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We’re All In The Same Category Without Jesus

God has put us all on the exact same playing field.

There is not one “GOOD” person on the face of this planet.

Joel Osteen or other “POPULAR” false preachers will tell you that you’re good because it makes you feel good about yourself.

Giving you a false sense of goodness about your self is NOT what the Bible teaches.


Because it’s a lie. How do I know I’m not a good person, and how do I know that you’re not a good person? The Bible says so.

And remember, the Bible is the truth!

Romans 3:12 They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

Hey, look, that verse isn’t talking about some other group of people. It’s talking about you and I.

I’m not better than you. You’re not better than me.

I may have done many more things wrong in my life than you, and you may have fed the poor more than me or you may have went to Church more than me.

NONE of that matters when it comes to SALVATION. God does keep track of everything we do but not for salvation.

When it comes to our goodness, we’re all in the EXACT SAME CATEGORY!

None of us are good people! The Bible tells us that truth so we can know the truth and realize that we’re all sinners.

Since we’re all sinners, we’re all in the same category. We’re all headed for hell because we’ve sinned against God. The penalty for sin is death and hell.

The GOOD NEWS is we can be saved and forgiven of those sins RIGHT NOW before we die. We must do one very simple thing that takes no work at all.

You can do this right now.

All you have to do is CHANGE YOUR MIND and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you from your sins.

This means you understand you need a Savior because you’ve sinned against God. One lie is a sin. We’ve all lied. This means we all need a Savior!

The Son of God, Jesus Christ, is that Savior and He proved that by HIS DEATH, BURIAL, AND RESURRECTION.

This means He has power over life and death.

All you have to do is change your mind and believe on Him to save you. That’s it. Once you do, you are saved at that exact moment.

Once you’re saved, you are saved (past tense) and you cannot lose your salvation. How do I know this? Because the Bible says so.

John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Everlasting life is life that NEVER ends.

If you could lose it at any time after you’re saved, then it wouldn’t be everlasting life.

And look, the only reason you are now considered “RIGHTEOUS” is through Jesus Christ’s RIGHTEOUSNESS! It’s not your own in any way. That’s why we’re all in the same category of sinners.

We’re only saved through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He imputes that righteousness to us once we believe on His name.

And once you do, Jesus Christ is now your Savior. You need Him or you will go to hell because we are not good people.

False preachers lie to you to make you feel good. That’s pure evil.

The truth is you are not good, and I am definitely not good.

I hope this helps you understand that today, and I hope you’ll accept Jesus Christ as your Savior today.

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