- What is this definition of toxic masculinity according to liberals and progressives?
- “Toxic masculinity is a cultural concept of manliness that glorifies strength and energy.”
- They say that men have this concept of manliness. We believe a man should be this and that.
- Liberals and progressives say, “No, a man should not have to be this or that.”
If you act like a man, strong and energetic, they say you are toxic or poisonous to others.
- What are some of the traits of men that make men toxic according to their lies?
- Physical toughness. Aggression. Fear of emotions. Homophobe. Independence.
- Anti-Feminist behavior. Violence. Dominance. Risk taking. Not engaging in household chores.
- Not seeking healthcare as much as women do.
- If we say, “REAL MEN” do not do this or that, we have toxic masculinity, THEY SAY.
For example, if I am outside working in the hot sun and need a drink of water, I will drink from a pink cup.
- I can guarantee you that it’s not my cup. It might be my daughter’s cup. Not my pink cup.
- If I am not in this situation where I need water, I won’t drink from a pink cup.
- I am not going to carry around a pink cup all day long and drink from it.
- I am told this is toxic masculinity. I am told that I need to accept a boy or man wearing a dress.
- If I don’t, this is toxic masculinity. This is what the world is teaching our kids today.
So, let’s get all this fixed today. What does it mean to act like a man? Where would we find all the answers?
- We will go to the Bible, and we will find the answers. Does God tell men to act like men?
- When we use the Bible as our guide, we know this is right. We know His guide for us is perfect.
[3] Proverbs 8:20 I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment:
- We know His ways are the right ways that lead to life and not to death.
- We know to let our eyes look right on and our eyelids to look straight before us.
- We ponder the path of our feet. We don’t turn to the right hand nor the left.
- We remove our feet from evil. We know that all our ways will be established when we use God’s words.
[4] Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death.
- When we stay on this straight path of God’s ways, which are not difficult, we go the right way.
- Liberals and progressives tell us that their ways are right. We know that their ways are wrong.
- God’s ways are right here. Straight and center.
God’s ways are home plate, pitcher’s mound, second base, center field. Straight on. The right way.
- Their ways are way over there somewhere out of the entire park. Their backwards. Wrong.
- Why? Because their ways do not follow the ways of the Almighty God who looks DOWN from heaven.
- We humble ourselves to God’s way because we know He’s been here for billions of years.
- We know that He created us. We know that He makes the sun rise and set.
- We know that He gives us oxygen. We know that He gives us sunlight.
We know He brings water to us so we can live. We know that He keeps our heart beating.
- We know that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for all our sins. We know that He’s saved us.
- We know that He’s given us everlasting life. So, we know to follow His ways.
- We hear what He says. AND, we do what He says. Are we perfect? No. But we try to be.
- What does God say? Let’s see.
[5] 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
- The UNRIGHTEOUS is equal to any of these great sins listed here.
- They shall not inherit the kingdom of God. What’s on the list? Everything on the list is a choice.
- We’ve all stolen. That makes us thieves. We’ve all put other things above God, at times, in our life.
- We’ve all coveted before. Notice that EFFEMINATE is on the list. What does this mean?
The definition of effeminate is having the qualities of the female sex. Soft, delicate, tender, unmanly.
- Womanish. To unman. To weaken. To melt into weakness. A man that is feminine.
- And yes, this is choice just as fornication is a choice. Just as stealing is a choice.
- “But, I didn’t have a choice. God made me that way.” He didn’t make any man effeminate.
- Do you understand this? God doesn’t make ANY MAN effeminate.
- Does the world tempt men into being effeminate? Yes, the world does.
If a man acts like a man in today’s world, the liberals and progressives are teaching people to hate men.
- They will say that all men are toxic. Guess what, though? GOD IS A MAN.
- God the Father is a man. He’s a Father. He’s masculine. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a man.
- He’s a Son. You won’t find a mother and a daughter as God within this Bible. You will find a man as God.
- The feminists hate that. They hate God because He is a man. He is male. Man was made in His image.
- Woman was taken out of man. So, if a woman hates a man because he’s a man, she hates herself.
- If a woman hates God, she has nothing but hate within her.
“So God created man in HIS own image, in the image of God created HE HIM; male and female created HE them.”
- Understand why the world hate men who act like men. God is a man. He acts like a man.
- He demands His men to act like men. He demands His men to dress like men.
- He demands His men to cut their hair like a man. It is a shame for a man to have long hair.
- Why? Because you look like a woman. That’s why. Be a man. Look like a man. Act like a man.
- It is a great sin for a man to be effeminate. I don’t want any part of me to look or act like a woman.
- Let’s understand what that means today.
[6] Job 40:6-8 Then answered the LORD unto Job out of the whirlwind, and said, 7 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. 8 Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous?
- People who accuse us of having toxic masculinity will say that the phrase, “MAN UP,” is toxic.
- Saying, “BE A MAN,” to your son or another man is supposedly toxic or poisonous. Is this the truth?
- If it were, they call the Almighty God of all creation who gave them life and owns them, a toxic man.
“Gird up thy loins now LIKE A MAN. I will demand of thee. Declare thou unto me.”
- And don’t just stop there. Verse 8 says, “Wilt thou disannul my judgment? Wilt thou condemn me?”
- Why? So you can be righteous? These people directly attack God’s masculinity that He designed into us.
- Why? Because they think they are more righteous than God who is a HE. They hate God.
He’s stronger than anyone. He’s physically and spiritually tougher than anyone.
- When you do wrong, He is aggressive. Thank God. He doesn’t fear emotion.
- He doesn’t fear homos. He hates them. He sure doesn’t fear them. He has no fear of anything.
- This is why His name is the Almighty God. He is independent. He doesn’t need any of us for anything.
- He can do all things. He can raise up another people any time He wants. He isn’t against women.
He created women. Why in the world would He create women if He were against women?
- He doesn’t commit violence or wrong doing against anyone. He owns life. He can give or take away.
- He kills and He makes alive. He is dominant. Thank God. He does take risks. That’s why I’m still here.
- He allows me to continue living when I don’t deserve it. He allows me to make my own choices.
[7] Isaiah 42:13 The LORD shall go forth as a mighty man, he shall stir up jealousy like a man of war: he shall cry, yea, roar; he shall prevail against his enemies.
- His name is the Lord. And He shall go forth as a MIGHTY MAN. HE shall stir up jealousy like a MAN of war.
- He shall cry. Not weeping. He shall cry out loudly, yea, ROAR. HE shall prevail against HIS enemies.
- Who did God send out to war? Men. Read the Bible. Men went to fight.
“The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is His name.” He is my strength, my song, and my salvation.
- He is my father’s God. He is my mother’s God. He is your God. He is my God. I will exalt HIM.
- He is a MIGHTY MAN. But let’s think about this. God is a man of war. But is He a man of peace?
- Yes, He is a man of peace. He loves above anyone. He hates above anyone.
- He wants peace but when He speaks they want war. So He is a man of war. Thank God.
The battle of Armageddon isn’t much of a battle, now, is it? The battle of Gog and Magog isn’t much of a battle.
- Can anyone put up a fight against the Lord? They can put up good fights against us, His people.
- They can win the battles against us. But they will never conquer God Almighty.
Men have all the traits that God put here within us. We have this flesh. We have His Spirit.
- We can choose the bad or the good. We can love and hate righteously. Love the good. Hate the evil.
- Establish judgment in the gate. We can hate unrighteously.
- If you hate someone because of the color of their skin, this is unrighteous.
- If you hate someone because they are an evil flaming sodomite reprobate, this is not unrighteous.
- There are both sides to every story. There is a good to every emotion. There is a bad to every emotion.
Real men aren’t afraid of their emotions. We’re just different than women. There’s an obvious difference.
- Men don’t have high estrogen levels. We don’t have female parts.
- Men don’t cry over silly things when they’re pregnant because they don’t get pregnant.
- We don’t say things like, “Why am I crying? I don’t know why I’m crying!”
- But, listen, do real men weep? Jesus wept. He didn’t walk around weeping all the time.
- Hey, a friend dies. We weep. We get tears in our eyes. Why? Because we love and we care.
- A father dies, we weep. We mourn.
There is a time to weep. There is a time to love. There is a time to hate. There is a time to kill and a time to heal.
- Born/Die. Plant/Pluck up. Kill/Heal. Break down/Build up. Weep/Laugh. Mourn/Dance.
- Cast away stones/Gather stones. Embrace/Don’t embrace. Get/Lose. Keep/Cast away.
- Rend/Sew. Keep silence/Speak. Love/Hate. War/Peace.
God put all of these things into us Himself. Men are designed by God. He didn’t put the evil things into us.
- So don’t get me wrong on this. There’s a lot of things in this flesh that are toxic and poisonous.
- But being a man, according to God’s words, is not toxic. There’s a time for all these good things.
- The world thinks everything must be positive all the time. But reality, the truth, shows you will die.
Not positive all the time. There is a time to be positive. There is a time to be negative.
- There is a time to lift people up with positive words from God.
- There is a time to break down people with negative words from God.
- There is a time FOR NO trials and tribulations. And there is a time FOR trials and tribulations.
- “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.”
- All these things aren’t bad. Being born is good. Dying is good if you’re saved. To die is gain.
- The desire to depart is good, but staying here right now is good too. Planting is good. Plucking up is good.
Killing is good, healing is good. All of these things can be bad if they are done in the flesh, in sin.
- For example, killing a cow to eat is good. God says we can do these things.
- Killing an animal by torturing it is not good. There is good and evil in all these things. Don’t be deceived.
- Breaking down is good. Building up is good. Weeping is good. Laughing is good.
- When my wife has been pregnant and crying, many times, this turns to laughing.
- Mourning is a good thing when someone dies. Dancing is a good thing. All these things can be evil.
Being a man is a good thing, but this can be evil. Understand what I’m saying.
- A man of God walking in the spirit is a good thing. A man of God walking in the flesh is a very bad thing.
- Keeping silence at the right times is a good thing.
- Keeping silent when you should be speaking is a bad thing.
A real man tells you the truth. Everything in this life is not positive. The end of this life is death. You will die.
- So you better believe on the Lord Jesus Christ before it’s too late.
- God will throw you into hell if you won’t believe in His Son. And no, that’s not too harsh for children.
- Bring the wives, bring the little ones, bring the strangers. Gathering together as believers is a great thing.
[8] Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
- Real men of God will go to church physically. We will find a good church. We will go there.
- If we can’t find a good church in our town, we will find one in another town. We will go there.
- Church is a physical gathering of believers that meets all the requirements within the Bible.
- And yes, there are requirements. You need to get to church physically. We gather more and more.
A MAN says, “We will be going to church every time these doors are open. We will be going soul winning.”
- We will be under the authority of the pastor. We will beware of false prophets.
- We will beware of sodomites or dogs. We will beware of leaven. We will help our brothers.
- We will work together in the Lord. We will not grudge against our brothers. Real men love.
- When there is a church gathering, we will be there.
Rain doesn’t stop us. Ice doesn’t stop us MOST OF THE TIME.
- Though, one time we headed out when it started raining ice. And it did stop us.
- That’s the only time I remember in years, though. Snow? Doesn’t stop us. We hop on the tractor.
- We have a tractor bucket that rides 4, maybe 5. We’ve got a backhoe seat on the back. Hop on cousin.
Believe it or not, my wife is not my cousin. And we are from Kentucky. Home grown.
- I’m going to take a minute to joke here as I’ve been told I am too serious at times.
- Though, God tells me to be grave. I am serious most of the time. But there is a time to laugh.
In Kentucky, we call winter hats toboggans. You might call them beanies. We say “worsh the dishes.”
- We say, “Hey, look over yonder. See that holler over there between the hills.”
- When you don’t shut the door behind you, we say: “Were you born in a barn? Shut the door.”
- When someone is poor, we say: “He ain’t got a pot to piss in.”
- My wife pronounces guitar as GEETAR. But, listen, my wife ain’t my cousin!
- We have real men in Kentucky. Lots of smart ones. Lots of strong ones.
If we go in the local Lowe’s and can’t find what we need, we don’t ask for help. We walk out. Real men.
- If someone gives us a weak handshake with a limp wrist, we crush their hand. Real men.
- Men don’t weigh themselves in Kentucky. Scales are for women. Real men.
- We don’t read the Bible in Kentucky because there ain’t no pictures. Real men.
- We don’t eat honey in Kentucky. We eat the bees. Real men. If food burns our mouth, we eat it anyway.
- REAL MEN. TOXIC MEN. The liberals actually think that’s what men do. We aren’t that dumb.
- But, yes, Godly men do what God says to do. And we don’t just do it. We know why to do it.
Get to church. We get there. Win souls to Christ. We win souls to Christ. Lead your family. We lead our family.
- We don’t follow our wife. Our wife follows us. We don’t follow our children. Our children follow us.
- And the world can call this toxic all they want, but this world is filled with liars. What does God say?
[9] Titus 2:3-5 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things; 4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
- This world HATES the word of God. God commands the aged women to teach good things.
- Instead, they teach toxic masculinity and encourage the young women to spread lies.
- They should be teaching the young women good things. KEEPERS AT HOME. What’s happened?
- The world has deceived everyone so much that this is forbidden to preach in most churches now.
- Women are running the homes, the work places, and the world now. NOT GOD’S DESIGN.
I came from a church in Shelbyville, KY that told me I couldn’t preach the words of the Bible any more.
- You can’t speak any more. I preached a sermon on false gods and that was my end at that church.
- “You can’t say that Elisha cursed the little children IN THE NAME OF THE LORD.”
- “You can’t preach that two she bares came forth and tare forty and two children of them.” But I did.
A man of God preaches God’s words. ALL OF THEM. You can persecute us all you want. We won’t stop.
- You can kill us all you want. God will call up more of us. We will be here. This is our land.
- And we will take it all back one day. Real men know what’s happening out there.
- We know what happens in the end. We know what to watch for. We know what God says.
- We will lead our wife and children to the promised land. We will make sure they are saved.
- And we’ll come and preach the Gospel to your children so they go to heaven. REAL MEN CARE.
And we won’t stop until we’re sure they’re saved. Is that toxic? Our wives will be keepers at home.
- And no, I don’t care what she wants to be or do. God says she will be this right here.
- And what God says is best for everyone. She will love life so much more by fulfilling the role God gave her.
So, it’s not negotiable. Why? Because I, AS A MAN, know what’s best for her. And she knows that.
- My wife knows that I want the best for her, I love her by doing what God says, and I will die to protect her.
- Her heart safely trusts in me, and my heart safely trusts in her that she will do the right thing.
- Godly women will be obedient to their husband in the Lord. A Godly man will be obedient to Jesus Christ.
And it all flows down in this way. God tells a husband what to do. He does it. The wife and children follow.
- God doesn’t tell us to do evil and have our wife and children follow us in this evil.
- We have a very important job to do. Leading means leading the way. It’s not easy.
- We get out there and we lead. We teach and show them what to do. We are not novices.
- I’ve made the mistakes. Now, I’m going to get it right. Young men, listen to the elder men of God.
- When I say elder, I mean elder spiritually. They’ve been doing these things longer than you have.
We teach our wives and children how to read and study the Bible. We teach them how to give the Gospel.
- And then we show them how to do it. We show them how to work hard for the Lord.
- We show them how to work hard at other things. We teach the women how to strengthen their arms.
- A virtuous women strengtheneth her arms. She’s not inside the kitchen all the time. She’s got more to do.
- She stays busy and eats not the bread of idleness. She looketh well to the ways of her household.
My wife is MY helper. When I need some help outside, she helps me outside. She works hard.
- We teach our daughters to be good helpers. When I need help, my daughters help.
- When they get married, it won’t be foreign for them to help their husband with whatever he needs.
- Is this toxic? Is this wrong? Should my daughters just stay inside the kitchen? Read Proverbs 31.
- She bringeth her food from afar. She does what she needs to do to help. She considers a field.
- She buys it. She plants a vineyard. SHE GIRDETH HER LOINS WITH STRENGTH. She strengthens her arms.
- But I lead her in all of these good things IN THE LORD. I don’t take her the wrong way. We go straight.
When my wife and kids have helped me with physical work (and they do many times):
- I tell them if you want to get this trailer full of rock finished faster, get out of my way.
- When I come for a coal shovel full of rock, don’t slow me down.
- If you want to get these trees planted sooner, get out of my way. Don’t slow me down.
I don’t sit back and watch them do things. I show them how to do it. A leader leads in the work.
- Now, if something is their job to do, I don’t do it for them. But I will show them first.
- Or my wife will show them first. My daughters are learning how to cook. I don’t show them this.
- The aged women showed my wife how to cook and now my wife shows my daughters how to cook.
Physical strength is good for a woman to have. The world tells you no. “You can’t pick that up.”
- “Oh, honey, bless your heart. Josh will get that for you. BLESS YOUR HEART. You can’t do that.”
- Women will teach other women they can’t lift anything. In Kentucky, find you a farm woman.
- She will smash many of the men in this world today. She picks things up. She’s not weak.
- It’s not good for me to be able to take my finger like this, push, and a woman fall over.
- Strength physically and spiritually. Strong in the Lord.
I am not afraid for my wife to take my children somewhere. If an evil man attacks them, they have a shot.
- They will fight. They will claw. They will scratch. And they will screech with their voices. And it hurts.
- Women weren’t made to be made weak and fragile. Is it toxic for me to say these things? No.
- God didn’t make men better than women. He made us different. We have jobs to do.
- Is my wife physically stronger than me? Not even close. But she isn’t weak. She is strong.
- She picks up 80 pound bags of mortar on her own when I’ve needed help. She’s tough.
But she is gentle, kind, loving just as I am to be gentle, kind, and loving. She’s better at many things than I am.
- Her wrath is not as great as my wrath. When I speak in wrath, my children know to stop and listen.
- You can ask any of the women here:
- Do your children act better at home when you say that your Dad will be home soon? THEY SHOULD.
- If they don’t act right, they will get it. This can be done the right way or the wrong way.
[10] Proverbs 23:13-14 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. 14 Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell.
- Am I toxic because I want to deliver the soul of my child from hell? When they do wrong, I let them know.
- I don’t enjoy this. It’s hard work. But, hey, if you want to act like a rebellious teenager, you get my wrath.
- And guess who wins? ME. Why? Because I’m bigger, tougher, stronger, and masculine.
- But that’s not “THE REASONS” I win. THE REASON I win is because I have the backing of God’s words.
If my children ever touch alcohol, I will find them God willing. I will put a quick stop to it. And it won’t be fun.
- If my kids ever touch a drug, I will find them God willing. And it won’t be fun. It’s a correction. Not easy.
- I don’t want my kids dead. Many people say, “You’ve got to let kids make their own mistakes.”
- Those are the children that end up dead and those are the parents who blame God for everything.
- I don’t support country music, but I’ll always remember learning to sign a song in school.
The name of the song is Daddy’s Hands and the lyrics go like this:
- I remember daddy’s hands folded silently in prayer. Reachin’ out to hold me when I had a nightmare.
- You could read quite a story in the callous’ and lines, years of work had left their mark behind.
- I remember daddy’s hands how they held my mama tight and patted my back for something done right.
- I remember daddy’s hands workin’ til they bled, sacrificed unselfishly just to keep us all fed.
- Daddy’s hands were soft and kind when I was crying.
- Daddy’s hands were hard as steel when I’d done wrong.
- Daddy’s hands weren’t always gentle, but I’ve come to understand:
- There was always love in Daddy’s hands.
The world doesn’t understand men of God. We love our wives. We love our children.
- We love them with the same love that Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for it. We do.
- We want you to go to heaven too. We work hard to make things happen. We get things done.
- When we do what God tells us to do, we love. And we do this with a passion. With emotion.
We cry out and preach God’s words from the rooftops. We shout. We scream. We warn. Why?
- Because we love you. That’s why. The world calls us hateful, but we only hate the evil.
- Yes, we will hate pedophiles, serial killers, Hitler, Jeffrey Dahmer, and all the psychopath reprobates.
- And we don’t want the evil taking you to hell. Where do we get these traits? FROM GOD.
God has shed more blood, sweat, and tears than every man who has ever lived combined.
- Men do what it takes to get the blessings from God for his congregation, his church, his wife, his kids, his friends, his family, strangers, your kids, your family.
- Effeminate preachers call Jacob, a man of God, physically weak. He would physically crush them.
[11] Genesis 32:24-26 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day. 25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. 26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
- He rolled the stone from from the well’s mouth that usually took many men to move.
- He wrestled with Jesus Christ until the breaking of the day. He was a worker. He was physically strong.
- Jesus says, “Let me go.” And Jacob said, “I WILL NOT LET THEE GO EXCEPT THOU BLESS ME.”
- That’s a man right there. I won’t stop, Lord, until you bless me. I will not quit. I will not give up.
- My thigh is out of joint, but I will not give up. Thigh out of joint. Tired. We keep going. You call that toxic.
If I’m in a war, physical or spiritual, that’s the kind of men I want standing around me. I want Jesus by me.
- When the news reporters and rainbow crowd comes for you, we aren’t scared of you.
- My Dad and Mom fought against the homos when I grew up. All the men ran away from the homos.
- But my Mom still stood there with my Dad. That’s a good woman. Death threats. We keep going.
- The church pastor wouldn’t stand with my Dad. They all ran away. That’s not who I want around me.
- Cowards. Godless men running their mouth, saying they’re Christians, but won’t be a doer of the word.
- “Oh, I can’t stand against the homosexuals because I might lose offering money.”
- We don’t care. You want all my money? Take it. It won’t get you to heaven, homos.
The world says that masculinity is evil. No, we need more masculinity. WE NEED MORE MEN TO ACT LIKE MEN.
- It’s time for all the men who profess to be Christians out there, to actually be a Christian.
- It’s not time to be weak, wear a dress, have long hair, and act feminine.
- It’s not time to have women running churches. It’s not time to drink beer.
- The world tells you that a man drinks beer. No, a beer drinking man is weak. He has more estrogen.
- Real men drink water and do what God says.
A man brings his wife home from the work place one final time. That wife rejoices.
- A man runs and gets his children out of the public schools. A man sells the big house.
- A man sells the fancy car. A man buys a King James Bible. A man reads that Bible with his wife and kids.
- A man finds a Bible believing church because he knows what God says. A man goes to church.
- A man fights and claws his way through this wicked world and stays on the right path.
A man commands his wife to not wear that which pertaineth unto a man. A man looks like a man. Acts like a man.
- A man dresses like a man. A man stands up for God and does what He says to the death if God wills.
- A man doesn’t spend an hour standing at the mirror fixing his hair. A man doesn’t buy jeans with holes.
- He gets holes in his jeans from working hard. A man prays for his wife and children before they do wrong.
- A man prays for you and you don’t even know him. A man takes a stand for God. IT’S TIME, MEN.
- A man admits he was wrong when he hears God’s words that correct him. A man wins you to Christ.
- A man gets you going the right way. That’s why the world hates MEN. They want you dead. We don’t.
[12] Psalm 119:9-10 Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word. 10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.
- A man offers up everything he can to God.
- Hey, every man in here right now, I know they have sought the Lord Jesus Christ with their WHOLE HEART.
- A man humbles himself to God and asks for mercy. A man preaches the Gospel.
A man is not afraid to say, “I LOVE JESUS CHRIST.” A man is not afraid to say, “I hate those who hate God.”
- We don’t fear them. We hate them. We aren’t homophobes. We are homo haters.
- What does that mean? We reject them. Stay away from us. This doesn’t mean we attack them. We don’t.
- When a false preacher says, “Jesus wasn’t a fire and brimstone kind of guy,” we quickly correct them.
- JESUS IS ”THE” FIRE AND BRIMSTONE KIND OF GUY. He is the original fire and brimstone man. Thank God.
A man contends for the faith. A man fights for the faith. WE PREACH FAITH. And we’ll fight you over faith.
- A man seeks God with his WHOLE HEART. He puts his heart in the right places.
- When Jesus comes back, will he find men like this? You need to speak and say, “Yes, He will.”
- Why? “Because I’m going to be that man, and I’m going to teach my house and the ones that come after.”
[13] Genesis 18:19 For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.
- Your job, as a man, is to command your children and household after them.
- You look them in the eye and say, “You will keep the way of the Lord. You will do justice and judgment.”
- And if you don’t, I will be there. And if I’m not here, God will be there. Be very careful.
Abraham was a man. Lot was kidnapped. He went and got him. He slaughtered the kidnappers.
- He armed his trained servants. Real men will do the same. We protect, and we serve God.
- If God is for us, who can be against us? It’s best to go pick a fight somewhere else.
- You threaten the pastor, a man of God, and we’ll all be there with him.
And guess who stands in front of us? Not behind. IN FRONT? JESUS CHRIST. He leads us. He’s out there in front.
- We just follow. So you better be ready to go against Him if you come after us. Run the other way.
- We do what God says, and He is for us. And we don’t care what the world thinks. DON’T CARE AN OUNCE.
- You can call that toxic masculinity. A man doesn’t don’t care what you call him.
- A man cares what God calls him. We live by the word of God and not by the word of this world.
- If you think that’s poisonous, then you call good evil and evil good. You’ve got it backwards.
Let’s pray.
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