[2] The title of the sermon today is “WHAT ABOUT WINE IN THE BIBLE?”
Let’s Talk About Wine As A Drink
- I’m talking about the drink wine.
- I’m not talking about whining like something a child and some adults do.
- We’re going to go into great detail on wine today because it’s often misunderstood.
- Is this an important topic?
- Some people would say, “Nah, it’s really not important.”
- Well, let’s see if the Bible thinks it’s important.
When you search through the King James Bible
- The word wine or wines shows up 233 times in 213 different verses.
- The word FAITH shows up 247 times in 231 verses.
- So wine shows up almost as much as faith so it must be an important topic.
- We’re going to see how important this is today.
Here’s something we need to understand today
- When the word wine is used in the Bible, it’s not ALWAYS referring to an alcoholic drink.
- If you study the word “WINE” from the Bible, you’ll easily see this.
- That’s what we’re going to do today.
- When you’re studying the Bible, you can’t just assume that wine means an alcoholic drink.
- That’s a HUGE mistake that most people make when trying to use the Bible for approval of drinking.
- Let’s see why this is a HUGE mistake.
The word wine and wines shows up 233 times
- The word JUICE shows up ONE TIME in the Bible
- Let’s take a look at this ONLY occurrence of the word JUICE in the Bible
[3] Song of Solomon 8:2 I would lead thee, and bring thee into my mother’s house, who would instruct me: I would cause thee to drink of spiced wine of the juice of my pomegranate.
- When the word juice is mentioned here, it’s being used in the context of wine
- Do you think the word wine might sometimes be talking about fruit juice?
- The Bible uses the word “WINE” 233 times and “JUICE” only once?
- Wine, as we know it today, comes from FRUIT JUICE.
- So, is the Bible really speaking about an alcoholic drink every time it mentions the word wine?
- So God mentions the word JUICE only once in 1189 chapters?
- What about some other drinks like milk? Milk is mentioned 48 times in the Bible.
Here’s the 100% truth from the Bible
- When the Bible refers to wine, it can refer to unfermented wine or fermented wine
- In other words, it can refer to wine that is not alcoholic or wine that is alcoholic
- It can be referring to fruit juice or fruit juice that has been turned into an alcoholic drink
- In our modern English tongue, we have 2 different words for juice and wine
- But in the Bible, the word wine can mean wine as we know it today or juice as we know it today
Let’s Look Closely At Proverbs Chapter 23 Today
- This chapter talks about there being different types of wine
- There’s a wine that is fruit juice that doesn’t get you drunk
- And there’s wine that is alcoholic that gets you drunk and makes you do dumb things
- There’s one that gives you red eyes when you drink for a long time
- There’s one that makes you babble and gives you sorrow
- That would be the MIXED WINE as Proverbs 23 tells us.
[4] Proverbs 23:29-32 Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? 30 They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. 31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. 32 At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.
- There’s more than one type of wine and that verse right there proves that
- Do you see what it tells us right there in verse 31?
This verse is describing the process of fermentation
- When alcoholic wine is made, yeast is used to ferment the wine
- Yeast is found on the outside of grapes. It’s a white film on the grape. You’ve seen it before on grapes.
- You just might not have known what it was. It’s yeast.
- When the grapes are crushed, that yeast on the skin of the grapes is used to ferment the wine.
- That yeast ferments the sugars within the grape juice.
- A byproduct of that process is carbon dioxide.
- So another yeast is added to the crushed grapes and juice to ensure they get a high alcohol content.
You won’t get a high alcohol content with the natural yeast that is on the grapes.
- You know? The natural yeast that God put there.
- The wine makers bring in more yeast to BOOST the alcoholic content. This isn’t natural.
- It’s adding to the mixture. You can also add additional sugar to get a higher alcohol content.
- This passage in Proverbs is referring to fermented wine!
- God brings up the red color here because that’s the source of where the yeast comes from.
- That yeast increases the alcohol content.
- So obviously, God is telling us to NOT LOOK UPON A SPECIFIC TYPE OF WINE!!!
- And it’s common sense when you’ve had alcoholic drinks before. You know what they do.
- Does God want us to be like that? Of course not.
What’s that type of wine going to do to you?
- Give you woe. Sorrow. Contention (or without care of anything). Makes you babble. Gives you wounds without cause. Gives you redness of eyes.
- Does that sound like alcoholic wine? Sure. The evidence is there.
- Does fruit juice do the same thing? No.
- Verse 32 says, “AT THE LAST IT BITETH LIKE A SERPENT AND STING LIKE AN ADDER (poisonous snake).”
- I want you to see the rest of the verses in Proverbs Chapter 32.
[5] Proverbs 23:33-35 Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall utter perverse things. 34 Yea, thou shalt be as he that lieth down in the midst of the sea, or as he that lieth upon the top of a mast. 35 They have stricken me, shalt thou say, and I was not sick; they have beaten me, and I felt it not: when shall I awake? I will seek it yet again.
- Does that sound like alcohol to you as we know it today? Yes, it fits it perfectly.
- Your eyes shall behold strange women. That’s what alcohol does.
- Thine heart shall utter perverse things. Check.
- Have you ever slept on a ship at sea? I have many times. You feel drunk.
- I’ve swayed back and forth after being on a Navy ship for many days after.
- You don’t feel anything when you’re drunk.
- And then you seek it again. Proverbs is amazing. Matches alcohol perfectly to this day.
- This is EXACTLY what it’s like to be drunk. You have no care. And that’s why people love it.
Should You Drink Alcoholic Beverages?
Is it okay to drink alcoholic beverages?
- Well, what drink is Proverbs 23 referring to?
- Do we get truly natural wine in our alcoholic wine today? No.
- You get added yeast and added sugar to make it a strong alcoholic drink.
- Let’s use common sense. Does God really want you getting drunk? It alters your thinking.
- Man, once again, takes something good like the juice of grapes and turns it into something bad.
There’s more proof in the Bible that wine is referring to fruit juice.
- Remember JUICE is only used one time in the Bible
- And in order to get wine as we know it today, you must have juice of the fruit first
- Do you understand that today? Wine, as we know it, requires fruit juice.
- But the Bible only uses that word once. And it’s in the context of wine when it’s used.
[6] Isaiah 65:8 Thus saith the LORD, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, Destroy it not; for a blessing is in it: so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all.
- This verse says that the NEW WINE is found in the CLUSTER referring to a cluster of grapes.
- Is a new wine that’s still in the CLUSTER of grapes an alcoholic beverage?
- No BECAUSE it’s still within the cluster of grapes.
- What’s in the grapes? Juice of the grapes. It’s the fruit juice of the grapes!
- Do you see that in this verse right here? It’s the juice of the grapes.
- No one can read through all the verses in the Bible about wine and say they are all talking about an alcoholic drink.
- This would mean the Bible only mentions FRUIT JUICE once and alcoholic drinks 233 times.
- Does that make any sense? No, it doesn’t.
- It doesn’t BECAUSE the Bible uses the word wine to describe fruit juice many times.
- Not 100% of the time but many times.
Let’s talk about how much alcohol is present in wine and fruit juices
- ANY FRUIT JUICE with sugars or any drink with SUGARS has some alcohol present
- It’s a very, very small amount but it is present
- Anything with less than 0.5% alcohol content is considered to be a non-alcoholic beverage
- You can’t drink any of those beverages and get drunk like Proverbs 23 describes.
- You don’t see anyone saying, “Hey, let’s get drunk!” And go pick up 2 gallons of orange juice.
Alcohol Content of Common Alcoholic Drinks
- Most of the common beer is around 4% to 5% alcohol content
- Bud light is 4% and Budweiser is 5%
- In wine making, about 12% is considered low while some wines are at 15% and even above 20%
- With the natural yeast, the highest overall alcohol content you could make is about 12%
- So the Bible is talking about alcoholic drinks that are up to 12% in alcohol content
- In Bible times, you would make your alcoholic wine and the most content you would get is 12%
- Bourbon averages about 40%, Gin is 40%, Vodka 40%, Tequila 40%
- But then you have some that go up to 55% or 110 proof.
- Moonshine can go as high as 75% or 150 proof.
We Aren’t Supposed To Look At Alcoholic Drinks
So the alcoholic wine at 12% or less we aren’t even supposed to look at.
- That’s what I get from Proverbs Chapter 23
- What’s the proof of that you say? There’s pretty clear evidence of that.
- Does beer at 4% alcohol content make you like the description in Proverbs Chapter 23?
- Yes, it does. I’ve been around it enough in my life to KNOW 100% FOR SURE that it does.
- We aren’t supposed to even look at it.
You might be thinking, “Well, if I close my eyes and drink it, it’s okay.” Nah, nice try.
- So pretty much EVERY WINE in existence today CONTAINS MORE ALCOHOL than what the Bible is talking about.
- God says, “DON’T EVEN LOOK AT IT!” Do you see that or not?
So look, my parents taught me to not have anything to do with it. Did I listen? No.
- The church NEVER taught me what God Almighty says! So that’s what we’re doing today.
- You see: if I had some faith that there was a God and knew what He says in the Bible
- Then I might have thought a little more about not drinking that NASTY trash
- God says to not even look at it. Let’s use our common sense here and be truthful.
- We only drink it because it makes us feel good for just a little while.
- It makes us do dumb things. It kills people. It wrecks relationships. It’s not a good thing.
“Well, I just drink a little and it doesn’t do that.” It leads to more and more. So why do that?
- Some people LOVE alcohol so much they would NEVER give it up. NEVER. Does that sound right?
- That’s called an addiction to loving yourself with alcohol.
- “Well, I can have a glass of wine for dinner.”
- Wine has 3 to 4 times the amount of alcohol in it than BEER!
- It would be much better to just say I could have a glass of beer for dinner.
- Beer has MUCH LESS alcohol content than wine and we all know what beer does.
I want to talk about excuses people make for drinking alcohol or arguments they make
- One of the first things people will do is say that it’s okay to drink if you don’t get drunk
- “Well, it’s okay to drink as long as you don’t get drunk.”
- “It’s okay to have one beer at dinner or when I get home from work.”
- Look, I’ve said the same things and done the same things.
- You can know that when I preach it’s the things that I’ve learned from God’s word
When I read something from God, I change my mind immediately.
- I say, “God, I was wrong. I’m sorry. I see the truth now.”
- Also, how do you know that the next drink isn’t going to get your drunk?
- How do you know that the next sip isn’t going to do that? You don’t know that.
- “Well, I do because I’m a really good drinker. I know when I’m going to be drunk.” Yeah, I don’t think so.
The Bible teaches us that we need to be sober.
- This means do not let alcohol or drugs or any substance have ANY effect on you.
- Don’t let them change you in any way or alter your thinking.
[7] 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8 Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.
- People will say that being sober in the Bible has nothing to do with being drunk
- To them, sober means to be awake, alert, and paying attention.
- Are you alert and paying attention when you’re drunk? No.
- That’s why it’s so easy to play jokes on drunk people.
- Sober is used to describe people who aren’t drinking at all.
- This passage from 1 Thessalonians proves that being sober is related to NOT DRINKING
- Being Sober and Being Drunk are opposites.
- I wouldn’t think anyone would argue with that BUT they do.
Yes, I’ve Been To Traffic School For Speeding
In driving classes or traffic school, you learn many things about drinking and driving.
- I’ve been to traffic school many times in the past.
- Not for drinking and driving but for speeding.
- I use to like to drive fast to get to work and get home from work.
- I would slow down once I used up my traffic school pass for a couple of years.
- So I never had any points of my license, but I went to traffic school many times.
- I was an expert in traffic school. Haven’t had a ticket since maybe 2012 or 2013 so it’s been a while.
- But I remember it well.
- One of the first things they teach is your good judgement or decision making is decreased after the first drink of alcohol.
Once you start drinking alcohol, then another drink doesn’t sound too bad because you’ve already lost your good judgement.
- Do you see how it leads to that? Start drinking and your decision making is greatly FLAWED.
- About 2 to 3 wine glasses of wine is equal to a 12 oz. can of beer. Remember that about wine.
- Being drunk is sort of like being really, really tired. You start acting a little goofy when you’re really tired.
- You shouldn’t drive when you’re really, really tired either. Your decision making decreases.
- Your reaction time is decreased. You don’t want that when you’re driving out there in this world.
The Bible tells us over and over again to be SOBER.
- Let’s take a look at Titus Chapter 2 starting in verse 1. I want to give you a minute to turn there.
- It’s a small book in the New Testament between 2 Timothy and Philemon.
- It’s 56 out of 66 books in the Bible.
[8] Titus 2:1-2 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: 2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
- So we’re supposed to teach what you’re hearing TODAY.
- I’ve NEVER heard anyone teach this in my entire life that I remember.
- But the Bible specifically says to teach these things because they are sound doctrine.
- AGED MEN or older men should be SOBER! Let’s continue in verse 3.
[9] Titus 2:3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
- This is now talking to the AGED WOMEN or older women. It says to be the same way as the older men.
- NOT GIVEN TO MUCH WINE. Why does it tell older women to be like this?
- There’s a VERY IMPORTANT reason in the next verse.
[10] Titus 2:4-5 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
- Older women are not supposed to be SOBER so they can LOVE THEIR HUSBANDS and their CHILDREN.
- So they can be discrete, pure, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, AND
- Most importantly so the word of God is not blasphemed! So you don’t speak WRONGLY about God.
- Or influence others the wrong way. Do you see this so far? Older men and women BE SOBER it says.
[11] Titus 2:6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
- Young men be SOBER. Older women are teaching the children. Young women be SOBER.
- This is all categories of people. And this doesn’t just include wine and alcoholic beverages.
- This includes anything that affects your mind negatively. You can be the judge of that.
[12] Titus 2:12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
- So look, in this one chapter alone, it tells us to be SOBER many times.
- Others will tell you it’s okay to drink as long as you don’t get drunk.
- Do you know how quickly you get drunk if you’ve never had an alcoholic drink before? Pretty fast.
- You have to drink more and more often and then you won’t get drunk as fast.
- So you have to get drunk often so your tolerance for alcohol goes up. That’s not a good thing.
You Must Be An Experienced Drunk To Understand How Much You Can Drink
In other words, you have to be a pretty experienced drunkard to understand how much you can drink before you’re REALLY MESSED UP.
- But look, the first drink starts to degrade your mind and your soberness immediately.
- This is PROVEN. And if you drink, you know it’s true. Your mind slowly degrades as you continue drinking.
- So what’s the definition of “DRUNK?” There is no hard line on that. Where do you draw the line???
- Some people might say, “Well, I’m not drunk. I’m just a little tipsy.”
The Bible says to be SOBER MINDED.
- Once you start drinking alcohol, at that moment, you start to degrade.
- You might start saying perverse things or looking at other men and women or doing dumb things.
- We all know it’s true. Don’t INHIBIT good judgement in ANY WAY.
- The line is alcoholic wine is BAD and non-alcoholic wine is GOOD. That is the line to draw.
Keep in mind that Proverbs 23 already proves that we shouldn’t be drinking a mixed wine that is alcoholic
- It perfectly describes a drunkard after they’ve drank that alcoholic wine
- Some false preachers will preach that alcoholic wine is okay to drink but they won’t say beer is okay
- Beer is much better to drink than wine! Wine is much stronger than beer!
- In other words, they use the Bible to make it say whatever they want it to say.
- The book of Micah describes those false preachers perfectly.
[13] Micah 2:11 If a man walking in the spirit and falsehood do lie, saying, I will prophesy unto thee of wine and of strong drink; he shall even be the prophet of this people.
- The Bible is warning of us about the wine preacher and the strong drink preacher.
- “Hey, give me some wine and I’ll prophesy for you. Can’t do it without the wine, though!”
- The Bible calls that man a liar. The Bible gives these warnings to us over and over again.
[14] Isaiah 28:7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
- That Scripture right there is talking about preachers of the word.
- It says, “The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink!!!”
- “THEY ARE SWALLOWED UP OF WINE.” They err and stumble in judgement.
So now, let’s look at some so-called “PROOF” from the Bible that it’s okay to drink alcoholic wine
- People will use this next passage to say, “SEE, IT’S OKAY!!!”
- This is the NUMBER ONE most used passage in the Bible for alcohol use.
- And again, people will ignore all of the other parts of the Bible and pick and choose what they want to hear.
[15] John 2:7-10 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. 8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, 10 And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now.
- So Jesus turned water into wine. I think Jesus turned the water into non-alcoholic wine or fruit juice.
- Fruit juice wasn’t easy to make then and it’s not easy to make now.
- Have you ever made homemade fruit juice?
- We make it for the Lord’s Supper from fresh grapes. You can call that wine but it’s not alcoholic wine.
- We make it today with some nice machines, right?
- Well, then, they didn’t have juicers to make juice.
Real Fruit Juice Is Something To Get Excited About
You might say, “Well why were the people so excited about non-alcoholic fruit juice?”
- I get excited about fruit juice that Pam makes us. I love real fruit juice just like kids.
- Why is that? Because all I normally drink is water and milk!
- Real fruit juice is AMAZING. I love a good glass of real fruit juice. It’s exciting to me.
- If we can’t get excited about that, maybe we’re drinking too much trash from the world.
- In other words, you don’t need ALCOHOL to get excited at a wedding!
In verse 10 there, it says “WHEN MEN HAVE WELL DRUNK”
- This doesn’t mean they have drank so much alcoholic wine that they’re drunk
- The word WELL right there means GOOD or SATISFIED with plenty to drink
- They aren’t thirsty any more.
- Drunk is past tense for drink in the Bible and it also means to get drunk as we know it.
- In this situation, though, it doesn’t mean they’re drunk.
- It means they have drink, drank, drunk. And are well satisfied.
[16] Judges 15:19 But God clave an hollow place that was in the jaw, and there came water thereout; and when he had drunk, his spirit came again, and he revived: wherefore he called the name thereof En-hakkore, which is in Lehi unto this day.
- The verse above is talking about Samson drinking water.
- In John Chapter 2, it says “When men have well drunk.” It simply means when they are satisfied.
Let’s see what the FALSE NIV says in John Chapter 2, though
- It’s not even close to what the King James Bible says.
- Here’s the King James Bible in John 2 verse 10 compared to the NIV Bible.
Verse |
King James Bible |
John 2:10 |
And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. |
and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.” |
- Do you see that the NIV changes it to mean that the guests have had too much to drink?
- That’s not what the King James Bible says. That’s implying something the words don’t say.
- Does this make a difference? Oh yes, it does make a HUGE difference.
- We can’t take our own thoughts and desires and input those into the words of the Bible.
- All John Chapter 2 is saying is that MOST PEOPLE bring the best of the best FIRST
- This is what satisfies people. Once you’re satisfied, you don’t care as much.
- Well Jesus brought out the best of the best because He is the best of the best.
- And this was done after people were already satisfied. This was different than normal.
- The lower quality stuff was usually brought out later because people didn’t care as much.
- When you’re hungry or thirsty, the first bite or drink is the best because you’re not satisfied yet.
The NIV Is A Bible Perversion Because It Is Very Corrupt
What’s the NIV actually saying right there?
- It’s easier to read into the NIV false bible your own beliefs
- Why? Because of how it’s said:
- It’s saying that people already had too much wine to drink
- They’ve had TOO MUCH to “DRINK”
- For us, in this day and age, that means they are drunk.
- And then JESUS who HATES DRUNKENNESS brings out SIX MORE HUGE POTS of alcoholic wine
- Do you think Jesus looked at all the drunkards and said, “Hey, here’s some more!”
- Is that what the Bible says? No, it’s not.
- The King James Bible doesn’t say they are WELL DRUNK as in intoxicated and Jesus gives them more!!!
- Jesus HATES drunkenness. Do you think He would give them more alcohol to drink?
People will say that Jesus was at a drunken party here
- Then they will tell you that’s why it’s okay for you to be at a drunken party
- People in churches say this all the time
- “You can go to drunken parties because Jesus did the same.”
- Did Mary tell Jesus to go make a beer run? “We need more alcohol JESUS!!!”
- No, that’s not what she said.
- It’s not okay to drink alcohol. This passage says nothing like this.
- Do you know anyone who says it’s okay to drink but just don’t get drunk?
- Well, usually, those are the people who are drinking the most and getting drunk.
Wine isn’t some sophisticated drink like all the rich people make it out to be
- You might as well get out the beer bottles
- Wine is 3 times more alcoholic than beer
- Let’s swish it around and put our nose up like we’re so much better.
- Come up with some fancy name for this trashy drink. Try to make it sound so good.
- Let’s smell it. “Oh, it smells so good.”
- I’ve been wine tasting a long time ago.
- They would say, “Smell it. It smells so good.” I was like, “No, not really.”
- “Doesn’t it have a great taste?” No, not really. It’s actually nasty.
- People try to talk you into thinking that alcohol tastes good. It’s nasty. If you’re truthful, it’s nasty.
- That’s why everyone who drinks alcohol the first time pretty much wants to spit it out.
- They gag and choke. Alcoholic wine isn’t some fancy and great drink. It’s no good.
Now really high quality fruit juice is very good without faking it. That’s what Jesus made.
- He made the good stuff. High content alcohol is not called the GOOD STUFF in the Bible.
- To me, it’s the nastiest stuff you can get. Try some 110 proof whiskey or 150 proof moonshine.
- Then tell me that’s the good stuff. The only people who think that’s the good stuff are alcoholics.
- Let’s look at another verse that is taken out of context and used to say drinking alcohol is fine
[18] Deuteronomy 14:26 And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household,
- People will say, “Hey, LOOK!!! God said to buy strong drink or whatever you want and enjoy it!!!”
- They will say that you can go to Church with the priest or the Levite and drink it up with him.
- So what’s this passage of Scripture actually about? What’s it mean in the context of the Chapter?
- This passage is about tithing. Let’s go back to verse 22. Remember, the one we just read is verse 26.
[19] Deuteronomy 14:22-25 Thou shalt truly tithe all the increase of thy seed, that the field bringeth forth year by year. 23 And thou shalt eat before the LORD thy God, in the place which he shall choose to place his name there, the tithe of thy corn, of thy wine, and of thine oil, and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks; that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always. 24 And if the way be too long for thee, so that thou art not able to carry it; or if the place be too far from thee, which the LORD thy God shall choose to set his name there, when the LORD thy God hath blessed thee: 25 Then shalt thou turn it into money, and bind up the money in thine hand, and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose:
- Do you see what this is really about? It’s talking about tithing on the INCREASE that God gives.
- It says and IF the way be too long for thee to take the tithe of the field.
- IF the place be too far from thee to take that tithe.
- THEN shalt thou turn it into money, take the money in your hand, and go. Do what with that money?
[20] Deuteronomy 14:26-27 And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, 27 And the Levite that is within thy gates; thou shalt not forsake him; for he hath no part nor inheritance with thee.
- So, what is the tithe? It’s an OFFERING to the Lord.
- You MUST understand that the tithe is an offering to the Lord.
- It also doesn’t say to DRINK THE STRONG DRINK. Does it say that?
- It says THOU SHALT EAT there before the Lord.
Has Anyone Taught You About The Drink Offering Given To The Lord?
Did you know that there’s a DRINK OFFERING given to the Lord?
- Let me show you where a drink offering is given to the Lord
- It’s given as a strong drink and it’s poured out as an offering or a tithe
- The phrase “DRINK OFFERING” is given in the Bible 29 times. Here’s the first one.
[21] Genesis 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar in the place where he talked with him, even a pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
- STRONG WINE or strong drink is used as a drink offering to the Lord.
- God never says to drink the STRONG WINE or the STRONG DRINK.
[22] Numbers 28:7 And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth part of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering.
- So they purchased strong drink to pour out as an offering to the Lord
- They purchased an oxen or a sheep to give as an offering to the Lord
- You were able to eat of the meat offering but the drink offering was poured out
- Do you see this today?
At first glance, you might think Deuteronomy 14:26 is telling you to go do whatever your soul desires.
- Does that match with the entire rest of the Bible? No, it doesn’t.
- Those things were going to be taken to the priest as an offering. That’s bringing your tithe to the Lord.
- THE STRONG DRINK is for the drink offering to pour out to the Lord
- You can also use strong wine for other reasons such as cooking
- The cooking gets rid of all the alcohol and it doesn’t get you drunk
- Again, God doesn’t want us getting drunk. He says to STAY SOBER.
[23] Proverbs 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.
- No Scripture goes against this or contradicts itself in the Bible.
- If we think we see something that contradicts, it’s because we don’t fully understand the Bible.
- This just means we need to study more. An example is the drink offering to the Lord!
- The Bible says to not even look upon the mixed wine that causes drunkenness
- This means DO NOT DRINK IT! To me, the Bible is VERY CLEAR.
- Everything that alcohol does to you is NEGATIVE. Is it not?
- “Well, it has some benefits in moderation.”
- I guarantee you’ll be much better off with actually healthy drinks that don’t cause drunkenness.
- For example, Kombucha tea is fermented and doesn’t get you drunk.
- You get many benefits from that drink.
- Let’s look at another passage people will use to say alcoholic wine is okay to drink.
[24] Romans 14:1-3 Him that is weak in the faith receive ye, but not to doubtful disputations. 2 For one believeth that he may eat all things: another, who is weak, eateth herbs. 3 Let not him that eateth despise him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for God hath received him.
- This passage tells us that there is him that is weak in faith.
- This means him who doesn’t believe all of the Bible or doesn’t know it very well.
- This would be someone who has faith but is weak in the faith.
- The one who is weak in the faith is the one that believes you should only eat herbs.
- The one who is strong in the faith is the one that believes you may eat all things including meat.
- The vegetarian Christian is to be received because God says so. GOD HAS RECEIVED THEM!!!
- Don’t despise the people who choose to be vegetarian.
- Choosing to eat like that will not really hurt you. It will make you weaker but it won’t hurt you.
Alcohol Does 100% Hurt Your Body And Can Kill You And Others
Guess what does hurt you? Alcoholic drinks like alcoholic wine.
- It messes up your judgement, it hurts your health, it creates problems in your life. 100% FACT.
- But not eating meat doesn’t do anything like that.
- Now, do I think it’s ridiculous to not eat meat? Yes, I do because I believe what the Bible says.
- But, I will accept them as it really doesn’t bother me or anything else.
- They may have decided this because a lot of meat available today is very unhealthy.
- That’s why we need to find good sources of meat from local farmers and not these HUGE govt farms.
- And we should respect those vegetarians or vegan Christians. Why? Because God says so.
- They are HIS PEOPLE too. They are OUR brothers and sisters in God’s family.
[25] 1 Corinthians 8:13 Wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.
- How does this relate to wine, though? Why are we talking about food?
- The sermon is about wine!!!
- We’re getting there. We’re going back to Romans Chapter 14 verse 21.
[26] Romans 14:21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.
- Some people will use this to say you’re a weak Christian if you aren’t drinking alcoholic wine
- They’ll compare this to the meat.
- They say you’re a weaker Christian if you abstain from alcohol.
- It’s not even close to what the Bible is saying.
- MEAT makes you stronger. You will be weaker physically without meat.
- Unless you eat the perfect combination of foods to get complete proteins to match with the protein you would get in meat.
- But then, you’re still missing out on other very important nutrients in meat!
- That’s what the Bible is talking about. The Bible says to EAT MEAT!!!
The Bible doesn’t say to drink alcohol.
- Do you the difference there? They totally twist the Scriptures and call you weak for not drinking.
- Many vegans and vegetarians will look sickly
- Some athletes that are vegans and vegetarians aren’t sickly but their job allows them the time and money to get the right combination of other foods. You can get a good combination.
- When women are pregnant, even the vegans and vegetarians will tell them to start eating meat.
- Why? Because the baby needs those nutrients!!!
Your muscle will be consumed as protein. Your body will eat your own muscle.
- You need protein so you aren’t weak!!!
- It makes you strong and healthy. That’s what the Bible is talking about when it says WEAK.
- It’s not saying that not drinking makes you weak physically or spiritually!
- Not eating meat makes you weak physically but not spiritually.
- It’s only your faith is weaker because you won’t believe what the Bible says about meat.
Jesus Didn’t Come Drinking Alcohol
Next, I want to talk about another verse that gets a lot of attention when it comes to drinking wine.
- Remember, we have to pay EXACT attention to what the Bible says!
- We can’t add any of our own thoughts into what the words of the Bible actually say.
- This is Jesus Christ HIMSELF speaking in this verse.
[27] Matthew 11:18-19 For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, He hath a devil. 19 The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.
- Does that say Jesus came eating drinking alcohol?
- No, He came eating and drinking and they called Him a glutton and a winebibber.
- They are accusing Him of living a lavish lifestyle here.
- How do we know that? Because it says John the Baptist came NEITHER eating nor drinking.
- Does that mean John the Baptist never ate or drank? Of course not. He ate and drank.
- What did he eat and drink? John was out in the wilderness eating locust and honey.
- Of course he was eating and drinking or he wouldn’t have lived.
But John was not living a lavish lifestyle. He was out in the wilderness.
- Then Jesus comes eating and drinking better things than John the Baptist and they accuse Him of living a lavish lifestyle.
- What does this mean? This means you don’t have to live like John the Baptist!
- Jesus drank food and wine. Was it alcoholic wine? I guarantee you 100% that it wasn’t alcoholic wine.
- Why? Because Jesus is the word of God and Proverbs 23 says to not even LOOK AT THAT TYPE OF WINE!
There are CRAZY RELIGIOUS people who want to punish themselves by living a bare minimum lifestyle
- Jesus says, “You don’t have to live that type of lifestyle.”
- You might offend some people by living a more lavish lifestyle.
- Eating rice and beans is cheaper than having meat for dinner.
- Jesus comes eating meat and drinking wine and he’s called names for doing so.
- Wine or fruit juice was considered to be a more expensive drink. And it still is today.
- It takes a lot of work to make real fruit juice. It’s not easy and it’s expensive.
- Eating meat and drinking wine is a more expensive way of living.
- That’s what Romans 14 and Matthew 11 are talking about.
Don’t Go Overboard With Things That Are Okay Either
We shouldn’t be going WAY overboard either on drinking wine, fruit juice, and meat
- We shouldn’t become gluttons and winebibbers.
- We should eat healthy food and drink healthy drinks.
- Real fruit juice is good for you in smaller amounts. It’s not good to drink all the time.
- Why? Because it’s pure sugar. It’s better to eat the whole fruit than to just drink the juice.
- If you drink wine or fruit juice all the time, you’re going to most likely get large.
- Why? Because it makes you hungrier. You’ll eat more food. You’ll get bigger.
- Fruit juice you find in stores isn’t real fruit juice. It has a lot of other trash added to it. Not good.
And then we can’t go way overboard the other direction either.
- It’s okay to have fruit juice and non-alcoholic wine.
- Some religions will tell you that you can’t even look at a grape.
- They confuse the Nazarite laws with the other parts of the Bible.
[28] Judges 13:14 She may not eat of any thing that cometh of the vine, neither let her drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing: all that I commanded her let her observe.
- That verse there is talking about Samson
- His mother and father were Nazarites
- They weren’t supposed to eat certain things
- That’s also why Samson has long hair in the Bible
- There law said they could not cut their hair
- We can’t confuse their law with God’s law. It’s different.
- God says it’s okay to eat meat. It’s okay to have grape juice! But not to go overboard with it.
- It’s like a dessert. When you’re used to drinking water and you get real grape juice, it’s a treat.
- Just don’t go overboard in either direction. We need to stay balanced with the word of God.
Quick Summary of This Sermon
- Wine and wines is mentioned 233 times
- Every instance of the word wine in the Bible is not alcoholic wine
- Juice is only used once in the entire Bible and all wine is fruit juice and comes from fruit juice
- The Bible says so when it says the wine is in the cluster of the grapes
- The Bible differentiates between different types a wine. There’s a good and a bad type of wine.
- There’s one type that turns your eyes red and makes you say and do stupid things.
- That’s obviously the bad type of wine. The Bible says DON’T EVEN LOOK AT IT.
- The EXACT type described by the Bible that we shouldn’t look IS THE fermented wine.
- That type of wine bites you and stings you like a poisonous serpent.
There is no proof that it’s okay to drink alcoholic wine
- All of the Bible verses people use to prove that COMPLETELY fall apart when you understand the Bible
- The Bible doesn’t contradict itself anywhere
- People twist Scripture and then act as if the Bible does contradict itself
- No, our understanding is wrong. Look at the verses in context.
- For example, understand that the drink offering consisted of pouring out wine or strong drink.
- The Bible never says to take alcoholic wine or strong drink and drink it.
- The Bible never says to get drunk.
- Jesus wasn’t a drunk. He is eternally perfect. When you’re drunk, you can’t even think straight.
- People can’t use Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8 to say it’s okay to drink alcohol
The Bible is VERY CLEAR. We are not to drink alcohol. Don’t even look at it the Bible says.
- Alcohol gets you drunk. Does it not?
- It impairs your ability to think starting with the first drink.
- It gets worse each drink.
- The Bible is very clear that we are NEVER to be drunk. We are to stay SOBER at all times.
- Some people say, “Well, the Holy Spirit doesn’t convict me to stay SOBER.”
- Or they say, “The Holy Spirit within me says it’s okay for me to drink alcohol.”
- Well, guess what? That’s not the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit never contradicts the Bible.
- EVER. NEVER. EVER. Do you hear that today?
The Holy Spirit will NEVER contradict the BIBLE.
- There aren’t new rules given to false preachers like JOYCE MEYER that don’t match the Bible.
- Being Sober is NOT optional in the Bible.
- Alcohol has no place in our lives. It’s always negative and it will turn into something negative.
- Alcohol will kill your flesh and for many people it will kill their soul too.
- When you’re drunk, you’re missing out on opportunities to be SAVED. You won’t hear the Gospel.
- Try giving the GOSPEL to a homeless person who is constantly drunk or high on drugs.
- You won’t be very successful. Why? Because they don’t care! They just want more liquor or drugs.
- Let’s stay sober so we can grow closer to the Lord and do good things for Him.
Let’s pray.