[2] The title of the sermon: “PROVERBS CHAPTER 11.”
Continuing Our Verse By Verse Study Through Proverbs
- Let’s continue our verse by verse study in the Book of Proverbs.
- Let’s start there in verse 1 of Proverbs Chapter 11.
[3] Proverbs 11:1 A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.
- This is talking about dealing with others fairly. God is very fair.
- Don’t charge a ridiculous amount for something. Don’t cheat people out of things.
- Don’t change the scales so you get more out of something. Don’t trick others. Don’t deceive others.
[4] Proverbs 16:11 A just weight and balance are the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag are his work.
[5] Proverbs 20:10 Divers weights, and divers measures, both of them are alike abomination to the LORD.
[6] Proverbs 20:23 Divers weights are an abomination unto the LORD; and a false balance is not good.
- Dealing falsely with people in written in the law in Book of Leviticus.
[7] Leviticus 19:35-36 Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgment, in meteyard, in weight, or in measure. 36 Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I am the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.
- Don’t charge someone for a gallon of milk and give them ½ gallon. Don’t cheat people.
- What if you do these things? Watch what God says.
[8] Deuteronomy 25:13-16 Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small. 14 Thou shalt not have in thine house divers measures, a great and a small. 15 But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shalt thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 16 For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously, are an abomination unto the LORD thy God.
- People who deal falsely with others are an abomination or greatly hated by the Lord.
- You don’t want to be one of those people. Don’t break His laws.
[9] Hosea 12:7 He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.
- Don’t take advantage of people. Don’t oppress people.
- Don’t charge more for something just because you know they really need it. Be fair to others.
[10] Proverbs 11:2 When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.
- The world teaches you to be proud. Don’t be proud of anything.
- If you ignore this Scripture and you want to be proud, THEN COMETH SHAME.
- Be wise and be lowly. Don’t be proud of your children. Don’t be proud of your job.
- Don’t be proud of your car and your home. Don’t be proud of your church.
- Don’t be proud of me. Don’t be proud of yourself.
The sodomites are proud of all the wicked things they do. THEN COMETH SHAME.
- They are actually a shame and everyone knows it except them.
- They are proud of being an abomination to God Almighty. That’s sick.
[11] Proverbs 16:18-19 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
- Don’t try to show off things that you’re proud of. PRIDE GOETH BEFORE DESTRUCTION.
- A proud person will have shame. A proud person will fall. Be humble. Be of a lowly spirit. Jesus was and is.
[12] Luke 18:14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
- Pride is exalting yourself above where you ought to be. Don’t be a proud person.
- You will be brought low. If you humble yourself, you will be exalted.
[13] Proverbs 11:3 The integrity of the upright shall guide them: but the perverseness of transgressors shall destroy them.
- Who is our integrity? God is our integrity. We have nothing good of ourselves.
- God will guide us. If someone doesn’t have God, they have no integrity or wholeness or purity.
[14] Proverbs 13:6 Righteousness keepeth him that is upright in the way: but wickedness overthroweth the sinner.
- Trusting in the Lord gives you righteousness. Not trusting in the Lord equals wickedness.
[15] Psalm 26:1 Judge me, O LORD; for I have walked in mine integrity: I have trusted also in the LORD; therefore I shall not slide.
- God will preserve you, keep you, and direct your paths when you trust in Him. He guides you.
- Without Him guiding you, you will fall. That’s we you need to be saved by trusting in the Lord.
[16] Proverbs 11:4 Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.
- We know that riches can’t save you from God’s wrath. Read the Book of Revelation.
- I don’t see any examples in the Bible where God accepts money to stop His wrath.
- “Hey God, Hey Jesus, could I give you $100,000 to stop you from destroying me because I’m wicked?”
- There is nothing that can stop God’s wrath on you BUT one thing and that is righteousness.
- How do you get righteousness when the Bible tells us that there are none righteous but God?
- You simply trust God, His words, and His promises and He will impute His righteousness unto you.
- Say, “Jesus Christ, I believe on you to save me. I know you’re the Savior of the world. I believe on the work you did when you died for me.”
- Truly mean what you say within your heart and God gives you His righteousness at that moment.
- His righteousness is the only thing that can save you. NOTHING ELSE WILL DO. It’s the only way.
- Jesus is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. You must go through Him to obtain righteousness.
Righteousness Only Comes Through Jesus Christ
[17] Proverbs 11:5-6 The righteousness of the perfect shall direct his way: but the wicked shall fall by his own wickedness. 6 The righteousness of the upright shall deliver them: but transgressors shall be taken in their own naughtiness.
- We know that God gives righteousness. We know that God directs our paths if we walk in the Spirit.
- THE WICKED SHALL FALL BY THEIR OWN WICKEDNESS. In our flesh, we are wicked people.
- Without the Spirit of God, we cannot be spiritual. We cannot be good without being spiritual.
- The wicked are not spiritual. They are 100% fleshly without the Spirit of God. They are 100% wicked.
- And that wickedness will take them straight to hell. They need to believe on Jesus Christ and be spiritual.
[18] Psalm 7:16 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.
- All of the evil a person does will return back to them. If you cheat someone, get ready to be cheated.
- If you lie to someone, get ready to be lied to. If you murder someone, be afraid of being murdered.
- All of this wickedness will return to you. All of the violence will come down upon your own head.
- That’s why we don’t treat people that way. We want the best for them. We want them to be saved.
- We want them to obtain God’s righteousness so they can have eternal life too.
- Once you have the Holy Spirit of God with you, you won’t want to do evil. You may mess up.
- But you won’t like it. You can ignore the Spirit, but you won’t be happy.
[19] Proverbs 11:7 When a wicked man dieth, his expectation shall perish: and the hope of unjust men perisheth.
- When a wicked man dies, he has no more expectations. It’s over for him. He is perishing in all ways.
- An unjust and wicked man has ZERO HOPE and that’s sad. Why would anyone want to lose hope?
- For all people who won’t believe on Jesus Christ, they will lose hope. They will 100% perish.
[20] Exodus 15:9-10 The enemy said, I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil; my lust shall be satisfied upon them; I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them. 10 Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them: they sank as lead in the mighty waters.
- The wicked are after you. The wicked will take everything you have. They will divide the spoil. Yours.
- But God will take care of them for you. We don’t take vengeance. We allow God to have His vengeance.
- And He does a much, much better job than we could ever do. God will destroy them. We don’t.
[21] Job 11:20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall not escape, and their hope shall be as the giving up of the ghost.
- The wicked have no hope in death. They should be very scared to die.
- It’s going to be the worse thing that ever happened to them. Not good.
[22] Proverbs 11:8 The righteous is delivered out of trouble, and the wicked cometh in his stead.
- There are many examples of the righteous being delivered out of the trouble the wicked are causing.
- Wicked people love to attack the righteous for wicked reasons.
- Well, let me warn the wicked today to leave the righteous people alone. This is a warning for the wicked.
- Hear these examples from the Bible.
[23] Esther 7:9-10 And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him thereon. 10 So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king’s wrath pacified.
- The wicked Haman went after the righteous Mordecai. Haman prepared gallows to hang Mordecai.
- And you see what happened, right? The King says, “No, don’t hang Mordecai. Hang Haman.”
- And that’s that.
[24] Isaiah 43:3-4 For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee. 4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.
- God will give up the wicked for the righteous any day. If you believe on Jesus Christ, you’re righteous.
- God will fight for you. And when God fights for you, you win. No one can win against God.
[25] Daniel 6:23 Then was the king exceeding glad for him, and commanded that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no manner of hurt was found upon him, because he believed in his God.
[26] Daniel 6:24 And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den.
- The wicked who try to capture the righteous should be very careful. God is watching.
- You’re not getting anything past God. He’s sees everything. He doesn’t miss one thing.
- So, be good to others. Don’t do evil to others. Don’t deceive others. Don’t try to capture others.
[27] Proverbs 11:9 An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.
- An example of a hypocrite is one who acts as if he is good and right and everyone else is wrong.
- A hypocrite never admits to doing wrong. They’re always right.
- They aren’t forgiving because they don’t need forgiveness. They are stiffnecked and won’t give in.
- With their words, they destroy their neighbors. Don’t be like that.
- Instead, use the knowledge God gives you to be delivered. Always follow good paths and be delivered.
- We need to be careful with our words. We need to be careful as to what we’re speaking.
[28] Mark 13:22-23 For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect. 23 But take ye heed: behold, I have foretold you all things.
- We need to know the Scriptures so we understand what people are going to do to us.
- They will talk bad about us. They will hate us. Why? Because we simply speak the truth.
- We teach the truth from God’s words, but they will hate us for that. They will try to capture us.
- They may try to kill you. Jesus says, “I have foretold you all things.” He gives us all these warnings.
- Men and women are out there right now lying in wait to deceive you and your children.
WATCH OUT. Don’t be surprised when people come for you and attack you and your family.
- They gnash upon you with their mouths. Understand this will happen when you stand up for God.
- When one of our people are being attacked, we don’t run away. We stand up with them.
- We don’t take the coward way out and run for our lives. We get up and stand up with them.
- If needed, we step out in front of them. God is there in the front. Understand that.
- Don’t let these people bother you. Understand God has plans for them. He repays evil with evil.
[29] Deuteronomy 7:9-10 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations; 10 And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face.
- If people hate you for speaking the truth from God’s words, then they hate God and His words.
- They hated Him first. And they should be very careful because God will repay them to their face.
- That’s a very scary thing. FACE TO FACE God will repay them. So why let someone bother you?
- Let it go. Always do the right thing and don’t stop. Don’t let these wicked people stop you.
[30] Proverbs 11:10-11 When it goeth well with the righteous, the city rejoiceth: and when the wicked perish, there is shouting. 11 By the blessing of the upright the city is exalted: but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.
- From the beginning, all of God’s people were supposed to stand up and do the right thing.
- Joshua says, “Choose you this day who ye will serve.” You have a choice.
- Jude says, “Contend for the faith.” The Bible tells us to stand up and speak the truth. Stephen did.
- Paul did. He didn’t allow lies to be spread without standing up against them.
- The entire Bible is filled with examples. God’s people didn’t let lies continue.
In churches today, all the wicked and evil leaders, want you to just be quiet when they teach lies.
- “You don’t know anything so you need to be quiet.” God never says to allow lies to spread.
- We are to spread truth which is righteousness. We don’t allow lies like, “Baptism is required to be saved.”
- “Works are required to be saved.” That’s evil and wicked. “God doesn’t throw people into hell.”
- “God loves everyone no matter what. We’re all sinners so it’s okay to sin.” LIES. LIES. LIES.
- We stand up against those lies. We leave the churches and find another that is teaching the truth.
- They exist. They might be hard to find, but we’re here.
- We don’t want a wicked city here. Why? Because we want a city that rejoices with God Almighty.
We Want To Live In A City Filled With People Who Love God
We want a city and a home here that loves God and is exalted by God.
- We don’t want to be overthrown because of all the wickedness around here.
- This city is filled with false churches. This city is filled with wickedness.
- This city is filled with people who won’t stand up against evil and wicked people.
- Sodomites are good people in their corrupted minds. “They are welcome here.”
- Well, guess what? They aren’t welcome here. We don’t want to be overthrown by God.
- THEY WILL NEVER BE WELCOME HERE. Understand that right now.
[31] Deuteronomy 7:26 Neither shalt thou bring an abomination into thine house, lest thou be a cursed thing like it: but thou shalt utterly detest it, and thou shalt utterly abhor it; for it is a cursed thing.
- The Scriptures tell us the truth, guide our decisions, light our paths, and we will choose the Scriptures.
- We won’t listen to the lies of this world and choose lies over God and His truth.
- Sodomites are an abomination, and we will not bring them into this house.
- We will utterly DESTEST abominations and utterly ABHOR them.
- And the wicked will attack us for these things, but we aren’t surprised. God tells us these things.
- They can attack all they want. They can attempt to do so all they want. God has plans for them.
- In the end, the mother of all abominations, BABLYON, will be destroyed and we will rejoice.
[32] Revelation 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
- She is burned to the ground. Sodom and Gomorrah was just a preview. It’s coming.
- And we will rejoice when God throws them all into hell. The Book of Revelation tells us this.
- And I believe what God says. God will overthrow the wicked. They will be finished and removed forever.
[33] Proverbs 11:12-13 He that is void of wisdom despiseth his neighbour: but a man of understanding holdeth his peace. 13 A talebearer revealeth secrets: but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter.
- Why are you despising your neighbor? The Bible says it is because you are void of wisdom.
- Why are you always watching your neighbor and talking bad about them?
- You need to become a man or woman of understanding and hold your peace.
- Don’t reveal all secrets that someone gives you in confidence. Conceal the matter.
[34] Proverbs 20:19 He that goeth about as a talebearer revealeth secrets: therefore meddle not with him that flattereth with his lips.
[35] Leviticus 19:16 Thou shalt not go up and down as a talebearer among thy people: neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy neighbour: I am the LORD.
- That’s a strong command. Don’t spread lies about people. Don’t be a talebearer.
- Don’t attempt to flatter people with your lips through lies. THOUS SHALT NOT DO THESE THINGS.
- Don’t contribute to blood being shed against your neighbor. Understand these things.
- Help your neighbors. Don’t attempt to hurt them with lies and deception.
[36] Proverbs 11:14 Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellers there is safety.
- The absolute best counsel you can ever have is the word of God. But God gave us church to help us.
- He gave us teachers to help us. He gave us men to lead the churches and to teach within the churches.
- Church is needed or God wouldn’t have given us churches.
- He tells us to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together.
- Without counsel, people will fall. We need others to help us and guide us along the right paths.
- ALWAYS GO TO GOD FIRST. But understand that He shows up when we’re in church and helps us.
- Why? Because we’re following His commandments to gather together and worship Him in spirit and truth.
And notice what this says right there. We need multiple counsellers and teachers. We need to work together.
- When we have more people here that know the word of God, we help each other.
- Sometimes we’re not seeing certain things in the Scriptures but someone else is seeing those things.
- “In the multitude of counsellors, there is safety.” We all need to be studying God’s word.
- When a young woman in the church needs guidance, the women with experience can counsel her.
- When a young man in the church needs guidance, the men with experience can counsel him.
- We don’t counsel here through closed doors and one on one counseling. We counsel as a church.
- We will be as one and we will act as one in this church. When you bring a problem, we solve it together.
[37] Proverbs 11:15 He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.
- If you become the surety or safety net for a stranger, you shall smart for it. What does that mean?
- There are different definitions of the word smart. To feel pain. To be punished.
- Don’t become the surety for a stranger. Don’t co-sign for a stranger.
- HE THAT HATETH SURETISHIP IS SURE. Don’t become the safety net for everyone in your life.
- “Oh, Josh will take care of me when I’m not working.” No, I will not be your surety.
- I will not be your safety net. I hate suretiship. Understand that. I will not feel that pain.
- If I choose to do so, I’m going against the Scriptures. God’s helping you here. Listen to His wisdom.
[38] Proverbs 17:18 A man void of understanding striketh hands, and becometh surety in the presence of his friend.
[39] Proverbs 22:26 Be not thou one of them that strike hands, or of them that are sureties for debts.
- Is that not a command? If someone asks for a loan from you, what does that say?
- Don’t strike hands. BE NOT THOU ONE OF THEM THAT STRIKE HANDS. Don’t be a surety for debts.
- Be careful because you can be trapped by people who don’t read and study the Scriptures. Be warned.
[40] Proverbs 11:16 A gracious woman retaineth honour: and strong men retain riches.
- Be a gracious woman or one who is favored in the sight of the Lord. Be a friendly woman.
- Talk to other people when someone comes into church. Show people your kindness.
- Be an excellent woman. Be one that follows the Scriptures and stands up for God in all things.
[41] Proverbs 31:30-31 Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. 31 Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
- Retain honor as a woman by fearing the Lord God Almighty. You will be praised when you do this.
- I’m very happy to have all the women and young ladies in this church.
- All of you are amazing and I’m not lying to you or deceiving you. I’m not trying to flatter you.
- But I’m telling you to keep working for God because that is beautiful in God’s eyes.
- It’s not the outward appearance. It’s the work that you put in for God that brings beauty.
- “Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.”
- My wife is beautiful to me because she does her best to follow the Scriptures. She works hard.
- She’s there to help me whenever I need help and that is beautiful to me. She is fulfilling God’s purpose.
The second half of Proverbs 11:16 says, “And strong men retain riches.”
- Where does all this grace and strength come from? Where do the riches we want come from?
- All of it comes from God. The true strength and riches come from God and His wisdom.
- We’re not talking about money. False preachers love the riches and money Scriptures.
- “Look, God is going to give me more money. He says so. God owes me money!!!”
- That’s what they do. But we know that God is talking about far, far greater things than money.
- Money is nothing compared to wisdom. We want wisdom. That’s why we’re here right now.
- Where’s everyone else? They’re seeking other things. One day they will see the errors in their ways.
- Hopefully it’s not too late for them.
[42] Proverbs 11:17 The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.
- Be a man or woman of mercy. Don’t take advantage of people when they’re down.
- BE MERCIFUL. Don’t attack when your neighbor is having trouble. Pull them up and help them.
- If you’re cruel to others, you will trouble your own flesh. All these things come back to you.
- Do good to others, and you do good to your own soul.
- Don’t be someone who is constantly trying to take advantage of others.
[43] Proverbs 11:18 The wicked worketh a deceitful work: but to him that soweth righteousness shall be a sure reward.
- The wicked people don’t get anything but bad things from the deceitful work they do.
- Why would anyone want to be wicked? It’s not good. It’s not fun. It ends with death.
- But sow righteousness and you will have a great reward.
- When you go soul winning, you will be rejected more than accepted. Understand that right now.
- Some people will yell at you. Some people will call you names. Some people will hate you.
- But you’re sowing the word of God which is righteousness.
- Even if people reject you all day long, you still have a SURE REWARD.
- Why? Because you’re doing what God asked you to do. You were a success!
[44] Proverbs 11:19 As righteousness tendeth to life: so he that pursueth evil pursueth it to his own death.
- God equals life. Everything else equals death.
- If you make your family more important than God, you are pursuing death. This is truth.
- You’re pursuing death for your entire family too.
Make God BY FAR the most important, and you are pursuing life for all, including your family.
- Pursue after anything else but God, and you are pursuing evil. You want death.
- Pursue God and you are going after righteousness. This tends to life and not death.
- Remember, everything else is evil but God. “But my family is so important to me.”
- If you make your family more important than God, you are pursuing evil. Understand that.
[45] Proverbs 11:20 They that are of a froward heart are abomination to the LORD: but such as are upright in their way are his delight.
- An abomination is greatly hated by God. A froward heart is one that hasn’t come to their Creator.
- God gave us all life, and we need to trust in Him. He’s done all these things for us.
- He’s given us all life. The ones who won’t believe His words are an abomination.
- He’s showed Himself to everyone. He comes to everyone and convinces them that He is God.
- But some continue to reject Him and eventually God rejects them and hates them.
Upright = Believe On Jesus Christ
But those who accept God and believe on Jesus Christ are the upright because they now have God’s righteousness imputed unto them.
- When you believe on Jesus Christ and trust Him, you are then God’s DELIGHT.
- When you follow God’s words and commandments, you are His delight.
- Don’t you want to be a delight to God and not a trouble to God?
[46] Proverbs 11:21 Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.
- The wicked work together hand in hand. Look at this country today.
- All these huge companies support LGBTQ pride month. Turn on the radio for one minute in the car.
- What do I hear? A Macy’s advertisement for LGBTQ pride month. They are all joined hand in hand.
- They are wicked companies supporting ABOMINATIONS. They will not be unpunished.
- God sees all these things. They will hate me for preaching this, but I am of the seed of the righteous.
- Why? Because I have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t have any righteousness of my own.
- I will be delivered. They will not be unpunished. I will preach the truth, and I don’t care if they don’t like it.
- I care what God likes. I could care less what the wicked likes.
[47] Proverbs 16:5 Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.
- The sodomites are proud. The LGBTQ community is proud of their wicked lifestyles.
- They are an abomination to the Lord. What’s that mean? They are greatly hated by the Lord.
- And that means God will take care of them. He’s coming for them.
- So, if anyone out there is listening to this today who is thinking about joining the LGBTQ community, I would change your mind really quickly.
[48] 1 Kings 15:11-12 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did David his father. 12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
- King Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord and took away the sodomites out of the land.
- Do you think anything has changed since then? Do you think God changed His mind about sodomites?
- No, He hasn’t. He has always hated them. He wants them removed out of the land.
[49] 1 Kings 14:24 And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the LORD cast out before the children of Israel.
- That’s what happens with sodomites no matter how much they want to lie about it.
- “We are good people,” they say. Well, God says different and I trust what God says.
- I don’t trust the words of an abomination. AT ALL. If God rejects sodomites, I will too.
- I will stand with God. I will not bow down to this evil world. They can’t stop me.
- They can’t kill me. Only God can remove me. When He’s ready for that, I’m ready to go.
- I will not go against God’s will. And His will is for sodomites to be destroyed. And they will be.
- In the end, He will cast all of them into the lake of fire. That will be their punishment.
[50] Proverbs 11:22 As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.
- A fair woman who has no discretion is compared to a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout.
- Discretion is making good decisions based on knowledge.
- Having no discretion is not good. That’s why women need to be reading the Bible.
What happens to that jewel of gold in a swine’s snout? Think about that.
- It gets run through the mud. The pig wallows in the mud and mire. Tossed to and fro.
- Without the word of God guiding you, you’re going to have problems. BIG PROBLEMS.
- This is why young women need to choose a Godly man to be their husband and leader.
- That Godly man will ensure they are reading the Scriptures. That man will teach the Scriptures to them.
- God gave men this responsibility. Without that leadership, a woman will be slung around in the mud.
- Just like that jewel of gold in the swine’s snout. Always dirty. Always in trouble.
[51] Joshua 24:15 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.
- Young women need to choose a husband that says, “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
- Anything else won’t work. Make sure that man is actually serving the Lord and not a false religion.
- There are so many deceived people in this world. Make sure they are serving the actual Scriptures.
- Then, young women, you’ll have a leader that truly loves you by following God’s commandments.
[52] Proverbs 11:23 The desire of the righteous is only good: but the expectation of the wicked is wrath.
- We know that God has good things for us. We know that good things do not equal money.
- We pray that we are not rich. We pray that we are not poor. But we desire the good things from God.
- We ask Him for His wisdom. We call out for wisdom because we know His wisdom is so great.
- We know that His wisdom will guide us and take us down the right paths in this life.
- But we know what’s coming for the wicked. God’s wrath is coming for them.
[53] Romans 2:8-9 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath, 9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;
- It doesn’t matter if you’re Jew or Gentile, God’s wrath comes for all the wicked who won’t believe on Him.
- If you won’t trust in Jesus Christ with all your heart, expect God’s wrath to be upon you.
[54] Proverbs 11:24 There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.
- When you go out with God’s words into this world to scatter them everywhere you can, you will increase.
- Why? Because you are scattering God’s words in every way that you can. You’re spreading truth.
- You increase. God helps you because He wants His words to increase.
- Don’t withhold knowledge you are receiving from God because that tends to poverty.
- He won’t give you more if you aren’t using what He gave you.
That’s why there are so many people in churches today that haven’t learned anything in church in years.
- I guarantee that you’ve already learned more today than some people have learned in 20 years in church.
- God isn’t giving those people more because they won’t use anything that He’s given them.
- He tells us to spread His words. You can help us to do that here in this church. Or you can choose not to.
- If not, don’t expect God to continue to show you things within His words.
- We have to get His words out there more and more and increase and increase and increase His words.
- That’s the job God gave us to do, and we’re going to do that here in this church. Please join us.
[55] Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.
- I hope you see what God is teaching us here right now. When you give out more and more, you get more.
- This isn’t talking about money. Everyone always wants to go to money.
- I can hear the false TV preachers right now: “SHOW ME THAT MONEY!!! Give me more, and God will bless you with more.”
- God is talking about far more important things than money. He’s talking about everlasting life.
- Don’t just get the gift of everlasting life and then never share how to get it with anyone else.
- If you water others, then you shall be watered also.
When I teach here, God is watering me and helping me. Every man has the opportunity here in church to teach.
- God didn’t tell men to be silent in the churches. If you water, you will be watered.
- Everyone in this church has the opportunity to preach the Gospel outside of church.
- If you decide to water others, God shall water you. If not, don’t expect to be watered.
- Don’t expect to be fed more and more of these good things from God.
- Let’s do what He asks us to do, and let’s grow in Jesus Christ. That’s what we want here.
- And we want to teach others all these things.
[56] Proverbs 11:26 He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.
- Same thing here. Don’t withhold the good things from God.
- Do you want someone you know looking up from hell one day cursing you because you never told them how to make it to heaven?
- But, if you get the word out, a blessing shall be upon your head. Your storing treasures in heaven.
- Do you want treasures in heaven? I sure do. Then let’s do what God asks us to do.
- We’re all here to work together in all these things.
[57] Proverbs 11:27 He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour: but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him.
- God says, “Seek after good, and I’ll give you good. You will find favor with me.” God says this.
- He also says, “If you want mischief, I’ll give you mischief. It shall come unto him.”
- Do you want good? God is good. Seek God. Seek the things that God wants.
- Don’t seek all the things you want. Seek what God wants. He wants His words spread.
- Will you want this good to be spread throughout the world? Will you help God and do this?
- Or not. He gives you the choice. You can make the choice right now. TODAY. What will you do?
- Don’t seek mischief, or you’ll get what you wanted. And it won’t be good.
[58] Proverbs 11:28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.
- Don’t trust in the physical things of this world. Your flesh is physical. Don’t trust in yourself.
- Don’t trust in money. Don’t trust in the walls built around your city or your home.
- “All these things will protect me.” No they won’t. Nothing can protect you from God’s wrath but God.
- Become righteous by believing on Jesus Christ alone. Put all your trust in Him to save you.
- Trust His words. What we’re reading right now are the words of Jesus Christ.
- If you trust Him, you shall flourish as a branch. Why? Because He is the root of that branch.
- And you will flourish when you’re in Him.
[59] Proverbs 11:29 He that troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind: and the fool shall be servant to the wise of heart.
- Some men trouble their own homes. They won’t take care of their family. They won’t provide for them.
- They hate their own children. They make everything about themselves.
- Guess what happens? Remember, the word of God is truth. EVERY WORD OF GOD IS PURE.
- This man that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind. He’s have nothing.
- Just like the tornado takes it all away very quickly, this man will get the same.
- The wind will take him away and no one will remember him.
- People who treat their own kids like trash will not be remembered. The wind will take them away.
- If you hate your own children, you hate yourself. That’s evil and wicked. But people hate their children.
Children Are Welcome Here With Their Parents
They don’t want to be around them. Children aren’t treated as bothersome here.
- They don’t bother us AT ALL here. They are great blessing to have them here.
- “Well, I don’t want them to make noise in the service and distract people.”
- They will get better at listening. They’re watching all the other examples. They will get better.
- They will learn here. We don’t send them away from their parents in this church. We all stay together.
- There is no opportunity here for a child to be abused. We’re all here in the same room.
The fool troubles his own house. Hates his wife. Hates his children. Hates his own family.
- How? By not doing what God commands Him to do. By not working. By sitting all day long.
- By not providing for his family. By not following the Scriptures and seeking God first.
- This man who is a fool will be a servant to the wise.
- They will never have anything, though they want everything.
[60] Hosea 8:7 For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield no meal: if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.
- Anything they gain will be given away. God says so.
- This is what happens to the fool who troubles his own family.
- Women who leave their children all alone for another man who isn’t her husband will reap the whirlwind.
- That’s pure evil when you leave your own husband and children for some strange man.
- Think about the strange man that allows that. Did he even think about the other man and the children?
- No, he didn’t. He stole the other man’s wife, and he will pay for that. God says so.
[61] Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
- If you’re a Christian tree, what would your fruit be?
- If you’re an apple tree, what is the fruit on an apple tree? APPLES.
- If you’re a vine of grapes, what is the fruit on the vine? GRAPES.
- If you’re a Christian, your fruit should be other Christians. How do you produce fruit?
You win souls to Jesus Christ. How do you do that? You go out and talk to people.
- You give them the Gospel. At work, you slowly change the conversation to God.
- You tell them how to be saved by putting all their trust in Jesus Christ. Use the Scriptures.
- Show them the Scriptures. Get people to believe in and on Jesus Christ.
- Invite them to church. Show them why they need to be baptized. Explain the Scriptures to them.
- Teach them. Help them. And guess you’ll be? You’ll be a tree of life for God.
- And you will be wise. Do you want more wisdom? Go win souls to Jesus Christ.
Make You Tube videos with your own method to winning souls to Jesus Christ.
- Spread the Gospel every way you can. Bring them to church. Give them a ride to church.
- Think of other ways to win people to Jesus Christ. I’ve started Google Ads for the church.
- Takes them straight to the home page with how to make it to heaven.
- We post all these videos on the website. We write articles on the website.
- If you want to write articles on the website, let me know. You can reach hundreds of people each week.
- You can win souls to Jesus Christ all over the world and win souls to Jesus Christ right here in this town.
- I want to see and meet all the people you win to Jesus Christ in heaven one day.
[62] Proverbs 11:31 Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.
- When you win souls to Jesus Christ, you are rewarded. You’re given more wisdom and knowledge.
- YOU SHALL BE RECOMPENSED IN THE EARTH. The fool will say, “But I want a bigger house for my reward.”
- “I don’t want wisdom. BLAH.” That’s a fool’s way of thinking. “But I wanted a nice car.”
- No, nothing compares to wisdom. He that winneth souls is wise. Go out and win souls and be wise.
- SEEK AFTER WISDOM. That means we seek after winning souls to Jesus Christ.
The wicked and the sinner will also be recompensed and it won’t be good.
- God repays evil with evil and hell was created by God for that purpose.
- You don’t want to end up in hell with the wicked and evil people of this world.
- You don’t want be the next door neighbor to Cain and Esau in hell.
- You don’t want to be neighbors with Jezebel. So believe on the Lord Jesus Christ right now.
- And then give everything you have to Jesus Christ. THEN YOU WILL BE WISE.
Let’s pray.
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