Home / Articles / The King James Version (KJV) Bible: A Complete Overview

The King James Version (KJV) Bible: A Complete Overview

Introduction to the King James Bible (KJV)

The King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, is the preserved, inerrant, and inspired Word of God in English. It was translated in 1611 by a team of scholarly men who diligently worked to ensure accuracy, faithfulness, and readability. Independent Fundamental Baptists (IFB) hold to the KJV as the final authority, rejecting modern translations that alter or dilute Scripture.

Why the KJV?

Based on the Textus Receptus (Received Text)
Preserved and Inspired by God (Psalm 12:6-7)
Doctrinal Purity & Faithfulness
Beautiful, Majestic Language
Endorsed by Great Preachers Throughout History

The KJV Bible is composed of 66 books, divided into the Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books). Below is a detailed overview of each book.

📖 Old Testament Overview (Genesis–Malachi)

📜 The Pentateuch (Law) – Genesis to Deuteronomy

  1. Genesis – The beginning of creation, man, sin, and God’s covenant with Abraham.
  2. Exodus – The deliverance of Israel from Egypt, the giving of the Law at Sinai.
  3. Leviticus – God’s holiness, sacrificial system, and laws for Israel.
  4. Numbers – Israel’s wanderings in the wilderness due to unbelief.
  5. Deuteronomy – Moses’ final instructions before entering the Promised Land.

⚔️ The Historical Books – Joshua to Esther

  1. Joshua – Conquering and dividing the Promised Land.
  2. Judges – Israel’s cycle of sin, judgment, and deliverance by judges.
  3. Ruth – A beautiful story of redemption pointing to Christ.
  4. 1 Samuel – Rise of Samuel, Saul, and David.
  5. 2 Samuel – The reign of King David.
  6. 1 KingsSolomon’s reign, kingdom division.
  7. 2 Kings – The fall of Israel & Judah due to sin.
  8. 1 Chronicles – Genealogies and David’s reign.
  9. 2 Chronicles – The history of Judah’s kings.
  10. Ezra – The return from Babylonian exile and temple rebuilding.
  11. Nehemiah – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls.
  12. EstherGod’s providence in saving the Jews.

🎶 The Wisdom Books – Job to Song of Solomon

  1. Job – The suffering of the righteous and God’s sovereignty.
  2. Psalms – Songs of praise, worship, and prophecy of Christ.
  3. ProverbsWisdom for living a godly life.
  4. Ecclesiastes – The vanity of life without God.
  5. Song of Solomon – A love story symbolizing Christ and the church.

📢 The Major Prophets – Isaiah to Daniel

  1. Isaiah – Prophecies of the Messiah and judgment.
  2. Jeremiah – The weeping prophet warns of Jerusalem’s fall.
  3. LamentationsMourning over Jerusalem’s destruction.
  4. EzekielVisions of God’s glory and Israel’s restoration.
  5. DanielProphecies of world empires and end times.

📜 The Minor Prophets – Hosea to Malachi

  1. Hosea – God’s faithful love despite Israel’s unfaithfulness.
  2. Joel – The Day of the Lord and coming judgment.
  3. Amos – God’s justice and righteousness.
  4. Obadiah – Judgment on Edom.
  5. Jonah – A prophet’s reluctance to preach repentance.
  6. MicahGod’s judgment and the coming Messiah.
  7. Nahum – Judgment on Nineveh.
  8. HabakkukWhy does God allow evil?
  9. Zephaniah – The Day of the Lord’s wrath.
  10. Haggai – Encouragement to rebuild the temple.
  11. ZechariahProphecies of Christ and Israel’s future.
  12. MalachiFinal Old Testament prophecy, preparing for Christ.

📖 New Testament Overview (Matthew–Revelation)

✝️ The Gospels – Matthew to John

  1. Matthew – Jesus as King and fulfillment of prophecy.
  2. Mark – Jesus as Servant, action-packed Gospel.
  3. Luke – Jesus as Son of Man, detailed and historical.
  4. John – Jesus as Son of God, deep theology of Christ.

🔥 The Early Church – Acts

  1. Acts – The beginning of the church and spread of the Gospel.

📜 The Pauline Epistles – Romans to Philemon

  1. Romans – Salvation by faith alone.
  2. 1 Corinthians – Addressing church problems.
  3. 2 CorinthiansPaul’s defense of his apostleship.
  4. GalatiansGrace vs. the Law.
  5. EphesiansThe church as Christ’s body.
  6. PhilippiansJoy in Christ.
  7. Colossians – Christ’s supremacy.
  8. 1 ThessaloniansThe second coming of Christ.
  9. 2 Thessalonians – More on Christ’s return.
  10. 1 Timothy – Instructions for church leadership.
  11. 2 Timothy – Paul’s final letter.
  12. Titus – Church order and godly living.
  13. Philemon – A letter about forgiveness.

⚔️ The General Epistles – Hebrews to Jude

  1. Hebrews – Christ is better than the Old Covenant.
  2. JamesFaith in action.
  3. 1 PeterEncouragement in suffering.
  4. 2 PeterWarning against false teachers.
  5. 1 JohnLove and assurance of salvation.
  6. 2 JohnTruth and hospitality.
  7. 3 JohnFaithfulness and support.
  8. JudeContending for the faith.

🔮 The Revelation of Jesus Christ

  1. Revelation – The end times, tribulation, second coming, and eternity.


The King James Bible is God’s preserved Word. It is our final authority for faith and practice. Study it, believe it, and live it!

📖 “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever.” – Isaiah 40:8

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One response to “The King James Version (KJV) Bible: A Complete Overview”

  1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

    This is a short overview of every book within the King James Version of the Bible. Please study through this overview so you know what’s happening throughout the Bible from a bird’s eye view. It’s important to know what’s in the Bible from the start in Genesis to the end in Revelation. Memorize the books of the Bible. Know what’s in each book.

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