Please join the livestream at Bible Believers Baptist Church on Wednesday 7/5/23 at 6 PM PDT or 9 PM EDT.
Here’s the You Tube Channel:
You Tube Channel Bible Believers Baptist
I will be preaching about the importance of one person in the congregation. Please support this church in Yakima, Washington by tuning in for the livestream.
This church has been through a lot lately and Pastor Aaron Thompson is the new pastor there. We will be helping to build this church back up as this is one of the only churches in the area preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Yakima County is home to over 250,000 people so there are plenty of doors to knock and preach the Gospel. This past Saturday, the soul winning teams had a total of 6 salvations over approximately 3 hours.
I will be coming to this church often to support them. Please subscribe to their channel.
Thanks very much, and I hope to see you on the livestream.
May God Bless You,
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