Explore the King James Bible Online: Complete List of All Books with Chapters, Size, and Category
Discover the full text of the King James Bible online with an easy-to-navigate table below. Each book is listed with its corresponding number, name, chapter count, size rank, and category. Click on any book title to read more. Dive into the timeless scriptures and explore the word of God today!
# | Book | Chapters | Size Rank | Category |
1 | Genesis | 50 | 4 | Law |
2 | Exodus | 40 | 7 | Law |
3 | Leviticus | 27 | 14 | Law |
4 | Numbers | 36 | 6 | Law |
5 | Deuteronomy | 34 | 8 | Law |
6 | Joshua | 24 | 19 | Historical Books |
7 | Judges | 21 | 20 | Historical Books |
8 | Ruth | 4 | 44 | Historical Books |
9 | 1 Samuel | 31 | 12 | Historical Books |
10 | 2 Samuel | 24 | 18 | Historical Books |
11 | 1 Kings | 22 | 13 | Historical Books |
12 | 2 Kings | 25 | 16 | Historical Books |
13 | 1 Chronicles | 29 | 17 | Historical Books |
14 | 2 Chronicles | 36 | 9 | Historical Books |
15 | Ezra | 10 | 30 | Historical Books |
16 | Nehemiah | 13 | 27 | Historical Books |
17 | Esther | 10 | 34 | Historical Books |
18 | Job | 42 | 22 | Wisdom Literature |
19 | Psalms | 150 | 1 | Wisdom Literature |
20 | Proverbs | 31 | 23 | Wisdom Literature |
21 | Ecclesiastes | 12 | 35 | Wisdom Literature |
22 | Song of Solomon | 8 | 42 | Wisdom Literature |
23 | Isaiah | 66 | 5 | Major Prophets |
24 | Jeremiah | 52 | 2 | Major Prophets |
25 | Lamentations | 5 | 38 | Major Prophets |
26 | Ezekiel | 48 | 3 | Major Prophets |
27 | Daniel | 12 | 26 | Major Prophets |
28 | Hosea | 14 | 36 | Minor Prophets |
29 | Joel | 3 | 50 | Minor Prophets |
30 | Amos | 9 | 37 | Minor Prophets |
31 | Obadiah | 1 | 62 | Minor Prophets |
32 | Jonah | 4 | 58 | Minor Prophets |
33 | Micah | 7 | 39 | Minor Prophets |
34 | Nahum | 3 | 57 | Minor Prophets |
35 | Habakkuk | 3 | 56 | Minor Prophets |
36 | Zephaniah | 3 | 55 | Minor Prophets |
37 | Haggai | 2 | 59 | Minor Prophets |
38 | Zechariah | 14 | 32 | Minor Prophets |
39 | Malachi | 4 | 52 | Minor Prophets |
40 | Matthew | 28 | 15 | Gospels |
41 | Mark | 16 | 24 | Gospels |
42 | Luke | 24 | 10 | Gospels |
43 | John | 21 | 21 | Gospels |
44 | Acts | 28 | 11 | Acts |
45 | Romans | 16 | 7 | Pauline Epistles |
46 | 1 Corinthians | 16 | 16 | Pauline Epistles |
47 | 2 Corinthians | 13 | 13 | Pauline Epistles |
48 | Galatians | 6 | 41 | Pauline Epistles |
49 | Ephesians | 6 | 40 | Pauline Epistles |
50 | Philippians | 4 | 48 | Pauline Epistles |
51 | Colossians | 4 | 49 | Pauline Epistles |
52 | 1 Thessalonians | 5 | 51 | Pauline Epistles |
53 | 2 Thessalonians | 3 | 60 | Pauline Epistles |
54 | 1 Timothy | 6 | 46 | Pauline Epistles |
55 | 2 Timothy | 4 | 53 | Pauline Epistles |
56 | Titus | 3 | 61 | Pauline Epistles |
57 | Philemon | 1 | 64 | Pauline Epistles |
58 | Hebrews | 13 | 31 | General Epistles |
59 | James | 5 | 47 | General Epistles |
60 | 1 Peter | 5 | 43 | General Epistles |
61 | 2 Peter | 3 | 54 | General Epistles |
62 | 1 John | 5 | 45 | General Epistles |
63 | 2 John | 1 | 65 | General Epistles |
64 | 3 John | 1 | 63 | General Epistles |
65 | Jude | 1 | 66 | General Epistles |
66 | Revelation | 22 | 25 | Prophecy |
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