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“Fall Down and Worship Me”

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Matthew 4:8-10

We are continuing our verse by verse lessons through the Gospel of Matthew. We are in Matthew Chapter 4 with the temptations of Jesus. Jesus was baptized and right after he is being tempted by Satan.

He was tempted first in Matthew with food and using his power as the Son of God. He was then tempted to throw himself off the temple to see if God would save him. Jesus was tempted to tempt God. And now we are here to the third temptation of Jesus Christ.

The Third Temptation of Jesus Christ

Matthew 4:8-10
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;  9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.  10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

So, what exactly happens here? The devil takes Jesus up to a high place again. The Bible says, “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain.”

He sits Jesus high above everyone else. That’s why Satan keeps tempting Jesus by taking him up to high places. For example, Elon Musk is the richest man in the world. He has an estimated net worth of 436 billion dollars. He likes to have power over the world. He likes to be above the world. He wants to be in space, a very high place, with his company.

He doesn’t trust what the Bible says. He trusts in his riches which give him power. He thinks we need space travel to survive as humans. He thinks the earth is going to go away. But the Bible says the earth isn’t going away.

Being High Above Others

Being high above others makes people believe themselves to be better. Having more money or a better car or a better home makes people believe they are better than other people. That’s why the devil takes Jesus up to an exceeding high mountain.

He shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world.

Hey, listen, I remember the first time I went up in a plane. I was sitting at a window seat. I think I was around 20 years old. As we ascended, I remember seeing all the people and all the cars and the entire city. As we kept going and going and going, I remember seeing just a little piece of this earth. It’s huge.

We have no idea how many people are out there. It’s way more than you think. I remember feeling how small I actually happen to be. Sometimes, in our own minds, we are bigger than we think.

For example, I know there are pastors out there who think, in their mind, that they are the only important person on this planet. They are high and lifted up. Why? They get a little taste of the power they have over people, and they love it. They love to use their power to control people.

Power and Riches Will Corrupt You

Matthew 23:5-7
But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,  6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,  7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

People love their titles. For example, you can just call me Josh. You all know that I have never once said you better call me by some title. A title is not important to me. Pam doesn’t need a title.

Did you know that the leaders in some churches around here require you, the grown men and the grown women, to get permission from them so you can visit another church?

I wast told by a pastor in a church not too long ago (a long ways from here) that I couldn’t be friends with people in the church since I was going to be a pastor. I was told who I could have over to my house and who I couldn’t have to my house. This is called believing that you’re more important than you actually are.

If you go to a church conference, and they segregate the people by who is a church leader and who is a lay person. You should look out. All the high class people over here. You get a special dinner. All the low class people over there. You get something else. Be careful for the cults out there. Be careful for the Kool aid drinkers. Don’t be a Kool aid drinker.

Cults Control Your Life

Leaders of churches (pastors, reverend, bishop, deacon, minister, priest) don’t have control over your daily life. In a family, the husband is the leader of the family. Not the father and mother of the husband. Not the grandmother. Not the grandfather. Not the children. Not the wife. Not the pastor. Not the pastor’s wife. Not the pastor’s children. The husband is the leader of each family.

If a church leader tries to control your life by telling you what you’re going to do on a daily basis and what church you can go visit, you need to get away from them. They are controlling you. Why? Because they are on a power trip and most likely are just using you for money.

They love money. They love power over people.

For example, when I worked at GE here in Louisville, I was sent to the first ever Technology Leadership Development Class. It was called TLDC. I am an engineer. They selected 30 of us out of over 50,000 engineers all over the world. They sent me there to become a GE executive. I work hard, and I love working hard. They could see that. They wanted me there.

So they send me to Crotonville, New York. It’s about an hour North of New York City. I land in New Your City. They have a limo driver holding a sign with my name. He takes me to the limo. Drives me out to Crotonville. I’m just a farm boy from out in the country. Closest thing we had to a limo was an old green and yellow truck. I’m thinking, “This is not for me.”

They Will Take You to Beautiful Places to Tempt You

But I get out there to Crotonville, and it’s absolutely beautiful. It’s one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. I’ll show you some pictures.

I get there and they are already luring me into this executive level job with this beautiful place. And look, the executives at GE work really, really, really hard. They do. And they get paid really, really, really good.

The Temptations Continue

So, I get a great room. We have classes for two weeks. We would go to the classes and get a break every hour or so. In between every break, they would have brand new gourmet food waiting outside the classroom.

The kitchen counters would be lined with food. Fresh and hot food. Anything you wanted to drink was available. People were serving us here and there.

There were these refrigerators with glass doors lining the walls filled with anything you want. Desserts, ice cream, every flavor, every drink you can think of, a huge variety. For lunch, they would take you to the dining room and they would have the CEO’s and CFO’s come around and talk to you at the tables.

Some people would be like, “Do you know who that was? Wow.” See? I don’t have respect of persons like that. But they bring you there to show you the power. And it was a great time. In the middle weekend, they took us to New York City. They put us up in the Marriott in Times Square. They put us up in the highest rooms at the top.

The Fanciest Restaurants and the Biggest City

It was packed everywhere. I couldn’t even get in the elevators without being smashed against other people. They took us out to eat at the fanciest restaurants and paid for everything. They took us to this high up restaurant that slowly turns on the top of a building. It was some of the best food I’ve ever eaten.

They took us to a Broadway show. It was great. Everything we did was fun. Even the classes and the training was fun. They had a night where they gave us money to gamble. They had alcohol available everywhere. Unlimited amounts. They are enticing you and showing you what it will be like.

All the executives, if you only accept, get a high paying job and the choice of a brand new vehicle. They take you out there to show you the fame, the power, the wealth that you can have.

And you know what I decided? They told me I wouldn’t get to see my family much. I would be working all the time. I would be traveling all the time. But I would make so much money for my family. People would know me. Do you know what I decided? I turned it all down. I didn’t want any part of it. It’s a temptation of the devil.

I will not forsake my wife and my kids for money and power and fame and fortune. Could I have done the job? Yeah, and I’ll do it the best. I would show them. And they knew it. But I wasn’t interested. Was it a great place? Yeah it was. It’s an awesome place. I was only there for a short time, and I miss it. I would love to go back and take you all there.

Don’t Let Heaven on Earth Tempt You

It’s like heaven on earth. But it’s not. It’s a deception.

Matthew 4:8
Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

This world, this earth, is amazing. Sometimes we get caught up in our surroundings. We don’t know how big the earth happens to be and how many people are out there. We need to humble ourselves and realize we aren’t that important. There are more important things than me, myself, and I. Think about others.

I could have chose myself. And my wife knows how hard I worked at GE and for GE. I worked hard. And I loved it there. I could have chosen that path. “All the kingdoms of this world, and the glory of them.” Is that what you want?

“Hey, young man, if you come sell these drugs for me, you’ll have this brand new Delorean. Just imagine what people will think of you. They will love you. They will respect you.”

Hey, listen, this is all a trick. That car will turn to junk one day. It means nothing. Absolutely nothing. I have a cheap little car and it gets me around just as good as that one.

More Money = More False Friends

When you have money and power, you have a lot of friends. But they aren’t real friends. Once the money and power is gone, they’re gone. They are only there for the money, the power, the food, the drinks, the fun, but they aren’t there for you. They don’t care for you. That drug boss doesn’t care about you. That gang leader doesn’t care about you.

That friend that is luring you into drugs and alcohol doesn’t care about you. And let me be clear, prescription drugs are drugs. Pain pills are drugs. They will kill you. “Well, a doctor prescribed it.” Hey, I don’t care. You’ll get addicted to them, and they will kill you. Don’t be selling prescription pills. Don’t be luring people into all that trash. Do you understand me?

Stop the sin before you and others end up dead. Don’t be lured into all those things. This world has that pull where it can pull you into all this sin. For what? For that desire of riches, for things, for money, for cars, for motorcycles, for power, for boats, for yachts, for respect.

Satan will tempt you in this same way. He did it to me.

Matthew 4:9
And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

Those movie stars? Those rappers? Those famous people? Elon Musk? Donald Trump? Joe Biden? Kamala Harris? J.D. Vance? Don’t be fooled. They took the deal of the devil. Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, Leonardo DiCaprio, Michelle Obama, Tom Cruise, Will Smith, Kanye West?

Kanye West is Not a Man of God

Kanye West took his naked wife to the Grammy’s with him. No shame. He told her to take off the coat while she didn’t want to take it off. She was ashamed as she should be. And he’s nasty. He’s not a Christian. Don’t be deceived. Those people took that deal right there that you see offered to Jesus Christ.

“All these things will I give thee, IF thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Who do you think is giving those people all that fame, power, riches, and money? It’s not God. It’s the devil. I promise you that. It’s Satan.

And he will offer you that same deal. And he might have already offered it to you. And you’ll know it was a bad deal. It’s a horrible deal. It’s the worst deal you can ever take.

He will offer you the Lottery winnings so you’ll go spend all your money on Lottery tickets. You’ll go down to Churchill Downs and spend all your money. And you’ll lose. And your life will be shattered.

Open Your Eyes and Take a Look

All you have to do is stand outside Churchill Downs to see who is making all the money. It’s not you. I didn’t realize how big that place was. And they keep expanding. And they’ll take your home from you too. They entice you to walk over there and lose all your money.

They are making all the money. Don’t be deceived. They are crooks. They are scum. Be very careful. Same with casinos. Scum. Crooks. Deceivers. It all looks good to your fleshly eyes. But spiritually it’s filled with devils. Stay away.

They have a beautiful place there, but look around outside of there. Look at what they have done to the place. They take your money into their own pockets and ruin the lives of everyone around. The proof is there. Take a look. See it with your own eyes.

Do not fall down and worship the devil over money, fortune, riches, power, or any other reason. He’s looking to steal your soul. He’s looking to send you to hell. Your life will end up shattered and broken.

Take the Devil’s Deal and Get Wrecked

If I would have decided to take that deal with GE, I would probably be divorced right now. I probably wouldn’t see my kids any more. I might even be an alcoholic. I might even be dead and in hell. Hey, don’t do it. Don’t take the deal. Don’t get to the end of your life and say, “What did I do?” with tears running down your face.

Instead, follow the lead of Jesus Christ. Watch what he says:

Matthew 4:10
Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Don’t fall for the tricks. Don’t be lured in by the devil. Instead, “Get thee hence, Satan.” Hey, God doesn’t tempt you to do evil. Satan does. “Get out of here, Satan. I don’t have time for you today. I’m going to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“For it is written, thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.”

How do you do that? How do you worship and serve the Lord? We follow in the footsteps of Jesus. We do what he asks us to do. Here’s what you do. And I promise you’ll be so happy at the end of your life. You won’t have those tears running down your face wondering what you did with your life.

You can get to the end of your life and smile because you know you’re about to see Jesus and he’s about to tell you, “Well done.”

Serve the Lord Instead of the Devil

Come to church with us every time we’re open. Get you a notebook. Start taking notes. Start reading your Bible daily. Start studying your Bible. I promise you the Bible is the most awesome book in existence. I love reading it and studying it and preaching it.

Come soul winning with us. We would love to have you. You will have a great time. You will make the best friends you could ever have. The best friend is a soul winning friend. And God will be pleased with you. Think about others and not just yourself. Do good for others.

And that’s why we’re here. We’ll show you how to do that. Help us. Be with us. Join us. And don’t stop for the rest of your life. We need you here. Stick with us. At the end of your life, you will be smiling.

Resist the devil and he will flee. Don’t fall for the tricks. You’ll end up wrecked, crushed, and dead. Choose God’s way. Choose church. Choose soul winning. Choose the Bible.

Let’s pray.

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