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[2] The title of the sermon today is “INSPIRED ORIGINALS ONLYISM.”
The King James Bible Is The Perfect Word Of God In English
- At this church, we believe that the King James Bible is the perfect and inspired word of God in English.
- With the King James Bible in your hand, you know 100% for sure that you can trust every written word.
- With that said, we get grouped into a so-called cult today called King James Onlyism.
Well, I’m going to show you how idiotic these people on the other side are today.
- I’m going to group them into a cult I’m going to call “Inspired Originals Onlyism.”
- And all of these Inspired Original Onlyists, that I’ve seen, can’t get the Gospel right.
They say, “ONLY the original autographs of the Bible manuscripts are the inspired word of God.”
- And many of them understand the original autographs sure don’t exist today.
- So, they say that all Bibles have mistakes and that we don’t have the TRUE WORD OF GOD anywhere.
- You’ll know them when they say, “Yeah, the King James Bible is a good translation.”
- “But do I think it’s the best? No. I think the ESV or NIV or NASB or the ABCD is the best translation.”
- “But really, they all say the same thing. They’re all the inspired word of God.”
- They don’t even understand what they’re saying.
But I can assure you today that I know what I’m saying.
- And what I’m saying is these modern Bible scholars are teaching lies to people.
- They come from a long line of Judas Iscariot’s. Their logic makes no sense at all. ZERO.
- They talk about the inspired word of God, but you can’t have access to it. You can’t read it.
- You can’t hold it in your hands. “God didn’t preserve the inspired word of God for you.”
So, is it true that only the original Bible manuscripts are inspired?
- In seminaries all over this country and world today, they’re teaching “ONLY the originals are inspired.”
- And coming out of these worthless seminaries are parrots saying “ONLY the originals are inspired.”
- And again, they have no idea what they’re repeating. They’re parrots.
The idea that ONLY THE ORIGINALS ARE INSPIRED is a very new idea.
- MOST CHRISTIANS throughout history do not agree with that AT ALL. That was considered HERESY.
- And today, I consider it to be HERESY. Why? Because that’s not what God’s word says. HERESY.
- If I say that you must be baptized to be saved, that’s heresy because the Bible doesn’t say that.
- People in churches today need to wake up and ask their church leaders where the word of God is located.
“Hey Pastor, what Bible do I need to be using? I want to make sure I have the word of God.”
- “I was comparing different Bibles and they actually say the opposite in many places.”
- “So, which one is right, almighty Pastor? My wife lied to me and I was reading my NASB.”
[3] Matthew 19:9 “And I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery .” – False New American Standard Bible.
- Should I divorce her because I really hate lying. She lied to me again. She bought a dress.
- She went and bought some shoes. I asked her not to and then she lied to me about it.
- She said, “Oh yeah, I’ve had those a long time.” I said, how long? She said, “A few days ago, a long time.”
- I said, “That’s not a long time.” She said, “Well it is to me.”
- “I can’t take her lies any more. Should I divorce her? My NASB says I can divorce her over immorality.”
- “Immorality is sin, and she sins every day. She’s evil and wicked, but not me.”
What’s The King James Bible Say?
“And then I got out my old King James Bible my parents gave me when I was a child.”
- “I thought maybe this old Bible with dust on it has a different answer.”
- “My Dad and Mom stayed together their entire life. Maybe it had something to do with that old Bible.”
- “I opened it up to Matthew 19:9, and it said something totally different.”
[4] Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
- “So, Pastor, I’ve heard you say that all Bibles say and mean the same thing, but when I look at these verses they sure don’t say the same thing. They don’t mean the same thing.”
- “One says that I can divorce her for immorality or any sin and the other says FORNICATION only.”
- And then I looked in my Watson’s Biblical and Theological Dictionary and it says this:
[5] FORNICATION, whoredom, or the act of incontinency between single persons; for if either of the parties be married, the sin is adultery.
- “Since my wife and I are married and she didn’t commit fornication before we were married, then the King James Bible says I can’t divorce her.”
- “I don’t really like that because I want to do what I want. I just don’t like her any more.”
- “I should be able to do whatever I want. I hear that I can all over Facebook and my TV.”
- “I’ve heard you say that God loves me no matter what. God would never get mad at me.”
- “Pastor, you use the New American Standard Bible in church so can I divorce my wife?”
FORNICATION is a sexual relationship BEFORE you’re married. Once you’re married, it’s called adultery.
- And yes, God knows the difference in fornication and adultery.
- The King James Bible is the word of God and uses fornication and adultery in the same verse.
- So yes, there is a difference, God knows the difference, and God wrote it in the Bible.
[6] Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.
- That right there is the word of God. It has POWER. The NASB is a watered down false bible version.
- The scholars say, “But the different versions don’t lead to any major doctrine differences.”
- Well, divorce is pretty major to me. That affects your entire life. Does that count as major?
- I could do hundreds of sermons on MAJOR doctrines affected by the modern bible versions. HUNDREDS.
So really, what are the PASTORS doing today? They aren’t doing anything.
- Do you understand what the word PASTOR means? And what they’re supposed to be doing?
[7] Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
- They’re sheperds. They’re supposed to feed you with knowledge and understanding.
- They’re supposed to guide you and keep you on the right path. Don’t let the wolves get the sheep.
- Are they providing guidance and understanding? NO!!! They say all bibles say and mean the same thing.
- So, if people believe that, people would get a divorce over lies and sin.
- “Well, my NASB says that I can get a divorce. That means all bibles must say the same thing.”
- What a joke. So, what are the Pastors really doing?
Only The Originals Are The Inspired Word Of God???
- In other words, sheep of my pasture: “Sorry, good luck out there on your own.”
- “I will confuse you. I will teach you the wrong things. I will lead you in the wrong direction.”
- That’s what they’re saying when they say, “ONLY THE ORIGINALS ARE INSPIRED.” And it’s evil.
- I’m going to show you today why it’s evil. And why it’s a lie. The Bible proves this.
Today, I want to show you that this Inspired Originals Onlyism is a recent idea. It’s new in this day and age.
- A book from the evangelist Dr. John R. Rice who lived from 1895 to 1980 is titled:
- “Our God Breathed Book The Bible.” I want you to see what he says:
[8] “The authenticity and authority of a God-inspired Bible is THE VERY FOUNDATION of Christianity. Even if it should be admitted that Christ is deity, we have no certain way of knowing the truth about Christ, about the way of salvation, no assurance of heaven and eternity, no sweet promises, no way to know Christian duty, to grow Christian character, or preach the Christian Gospel, without an inspired Bible. We had as well settle it to start that it is the Bible and Christ OR no Bible, no Christ, no salvation, no Christianity.”
- Do you hear that today? I agree with that 100%.
- These people who say that we don’t have the PERFECT INSPIRED WORD OF GOD today?
- They might as well say that we don’t have Christ.
- It’s either the perfect word of God AND Jesus OR there is no perfect word of God and no Jesus.
- And what are they leading to? No Bible and no Jesus. The Bible is the inspired word of God.
- That’s the definition of the Bible. If it’s not inspired, it’s not the Bible.
- So, what are they saying? We don’t have a Bible!!! That’s what they’re saying. EVIL SERPENTS.
But watch this, okay? That same man, John R. Rice, do you know what he does later in “HIS BOOK?”
- He says this: “When we say that the Bible is inspired, we do not refer to the translations or copies, but to the original autographs.” He says, “Inspiration refers to the original manuscripts.”
- Today, we don’t have the original manuscripts. They don’t exist.
- So, that man named John R. Rice is referring to something we don’t have. It doesn’t exist.
- It didn’t exist in his time and it doesn’t exist now.
We don’t have the pages that Paul wrote on the first time for the Book of Romans.
- We don’t have the pages that Moses wrote on for the Book of Genesis.
- We don’t have the rock tablets with the TEN COMMANDMENTS. We don’t have the original autographs.
- The question we must answer today is this: “Are only the original manuscripts inspired?”
- “Are only the original manuscripts the perfect word of God?”
- If that’s true, we have no idea what God’s words really were.
[9] 2 Timothy 3:16-17 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
- GOD says ALL SCRIPTURE is given by inspiration of God.
- INSPIRATION of God means that these people wrote the Bible through God.
- God led them to write what He wanted.
- The word INSPIRATION is related to RESPIRATION. Inspiration in Scripture is GOD BREATHED.
- GOD SAID IT. It’s the WORD OF GOD. If it’s not the word of God, then it’s not SCRIPTURE.
God Says That We Will Have The Scriptures
Are those verses right there telling us that we won’t have the SCRIPTURES?
- Why would God’s word refer to this if we would never have it?
- Does the Bible ever say that any man was in possession of the Holy Scriptures?
- Well, let’s look at the verse right before this in 2 TIMOTHY verse 15.
[10] 2 Timothy 3:15-17 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.
- So, obviously, TIMOTHY right there had the HOLY SCRIPTURES from a child.
- Paul says to Timothy through the Holy Spirit, “From a child thou hast known the holy scriptures.”
- And the holy scriptures can do all these things listed for you, Timothy.
- They can make you wise unto SALVATION through faith in Christ Jesus.
The scriptures are profitable for doctrine. In other words, it’s not a waste of time to study the real Bible.
- It is a waste of time to study a false bible because it’s not inspired and it’s not God breathed.
- The holy scriptures are good for reproving INSPIRED ORIGINAL ONLYISM.
- You either have the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD that is perfect OR you don’t have SCRIPTURE at all.
If it’s not perfect, then it’s not SCRIPTURE. The word of God is perfect.
- If your NASB has errors, which it does, then it’s not the word of God.
- The Bible is good for correction and instruction in righteousness. The NIV isn’t the Bible.
- The NASB isn’t the Bible. It could cause you to divorce your wife over her lying to you.
- You don’t get to pick and choose what you want. It’s not about what you want.
But what are people doing today? Picking and choosing what they want.
- False religions pick and choose what they want to hear. ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:38, ACTS 2:38.
- They can’t even understand a simple verse. They take one and ignore the 31,101 others.
- ALL SCRIPTURE is profitable. That verse doesn’t say ACTS 2:38 ALONE is profitable.
How would you know not to divorce your wife? How would you know what laws you should follow?
- How would you know what commands to follow? How would you know how to be saved?
- How would you know the truth if you don’t know what’s true in the Bible?
- 500 different bible versions don’t say the same thing and they definitely don’t mean the same thing.
- So, what are you going to trust? That’s sad if we don’t know which one is the truth.
2 Timothy Chapter 3 is enough to disprove the entire FALSE BELIEF that only the originals are inspired.
- TIMOTHY HAD THE HOLY SCRIPTURES. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God.”
- And if you don’t think that’s enough then here’s what you must think about TIMOTHY:
- You must believe that his family was the keeper of the originals that Moses wrote.
- He must have had the ORIGINALS. Moses wrote the originals approximately 1,500 years before Timothy.
- Timothy must have had the tables of stone.
- He must have had the exact books from the ark of the covenant.
- He must have had David’s original writings in Psalms. They couldn’t be copies.
- Because INSPIRED SCRIPTURE can’t be copies according to Inspired Original Onlyism.
So, me? I know I have the inspired word of God with the King James Bible.
- That’s why we can preach with authority in this church because we know this is God’s word.
- Others can’t do that. They have to go back to the hebrew and greek and 100 different pastor’s get 100 different interpretations.
- “Well, I think you should be able to divorce your wife for adultery.”
- “Well, I think you should be able to divorce your wife is she lies to you.”
- “Well, I think it means that you should divorce your wife for not being a very good mother.”
- You see? I don’t have to think. I don’t have to guess.
- I KNOW the only valid reason for divorce is fornication BEFORE you were married.
- Do you see the difference? GOD’S WORD IS AUTHORITATIVE. If it’s not God’s word it has no authority.
The Great Scholars Are So Much More Intelligent Than God, Right???
So, you have all these so-called GREAT SCHOLARS who are so smart.
- Dr. This and Dr. That from This Great Seminary or That Great Seminary.
- And it’s very easy to prove how ignorant and idiotic they truly are.
- Well, that means we don’t have a BIBLE with SCRIPTURE in it. One verse in the Bible proves that.
- But then they don’t believe you can prove anything to them because what I quote from doesn’t mean anything to them.
- God’s word that I’m speaking doesn’t mean anything to them. So, you can’t convince them.
- They don’t trust that we have God’s word. And God did that on purpose.
[11] John 8:47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
- Where did this idea come from that ONLY THE ORIGINALS ARE INSPIRED SCRIPTURE?
- You won’t get that from the actual scriptures anywhere.
- You can’t find a verse that says only the originals are inspired.
- You’ll get these SCHOLARS that think they’re so smart.
- They’ll ask, “Where does the Bible say that the King James Bible is the inspired word of God?”
- And you can say, “Where does the Bible say that ONLY the originals are inspired?”
- Because it sure does say the exact opposite of what they’re saying. So, where do they get this?
Some people believe it goes back to a man named Richard Simon who lived from 1638 through 1712.
- This man said that only the originals are inspired without mistakes. All the others have errors.
- Who was this man named Richard Simon? He was a Catholic Priest in France.
- He wrote a book titled “A Critical History of the Old Testament.”
- He argued that the Bible has errors. He argued that Moses wasn’t the author of the first 5 books.
- Those things are still continuing today.
- The SCHOLARS of today are now saying Moses didn’t write those books.
[12] Exodus 17:14 And the LORD said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in a book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua: for I will utterly put out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.
- So you tell me. DID MOSES WRITE EXODUS? Somebody wrote that down right there.
- But the wonderful scholars today say, “Oh no, Moses didn’t write that.”
- What would we do without all of these amazing scholars who are so far above our minds?
- We would never make it without them. The truth is they’re idiots professing THEMSELVES to be wise.
[13] Romans 1:21-22 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
- I know they’re fools. When you say Moses didn’t write Exodus, I know you’re a fool.
- When you say things like Moses didn’t write Exodus, you’re minimizing SCRIPTURE.
- You’re trying to take away it’s power and you’re trying to add more power to your words.
Smart Men Improved The Bible???
This Richard Simon man says that other prophets not mentioned in the Bible and smart men improved the Bible.
- They did this over time. They’ve made it easier for us common people to understand.
- Of course, this man was a Roman catholic priest. And just as they say today:
- The Roman Catholic Church has authority above the Scriptures.
- Their words are higher than God’s words because God’s words don’t exist any more.
- Do you see what they’re doing? That’s what the seminaries are doing.
- That’s what every false religion does. They make up their own rules because there is no authority.
- But it’s okay to blaspheme the Holy Ghost and act like BABBLING is God speaking through you.
So, the real CHRISTIANS of Richard Simon’s time took his books and burned them.
- They considered him to be a heretick because of this view that ONLY the originals are inspired.
- So, what’s happened today? Ask any church around here where the inspired word of God is?
- Ask them which Bible is perfect? EVERY ONE that I’ve seen will say: “ONLY THE ORIGINALS ARE INSPIRED.”
- What’s happened? Where are the CHRISTIANS at? They won’t even defend the Bible any more.
- Why? Because all the churches have moved to these clearly TRASH versions that aren’t versions.
- They are PERVERSIONS of God’s word, and that simply means they aren’t God’s word.
There’s only 2 verses in the ENTIRE BIBLE that talk about THE INSPIRATION OF GOD.
- We’ve already seen one but let’s read it again and then let’s read the other.
[14] 2 Timothy 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
- Does the Bible ever say that THE WORD OF GOD is finite? Does it say it won’t exist any more?
- Does God say HIS WORDS will pass away because of these GREAT SCHOLARS?
- No, HIS WORDS say the opposite of that. What about the other instance in the Bible?
[15] Job 32:8 But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.
- God INSPIRES and gives us understanding. When I read the Bible, I know it’s GOD’S WORD.
- When I read the KING JAMES BIBLE, I know it’s God’s word. NO DOUBT.
- When I read the NIV, I know it’s a PERVERSION. When I read the APOCRYPHA, I know it’s a perversion.
- God leads us and guides us into all truth. He gives us wisdom and understanding.
- Where is this INSPIRED ORIGINALS ONLYISM coming from? It doesn’t come from the Bible.
After this Richard Simon French Catholic Priest wrote his book, the noise from that went away for a while.
- There isn’t much talk about ONLY THE ORIGINALS are the inspired word of God.
- Then, about 100 to 200 years later it all starts back up again.
- When we reach the 1800’s, people start accusing the Bible of errors.
- Why? Because you start to get all these so-called scientists.
- “Well, the earth is millions of years old. No, it’s billions of years old. No, it’s trillions of years old.”
- You get DARWINISTS, evolution, historians who say there’s no way the Bible is true.
- All of these SMART PEOPLE who know what they’re talking about.
Did Christians Really Fall For This Garbage?
And you know? Christians started to fall for that trash.
- That’s why the GAP THEORY exists for Genesis.
- They say there’s a large gap of time during creation of the heaven and earth because scientists say the earth is millions and billions and trillions of years old.
- So, the so-called Christians say: “The Bible must be mistaken because these smart people said so.”
- After all this so-called SCIENCE hits in the 1800’s, you start to see the PROFESSORS of THEOLOGY follow.
- For example, the theological chairmen at PRINCETON on 1881 said that ONLY the originals are inspired.
- This man was smart. He was a theological chairmen at PRINCETON. You don’t argue with this great man.
So, all of this originated (as far as we know) from a Roman Catholic Priest and then smart Princeton Theologians.
- And those Princeton chairs of theology wrote this:
[16] We do not assert that the common text, but only the original autographic text was inspired. No “error” can be asserted, therefore, which cannot be proved to have been aboriginal in the text.
- Do you see what that is? They didn’t want to have to stand up for the word of God and find the truth.
- They just want to be able to say ONLY THE ORIGINALS ARE INSPIRED and then no one can say anything.
- They won’t have to argue about the Bible because we don’t have the originals. They don’t exist.
- The originals don’t contain errors they said. So, do you see why the PROFESSORS love saying this?
- That’s the reason. NO ONE HAS THE ORIGINALS. So there’s no arguing over errors.
- If someone finds an error in their NIV, they’ll say: “Oh, that’s because only the originals are inspired.”
When there’s any questions or issues that arise, you don’t have an authority. You don’t have a single answer.
- That’s why they think it’s okay to change God’s words into anything they want.
- That’s why there are hundreds of different bible perVERSIONS.
- That’s why they can translate all the HE’S to IT’S.
- That’s why it’s okay for women to be leaders in the church.
- There is no WORD OF GOD AUTHORITY to any of them. They do what they want.
Many of them begin to believe things that aren’t in the SCRIPTURES.
- For example, one of those men that was a PRINCETON CHAIR of Theology believed in evolution.
- That’s what INSPIRED ORIGINALS ONLYISM leads to.
- It leads to false beliefs, false religion, false salvations, and finally, it leads to hell.
They may NEVER get the truth. I was an example of that.
- We were all told by churches to just use whatever Bible version you like best.
- And guess what? NO ONE ever gave us the TRUE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST.
- When you have the WORD OF GOD in your hands, you get straight to the truth.
- But remember, some people might use the King James Bible but it’s not perfect.
- They’ll say like the good little parrots they are: “1 JOHN 5:7 shoudn’t be in the Bible.”
- It doesn’t match their false religion so it must be a mistake.
What Does God Have To Say About This?
What does the Bible say about SCRIPTURE? The Bible is SCRIPTURE? It’s inspired by God so what does it say?
- So, I’ve went over all the clear SCRIPTURE before in many sermons about the WORD OF GOD.
- I want to look at that SCRIPTURE again quickly.
[17] Deuteronomy 4:2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the LORD your God which I command you.
- Don’t DIMINISH the authority of God’s word. What do you think all the scholars are doing today?
- What do you think all the pastor’s are doing today? “Only the originals are inspired.”
- That’s not what the BIBLE says. The BIBLE says Timothy had the SCRIPTURES.
- When we diminish the SCRIPTURE, people don’t see it an an authority. Then, they can do what they want.
- That leads to sin, sin, and more sin because who knows what God said.
[18] Psalm 12:6-7 The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
- God will preserve his words FOREVER.
- The people who say the originals only are inspired are calling God a liar.
- The originals do not exist to us today or even thousands of years ago.
- Translations are the INSPIRED WORD OF GOD.
- Original Greek in the New Testament is translated in the original from another language.
[19] Acts 21:40 And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,
- There’s all these examples in the ORIGINAL AUTOGRAHS with translations in them.
- That’s why God put SCRIPTURE like this one in the Bible. There are perfect translations.
- “Well, it’s just a translation. Obviously, it’s not God’s word.”
- So, the people who act like only the originals are inspired, they don’t even realize there are translations between languages IN THE ORIGINALS.
- Luke wrote that right there in GREEK in the original but Paul spoke in HEBREW. Do you see that?
- So, if they say the originals are inspired but they say there is no perfect translation, they contradict themselves.
- That’s why I love the Bible. That’s why I know I have the perfect Bible.
[20] Psalm 100:5 For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.
- If we didn’t have a perfect Bible today like all the church leaders say today, then that verse would be a lie.
- Again, they’re calling God a liar. They choose to listen to professors over GOD HIMSELF.
[21] Psalm 119:140 Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it.
- If the BIBLE had mistakes, it wouldn’t be pure and it wouldn’t be SCRIPTURE.
- Scripture is inspired by God. That means it has no error. It’s PURE.
- And yeah, I say that I LOVE THE KING JAMES BIBLE. And yes, I put it on a pedestal.
- Do I bow down and worship my actual Bible? No, I don’t. But I LOVE THE WORD OF GOD.
- And these preachers say, “Oh, so you’re putting the King James Bible on a pedestal?”
- “THY WORD IS VERY PURE: THEREFORE THY SERVANT LOVETH IT.” Yes, I love it. I put it above me.
- And you know what? I’LL FIGHT FOR IT. I’LL DIE FOR IT.
- We have this Bible today because people fought for it and died for it.
[22] Psalm 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.
- So, what does God think about HIS WORD? What does God think about HIS BIBLE?
- That verse right there says that GOD HIMSELF has MAGNIFIED HIS WORD above HIS NAME!!!
- So, is it wrong for me to magnify my BIBLE as HIS WORDS? No, it’s not.
- GOD HIMSELF magnified HIS WORD above HIS NAME. So, it must be important.
- So, do you think God would lose his words in this world today? If you do, you don’t know him very well.
[23] Proverbs 30:5-6 Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him. 6 Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
- We love God’s words because they are pure, and we know he isn’t lying to us.
- In this world today, you have no idea who is lying to you. People lie all the time.
- The only place you go to is THE BIBLE to know that you’re getting the truth. That’s why you love it.
- And God HIMSELF says every word of HIS IS PURE. Trust what he says. He is God.
[24] Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
- Did Jesus lie to us right there? OF COURSE NOT. The professors are the liars. The preachers are the liars.
- God’s words aren’t going away. And HIS WORDS are perfect without error.
[25] Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
[26] Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
[27] Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.
- No, it doesn’t. JESUS SAYS, “My words SHALL NOT pass away.”
- But the smart people, the theologians, the professors, the scribes, say that they did.
Pastors Call God A Liar
The PASTORS who are supposed to be representing God call God a liar.
- So Pastor, “Where are God’s perfect words?”
- “Oh, they only exist in the originals.” So Pastor, “Where are the originals?”
- “Oh, they don’t exist.” So Pastor, “You’re saying Jesus is a liar? His words passed away?”
- “Oh, well, that’s what I learned in Seminary.” So Pastor, “You trust a man over the word of God?”
- Yeah, that’s what they’re doing. TRUST MAN OVER GOD. That’s a bad idea.
[28] 1 Peter 1:25 But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.
- If you want to be saved, you better have the WORD OF THE LORD.
- How will you know if someone is telling you the truth?
- You won’t unless you have the WORD OF THE LORD.
[29] Psalm 119:89 For ever, O LORD, thy word is settled in heaven.
[30] Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
[31] Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
[32] John 17:17 Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.
- God’s word is the truth. If there’s a modern perversion that clearly has a lie in it, it’s not God’s word.
- The NASB tells you to divorce over any immorality or sin. I sin every day.
- That NASB tells Pam that GOD SAYS she can divorce me any time she wants.
- Is that what GOD SAYS? No. That’s not something little. That’s not something we minimize.
- The NASB is lying about what God says. That’s enough to BURN THAT MODERN BIBLE PERVERSION.
- But people won’t give it up. They would have to admit they’re wrong. I did. I gave them all up.
[33] Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
- What’s Jesus HIMSELF say about the word of God right there?
- He uses the SCRIPTURE to say that SCRIPTURE is what we LIVE BY. That’s how we live.
- And he connects the Old Testament to the New Testament. IT IS WRITTEN.
[34] Deuteronomy 8:3 And he humbled thee, and suffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, which thou knewest not, neither did thy fathers know; that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the LORD doth man live.
- We should live by the word of God. Everything in our life should be centered around that as our life.
- People say, “Well, you’re magnifying the word of God. You’re placing it on a pedestal.”
- I didn’t. GOD DID. It’s going to be the center of my life. I LIVE BY THE WORD OF GOD. It is my authority.
- If anything is bothering you and you need an answer, God’s word contains the answer.
- In your life, I would say it’s not possible to raise the word of God too high. It’s HIS WORDS.
- They represent HIM. He says to MAGNIFY HIS WORDS in your life.
The Word Of God Comes Straight From God Almighty
The words in this Bible come from the mouth of God. They come straight from his mouth.
- That’s a direct line of communication from God’s mouth to you. That’s special!
- Don’t minimize it. MAGNIFY IT. It should be important to you. You should love His words.
- For example, you come up to me and say I’m going to kill you if you don’t give me all your money.
- I’d give you all my money. It’s not worth dying over money.
- But if you come up to me and this is the last King James Bible left on Earth, there’s going to be a fight.
- You’ll have to kill me because this is how I live. I need the word of God to live.
Some people say, “I don’t need the Bible. I have the spirit and it leads me and guides me.”
- And then you hear them preach and everything they say contradicts the word of God.
- Hey, that’s not the Holy Spirit leading you and guiding you then. IT IS WRITTEN.
- Jesus is saying, “The words out of the mouth of God are written for us and they won’t be lost.”
[35] Exodus 24:7 And he took the book of the covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the LORD hath said will we do, and be obedient.
- He took THE BOOK and read it to the people. And they called that the WORD OF GOD.
- When you read the words of the Bible, that’s coming straight from the MOUTH OF GOD.
- INSPIRED means that came from God’s breath. They came out of HIS MOUTH. He spoke these words.
- The written word of God is the SPOKEN word of God directly from HIS MOUTH.
[36] Matthew 4:4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
- Notice that Jesus says, “IT IS WRITTEN.” He doesn’t say, “IT WAS WRITTEN.”
- He doesn’t say, “It used to be wirtten.”
- He was saying the BOOK OF DETERONOMY is God’s word. And he didn’t have the original with him.
- In Luke 4, Jesus takes up a COPY of the Book of Isaiah and reads it.
- Jesus didn’t say, “Well, this isn’t the original that Isaiah wrote. I can’t read this.”
Inspired Originals Onlyism = Pure Garbage = Lies
So, listen, Inspired Original Onlyism is FALSE and there’s 100% no doubt in my mind that it’s false.
- Why is that? How can I say that with complete assurance?
- Because I know I have the perfect word of God. I have FAITH in what it says.
- There is no faith within the people who say only the originals are inspired.
[37] Deuteronomy 32:20 And he said, I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very froward generation, children in whom is no faith.
- We’re living with a very FROWARD GENERATION today.
- Why do I say that? Because it’s not the HUGE MAJORITY that says we don’t have the perfect word of God.
- Now remember I just said we live with “CHILDREN IN WHOM IS NO FAITH.”
- That’s the people around us who don’t believe in the perfect word of God.
- If it’s not perfect, it’s not the word of God. With that said, think about this next verse for a minute.
[38] Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
- If you don’t have the WORD OF GOD, what’s going to happen with FAITH?
- Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
- Well, let’s take the word of God out of that verse because the so-called experts today say the word of God doesn’t exist.
- There’s nothing there. So hearing can’t come and then faith can’t come.
- If the word of God isn’t there, there is no faith. “CHILDREN IN WHOM IS NO FAITH.”
[40] Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
- Without faith, you can’t please God. Without the word of God, you can’t please God.
- You won’t know what to do. God won’t be pleased when you get divorced over any sin. Everyone sins.
- All the different versions can’t be the word of God because they say different things.
- I hope you see this today, and please, whatever you do DON’T FALL for Inspired Originals ONLYISM.
- There is a perfect Bible in English and it is the King James Bible.
Let’s pray.
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