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Sermon Proverbs Chapter 24

[2] The title of the sermon: “PROVERBS CHAPTER 24.”

Verse By Verse Through Proverbs Chapter 24

  • Let’s continue our verse by verse Bible study through the Book of Proverbs.

[3] Proverbs 24:1-2 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them. 2 For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.

  • This is a command the Bible gives us many times. We are not to envy evil men.
  • You’ll find the command over and over again in Psalms and Proverbs.

We are not to desire to be with them. We don’t want to be on their side or have what they have.

  • Why? “For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.” You don’t want those things.
  • Remember, their heart studies destruction. Listen to this Scripture and learn the truth.

[4] Psalm 73:1-5 Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of a clean heart. 2 But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped. 3 For I was envious at the foolish, when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. 4 For there are no bands in their death: but their strength is firm. 5 They are not in trouble as other men; neither are they plagued like other men.

  • He says that his feet were almost gone. He almost slipped. Why? He was envious at the foolish.
  • He saw their prosperity. They are not in trouble as other men. They aren’t plagued as other men.
  • In other words, they have an easy life with riches. They are prosperous.
  • They aren’t getting chastened by God. If we look further down in Psalm Chapter 73, we see this.

[5] Psalm 73:12-14 Behold, these are the ungodly, who prosper in the world; they increase in riches. 13 Verily I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocency. 14 For all the day long have I been plagued, and chastened every morning.

  • Which sounds better to you? To never know God or Jesus Christ and have a prosperous and easy life?
  • Or, to know God and Jesus Christ and be plagued and chastened every morning?

[6] Deuteronomy 8:5 Thou shalt also consider in thine heart, that, as a man chasteneth his son, so the LORD thy God chasteneth thee.

[7] Revelation 3:19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

  • God Almighty doesn’t love the evil and wicked man so he doesn’t chasten him in this life.
  • Those who He loves, though, gets rebuking and chastening constantly. Why? He’s helping you.
  • He’s correcting you. When you get off the right path, He’s going to bring you back through chastening.
  • So, don’t envy the evil men with their so-called good life and prosperity. Understand that.

[8] Proverbs 24:3-6 Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: 4 And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches. 5 A wise man is strong; yea, a man of knowledge increaseth strength. 6 For by wise counsel thou shalt make thy war: and in multitude of counsellers there is safety.

  • We know that a good house is built through wisdom. It is then established by understanding.
  • We only get true wisdom and understanding from God. This is why we seek His words.
  • We receive the spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, and fear of the Lord.
  • All of these amazing things only come through the Spirit of the Lord.
  • We receive this when we believe on Jesus Christ.

By knowledge, the chambers of the house are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.

  • In the house of the righteous is much treasure. The lips of knowledge are precious jewels.
  • You can have a physical shack but that shack can be filled with spiritual riches which are far better.
  • For example, a wise child who knows the Bible well is like a precious and pleasant jewel in your home.
  • A wise wife who understands the Bible is more precious than rubies. She is a crown to her husband.
  • People are alive. Your house is alive because of the people within that house. They are the jewels.
  • But only if they are wise in the word of God.

A wise man is strong. A man of knowledge increases strength. God tests us. God sends us through trials.

  • He sends us through troubles. This is how He increases our strength. We don’t run when things get tough.
  • We stand with God. We do not turn our back on Him. When it’s time to fight, we fight.
  • “For by wise counsel thou shalt make war.” In this world today, we need to stand for God’s words.
  • He is our safety. “In the multitude of counsellers there is safety.” God is THE counselor.

He commands us to contend for the faith or fight for the faith. We stand up against anything that is not faith.

  • We know when to make spiritual war because the Bible tells us. For example, we stand against abortion.
  • We teach the truth that abortion is murder. We stand against transgenderism as it is 100% pure evil.
  • We stand against homosexuality because it is pure evil. We don’t back down. It’s time to contend for God.
  • We stand against a works based salvation in any way, shape, or form. THOU SHALT MAKE WAR.
  • This isn’t a physical battle, but it’s a spiritual battle. SPEAK UP. Stand for God.
  • If you won’t, listen to the very next verse.

[9] Proverbs 24:7 Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate.

“Wisdom is too high for a fool: he openeth not his mouth in the gate.” Open your mouth and speak the truth.

  • In schools throughout this country, they are training our children to hate the truth.
  • Your children will hate you after they grow up in public school in this country today. Understand that.
  • They are training your children to hate you if you love God. You aren’t building a good house.

You are not adding wisdom to your children by allowing them to be taught that homosexuality is good.

  • You are not adding wisdom to your children by taking them to a church that teaches false doctrine.
  • For example, a pre-tribulation rapture is a false doctrine. There is no wisdom in a false doctrine.
  • There is no wisdom in dispensationalism. There is no wisdom in lies. Build a good home through wisdom.
  • Wisdom, understanding, knowledge, precious and pleasant riches, strength, counsel, and safety.
  • If you build your home correctly through Jesus Christ, you will find all of those things.

Choose The Foolishness of This World or The Wisdom of God

Or, you can choose all the foolishness in this world. You can choose to be popular or hated for Jesus Christ.

  • You can choose for people to love you OR you can choose to love Jesus Christ.
  • You can choose heaven or hell. Jesus is in heaven. We will choose Him. That’s why we’re here.
  • That’s why others are at home watching TV right now. We choose heaven. They choose hell.
  • Wisdom is too high for a fool. No one wants to listen to the Book of Proverbs verse by verse.

Did you know that these sermons through the chapters of the Bible are not popular at all?

  • If I write a sermon about the mark of the beast, though, it gets views.
  • And I get many fools telling me that I am wrong even though it all comes from God.
  • The mark of the beast attracts fools. Proverbs Chapter 24 doesn’t. They don’t want to hear it.
  • But this book is filled with wisdom in every word of God. But wisdom is too high for a fool.
  • We will take the wisdom we are given, and we will open our mouth. We will teach the truth.

[10] Proverbs 24:8-9 He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a mischievous person. 9 The thought of foolishness is sin: and the scorner is an abomination to men.

  • Many people are out there right now coming up with evil schemes.
  • Many are the leaders in our government. They will take advantage of anything that happens.
  • They will see how they can benefit themselves over benefiting others through their evil schemes.
  • These people are mischievous. They go against God in every way that they can.

Even the thought of foolishness is sin. When you are thinking of doing something evil, it is a sin.

  • “But I didn’t actually do it.” That’s right. It’s good you didn’t actually do it. But you were thinking about it.
  • The thinking about it isn’t as bad as actually doing it, but the thought of foolishness is sin.
  • It is not good to have these thoughts. So stop devising mischief and start thinking and doing good.

For example, let’s say you love horror movies or movies with lots of evil and wicked things being done.

  • This means you are thinking about these things. This means they are leading you to sin.
  • Nothing good comes from watching these nasty movies. “But I’m not actually doing these things.”
  • YOU ARE STILL SINNING. God will punish you. He will chasten you.
  • And you will stop or things will get worse.

At the end of verse 9 there, you see: “And the scorner is an abomination to men.”

  • Scorners are those who hate the word of God, mock God, and make light of sin.
  • Do you not think sin is a big deal? If that’s you, then you might be a scorner.
  • And you might be an abomination. You might be greatly hated by God if you think sin is funny.
  • For example, do you think it’s fun to break into someone’s house and steal things from them?
  • Do you think it’s funny to throw rocks at cars as they pass by? Do you think murder is funny?
  • Do you think abortion is funny? Do you mock at all of these things? ABOMINATION.

Again, in the schools of this country, they are mocking at sin and training your children to become scorners.

  • Our leaders of this country are scorners. How did they even become our leaders?
  • We’re voting for mockers. We’re voting for people who hate the Lord God Almighty.
  • THEY ARE 100% SCORNERS. There is not an ounce of doubt in this statement.

When LGBTQ are appointed to leadership positions, the people who appointed them are scorners.

  • When a vote is cast for a judge who can’t define a woman, the people voting for her are scorners.
  • These are the people causing the problems in this country. ALL OF THEM.

[11] Proverbs 22:10 Cast out the scorner, and contention shall go out; yea, strife and reproach shall cease.

[12] Proverbs 29:8 Scornful men bring a city into a snare: but wise men turn away wrath.

  • Stop voting for scorners and mockers of God. CAST THEM OUT and contention shall go out.
  • Strife and reproach against God shall cease. And that’s what we want.

[13] Proverbs 24:10 If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.

  • God calls this strength. Going through much adversity without fainting is great strength.
  • For example, when you have a health issue, this is going through adversity.
  • When you trust in God to bring you through it, you will gain strength.

But if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. For example, David didn’t faint in adversity.

  • Elijah didn’t faint. Job didn’t faint. They didn’t give in or give up. Why is that?
  • They trusted in the Lord to save them and to help them. They trusted no matter what.

[14] Isaiah 40:28-29 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.

[15] Isaiah 40:30-31 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

  • God doesn’t faint. That means there is no limit to His strength. He is never tired or weary.
  • He is the definition of strength and endurance. He is the everlasting God. He understands everything.
  • He can look at anything and know exactly how it works because He is the author of all things.
  • Those things only work because He made them possible. There’s nothing that He doesn’t know.
  • Strength comes from God. If you want to be strong, you must trust in Him.
  • If you want to be healed, you must trust in Him. You would have fainted, but God gives you strength.

[16] Proverbs 24:11-12 If thou forbear to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; 12 If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?

  • If you know that a person is being put to death for something they didn’t do, you speak for them.
  • Or, do you say? “Behold, I knew it not.” But you did actually know. No one else knows that.
  • BUT GOD KNOWS. He is the one that pondereth the heart. He considers your lies.
  • He keeps your soul, which means He knows your soul very well. He knows your thoughts.
  • He will render to every man according to His works.

Don’t Stand By While Someone Is Dying

If you know someone is not saved BUT you ignore this, you are standing by why they are delivered unto death.

  • They are headed for death and hell, but you say nothing each and every day you see them.
  • God is considering these things. He knows that you don’t care. You aren’t following His commandments.
  • It’s time to speak up. It’s time to do something about this. Don’t be a fool and keep quiet.

[17] Proverbs 24:13-14 My son, eat thou honey, because it is good; and the honeycomb, which is sweet to thy taste: 14 So shall the knowledge of wisdom be unto thy soul: when thou hast found it, then there shall be a reward, and thy expectation shall not be cut off.

  • Most likely, all of us have had honey before. The honey is good. I love honey.
  • “My son, eat thou honey, because it is good.” It doesn’t just taste good, but it’s good for you too.
  • Honey is a very powerful food. IT IS GOOD. God says so in the Bible.
  • “AND THE HONEYCOMB, which is sweet to thy taste.” Have you eaten the honeycomb?

The honeycomb is sweet to thy taste. Honey with the honeycomb is even better and sweeter to your taste.

  • Eat the honey and honeycomb because it is good and sweet.
  • The same goes for the knowledge of wisdom unto thy soul. This will be good and sweet to your soul.
  • Find it and there shall be a reward. Your expectations of goodness and sweetness will not be cut off.
  • Your soul will rejoice when you gain wisdom and knowledge from the word of God.

[18] Psalm 19:9-11 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 11 Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

  • This matches Proverbs Chapter 24 perfectly as expected. God’s judgements are to be desired.
  • When He makes a judgement and takes action, you can know that it is good and right.
  • We desire God to make judgements because they are good and sweet. He warns us through His words.
  • Do good, and we receive good. Do evil, and we receive evil. Keep God’s words and there will be a reward.

[19] Psalm 119:103 How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

[20] Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

  • This is why we love God’s words. Most people, even the so-called “Christians,” HATE His words.
  • They love to make up their own words and call them the word of God because they want to be God.
  • They are just like their father the devil. They want to be God and act as if their words are God’s words.

[21] Proverbs 24:15-16 Lay not wait, O wicked man, against the dwelling of the righteous; spoil not his resting place: 16 For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

  • Wicked men and women go up against the righteous. They try to make us fall over and over again.
  • God commands the wicked man to spoil not the resting place of the righteous.
  • The just man who God loves will fall over and over again and yet they will rise up again.
  • How? God lifts them back up. We fall. God helps us up. We fall again. God lifts us up again.
  • But the wicked don’t have God there to lift them back up. They rejected God so He rejects them.

[22] Job 5:19 He shall deliver thee in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee.

[23] Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

[24] Psalm 37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.

[25] Micah 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.

  • So, we keep getting up when we fall because God helps us. The wicked man has no chance.

[26] Proverbs 24:17-18 Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth: 18 Lest the LORD see it, and it displease him, and he turn away his wrath from him.

  • When our enemies sin and fall, we are not to rejoice over these stumbling’s.
  • It’s not good when someone sins even more. We aren’t glad over the wickedness.
  • When a person is sinning, we don’t rejoice. We an enemy falls, we don’t rejoice. Why?
  • This might displease the Lord. He will turn His wrath away from this man.

It’s best to not even watch the evil and wicked man and what’s happening to him.

  • God will finish them off one day so it doesn’t really matter.
  • And, in the end, we will rejoice when God finishes them off.
  • But until then, rejoice not when our enemies fall.

[27] 1 Corinthians 13:6 Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;

  • We don’t cheer for someone to sin and to fall because of that sin. We cheer for good and right.
  • We rejoice in the truth. We don’t rejoice in iniquity.

[28] Proverbs 24:19-20 Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked; 20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

  • God teaches us over and over again to never side with the evil and wicked.
  • Don’t fret over them or allow them to bother or agitate you. Don’t envy them.
  • They will not have a reward. Their candle will be put out by God. So why worry about them?
  • Why allow them to bother you? God repays evil with evil. He doesn’t repay them good in any way.

[29] Numbers 16:23-26 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 24 Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. 25 And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the elders of Israel followed him. 26 And he spake unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins.

  • God doesn’t want you to have ANYTHING to do with wicked men and women.
  • “Touch nothing of theirs, lest ye be consumed in all their sins.” Stay away from them.

[30] Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

  • This is the very first verse in the entire Book of Psalms. Get out of the way of ungodly people.
  • Go the other direction. Get as far away as possible from them. Don’t participate in anything with them.

[31] Psalm 26:4-5 I have not sat with vain persons, neither will I go in with dissemblers. 5 I have hated the congregation of evil doers; and will not sit with the wicked.

[32] Psalm 119:115 Depart from me, ye evildoers: for I will keep the commandments of my God.

  • This is exactly what you need to be like in your life. Evil people that way. I’m going the other way.

[33] Revelation 18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

  • Don’t go the way of the wicked. Why? God is going to be pouring out His wrath upon them.
  • And you don’t want any part of that. Let’s continue in Proverbs Chapter 24.

[34] Proverbs 24:21-22 My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change: 22 For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?

  • We are to fear the Lord and His King who is Jesus Christ. He is King of Kings. He sets the rules.
  • He sets the way to heaven. His way is in place. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.
  • Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not have any other gods before Him.
  • Thou shalt work. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
  • God sets all of the rules and commandments for us, and they are 100% perfect, good, and right.
  • They do not change. God does not change. He says, “FOR I AM THE LORD, I CHANGE NOT.”

God Doesn’t Change His Law

But what are most people doing out in this world today? So-called “Christian” churches are constantly changing.

  • They change God’s rules. They change His way to salvation. They always think they have a better way.
  • They are new, modern, and progressive. They like to come up with new trends and get people to follow.
  • For example, the pre-tribulation rapture was new many years ago and many people fell for it.
  • Jesus doesn’t come back to rapture saints before the tribulation. The Bible is very clear on this.
  • But all of God’s ways are changing according to the churches.

For example, he says that homosexuality is an abomination or greatly hated by Him. He says He hates this.

  • But the churches are teaching that God is okay with homosexuality.
  • Even though God gives clear examples of His hate for homosexuality, churches still teach He’s okay with it.
  • He’s not. He changes not. So pay attention to the Book of Proverbs and get wisdom.
  • Or, don’t pay attention and continue to be a total idiot. What does God say in verse 21 and 22?
  • “Meddle not with them that are given to change. For their calamity shall rise suddenly.”

These people that change the laws of the Lord and especially His way to salvation have absolutely no fear of Him.

  • They do not fear God at all, and they do not fear Jesus Christ. They have made up their own Jesus.
  • Their Jesus loves everything they do and is never upset with them and would never punish them.
  • This is why they have no fear of Jesus Christ at all. They are okay with a changing Jesus.
  • Their Jesus will morph into whatever they want him to be. No fear and constant changing of God’s word.
  • You don’t want to be one of those people. They change God but does God actually change? No.

[35] Hebrews 6:17-19 Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: 18 That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: 19 Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil;

  • God is immutable. He cannot be changed. He does not change. He doesn’t change salvation on us.
  • Thank God. He gave the way from the beginning, and it is the same today.
  • Adam, Abel, Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses were all saved the same way as us.
  • All people of all time are saved by God’s grace through our faith in Him. We believe on Him. He saves us.
  • God doesn’t change. He doesn’t lie. He is immutable. He is sure and stedfast. He is firm and constant.
  • Let’s continue in Proverbs Chapter 24. We are at verse 23 of 34 total verses in this chapter.

[36] Proverbs 24:23-26 These things also belong to the wise. It is not good to have respect of persons in judgment. 24 He that saith unto the wicked, Thou art righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him: 25 But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them. 26 Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.

  • We are not to have respect of persons in judgement. If a crime is committed, it doesn’t matter who it was.
  • It doesn’t matter if the man is the President of the United States. He committed a crime.
  • We wouldn’t say, “Thou art righteous because you are the President of the United States.”
  • “Whatever you do, Mr. President, must be right.” No, that is not what we should be doing.
  • But that’s what most people in this country do now.

For example, many people believe that the Supreme Court is correct on every ruling it makes.

  • Even when things change over time, they will still say that the ruling is perfect and right.
  • Whatever they rule, a person will say: “The Supreme Court is right.”
  • They may rule that abortion is good and right. They would be wrong. They aren’t THE JUDGE.
  • The Supreme Court is made up of men and women who are sinners.
  • Many of them aren’t saved by Jesus Christ. Why would I care what most of them think? I don’t.

Just as verse 25 says, we are to rebuke them that are doing evil and wicked things.

  • For example, the President of the United States should be rebuked. He is not the king of this nation.
  • When he does wrong, he needs rebuke just like the rest of us. We are not to have respect of persons.
  • For example, would you get nervous if the President came to church and sit down here?
  • Would you give up your seat for him but not for a poor person who may come in here?
  • God commands us to not have respect of persons in judgement. When one does wrong, they are wrong.
  • We need to rebuke and correct people when they are doing wrong. Give right answers to people.

[37] Proverbs 24:27 Prepare thy work without, and make it fit for thyself in the field; and afterwards build thine house.

  • You can’t start building your house without first preparing and knowing what you are doing.

[38] Luke 14:28-30 For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? 29 Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, 30 Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

  • When you follow Jesus Christ, you must prepare to do so. You must know His words to follow him.
  • You must be prepared for what will happen. You must be prepared to forsake everything else.
  • You must be prepared for troubles, trials, and tribulations.

[39] 1 Kings 6:7 And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building.

  • Do you have everything you need to build your spiritual house?
  • Do you know the truth? Do you have the breastplate of righteousness and the gospel of peace?
  • Do you have the shield of faith and the helmet of salvation? Do you have the sword of the Spirit?
  • You need all of these things to build your spiritual house. Without them, you won’t have a chance.
  • The thorns and the briers will choke you out if you don’t have all these things with you.
  • Prepare for the building. Make sure you have the truth with you at all times.

[40] Proverbs 24:28-29 Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips. 29 Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.

  • Do not be a witness against your neighbor without a cause. Are you always looking to help your neighbor?
  • Or, are you attempting to be a witness against him and look for everything that he does wrong?
  • Why would you do that? Do you have a cause to be a witness against your neighbor?
  • DECEIVE NOT WITH YOUR LIPS. Never be a false witness. Don’t be eager to witness against someone.

Let’s say your neighbor did something wrong to you. “Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me.”

  • “I will render to the man according to his work.” God commands us NOT to do this.
  • We are not to get revenge on people by doing wrong. We are to do right. God is watching.
  • He takes care of vengeance. He clearly commands us to do good no matter what.

[41] Judges 15:9-10 Then the Philistines went up, and pitched in Judah, and spread themselves in Lehi. 10 And the men of Judah said, Why are ye come up against us? And they answered, To bind Samson are we come up, to do to him as he hath done to us.

  • In other words, don’t act like the Godless Philistines. “We are here to do to Samson what he did to us.”

[42] Matthew 5:39 But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.

  • Don’t return evil with evil.

[43] Romans 12:19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

[44] 1 Thessalonians 5:15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

  • Always do good to your neighbor. Good is following God’s commandments.
  • If your neighbor is evil, then stay away from them. This is good and right. Don’t repay the evil with evil.
  • Also, you do not allow them to walk all over you. It is not good to allow this either.
  • Follow the good and do good. God will take care of the rest for you.

[45] Proverbs 24:30-34 I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; 31 And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. 32 Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction. 33 Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: 34 So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

  • Notice in the first verse that God relates the man void of understanding to the slothful.
  • Slothful people are slow and lazy people who are void of understanding or empty of understanding.
  • They are too lazy to even sit and read the Bible because this is hard work.
  • Bible study is hard work because God says so in the Bible. The slothful won’t do it.
  • They won’t read the Bible. They won’t study. They won’t go to church.
  • But they can sit on a couch and take tax money away from others while the government hands it to them.

Sloths Are Always Asking For Money Because They Don’t Work

They have no understanding. Slothful people are always asking for money from others because they won’t work.

  • They don’t understand how hard someone else worked for it because they never work.
  • How do you know and recognize the slothful person? The Bible tells us right there in Proverbs.
  • Go by their field. Go by their vineyard. Go by their house. Drive past it. What do you see?
  • “It was all grown over with thorns. Nettles or weeds and plants are covering the face of the house.”
  • “The stone wall thereof was broken down.” They won’t even take care of their own home.
  • They will allow it to rot. They won’t do anything to take care of it. It’s very easy to see. Open your eyes.

“Then I saw, and considered it well: I looked upon it, and received instruction.” Hey, take a close look at things.

  • You will learn things when you have God’s word. He instructs you in the way of understanding.
  • Lazy sloths would rather watch a video than read God’s word. It’s easier for them.
  • God didn’t command us to watch sermon videos over reading His words. Read the Bible, sloths.
  • Is it too difficult for you? Are you that lazy? Is reading too difficult for you? Is it not exciting enough?
  • If you say yes to any of those, then you’re probably a sloth and a sluggard. You’re lazy.

“Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep.” Is that how you read the Bible?

  • Stand up and act like you know what you have in your hands. This is the word of God Almighty.
  • READ IT. If not, you will be void of understanding. “So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth.”
  • “And they want as an armed man.” Have you ever known someone that just travels around everywhere?
  • They never stop and get a job. They are always moving from place to place. They are in poverty.
  • They hate to work so they never get a solid job. They are lazy bums, sluggards, and sloths.
  • They are too lazy to read and study the Bible. They are void of understanding.

And you will know them by taking a close look. You might even smell them by accident as they walk past you.

  • Many are too lazy to take a bath or a shower. Watching TV on the couch is their normal day.
  • So, listen, God hates laziness and slothfulness. He teaches you how to recognize this.
  • If any of these things describe you, it’s time to make a change and quickly.

Are you too lazy to listen to a presentation of the Gospel because you have to get back to the couch?

  • “Well, I don’t have time for that. I’m busy.” What are you doing? “Watching TV.”
  • You aren’t busy if you’re watching TV. You aren’t busy if you’re playing video games.
  • Instead, you are a lazy sloth. GET UP and DO SOMETHING BUMS.

If not, you will find hunger, poverty, and travail. You will have a desire for everything but have nothing.

  • You will be under tribute. You will owe everything and give nothing. You will be a great waster.
  • You will sleep all the time. You will suffer. Your desire for everything will kill you. You will be afraid.
  • Your house will decay and fall in.

[46] Ecclesiastes 10:18 By much slothfulness the building decayeth; and through idleness of the hands the house droppeth through.

  • Don’t be a sloth. It’s time to get to work. Remember, this is the word of God saying these things.
  • If you are slothful, there’s no way you will follow Jesus Christ. You can’t even take care of yourself.

Let’s pray.

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2 responses to “Sermon Proverbs Chapter 24”

  1. Vicky Avatar

    I needed this study/ sermon so badly. Thank you.
    I’m in a void here where I live. Have searched for a church home but they are lacking in real truth, they also are more into the music.
    You are the hard hitting truth I’m searching for! Blessings

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Hello Vicky,

      Very nice to meet you!

      Yes, we have the same problem around here. I believe this problem is throughout the entire world. There are good churches, but they are not easy to find. I hope you are able to find one close to home.

      Please tune in for our live stream church services if you would like to learn more. We have church Sunday morning at 10 AM EDT and Wednesday night at 7 PM EDT. You can find the live stream at our You Tube Channel: True Words Christian You Tube Channel.

      We will pray for you, and we hope to see you in the live stream. We have a great lady named Janene from Detroit who joins us every live stream. She is usually in the chat if you would like to talk with her as well. We will continue to preach the truth here from the Bible and focus on His words.

      In Jesus Christ,

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