[2] The title of the sermon today is “Changes To The King James Bible.”
Were Changes Made To The King James Bible?
- Today, I want us to understand what we’re saying when we say that we have a perfect Bible and a perfect word of God with the King James Bible.
- I want to go over the arguments that some people are going to give you at some time in the future.
- When it all comes down to it, the King James Bible is the only Bible in English today that can be trusted as the TRUE WORDS from God.
The modern versions are all corrupted and absolutely ridiculous.
- Just a very short period of study on those versions will show that.
- But, the King James Bible from 1611 is much different than the King James Bible you have in your hands.
- We’ll go over these differences so you know what they are and have the knowledge you need to speak to these changes if asked.
Introduction To The Inerrant and Perfect Word of God
- The HUGE majority of Christians that we know today do not believe there is a perfect Bible in existence.
- You’ll see in every statement of faith and beliefs for every church the following words:
- “We believe in the inspired word of God and trust in every word within the Bible.”
They call the Bible the word of God. They say that the Bible is without error in their statement of faith.
- But ask them directly: “Do you believe there are errors within the Bible?”
- They will respond with: “Yes, I do.”
- Then you ask: “Well, then how is it the word of God and why did you say you believe in the inerrant word of God?”
- And then you get some answer that is very difficult to understand.
And then the counter attacks come on the King James Bible:
- “Well, haven’t there been changes and revisions to the King James 1611 Version?”
- “Which version of the King James do you use? Is it the 1611 or the 1769 version?”
- “There have been thousands of changes to the King James Bible too just like my amazingly GREAT modern version which uses NEW and BETTER texts!”
What these people aren’t getting is the modern versions change so many words that it changes the meaning of the word of God completely.
- The modern versions aren’t even close to the King James Bible, and I mean not even close.
- God tells us in His Bible that He will preserve His words, so He must have given us a perfect Bible.
God Will Provide His Word To Every Generation
- God promised His word would be preserved forever so it would make sense that God has a plan to make that happen.
- God spoke His words in the beginning. He spoke and it came into existence.
- God commanded Adam through speaking His words to Him.
- Then, the parents passed down these commandments to their children. God continued speaking His words.
God commanded Adam, counseled Cain, instructed Noah, promised Abraham, called Moses, and gave the Ten Commandments.
- Moses is known as the author of the first 5 books of the Bible.
- The Apostle John is the writer of 5 books including Revelation.
- Both Moses and John were eyewitnesses to the living word of God.
- Both of them heard first-hand the spoken word of God and understood its importance.
- John used the word “write” 7 times and the word “written” 5 times in the book of 1 John.
- He knew its importance.
- God gave His words and He recorded His words too.
[3] Exodus 24:12 And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.
- Man began to be involved in the writing of God’s words, but God continued to do the writing.
[4] Exodus 34:4 And he hewed two tables of stone like unto the first; and Moses rose up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sinai, as the LORD had commanded him, and took in his hand the two tables of stone.
- Moses tells us this story:
[5] Deuteronomy 10:1-4 At that time the LORD said unto me, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first, and come up unto me into the mount, and make thee an ark of wood. 2 And I will write on the tables the words that were in the first tables which thou brakest, and thou shalt put them in the ark. 3 And I made an ark of shittim wood, and hewed two tables of stone like unto the first, and went up into the mount, having the two tables in mine hand. 4 And he wrote on the tables, according to the first writing, the ten commandments, which the LORD spake unto you in the mount out of the midst of the fire in the day of the assembly: and the LORD gave them unto me.
- Man began to be involved in the writing of God’s words.
- The men of the Bible provided the materials and wrote exactly what God told them to write.
[6] Deuteronomy 31:9 And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, and unto all the elders of Israel.
[7] Deuteronomy 31:24-26 And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing the words of this law in a book, until they were finished, 25 That Moses commanded the Levites, which bare the ark of the covenant of the LORD, saying, 26 Take this book of the law, and put it in the side of the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee.
- Men of the Bible were then taking the words from God and teaching and preaching to people with God’s words.
- God wanted Moses to take His words to the people.
[8] Exodus 34:32 And afterward all the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai.
- Moses taught them to hear and obey the Scriptures from God.
[9] Deuteronomy 31:11-13 When all Israel is come to appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing. 12 Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law: 13 And that their children, which have not known any thing, may hear, and learn to fear the LORD your God, as long as ye live in the land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it.
- Moses also taught them how to copy the word of God.
[10] Deuteronomy 6:7-9 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. 9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
[11] Deuteronomy 11:18-20 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes. 19 And ye shall teach them your children, speaking of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. 20 And thou shalt write them upon the door posts of thine house, and upon thy gates:
- Joshua continued to remind the people about the commandments written in the word of God.
[12] Joshua 1:13 Remember the word which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, saying, The LORD your God hath given you rest, and hath given you this land.
- Take a look at this timeline of God’s word for a quick overview of how God’s word has been passed on to us over time.
- God spoke His words to Adam, Cain, Noah, Abraham, and Moses.
- God gave the written word to the Kings and the Prophets and all of the Old Testament writers.
- God gave His words to the New Testament writers. These words were given directly to them.
- These words were written down and copied over and over again.
Some Quick Facts About Our King James Bible
- The King James Bible is made up of 66 books.
- It was written over a period of more than 1500 years so it has spanned many lifetimes.
- There are more than 40 writers of the 66 books.
- There were 3 sections of the Old Testament that Jesus talks about in the Book of Luke.
[14] Luke 24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.
- The Old Testament is made up of 39 books that were written between 1500 BC and 400 BC.
- The Old Testament is written in mostly Hebrew with a few sections in Aramaic.
- The New Testament is made up of 27 books. It was written from 33 AD to about 90 AD.
- The language used is Koine Greek.
- So we have the Old Testament in Hebrew with a small amount of Aramaic and the New Testament in Koine Greek.
- Remember that as we go throughout this sermon today.
A History of the King James Bible
- I will talk about the Old Testament and the New Testament separately today because their history is very much different.
- There is VERY MUCH arguing and dispute over the New Testament with much less over the Old Testament.
- There is still dispute over the Old Testament, but it’s nothing like the New Testament.
- Let’s learn what the issues are today.
Old Testament
- First, I want to talk about the history of the Old Testament within the King James Bible and where it came from.
- There are not AS MANY differences in all the bibles within the Old Testament as there are within the New Testament, but there are enough to make a HUGE difference.
- Let’s see why there are differences.
Most people believe the Old Testament of the King James Bible is based upon the Hebrew Masoretic text of the second Rabbinic Bible that was edited by Jacob ben Chayyim and printed by Daniel Bomberg in 1525.
- But, the King James Bible appears to follow the very first Rabbinic Bible which was edited by Felix Pratensis in 1517 and 1518 because the first edition includes Joshua 21:36-37 and Nehemiah 7:68.
- The second edition omits those verses.
- Most of the newer and recent versions of the bible are based on an entirely different text, which is called the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, which is the 3rd edition of the Hebrew Masoretic text edited by Rudolph Kittel.
- There are 8 places where there are differences between the 2 texts. The differences look like this:
- So, there aren’t many differences in the different texts that are underlying the Old Testament of the King James Bible versus all of the other modern bible versions.
- But, you’ll still find many, many differences in the words and the meanings of those bibles.
- So, what’s going on with those bibles?
Modern critics of the bible will say that some of the verses in the Bible are wrong and shouldn’t be there.
- Some will say that all editions of the Hebrew Masoretic text are wrong and have errors within them.
- They since the Hebrew text has error that we now need to consult other sources such as the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Samaritan Pentateuch, the Aramaic Targum, the Septuagint, and the Latin Vulgate.
- For example, the preface to the NIV states the following:
[16] “The translators also consulted the more important early versions – the Septuagint; Aquila, Symmachus and Theodotion; the Vulgate; the Syriac Peshitta; the Targums; and for the Psalms the Juxta Hebraica of Jerome. Readings from these versions were occasionally followed where the Masoretic Text seemed doubtful and where accepted principles of textual criticism showed that one or more of these textual witnesses appeared to provide the correct reading.”
- Keep in mind, we’re still talking about the Old Testament alone.
- So, these “scholars” consult all of these other sources because they believe parts of the Hebrew text have been corrupted in all editions.
- Studies have shown (we have even went over some of them before) that the Hebrew Masoretic text that underlie the King James Bible does not have errors.
- Here’s just a quick example of why the “scholars” say the Hebrew Masoretic text that the King James Bible uses is in error:
[17] 2 Samuel 15:7 And it came to pass after forty years, that Absalom said unto the king, I pray thee, let me go and pay my vow, which I have vowed unto the LORD, in Hebron.
- You see: The NIV says 4 years. The NASB agrees with the King James Bible and says 40 years.
- The different modern versions say that they use the same texts besides the Hebrew Masoretic text, but they cannot even agree between themselves.
- There is significance in the number 40 within all of the Bible.
- You can know that the King James Bible is right when it says 40 years.
- 40 is the number of thoroughness and completeness with respect to trials and missions within the Bible.
But for some reason, the scholars like to use verses like this to say the Hebrew text is corrupted.
- They have ZERO proof that its corrupted.
- Instead, they are corrupting the Bible and getting rich while doing it.
- So again, all of the differences are due to the belief that the Hebrew text is corrupt.
- So, the new modern bible versions will go and use other sources to make changes to the Bible.
- The underlying Hebrew text was very rigorously copied over the years with many rules for copying and there are no mistakes in the Hebrew text that the King James Bible is based upon.
- There is ZERO proof that the Hebrew text is in error.
New Testament
Now, I want to move to the New Testament.
- I want to show you a chart that gives us a history of the New Testament and talk about this in detail before we go any further.
- This is a very good chart showing the corrupted tree on the left and the good tree on the right.
- You will find the King James Bible on the right hand side and where it originated.
- What you see in the image concerns the New Testament only so keep that in mind.
No one will argue that the original autographs are the inspired word of God.
- For example, when John first wrote the Book of Revelation that is the original autograph.
- If there are exact copies of that autograph, no one would argue that this isn’t the word of God.
- But God allowed corruption to take place through errors and mistakes.
- We do not have the original autographs today. They do not exist at all in any place.
- Everyone agrees on this.
Scribes (writers) and printers made accidental mistakes and deliberate changes to the Greek text as they copied it.
- The surviving manuscripts copies of the New Testament differ among themselves in many different details.
- The surviving manuscripts are referred to as the Majority Text because that’s all we have from the original text.
- These are the copies with errors and mistakes.
Let’s Get Rid Of All The Mistakes and Errors In The Manuscript Copies
- Now that we have all of these copies of Bible manuscripts with errors, we should be able to look through all of them and find agreement within the majority to get rid of all the errors.
- Many, many, many attempts have been made to sort through all the surviving manuscript copies of the New Testament and get rid of the errors and mistakes of the scribes and copyists.
- This would restore the text to its original form.
- These attempts to do this go back as early as the second century AD.
- The 2 most known attempts to do this are the following:
- The Textus Receptus or “Received Text” (1516) by Erasmus
- Westcott and Hort or “Critical Text” (1881)
- So, today, we have different Bibles with different words in the New Testament because they are based on one of these 2 texts: 1) The Received Text or 2) The Critical Text.
- And these 2 texts are very different from each other.
The Textus Receptus is considered to be the first Greek New Testament.
- So think about this: before the Textus Receptus was completed there were many different copies of manuscripts that didn’t agree with each other completely.
- So, for people today who say the original copies are the word of God and no Bible in existence today is the word of God, they are saying the true word of God does not exist today BECAUSE THERE ARE NO ORIGINAL AUTOGRPAHS.
- There are copies that have been corrupted in some way.
- But when you take them as a whole and weed out all of those errors, you can find the word of God.
- This is what Erasmus did with the Textus Receptus.
Was the first edition of the Textus Receptus perfect? No, it was not.
- Erasmus admitted this because he was being rushed to complete the work.
- Erasmus himself has 5 editions of his work. Then Stephanus added 4 editions. Then Beza added 9 editions.
- Then Elzevirs added 3 editions but these were completed after the King James Bible was released in 1611.
- There are only minor variations within all of these editions and they were not new versions.
- They were correcting mistakes that were made previously.
There’s much history to both the Textus Receptus and the Wescott and Hort text.
- For example, the modern bible versions today originate from the Westcott and Hort text but they use the Nestle-Aland text which was first written in 1898 or the Greek New Testament published by the United Bible Societies in 1966 or 1993.
- The Westcott and Hort text is based on the older and supposedly “better manuscripts” called the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus.
- Westoctt was a man who believed in the worship of Mary. Hort didn’t believe Scripture is perfect.
- Both of them rejected the literal account of Creation in the Bible and took great interest in the works of Charles Darwin the inventor of the evolution theory.
These 2 manuscripts (The Vaticanus and Sinaiticus) are very corrupt and this can easily be shown as they contradict themselves in many, many places.
- One was found in the dump of a monastery and the other was found on the shelves of a Vatican library.
- Both lasted so long because no one used them.
- Again, these better manuscripts disagree with each other in thousands of places!
- The Textus Receptus agrees with the majority Text much, much more than the modern Nestle-Aland and the United Bible Society text.
- Even the newest texts that have been discovered over the past 400 years continue to agree with the Textus Receptus much more.
So again, the original scriptures were inspired by God and were perfect.
- But, we do not have those original scriptures or perfect copies of those originals today. They do not exist.
- So now, we can look back at the chart and understand it much better.
- You can see the base of the good tree with the King James Bible is the Textus Receptus.
- At the base of the other tree you will see the Vaticanus.
- So, let’s take a closer look at the corrupt tree and the good tree.
Where Did The Corrupt Tree and the Good Tree Originate From?
- It’s very easy for anyone to see with today’s bibles that they are very different.
- The King James Bible is very different from the others.
- If you can’t see that today, you need to take the 2 and compare them with a parallel Bible online.
- Just search for parallel Bible, and you will be able to compare chapters and verses easily.
- You’ll see they are very, very different.
- Look at this image to understand the 2 different lines of bibles.
- The origin for the two lines of Bibles come from one of two places:
- Antioch in Syria
- Alexandria in Egypt
- So, which one would you choose to follow?
- A Bible that comes from Antioch or a bible that comes from Egypt?
- I want you to take a look at this chart.
- Now, let’s listen to a couple of verses about Antioch and Egypt.
[23] Acts 11:26 And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
[24] Deuteronomy 4:20 But the LORD hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the iron furnace, even out of Egypt, to be unto him a people of inheritance, as ye are this day.
- The Apostles were associated with the Church at Antioch while Egypt is called the iron furnace and is known for evil throughout the Bible.
- This is very easy and clear to see. God is trying to tell us which Bible to use.
- I want to look closer at the chart.
- Let’s look at the Antioch side where the King James Bible originates from.
- Notice the traditional text line includes over 5,000 manuscripts. The Apostles are on the side of Antioch.
- We have the original manuscripts. We have the Received Text from Erasmus.
- We have the Bibles that the King James Bible is based upon.
In the middle of the chart, you’ll see corruption of the scriptures was taking place.
- Scholars were adding pagan views and philosophy to their writings.
- Let’s talk about Clement and Origen for a minute.
- Clement was from Alexandria and accepted Greek philosophy and believed different ways to achieve salvation.
- He thought you could get it through baptism, faith and works, and even faith alone.
- He couldn’t get it straight. Does that sound like the churches today? Oh yes, it does.
- Origen was from Alexandria.
- He denied the Bible’s history within its pages, he didn’t think the Holy Spirit is eternal, and he didn’t believe salvation was through grace.
You’ll see the Vaticanus and the Sinaiticus on the right hand side with Alexandria.
- You’ll see their dates of writing as 331 AD.
- When you look at the timelines from the left and the right, you’ll see why older doesn’t always mean better.
- But, all of the modern experts will tell you that the Vaticanus and Sinaiticus are better because they are older.
- Corruption started as soon as the INSPIRED SCRIPTURES were being copied.
I believe God allowed this corruption to further separate and divide His people.
- Who can recognize today that the modern bible versions are corrupted?
- If you can, you will see that the King James Bible is from the good tree.
There Have Been ZERO Revisions of the 1611 King James Bible
- There are not new “versions” of the King James Bible.
- A new version would mean the name would need to change.
- For example, the New King James Bible is a new version.
- The New American Standard bible is a new version. The NIV is a new version.
In new versions, all the words and meanings are changed.
- You can see this easily with all of the corrupted modern bible versions.
- You can show that they have different meanings throughout those so-called bibles.
- In contrast to the modern bible versions, there are editions of the King James Bible.
- And yes, you have to be careful because some Bible printers and publishers don’t know what edition they are using and have even made some of their own changes.
- So, it can be very tricky and we need to make sure we are using the right King James Bible.
People that don’t believe there is a perfect Bible will point out that the editions or printings of the King James Bible today are different than the 1611 King James Bible.
- There are no differences in the VERSION or the TRANSLATION of the King James Bible.
- In other words, no one has re-translated the King James Bible.
- This means that NONE of the editions have been re-translated, and they are not new versions of the King James Bible.
- This is very important to understand. No one is correcting the translation or creating a new version.
Yes, “minor” changes have been made to the King James Bible since the 1611 King James Bible was first printed.
- The printers were making mistakes from the very first printing.
- There were mistakes made by the printers.
- Remember that man is not perfect and the printing press was somewhat new at this time.
- So, obviously, if a printed King James Bible has mistakes then it’s obviously not the word of God because those mistakes may change the meaning somehow.
- Right? This doesn’t mean the original 1611 King James Bible is not perfect.
The mistakes in printing are not God’s mistakes. This is just one quick example. We’ll go over more.
- There are spelling mistakes in the King James 1611 Bible.
- But, were they really spelling mistakes at that time?
- The Modern English language was still new at the time and spelling of words had not been finalized. IN 1611, there were no set rules for spelling as compared to what we have today. Everyone needs to understand that the English language was newer at this time.
Some of these printing mistakes and spelling mistakes were corrected immediately in the same year and the second printing of the King James Bible.
- Remember, they didn’t have computers like we do with word processors that check spelling quickly and easily.
- The Bible is not a short book and it was easy to miss mistakes and errors in printing and copying.
- Other corrections to the King James Bible from man-made mistakes were made in other years as well.
- We’ll go over all of these today so you’re an expert on the King James Bible and can answer any objections from people you speak with when we go out to tell people about Jesus Christ.
- You will run into people who will make these arguments so please listen and understand this today.
7 Major Editions of the King James Bible
- There are 7 major editions of the King James Bible:
- The First 1611 Edition
- The Second 1611 Edition
- The 1613 Edition
- The 1629 Edition
- The 1638 Edition
- The 1769 Edition
- The Pure Cambridge Edition in 1900
- There are also others such as the Early 1800’s London Edition, the Victorian Oxford Edition, and the Concord Cambridge Edition.
- Yes, some of these have printing differences, spelling differences, and textual changes.
- So today, we’ll talk about these so-called “CHANGES” to you’ll know how to counter any of these truly corrupted bible supporters and even the King James users who say it’s just a translation by man and it has mistakes too.
- You see: these are usually the people who have some made-up religion and want to pick and choose everything that matches their religion.
- It’s the blind following the blind. Pick and choose God’s words, and you’ll be lost.
Let’s Look At A Few Examples So You Understand What I Mean Today
- Listentoday so you don’t say the wrong thing and can be proved wrong by someone when you’re out talking with them.
- The King James Bible is perfect and is the inspired word of God.
- Are there mistakes within specific editions? Yes, because these were printed and copied by man and not by God.
- We make mistakes.
There are hundreds of differences between the 1611 King James Bible and the newest editions that you’ll find today.
- Remember, there have been 7 major editions to the King James Bible.
- I personally believe that the Pure Cambridge Edition from 1900 (the last major edition) is the perfectly inspired word of God without any man-made errors or mistakes.
- But, you don’t have to have that edition to be reading the inspired Word of God.
- Remember, the importance is the spoken words from God.
- Spelling, printing, punctuation do not affect the spoken word of God.
- Let’s look at the types of changes between editions:
- Printing Changes
- Spelling Changes
- Textual Changes
- And now we’ll look at each of those 3 changes with some examples so you can understand each of the changes.
Printing Changes
- The type of font used in the 1611 version was Gothic Type style.
- This font originated in Germany where the printing press was invented.
- Gothic font type was chosen because it was considered to be beautiful.
- In 1612, though, Roman font type was used in the King James Bible and then continued in Roman font.
- Some people will look at the King James Bible of 1611 in Gothic font and say there have been changes, but many of these changes are due to the font style of Gothic.
- For example, the Gothic “s” when used in the middle of a word, looks like a “f” that we know today.
- A Gothic “v” looks like a Roman “u.”
love = loue
- Here’s an image showing an example:
- So all of these changes are simply font style and change nothing in regards to the words of the Bible.
Spelling Changes
- Keep in mind that most histories date the beginning of the modern English language to be around the year 1500.
- The structure and basics had been established by 1611, but the spelling was not yet stabilized.
- There was no such thing as correct spelling of English words at this time.
- No standards had yet been established.
The SAME AUTHOR often spelled the same word in different ways.
- This happened on the same page at times.
- These were the very educated people spelling the words differently.
- English spelling started to stabilize more in the 1700’s.
- This is when the new King James editions were created which used the new standards for spelling.
- For example, additional e’s were often found at the end of words like this:
[30] Beare, darke, feare.
- You would also find double vowels and double consonants more often like this:
- Mee, bee, and mooued instead of moved.
- Ranne, euill, and ftarres would be ran, evil, and stars.
- None of these spelling changes alter the text of the King James Bible in any way but many people refer to the thousands of changes within the King James Bible as font and spelling changes.
- They’ll say things like: “What about the thousands and thousands of changes in the King James 1611 Bible?”
Textual Changes
- Now this is where the important changes take place.
- This is where some people will allow the modern bible version proponents to change their mind.
- You must remember that changes you’ll find in the text were most likely made due to printing press errors.
- There is no proof that any of these changes were made for any other reason than mistakes in printing.
- There are no changes in ANY doctrine that is taught within the Bible due to any of the mistakes made by the printers.
- Here’s an example of one of the so-called worst “changes” between editions that is said to effect doctrine:
Verse |
King James Bible 1611 |
King James Bible Pure Cambridge Edition 1900 |
Psalm 69:32 |
The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall liue that seeke good. |
The humble shall see this, and be glad: and your heart shall live that seek God. |
- So the word has been changed from “good” in the 1611 version to “God” in the edition I use today.
- You can easily see how the type setter could have misread the proof and put the wrong word in the text.
- This particular error was recognized in 1617 (only 6 years after the original printing) and well before the first so-called revision.
- There are no revisions to the King James Bible.
- There were only corrections being made to man-made errors and mistakes.
- This is just one example and there are hundred of these types of changes that have been made to correct errors and mistakes made in the original printing.
Is the King James Bible The Inspired Word of God?
- Inspired has two meanings:
- The process of the Spirit of God giving the word of God through human penmen.
- The quality of those words, the very words of God.
- God didn’t give the words directly to the King James Bible translators by speaking directly to them.
- They never claimed that and God never said anything like that either.
- If the King James Bible was created in this way, the men wouldn’t have used manuscripts to create the King James Bible.
Instead, they would have simply stated that they received the words directly from God.
- So, the King James Bible is not the directly inspired word of God.
- No one I know has claimed that or will claim that.
- The true inspired word of God was given to the men of God who wrote the Scripture for the very first time.
- This is called the original “autograph.”
- Most so-called Christians today believed that only the originals are inspired.
- I call this Inspired Originals Onlyism. The originals don’t exist today so those people are saying the inspired word of God doesn’t exist today.
- The inspired word of God was given once to the authors of each Book.
[33] 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
- God knew what would happen to His words.
- When He gave His words to the authors to write them down for the first time, He knew that His words would be corrupted.
- He knew that the Holy Ghost would have the job of keeping these words.
- The Holy Ghost gets the job done. You can count on that.
God knew corruption would come, but He ensured His Scripture would not be lost.
- He has kept it, preserved it, and allowed us to copy His True Words throughout time.
- His words are taken care of by the Holy Ghost, and they have been kept by the Church throughout history.
- We have His words today. We have His inspired words today in English.
- We have this today because the translators and creators of the King James Bible were able to take copies of manuscripts, discern which manuscripts and words were inspired scripture, and translate those words into English for us today.
The King James Bible contains the inspired word of God, but it was not made through inspiration from God.
- The Spirit of God didn’t give the direct words to the King James translators as the translators used the inspired word of God to create the King James Bible.
- God did not speak to the translators directly from 1604 to 1611.
- They were simply Godly men being led by the Holy Ghost.
- These men judged what was or what wasn’t inspired Scripture, and they presented it properly to us in English.
- The Holy Ghost did His job perfectly. We have the inspired word of God through the King James Bible.
Is the King James Bible the ONLY inspired word of God? Of course not.
- There are the same copies of manuscripts that the King James translators used today.
- There are Hebrew Bibles that contain the inspired word of God.
- There are Greek Bibles that contain the inspired word of God.
- There are other Bibles in English that the King James Bible translators used that contain the inspired word of God.
- There are other Bibles that contain some of the inspired word of God.
There are also corrupted manuscripts and corrupted Bibles.
- The King James Bible translators were able to discern which manuscripts and words within those manuscripts were corrupted.
- You can know today that the King James Bible doesn’t have mistakes.
- Does your copy or edition have mistakes? Does the one you’re reading right now have mistakes?
- Yes, it might because it was man-made through a printing press.
- Which edition did they use to print your Bible? Did that edition have mistakes? Maybe.
As a whole, is the King James Bible the inspired word of God. Yes. So understand what that means today.
- Does that mean your copy of a specific edition is perfect? No, it does not.
- It could have some punctuation mistakes. It could have some spelling mistakes.
- We do not have a PERFECT ORIGINAL of the King James Bible in 1611 just as we do not have the PERFECT ORIGINALS of God’s Words written by the authors of the Books of the Bible.
If the exact intentions of the King James translators could have been produced at that time through the printing presses, through spelling standardization, through modern English fonts, then YES, we would have a perfect original of the 1611 King James Bible.
- Today, I will use the Pure Cambridge Edition of 1900 because all man-made mistakes have been removed.
- This is the inspired and perfect word of God.
- You can take that edition, if printed properly, and say that it is perfect.
I truly hope this helps you understand the changes in the King James Bible that others will argue with you about.
- All you need to say is that the King James Bible is perfect.
- If there are any changes between editions (NOT VERSIONS), they were made due to font type, spelling standardization of the modern English language, and printing press errors.
- That’s it! There are no changes in ANY doctrine AT ALL.
- Of course, the same can NEVER be said about the modern corrupted bible versions because they are based on completely different manuscripts written by corrupted men.
- So again, we’ll say this one FINAL TIME today. The King James Bible is the inspired word of God perfect in every way.
Let’s pray.