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How To Read The Bible

If you really want to know how to live for God, you should get in the habit of reading your Bible multiple times each day.

Today, I want to show you how to read the Bible every day and how to get into the routine of Bible reading.

I’ll answer all your Bible reading questions. You should be saved before attempting to read and understand the Bible.

If you’re not sure if you’re saved, please go here: How To Make It To Heaven.

Once you’re sure you’re saved, the Bible will become much easier to understand as you continue working to understand the Bible.

Ask God for wisdom and understanding and then put forth the work. God sees your work and will provide you with understanding.

Which Bible Should I Read?

I’ll make this very easy for you: The King James Bible. There is no comparison in the English language.

All translations and Bible versions do not say and mean the same thing. These are lies spread by people who don’t understand what they’re saying. It’s very easy to prove that they aren’t even close. The underlying text for the King James Bible is different than modern versions.

There are many very important differences in the Bibles. I’ll give you some examples here if you don’t believe what I’m saying:

All you’ll need is a King James Bible. If you don’t have one, you can download a Bible here: Free Bible Downloads from True Words Christian Church.

Or, you can read the online Bible from this website.

I highly recommend that you buy a King James Bible so you can flip through the pages as you’re reading. Or, you can print out the Bible download.

You need to figure out where all the books are as you’ll be using your Bible to win souls to Christ. For example, you should be able to flip to Jonah 3:10 quickly if needed.

Jonah 3:10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

You’ll gain this knowledge of the location of each book as you continue reading through the Bible each year.

How Often To Read The Bible

I highly recommend that you start reading in the Book of Genesis and read the Bible straight through every time.

This helps you gain an understanding of the order of the Bible. This is very useful versus skipping around. When you read the Bible often, you can get through the entire Bible in 4 to 6 weeks.

You can do this while working a job, taking care of a family, exercising, taking care of a home, and much more. If I can do it, you can do it. It simply takes a little bit of organization in your life.

Read the Bible four times each day:

  1. At Breakfast
  2. At Lunch
  3. At Dinner
  4. Before Bed

Sit down and eat your breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you have a family or friends, ask them to read the Bible with you. There is no better time. My favorite parts of the day are reading the Bible. We learn so much together as a family.

For example, my wife sees things that I didn’t notice. My children see things that I didn’t notice. We ask questions, and we help each other as a family. Learning the Bible with someone else makes it even better.

You should also read your Bible directly before bed so the words are in your head as you sleep.

When reading the Bible, concentrate on the words within the Bible and do not let your mind drift. Work on concentrating on the actual words while you read.

Sometimes my mind begins to drift to things in life so I have to go back and read again. It’s very important that you focus on what you’re reading.

Mark Your Bible

When I start a chapter in the Bible, I always put a little dot at the beginning of the chapter.

I took a picture of the new Bible I got this year, and you can see the marks after each chapter number:

If you take a look at the dots beside Acts Chapter 1, you’ll see 5 little dots there.

This means that I’m on my fifth time reading the Bible through this year. I’m on pace for about 8 to 10 times through the King James Bible in one year. Bible study time is in addition to reading the Bible. I also slow down and go verse by verse through chapters.

You can see our verse by verse Bible studies here: True Words Baptist Sermons.

These marks give me motivation, so I can see the progress I’m making as I read through the Bible. I also like to put the chapter numbers out of how many at the top of each page.

This helps me to learn how many chapters are in each book. After so many times reading through the Bible, you’ll know how many chapters are in each book immediately.

Don’t Stop In The Middle Of A Chapter

When you start a chapter, always finish that chapter. Don’t stop in the middle of a chapter. Finish it no matter what.

When I tried reading the Bible as I was growing up, I would always choose a small amount to read. It never worked. I always quit reading after a few times.

You have to get into the habit of reading a good amount each time. Don’t read a chapter and quit. Read at least a few chapters each time, but the best way is to read by the amount of time. For example, set 30 minutes for reading four times a day. This works very well.

Trying to set 10 verses to read each time doesn’t work well at all. Go chapter by chapter as I have found this to be the best method to reading the Bible.

But never stop in the middle of a chapter. Ever. Finish it out so your chapter marks are always true. If you mark a chapter as finished, then you better finish reading that chapter.

For example, Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible. It takes about 17 minutes to read if I remember correctly. Don’t start it if you don’t have 17 minutes to read it.

If you’re on your lunch break at work and you only have 5 minutes left to read, you can start Psalm 119 but I recommend starting it over next time you read.

How Long To Read The Bible Each Time?

The entire Bible takes about 70 to 80 hours to read through depending on your speed of reading.

If you read the Bible two hours each day, you can read through the Bible about 9 times per year. Some people would say, “Oh, that’s just too much for me. I can’t read the Bible that much.”

Well, Jesus came and died for you and Jesus sure didn’t command us to watch TV. How long do you watch TV each day? Stop watching TV and read your Bible. I promise you that your life will change for the good if you choose the Bible over TV.

If you play video games, including apps, you could easily cut that time down or out of your life and read the Bible instead.

Another method to figuring out how long to read the Bible each time is to first figure out how many times you want to read the Bible each year. Hint: one time is not enough. Four times is better. Six times is very good. Eight times is great. Ten times or more is amazing.

You can set how many pages you want to read at each Bible reading session based on the total number of pages in your Bible.

For example, my King James Bible has 2,018 pages. If I want to read my Bible once every 30 days, I would divide 2,018 by 30 and get about 68 pages per day. If I read the Bible 4 times per day, I should read 17 pages at each session.

Here’s an example of the numbers for my Bible:

  • Once every 6 months = 2 times per year = 2,018 pages / 180 days = 11.2 pages per day
  • Once every 4 months = 3 times per year = 2,018 pages / 120 days = 16.8 pages per day
  • Once every 3 months = 4 times per year = 2,018 pages / 90 days = 22.4 pages per day
  • Once every 2 months = 6 times per year = 2,018 pages / 60 days = 33.6 pages per day
  • Once every 1.5 months = 9 times per year = 2,018 pages / 45 days = 44.8 pages per day
  • Once every 1 month = 12 times per year = 2,018 pages / 30 days = 67.3 pages per day

Now, you can easily figure out the numbers for your Bible using simple math.

This helps you to reach your Bible reading goals by setting either a specific amount of time or a specific number of pages to read each day.

How To Stay Consistent At Reading Your Bible

You MUST get into the habit of reading the Bible consistently each and every day no matter what.

Do not skip reading sessions. I’ve given you an example of how we read the Bible within my home.

We eat together and read the Bible together for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We sit down and read the Bible together as a family. This brings us closer as a family, and it allows me to fulfill God’s commandment.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: 7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

As a parent, I’m making sure my children are saved and going to heaven at a young age. I’m doing my part in leading them to Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. And I can’t make them believe on him, but they will know the Bible before they leave my home.

So, reading the Bible with multiple people help us all to stay consistent. Even our newly turned 4-year old reminds me if I forget to read the Bible at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. “Dad, what about the Bible?”

You get help from others when you’re reading the Bible together. Once you get into the routine, you’ll remember to read the Bible.

To get into this routine, you have to push through and continue reading. No, you won’t enjoy reading the Bible all the time. Your flesh will want to do other things. This is when you must make a choice to follow the spirit and not the flesh.

“Well, I don’t really feel like reading the Bible right now.” The spirit within you should say, “Well, that’s too bad because I’m going to read it no matter what.” And you sit down and you read the Bible.

Set alarms on your phone if you need to do so. Set reminders on calendars. Do whatever works best for you to ensure you sit down and read the Bible.

If you have breaks at work, get your Bible out. Maybe some of your co-workers will laugh at you and maybe some of them might join you in reading the Bible. Who cares if they laugh? You have eternal life. Don’t let anyone discourage you from reading the Bible.

Who cares what anyone else thinks but God? And you can know God is pleased with you for reading the Bible.

Other Ways To “Read” The Bible

As a family, we actually listen to an audio Bible while following along in our Bibles. Sometimes we take turns reading, but most of the time we use an audio Bible.

We’ve been through the Bible many times as a family so we speed up the audio version slightly so we can read through the Bible at an even faster rate.

For example, we use the You Version Bible App at times to listen to the King James Bible:

There’s a speed option, and we use 1.25x the speed when listening to the Bible using this app.

I do not like the You Version App as much because an internet connection is required. The Bible is “streaming” the audio. So, I highly recommend an offline audio Bible. So, I move audio files to my phone using a Wi-Fi transfer app.

There’s a free Bible download on our Bible downloads page. You can save these files to your phone or other device (computer, tablet, etc) and listen to the Bible anywhere. You don’t need an internet connection. For example, you can listen on an airplane that doesn’t have Wi-Fi.

Now, you can listen to the Bible when you’re driving to and from work. If you have a long drive, you can get through the Bible very quickly.

“Why Do I Need To Read The Bible So Much?”

You’re going to be here for eternity so you need to get to know the Bible now.

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.

Mark 13:31 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

Luke 21:33 Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.

The Bible is going to be here forever. That must mean that we need to know it. Learning the Bible will prove very useful to you right now in this life but for all of eternity.

Saved people will be ruling and reigning on earth with Jesus Christ in the future. I would say that the rulers with Jesus will be people who know the word of God very well.

Psalm 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

If God magnifies his word above his own name, we should too. This should show you how important his words are for our life.

Knowing The Bible Prevents False Beliefs

You need to know the Bible now because the VAST MAJORITY of churches around today are preaching lies.

Read the Bible through 10 times in one year and then attend a church. You’ll see that what they are teaching are lies (unless you hit the jackpot with the first church you visit, which is highly unlikely).

Why does everyone else attending that church not say anything? Because they aren’t reading the Bible, and they do not know the Bible. They aren’t putting the work into God’s word. And yes, that includes the false preachers. They aren’t reading, and they aren’t understanding the Bible.

The leaders in the churches should be reading the Bible several times through each year. But they aren’t.

You’ll hear things like: “God loves everyone no matter what.” You’ll know that the Bible doesn’t teach that at all. God’s love is conditional. When you read the Bible, you get to know the ONE TRUE GOD, and you’ll see that he’s not there within most of these “churches.”

You’ll hear things like: “Well, God isn’t healing your child from a sickness because you’re a sinner and you don’t have any faith.” God has a plan for everyone. Those same people who say things like that don’t even understand how to increase faith.

Reading the Bible increases your faith every time you read it. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!

I’ve read the Bible through many times, and I always learn something new every time. This is how I know the Bible is the word of God. It’s amazing, and you don’t want to miss out on the word of God.

But I also know the word of God very well and when a preacher says something different from God, I immediately know. Then, I can say something to that preacher. If he or she doesn’t like what I’ve said, then they aren’t of God.

John 8:47 He that is of God heareth God’s words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.

When you show a preacher that there’s only one requirement to be saved (Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ) and they argue about it, they aren’t of God. They can’t see, hear, and understand the words of the Bible.

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

False preachers, false pastors, false deacons won’t like you when you know more about the Bible than them. Most of them don’t even read the Bible.

Some preachers will say things like, “We shouldn’t be singing the Psalms. That’s the Old Testament. We don’t need that. We don’t need the Old Testament. ” That’s a huge lie. You need to get away from that person.

I’ve attempted to find people in my life that love the Bible as I do. Preachers who lead churches don’t want to talk about the Bible with me. “Well, the Bible just causes arguments.”

No, the truth is that the Bible ends arguments. When a preacher says that you MUST be baptized to be saved, the Bible ends that argument in this verse:

John 6:47 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.

Believing on Jesus Christ is all you need to receive everlasting life. Jesus says so himself in John 6:47. See? End of argument. But not for the false preachers. They will keep arguing, but they don’t understand that they aren’t arguing with me. They are arguing with Jesus Christ.

When you have God’s word, there is no argument. Jesus said there is one requirement. If you think another verse says something different, you are wrong. The entire Bible agrees. There are no contradictions.

Just Read The Bible

In conclusion, I hope this has helped you today. I hope I’ve given you some ideas so you can read the Bible more consistently.

When you get to something you don’t quite understand, make a note to put some study into that topic. Search our sermons page and find that topic.

If I can help in any way, don’t hesitate to send me an email (josh@truewordsbaptist.org) or come visit us at church. I’m available after the services to answer your questions, or we can setup any other time.

I love to talk about the Bible, and I would absolutely love to talk with you.

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