Home / False Bible Doctrine / Wearing Pants or Cutting Your Hair Doesn’t Send You To Hell

Wearing Pants or Cutting Your Hair Doesn’t Send You To Hell

False churches are absolutely ridiculous and totally ignorant of Bible Scripture.

God NEVER says that women who wear pants lose their salvation and will be sent to hell.

The Bible NEVER says that women who cut their hair short will be sent to hell.

God NEVER says that women who wear a skirt above their knees will be sent to hell.

The false churches make up their own rules and then teach everyone their false rules that aren’t based on the Bible.

Then, those false preachers stand up and tell everyone that God will send you to hell for wearing pants or for cutting your hair.

I sure would like to see that Scripture. It must be missing from the King James Bible. I sure can’t find it anywhere.

Jesus, in John Chapter 6 verse 47, says, “WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH ON ME HATH EVERLASTING LIFE.”

If you have ever BELIEVED ON Jesus Christ as your Savior, then you’re saved. Jesus says so.

You have everlasting life. If you cut your hair, you aren’t going to hell. Why? Because Jesus says so. He says: “YOU HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.”

False preachers need to stop lying in their false churches. GOD HATES LYING.

Does God want women to have long hair? Yes, He does. But if you cut your hair, He’s not going to send you to hell unless you’ve NEVER put all your trust (100%) on Jesus Christ.

Does God want women to dress like women? Yes, He does. But if you don’t dress like a woman 100% of your life, He’s not going to send you to hell.

Should you keep your hair “longer” as a woman? Yes, because the Bible says your long hair is for a covering. Why? You need a covering because the man is sinful and is your head.

That’s not a knock on women. It’s more of a knock on the men. Women need to cover their head because men are shameful.

Men don’t need long hair as a covering because Jesus Christ is their head. He is not shameful or sinful. He is perfect.

It’s that simple. Men shouldn’t have long hair the Bible says. If they do, it’s a shame. That’s why we know 100% for sure that Jesus Christ didn’t have long hair.

So look, if your false church has been lying to you, you need to get away from them.

Most likely, they’ve ALSO been lying to you about how to be saved.

If you want to know 100% for sure how to be saved, read this: How to Know For Sure You’re Going to Heaven.

Does God hate sin? Yes He does. Sin is doing something against God’s rules. Notice I said: “GOD’S RULES.” A sin isn’t doing something against your false church rules.

Women should look different than men. Men should look different than women. It is a 100% sin if a man dresses like a woman. The Bible says so. It is a 100% sin if a woman dresses like a man. The Bible says so.

The Bible doesn’t say that a woman can’t trim her hair.

If a woman wants to have short hair like a man, that goes against the Bible. A woman SHOULD have long hair for a covering. It’s that simple.

But listen, those things aren’t sending you to hell.

We mess up and sin each and every day. ALL OF US DO. A bad thought is a sin. Sinning in ignorance is still a sin.

That’s why we need Jesus Christ to wash away all the sin from our soul. We still sin in our body (our flesh) every day. If you don’t, WOW!!! You are just like Jesus.

We can’t be like Jesus in our fleshly bodies. It’s a war each day. You can get better at not sinning by walking in the SPIRIT.

But you can’t walk in the SPIRIT, if you don’t have the SPIRIT. You need to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save you, and then, YOU’RE SAVED!!!

You receive the HOLY SPIRIT at the moment you put all your trust on Jesus Christ.

You don’t receive it at some later time. You’re saved once you believe. It’s that simple. There is no other requirement in the entire Bible to be saved.

Don’t take Acts 2:38 and turn it into a lie. Your lies don’t match with the rest of the Bible. You need to stop picking and choosing verses to match your false religion.

Take the whole Bible or don’t take it at all. Stop telling lies and blaspheming the name of God.

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