when he is a sodomite.
- A mother will defend her daughter when she is a lesbian. “I love him and her no matter what.”
Is this love? God says to not respect persons in judgment. Following God’s commandments is love.
- It’s not loving to go against His commandments. A sodomite is doing wrong.
- “Well, he’s my son and everything he does is right and I will defend him.” Wrong.
- Now, if someone in your family is doing right according to God’s words, then you can defend them.
- But there is no defending someone who is doing wrong. You get the penalty when you do wrong.
- Give right answers no matter if a person is poor or mighty.
Some people think the people in power do wrong no matter what. This is wrong too.
- They hate them just because they are in power. This goes both ways. Poor or mighty.
- Judge righteous judgment. If not, you do evil. Watch this example given in James Chapter 2.
[6] James 2:2 For if there come unto your assembly a man with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in also a poor man in vile raiment;
- Here’s the example. You have two people come into your assembly. Let’s say they walk into church.
- One man has a gold ring and goodly apparel or clothing. There’s nothing wrong with this.
- Don’t take this the wrong way. It’s perfectly fine to have a gold ring and goodly apparel.
- The Bible doesn’t say this man is evil. But some people will twist this and take it that way.
- If that man is rich and he wants respect because he has money, then he does evil.
But don’t add to the word of God and act as if this man is evil. Judging by a man’s appearance is wrong.
- If you think all people who have goodly apparel are evil, you would be judging unrighteously.
- The second man in this example is a poor man in vile raiment or worthless and despicable clothing.
- Does the clothing really matter? In this example, we see a man who has good clothing.
- And then we see a man who doesn’t. One man might have money. He has a gold ring.
- The other man is poor. Who is better? Neither one is better.
The Bible says we should pray not to be rich and pray not to be poor. Both examples are here. Both sides.
- Does either one of these men do wrong in these Scriptures?
- The Bible doesn’t say that either has done wrong at this time. Let’s keep reading this example.
[7] James 2:3 And ye have respect to him that weareth the gay clothing, and say unto him, Sit thou here in a good place; and say to the poor, Stand thou there, or sit here under my footstool:
- If you do these things, you are the one who is doing wrong. You judge unrighteously.
- You have respect to him that weareth the gay or fine clothing.
- “Sit here in a good place. Hey, I have a seat for you. But poor man, go stand over there.”
- “I don’t have a seat for you. O, if you want to sit, you can sit under me.”
Why do you do these things? Because you think money is what matters. You think clothing matters.
- You can wear nice clothing. There’s nothing against that unless you spend ridiculous amounts on it.
- If you think nice clothing and money is what makes you good, then something is wrong.
- When you turn down a poor person over anything because they are poor, you do evil.
- If you accept the rich over anything because they have money, you do evil.
[8] James 2:4 Are ye not then partial in yourselves, and are become judges of evil thoughts?
- You are partial to people based on their appearance, their clothing, and who you perceive to have more money.
- For example, servers in restaurants want tables where there are rich people. They want to get the money.
- Why? Because it’s all about them. They want the money those people have. They lust after these things.
- Why would we then be partial to the man with good clothing versus the man without good clothing?
What does it matter? Are you looking to gain money from the man with the good clothing?
- The poor man doesn’t have money for you so he doesn’t deserve to sit in a good place?
- We need to understand what actually matters. God says that you do evil when you do these things.
- A soul matters. A soul can receive eternal life.
- The clothing doesn’t matter when it comes to everlasting life. Don’t judge unrighteously.
- And also remember, don’t judge the man with good clothing unrighteously either.
- For example, I know that some people think evil of me because I preach God’s words in a suit and a tie.
I know that some people won’t come hear because I don’t wear jeans a t-shirt when I preach.
- They judge me unrighteously. This isn’t an expensive suit. Many jeans and t-shirts cost more than this.
- This is a $100 suit. If that’s your definition of a rich man, then you have a big perception problem.
- I don’t claim to be rich, but I am not poor. I am in the middle and probably lower middle.
- But people judge me unrighteously because of what I wear. I know this. Don’t miss that side either.
- These are evil thoughts. An evil thought is a sin. The Bible says so. God is right.
[9] James 2:5 Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
- God chooses the poor of this world rich in faith. He chooses people who have faith in Him.
- We depend on God. We trust in God. We put our faith in Him. Money should not be so important.
- The love of money shouldn’t exist within us because the love of money is the root of all evil.
If God chooses the poor, who do you think you are to choose the rich over the poor? Very poor judgment.
- Very evil judgement when a rich man is given preferential treatment over a poor man.
- Treat the two equal because they are equal and because God created each one of them.
- They are both coming into your assembly. They both need a good seat. “Here, you can have my seat.”
[10] James 2:6-7 But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? 7 Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called?
- Do not despise the poor. Why do you love rich men so much and hate the poor?
- Why do you love celebrities so much, and hate the people who come to your door with the Gospel?
- The celebrities aren’t coming to your door. The celebrities are the ones who love abortion.
The celebrities are the ones who love sodomites. The celebrities are the ones who hate God.
- The celebrities are the ones who will cause you to be judged for doing the right things.
- So, why do you go after the rich so much and reject the poor of this world?
[11] James 2:8-9 If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: 9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.
- God is very serious about not respecting persons. “Well, he’s the HOA leader so he’s a special person.”
- “I’m going to treat him well so I get special treatment in our neighborhood.” This is all vain.
- This is all evil. Why don’t you think of things that are far more important?
- Actually studying the Scriptures to find out what love thy neighbor as thyself means is a good start.
- Most people have no clue what this means. What is loving your neighbor actually like? How do you do it?
[12] Matthew 22:36-40 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
- If you love God, you will follow His commandments and you will automatically love your neighbor.
- When you simply do what God says, you have love for everyone around you.
- This is not accepting sin, such as homosexuality, as okay. Fornication is not okay.
- Accepting everything is not love. Love is following what God says is right and wrong.
[13] Romans 13:9-10 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.
- When I preach that homosexuality is evil, this is love. I am telling you the truth.
- When I preach that boys can’t be girls and girls can’t be boys, this is love.
- When I preach that drugs are evil, this is love. When I preach that faggotry is nasty, this is love.
When I preach that living with someone and fornicating is wicked, this is love.
- All of these things worketh no ill to your neighbors. Love is fulfilling the law.
- Love is doing what God says to do. Do this, and you love. Do this, and you do well.
- Get rid of all the respect of persons, and you love and do well. God says so.
[14] James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.
- If you have respect of persons just once, you have offended in one point. Have you ever done that?
- Of course you have. You’ve offended in that point so you are guilty of breaking God’s law.
- One transgression, and you are guilty of breaking the law of God. Guilty or innocent? Guilty. All of us.
[15] Deuteronomy 27:26 Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say, Amen.
[16] Galatians 3:10 For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.
- Since none of us keep all the things that are written in this book, not even close, we are guilty.
- The sentence or punishment for this guilty verdict is death.
- If you think your works will save you in any way, you are placing yourself under the law. Not good.
[17] Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
- Yet, many preachers attempt to use James Chapter 2 to teach we are saved by our works.
- Our works have done nothing but prove we are guilty and worthy of death.
- For the wages of sin is death. Death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
- Let’s continue in James Chapter 2 with an example that God gives us in verse 11.
[18] James 2:11 For he that said, Do not commit adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a transgressor of the law.
- Some people think they are good because they follow one thing in the Bible very well.
- They compare themselves to another person who isn’t good, but they think they are better than them.
- They think if they are better than someone else that they are doing good.
- But the Bible tells you the truth, and the truth is what we seek here.
- If you break one of God’s commandments, no matter which one it is, you are guilty.
Adultery and murder. You can say, “Well, I’ve never murdered someone.”
- But you’ve committed adultery. You’re guilty. You might say, “Well, I’ve never done either of those.”
- But there’s much more than those within the Bible.
[19] Exodus 20:13-15 Thou shalt not kill. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 15 Thou shalt not steal.
- Very simple. Thou shalt not steal. If you’ve broken that one, and you have, then you are guilty.
[20] Exodus 20:17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.
- Guilty. Don’t think you’re doing well and innocent because you’ve never done some of the worst things.
- James Chapter 2 tells us that breaking any of God’s laws makes us guilty.
- Our good works don’t cancel out the verdict of guilty.
- The good judge doesn’t look at a serial killer and ask him what good works he has done.
- If he’s done good works, this cancels out all the murders he committed. God doesn’t work this way.
[21] James 2:12 So speak ye, and so do, as they that shall be judged by the law of liberty.
- Because you will be judged by the law of liberty, speak the right things and do the right things.
- God is a judge of what we do each and every day. He’s watching. This judgment isn’t for salvation.
- In James Chapter 1, we talked about this. This book is written to saints or people who are saved.
- God doesn’t take everlasting life away. Salvation is complete for those who have put their faith in Jesus.
- Because of that, we need to speak and do all the things according to God’s law, the law of liberty.
You are free to do everything that God says to do and as much of it as you want.
- Go to church more and more. Pray more and more. Read your Bible more and more.
- Win souls to Christ more and more. Repent of the sin you commit more and more.
- Be sorry for what you’ve done more and more. Stop sinning more and more.
[22] James 2:13 For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and mercy rejoiceth against judgment.
- If you have no mercy on others, God will have judgment without mercy.
- Treat people the way God treats you. He has mercy on you.
- When you’re sorry for what you’ve done and ask forgiveness, He forgives.
- If someone is sorry to you for something they’ve done wrong, then forgive them.
- And don’t hold it against them. Forget. Move on. For some reason, people have trouble doing this.
If you’re one of those people, remember this Scripture. Mercy rejoices against judgment.
- God forgives and has great mercy. Try being more like Him.
- If you do wrong to me and are sorry, you’re forgiven. I won’t hold it against you. I move on.
- I’ve got more important things to do than hold grudges against people. I have mercy on people.
- We try to follow God’s example. If you do wrong and don’t care, I don’t forgive you.
- If you want to keep doing wrong, hurting others, stealing from others, I don’t forgive you.
- Stop doing your wickedness. But, if you’re trying to do better and are sorry, we have mercy.
For example, I am sorry if I’ve done something wrong to you. I am very sorry as I don’t want to break God’s laws.
- Now, if you made up your own law that doesn’t match with God’s law, and you hate me for breaking your law, I am not sorry.
- For example, if you are an old Independent Fundamental Baptist preacher who preaches that facial hair is evil, and you accuse me of being evil for having facial hair, I am not sorry.
I don’t wear shorts much at all as I don’t like them, but shorts that don’t show nakedness on a man is not evil.
- I am not sorry if I wore shorts that offended you when I didn’t know they offended you.
- Now, if you tell me that shorts offend you, I won’t wear them around you. It’s not that important.
- Be careful making up all your own rules and holding everyone else to your standards.
- If your standards are higher than God’s, this is good. But don’t expect everyone else to follow them.
- And don’t judge them unrighteously. If they are following God’s laws, they are doing great.
Have mercy on people. If a woman dyes her hair to her original color because she has some gray, get over it.
- If a woman wears a little makeup, get over it. If a woman wears some modest jewelry, get over it.
- If a woman doesn’t yet know what clothing to wear according to God’s words, get over it.
- Give people some time to make the right decisions and choices. They need to hear and believe His words.
- If you know His words, make up additional rules, and then show no mercy when people break your rules, God won’t have mercy on you.
People split from good churches because of rules they’ve made up. They say, “Kids shouldn’t be in the services.”
- “I don’t like kids in the services.” And they will leave a church if there are children there.
- This is wicked stuff. Hey, I love children in the church services. There’s nothing better than that.
- I love to hear them singing loudly to God. The little ones do. Let’s hear it some more. It’s awesome.
- Do you not think God loves that? Of course He does.
- When the little ones are listening to the preaching, and they do, this is amazing.
They learn the truth from God’s words. Don’t take them away from the truth. Church is a gathering together.
- Why do you want to split everyone up? Have church. Gather everyone together.
- Bring the men. Bring the women. Bring the little ones. Bring the strangers.
- If you want to get rid of kids from the preaching of God’s words, you’re evil.
And yes, they get far better teaching from the man who is preaching the word of God.
- They don’t get taught better by sending them to some room where they get snacks and someone who hasn’t prepared to teach as the man who is teaching in the pulpit.
- No chance to get better teaching outside of this gathering because God helps us to teach. Why?
- Because we’re doing it His way as He commanded us to do. We feed the people including the children.
Listen, stop making up rules of your own and start doing things God’s way. Have mercy on people.
- Stop splitting up churches over foolishness. Submit to something good in your life. You aren’t perfect.
- Now we enter the part of James Chapter 2 that we’ve been over many times.
- This is the part that is very important when winning souls to Jesus Christ.
- Many works based salvation believers will quote, “Faith without works is dead.”
Many people will agree that it is faith alone that saves as you preach the Gospel to them.
- And then you ask them, “Is there anything else you must do to get to heaven?”
- And they say, “Yes, I have to do good works for God. Faith without works is dead.”
- They missed the entire point of the Bible and of the Gospel you’re preaching to them.
- So let’s hear this today, and be prepared and ready to give the right answer.
[23] James 2:14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?
- We’re talking about PROFIT here. “What doth it PROFIT, my brethren?”
- If a man SAYS that he has faith but doesn’t have good works to go with it, can faith save him?
- The answer to this depends. The man is saying he has faith.
- Many people say they have faith and have no clue what that means.
- This would be the people who say you must have faith and works to be saved.
If you believe in your works for salvation in any way, shape, or form, YOU DO NOT HAVE FAITH IN CHRIST.
- This means you don’t understand what it means to have faith.
- You say you have faith but then you tell me you must have works to be saved.
- Saying that you have faith doesn’t mean that you have faith IN Christ.
- Faith in Christ means all your faith is in Christ alone for salvation. Salvation is not of works at any time.
- Works don’t save you at all. Not before, during, or after salvation. Works don’t keep salvation for you.
- Saving faith is faith. Perfect faith isn’t required to be saved. A tiny drop of actual faith saves you.
If you actually have faith in Jesus Christ, YES, faith can save you and already has saved you.
- Works are not required. James Chapter 2 never once says that works are required to be saved.
- Scores of Scriptures say directly and clearly that works do not save you.
- Many example of people in the Bible prove that works don’t save you AT ALL.
- Hundreds and hundreds of Scriptures say that faith alone saves you.
I hear people say, “If it was faith alone, why doesn’t God just say that?” ARE YOU SERIOUS? He does.
- Jesus says, “He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.” He does say it over and over again.
- I could ask, “If God says that works save you, why doesn’t He just say that?” He never says that once.
- Can faith save him? If his faith is in Jesus Christ ALONE, then yes, faith ALONE can save him.
- If he doesn’t do any works but has faith, YET, he himself shall be saved.
- But why would you want to do that? This doesn’t profit anyone else. This is selfishness and wickedness.
[24] James 2:15-16 If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, 16 And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?
- We are talking about your faith profiting others. How do you make that happen?
- You do what God tells you to do. This is called good works. Some people get confused on good works.
- What are good works? What does this Scripture tell you? Don’t miss the actual words used.
- “If a BROTHER or SISTER be naked, and destitute of daily food.” This is a brother or sister in Christ.
Your fellow believers have needs for their bodies. You are saved. They are saved.
- If they have no clothing, will you not help your brother or sister? Really? Where is your faith?
- I can see what you’re doing, and you won’t help.
- I would question your faith because I can only see what you do.
If they have no food, will you not feed them? If not, this is surely evil. What’s wrong with you?
- The Bible says in verse 16, “And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace.”
- You don’t help them. You don’t give them anything. Would God do this? No, He wouldn’t.
- If you don’t help your brother and sister in Christ and give them what they need, it doesn’t profit.
- This means your faith isn’t profiting them at all because you aren’t helping them.
Notice that this speaks of food and clothing. This doesn’t speak of agreeing with sin.
- This doesn’t say that you help homosexuals. This doesn’t say you give an alcoholic money to buy more.
- This doesn’t speak of giving money out to everyone who asks for money.
- This speaks of your brothers and sisters in the body of Christ who need clothing and food.
[25] James 2:17 Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
- Notice exactly what this says and what it doesn’t say. Faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.
- The Bible uses the word dead. This doesn’t say you lose salvation if you don’t have good works.
- This doesn’t say you’re going to hell. This doesn’t say YOU ARE DEAD. This says, “Faith is dead.”
- You do not equal faith. This doesn’t say you are dead and going to hell.
- Why do people read things into Scriptures that aren’t there? Let me be clear. IT’S NOT THERE.
Try understanding what the Scriptures are actually teaching. Faith is alone without works. This is dead faith.
- You don’t want to have dead faith. God wants you to be a doer of the word and not a hearer only.
- This is what the Book of James is teaching. This book is amazingly important to all of us.
- The book is written to show you how important it is to do good works. BE A DOER. Get to work for God.
- And then God goes on, as He always does, to explain what He means by faith that is dead.
[26] James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.
- If I say I have faith, okay. What does that do for you? Hey, everyone, I have faith.
- You would say, “THEN SHOW ME YOUR FAITH.” Hey, actually do something with it because I can’t see it.
- If I say that I have faith and never preach the Gospel, how would anyone know I have faith?
- “Shew me thy faith without thy works.” You can’t do it. You can only show your faith through your works.
- Now, a man can’t see your faith but God can see your faith. He knows the moment you have faith in Him.
- You don’t have to show Him your faith by your works to be saved. He can see faith. We can’t.
[27] Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.
- Jesus sees faith. We can’t see faith directly, but you can show a man your faith by the works you do.
- But, even with this, a man can deceive you. Many have deceived me with their mouth.
- I believed them. They say, “I have faith.” But then when it comes to working for God, nothing.
- So, I have learned many lessons from the Book of James. Hey, if you say you have faith, show me.
- Do something with it. If you want me to believe you have faith, show me.
I’m tired of hearing it. I want to see it. “I will shew thee my faith by my works.”
- These sermons take hours and hours of work each week. Preaching them takes work.
- I am showing you my faith by my works. I want people to learn what God says.
- I want to learn what He says. So we work hard on the Bible. We don’t just hear what He says.
- We do what He says to do. What does this profit when we do what God says? It profits everything.
When you are showing others the faith you have by doing what God says, this encourages people.
- For example, when people show up here, this encourages me just with their presence here.
- When no one shows up, this isn’t very encouraging. This doesn’t help me at all. This doesn’t profit me.
- When you sit at home or go to a wicked church, this doesn’t help anyone. You say you have faith.
- Then show someone. That is what this chapter is teaching. I can tell you what it doesn’t teach.
This chapter doesn’t teach a works based salvation. NOT ONCE DOES THE BIBLE TEACH THAT.
- Your faith helps others to be saved when you use it.
- “When Jesus saw THEIR FAITH, He said, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.”
[28] James 2:19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
- Yes, if you believe that there is ONE GOD, you are doing well. But this doesn’t save you.
- Many false religions in this world believe there is one God. At least they can see there is a God.
- How can you not see there is a God? Are you that blind?
Do you really think rocks banged together and all this came out? How dumb can you be? Seriously.
- What’s wrong with you? It’s time to wake up if you don’t believe there is one God. There is one God.
- You’re doing well, but you must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. He is the Son of God.
- And He is God. THREE PERSONS IN ONE GOD. This is the ONE GOD of the Bible.
- This is who you must believe in to be saved.
People who preach against believing in Jesus for salvation will say, “Josh, it’s not that simple. The devils also believe, and tremble.”
- And they think they’re right. “Josh, did you not read James Chapter 2. The devils also believe.”
- “Obviously, Josh, you haven’t went to a great Seminary like me because you’re too simple.”
- “But I am great. I am a scribe and a Pharisee, and you are just like the publicans and the harlots.”
- I have an entire sermon titled, “The Devils Also Believe.” Please read or listen to that one.
Yes, the devils know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. You can see this throughout the Bible.
- They don’t believe in Him as the Savior of themselves. He’s the Savior of the world which speaks of man.
- The devils can’t be saved by Jesus Christ, and they know this. They know their end is torment.
- They say, “Art thou come hither to torment us before the time?” He is not the Savior of angels or devils.
Angels are spirits. They are living creatures or beasts. Study angels in the Bible. I have a sermon on that.
- Please look up the sermon titled, “Angels in the Bible.” Learn more about angels.
- You will learn more about devils. Satan is a fallen angel.
- I can assure you that I’ve studied all of this with a passion. I compare Scripture with Scripture.
- Angels are not flesh and blood. They are not human. They have multiple faces and wings.
- They are spiritual beings. We can’t see them unless God gives us that ability to see them.
Jesus came in the flesh, just as we are in this flesh, to condemn this flesh. Devils aren’t flesh and blood.
- Jesus is Christ is not the Savior of devils. They believe there is one God. This doesn’t save them.
- Believing that there is one God doesn’t save anyone from death and hell, but it’s a good first step.
- Why would you take this verse and act like Jesus is a liar when He says believe in me and never die?
- If you attempt to make the Gospel of Jesus Christ complex, you’ll end up in the same place as the devils.
[29] James 2:20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
- Vain is worthless, without fruit, without profit. If you won’t do any work for God, you are worthless.
- You aren’t profiting anyone by doing nothing with your faith. YES, faith without works is dead.
- Perfect Scripture. Notice that the Bible is telling you that faith without works does exist.
- The Bible, by simply saying, “Faith without works” is telling you that faith without works does exist.
Many false religions will say that you WILL have good works if you have the perfect faith needed to save you.
- Clowns and liars. They say there are different types of faith.
- They will say that a man who believes in Jesus Christ alone is not saved unless he has good works to go along with his faith.
- The Bible never once says this. Some people might have faith and die soon after without doing works.
- The Bible is serious about this, but God doesn’t lie and take away everlasting life. God cannot lie.
- Jesus says, “If you believe in me, I give you everlasting life.” Salvation is not of works.
Your faith has already saved you. Now you don’t any good works.
- You still go to heaven, but you didn’t profit anyone. Why is this so hard to believe for some people?
- Jesus tells you these things in every imaginable way within His words. But you won’t believe Him?
- Are you sure you are of God? Why won’t you hear His words?
Are you telling me, Southern Baptists, that your faith is never dead?
- Your perfect faith is always doing good works? This is not reality. You’re living a fairy tale.
- Did you watch any football games recently? Football is big in the South, in the Bible belt.
- How did football get so big in the Bible belt, Southern Baptists?
- Was your faith growing while you watched Alabama play? No, it was dead.
- Was your faith growing while you watched Georgia play? Ole Miss? No, it was dead.
I don’t claim to have perfect faith. I have faith in Jesus Christ. But I do not always do good works for Him.
- I still sin against Him. What would you call my faith then? Are you so perfect, Southern Baptists?
- Get real. You deceive yourselves. You are a sinner because you still have this flesh.
- You aren’t sanctifying your flesh as you might believe. Do you sanctify the Holy Spirit?
Do you make the Holy Spirit more Holy than He already is through your great works? No, you don’t.
- Matthew Chapter 7:21 – 23 “Christians.” Yes, at many times, I have faith without works.
- My faith is dead at times. Guess what? I still have no doubt I’m going to heaven. Why?
- Because Jesus Christ already did all the works required for salvation, and I can’t do anything close to what He’s already done.
[30] James 2:21-22 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? 22 Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?
- I just did an entire sermon on this Scripture and this subject.
- Please see the sermon titled, “Justified By Works.”
- We know Abraham’s faith is the only reason he did this great work.
In order to do what Abraham did, you must have great faith in God.
- Abraham knew, as Hebrews Chapter 11 teaches us, that God was able to raise his son from the dead.
- God is telling me to offer my son, Isaac, upon this altar. I have faith that God will raise him from the dead.
- He did this work through faith. And by works was faith made perfect.
- You continue to grow your faith by working for God. Your faith grows stronger through works.
- Yes, you want to perfect your faith by works. Faith produces good works. Good works perfects faith.
Abraham’s works didn’t justify him for salvation before God. Abraham was saved long before he did this work.
- Now, if you’ll do the works God gives you to do, He will use you even more as He did with Abraham.
- If you use the wisdom you gain from the Bible by doing, God will give you more wisdom.
- And this wisdom only comes by faith without wavering in that faith. Abraham didn’t waiver here.
- He could have taken his son and ran like Jonah ran.
He could have ignored God as Moses did with the circumcision of his son. But, he didn’t waver.
- This is what we want. We want to be like this. I want to justify myself to you by working hard for God.
- I want to encourage you to do good works in faith. I want you to encourage me to do good works in faith.
- And yes, I need the encouragement too. We all do.
This is why we are to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together. If we do, we will waver far easier.
- If a church doors are open twice a week, I will be there. Three times a week. I will be there.
- Four times a week. I will be there. Five times a week. I will be there. If at all possible, I will be there.
- And my wife will be there. And my kids will be there. As for me and my house, WE WILL serve the Lord.
- We go to church to learn God’s words. We worship Him by doing this. We honor Him by doing.
- We glorify His name by doing what He says to do, without wavering. We are doers, and we don’t stop.
[31] James 2:23 And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.
- Don’t stop reading the entire chapter. Don’t pick out verses that you think support false doctrine.
- Don’t forget verse 23 in James Chapter 2. SCRIPTURE CANNOT BE BROKEN.
- You need God’s righteousness to be saved. Righteousness for salvation doesn’t come through works.
It only comes through faith in Jesus Christ. Believe His promises. Get His righteousness. Be saved now.
- This verse wouldn’t make any sense if God needed Abraham to do works to achieve perfect faith.
- This Scripture is quoted from Genesis Chapter 15. Abraham offered Isaac in Genesis Chapter 22.
- There are many years between Genesis 15 and 22. MANY YEARS.
- The 100% truth is Abraham was saved long before he sacrificed his son, Isaac.
- In other words, if Abraham would have run in Genesis Chapter 22, he would still be in heaven today.
[32] James 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only.
- Yes, the entire point of this chapter is this. A man is justified by faith AND by works.
- He is justified by faith in front of God and justified by works in front of man.
- If you don’t believe me, believe the Scriptures. Search them and you will find the truth. I tell you the truth.
[33] James 2:25 Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works, when she had received the messengers, and had sent them out another way?
- She was justified to the messengers and to Joshua who would have slaughtered her and her family.
- Her works did not justify her for salvation before God. You are saved before you do works in faith.
- You must have faith first before you can do good works in faith. Rahab did the work.
Let’s say Abraham said that he had faith but then ran away instead of sacrificing his son.
- Let’s say Abraham told the messengers she had faith but then turned them in and they were captured.
- If you were one of them, what would you think? You would think she lied about her faith.
- Men have told me they have faith and then they leave here and preach a works based salvation.
- You aren’t showing me your faith by preaching works. I preach faith. Not works for salvation.
What if you only saw Solomon build temples to false gods and didn’t know he wrote books in the Bible?
- He sure wasn’t showing us his faith then, was he? His faith was surely dead at those times.
- He was already justified before God for salvation. He was already saved.
- But his works were evil at that time. Can you see how a man is justified by works and not faith only?
- I love James Chapter 2 because it teaches us how important it is for others to see that we love God.
[34] Matthew 5:15-16 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.
- Hey, listen. It’s time. We will not hide the light. It’s time to work hard for God.
[35] James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.
- God explains exactly what He means all throughout this chapter.
- How in the world could anyone produce a works based salvation from this chapter?
- The basics of the Bible is salvation by grace through faith FIRST. Then, do the good works for God.
- Salvation is over, done, complete. NOW, do the good works. If you won’t, you aren’t helping others.
- And God says, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” by doing what He commands you to do.
- He that winneth souls is wise. There is no better work than that.
Think of your body. The spirit is the life within you that animates your body completely.
- When the spirit leaves your body, your body lays there and it is worthless. It simply does nothing.
- Faith without works is the same. Your faith does nothing if you don’t have works.
- Faith is there and exists just like the body drops and is still there and exists. A dead body isn’t good.
- Faith without works is not good either. BUT, YES, FAITH ALONE SAVES YOU.
- Faith alone does exist. But faith alone is dead and not helping anyone else.
- Remember, read the actual words of the Bible. Faith without works is dead doesn’t equal hell.
Let’s pray.
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