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Deliverance Devils

Note: I preached this sermon at the Seattle, Washington church plant of Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Vancouver, Washington. I wanted to thank Pastor Aaron Thompson for allowing me to preach there in the Seattle church plant.

  • I want to talk about this deliverance movement that is happening right now.
  • And specifically I want to mention a false prophet named Isaiah Saldivar.
  • The man isn’t saved, and you will clearly see this from his own testimony on his website.
  • Let me read this to you to get started today. And know that he wrote this himself. It’s obvious.

[1] “After the preacher taught a Spirit filled message regarding world missions and changing the world in the name of Jesus, Isaiah knew he couldn’t possibly stay in his seat any longer. By the end of the service, without thinking twice Isaiah ran to the altar and prayed a simple prayer that would change his entire life. He said, “God if you’re real, I’ll give you everything.” Instantly in power and in majesty, the Creator of all met Isaiah exactly where he was spiritually and physically. In an audible voice, Isaiah heard God clearly tell him, “I am going to use you to preach the gospel to every nation.”

  • Now, is that how you get saved? Do you run to an altar and tempt God Almighty?
  • He actually says in interviews that he went to the altar saying, “I don’t believe in you, God.”
  • He says he was using curse words while speaking with God. He tempted God.
  • Is that how you get saved? That’s exactly what Isaiah Saldivar did. THIS IS EVIL.
  • He said, “God, IF YOU ARE REAL, I’ll give you everything.”
  • And he thinks he was saved because God audibly spoke to him. That’s his salvation story.

He says that INSTANTLY the Creator of all met Isaiah exactly where he was spiritually and physically.

  • In an audible voice, Isaiah heard God clearly tell him, “I am going to use you to preach the Gospel to every nation.”
  • But, he says that God told him different things in different interviews.
  • In an interview he says that God told him audibly: “Isaiah, I don’t want 99.9% of you.”
  • “I want everything. I want all of you.” He says, “If you’re real God, show yourself to be real.”
  • He says I was just cussing at God and didn’t believe in Him and now He’s talking to me.

What Isaiah actually did was tempt and test God by saying “IF YOU ARE REAL.”

  • Does that sound like faith in God? We’re saved by grace through faith.
  • Look, this is on his own personal website and I quote it exactly as written.
  • You can look up the idiot interviews if you want. His story changes.
  • He says that he starts talking in babble and doesn’t have a clue what he’s saying.
  • Listen, if you want a sign, the sign of devil possession is speaking in babble.

I wanted to start there to show you that Isaiah Saldivar has no clue what the Gospel even means.

  • We’re only saved by a Gospel preacher giving us the correct Gospel.
  • He didn’t have a preacher giving him the Gospel. He goes up to a fake altar and prays a prayer.
  • And asks God to show him a sign while cursing at God. This is his supposed way to salvation.

Guess what? THIS IS NOT IN THE BIBLE ONCE. We especially aren’t saved by doing these things.

  • Asking God for a sign is equal to tempting God. Please turn to Matthew Chapter 12.
  • The Bible says in many Scriptures, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.”
  • Do you think you get saved by breaking God’s commandments?
  • Many people will yell out, “GOD, SHOW ME A SIGN.” These people are usually into witchcraft.
  • These deliverance clowns and their idiotic leader are constantly seeking after signs from God.
  • They live off of this. They are filled with devils, and they love it. Look at Matthew 12:39-40.

[2] Matthew 12:39-40 But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas: 40 For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

  • Let me repeat: “An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.” Deliverance devils.
  • “And there shall NO SIGN be given to it, BUT the sign of the prophet Jonas.”
  • In other words, if the sign of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ isn’t enough for you, then you’re in big trouble.
  • If God’s creation isn’t enough of a sign to prove to you there is a God, you’re in trouble.
  • Jesus Christ was in hell for 3 days and 3 nights. HE AROSE FROM THE DEAD.
  • Is this not enough for you? Look at verse 41 there.

[3] Matthew 12:41 The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.

  • My brother Alex K at Sure Foundation Baptist Church helped me realize the sequence of events in the Book of Jonah.
  • It’s simple. STEP 1: Jonah preached to them. STEP 2: The people of Nineveh believed God.
  • STEP 3: The people then repented of their sin. The believing saved them first.
  • They didn’t repent of their sin before they believed.

But Isaiah Saldivar and all the deliverance clowns preach a works based salvation.

  • He says himself in one of his videos that “some people say repenting is a work.”
  • He says “it is not a work.” And when he says repentance, he means to repent of sin.
  • He says that you must repent of sin to be saved and that repenting of sin is not a work.

But isn’t it funny that the Book of Jonah proves him wrong too? THE SAME BOOK.

  • Please flip to Jonah Chapter 3, and we’ll look at verse 10.
  • Jesus says the only sign He’ll give this clown is the sign of the prophet Jonas.
  • You all know this Scripture as I’m sure you use this in winning souls constantly.

[4] Jonah 3:10 And God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God repented of the evil, that he had said that he would do unto them; and he did it not.

  • Isaiah Saldivar says that repenting of sin is not a work.
  • God Almighty says repenting of sin is a work. Let’s see. Isaiah Saldivar or God Almighty?
  • “And God saw THEIR WORKS, that they turned from their evil way.”
  • And then we see that God repents. So repentance in the Bible for salvation is a change of mind.

You didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. You change your mind and now you believe “IN” Jesus Christ.

  • Every preacher who says you must repent of your sin to be saved is a false preacher.
  • They want to make their own works a part of salvation.
  • But the Bible is CRYSTAL clear that salvation is not of works. CRYSTAL CLEAR over and over again.
  • The Bible is also crystal clear that turning from your own evil ways is a work.
  • The truth is that you don’t have to turn from your evil ways to be saved.
  • Jonah preached. They believed. They were saved. Then they repented of their sin.

Isaiah Saldivar says salvation is a free gift but it will cost you YOUR LIFE. He says this.

  • That’s about the most evil thing that anyone could ever say. Jesus gave HIS LIFE for us.
  • JESUS PAID FOR THE FREE GIFT. We don’t pay for it, or it’s not a free gift.
  • He doesn’t even understand simple definitions such as grace, free, everlasting.
  • This guy preaches against the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made. HE DOES.

If that’s not evil, I don’t know what is. And if you don’t like me calling him a serpent, I don’t care.

  • You can go straight to hell with him. If you backup a false preacher, WOE UNTO YOU.
  • I don’t support FALSE PREACHERS who are the SCUM of the earth and the children of the devil.
  • Please turn to Leviticus Chapter 19. Leviticus Chapter 19 verse 31.

Now, the deliverance devils will say that I have an evil spirit of doubt because I doubt all of them.

  • I don’t doubt them. Doubt means I have a feeling of uncertainty about them.
  • They will try to cast out the evil spirit of doubt out of me. Everything is an evil spirit to them.
  • They walk around this earth looking to cast out every so-called evil spirit they see.
  • Let me be clear that I have no doubt at all that they have devils. Isaiah Saldivar has a devil.
  • He probably has thousands stored up ready to transfer to others who follow him.
  • You need to stay away from Isaiah Saldivar. He’s a wizard and a sorcerer.

[5] Leviticus 19:31 Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.

  • He has devils. He seeks the evil spirits. He loves them. He’s a wizard who loves money.
  • Please turn to Deuteronomy Chapter 18. While you turn there, I will read Leviticus 20:27.

[6] Leviticus 20:27 A man also or woman that hath a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone them with stones: their blood shall be upon them.

  • Isaiah Saldivar says things like, “I’m glad we don’t live in the Old Testament.”
  • Yes, he should be very glad because Moses would have put him to death.
  • “Or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death: they shall stone him with stones.”
  • Now look at verses 10 through 12 in Deuteronomy Chapter 18.

[7] Deuteronomy 18:10-12 There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, 11 Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. 12 For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.

  • He’s a charmer who runs his mouth non-stop. He twists Scriptures. He’s just like Satan.
  • Please turn to Isaiah Chapter 8. Isaiah Chapter 8.
  • He’s an enchanter that chants the same things over and over again while he supposedly casts out devils.
  • This man and all his deliverance devil followers, over 685k on You Tube, are playing games with the spirit world.
  • This makes God very angry and there are scores of Scriptures teaching this. Look at verse 19.

[8] Isaiah 8:19-20 And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? 20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

  • He goes around seeking those who have familiar spirits. He is a wizard that peeps and mutters.
  • THERE IS NO LIGHT IN THIS MAN. He is all darkness. He sounds good to the weak and naïve.
  • He yells to the so-called evil spirits in others: “Leave, leave, leave, leave, now, now, now, now.”
  • “In the name of Jesus, leave now, leave now, leave now, leave, leave, leave.” CHANTING.
  • He’s calling for the devils to leave himself and enter into others because he has plenty within.
  • Imagine me standing here and yelling this same thing for 30 minutes or even 10 hours.

What would you do? I hope you would leave and call me the idiot that I am. It’s ridiculous.

  • He peeps and he mutters. He preaches a false gospel that is a works based salvation.
  • He’s gone in the way of Cain. He’s a fool. He has devils himself. He gives them to his followers.
  • He says that he hears chains breaking, screaming, and names while he casts devils out.
  • He hears trumpets. He’s a wizard working for the enemy of God. He will be destroyed by God.

So, think about this. Isaiah wants UNSAVED PEOPLE to seek out devils. How is that going to end?

  • The unsaved will get possessed with devils. That’s his goal. That’s the goal of Satan.
  • And they will get more and more devils all because of this evil little clown named Isaiah Saldivar.
  • He also teaches that saved Christians can get possessed with devils.

I had one of these deliverance devils living with me for a few months a couple of years ago.

  • I was trying to help a man, his wife, and his family who told me they were in the wildfires.
  • The man and his wife are deliverance devils. They lied and told me they believed the Gospel.
  • I didn’t know they were followers of Isaiah Saldivar until I heard about it after they left while stealing a ladder and an impact drill from me (about $500 worth of stuff).
  • After I gave them a place to live for a few months, a car, bought them food, and more. THIEVES.

They knew what I preached. They heard it many times from me and supposedly believed.

  • I can only go by what someone tells me. I can’t see faith.
  • Over time I learn that this man believes his wife is saved but gets possessed with devils.
  • He tells me that his wife’s head turns 180 degrees and she climbs up the wall at times.

One time she said our home was really hot and she had a furry outfit on.

  • Yeah, stupid, take the furry kangaroo outfit off and you won’t be hot. DUH.
  • I find out that this man stays awake all night and sleeps all day because he’s scared of the dark.
  • This is what the deliverance devils are like.

I told him that it’s not possible for his wife to be saved and be possessed. He gets angry with me.

  • I told him to get a job and stop sleeping all day. He gets angry with me. He skips church.
  • I told him that we go to church in my house. We don’t stay up all night and sleep all day.
  • We don’t skip church. We work. We don’t get possessed with devils. Why?
  • Because we have believed in Jesus Christ and are sealed with the Holy Spirit unto the day of redemption.
  • Thank God him and his devil filled wife are gone. Thank God for that.

Now, let’s get serious here. I have the Holy Spirit because I have heard the word of truth from a preacher.

  • I have heard the Gospel of my salvation. I heard, and I believed in Jesus Christ.
  • And I have already been sealed with the Holy Spirt, and He’s not leaving me.
  • I know that Jesus has paid for all my sins. I know that I have eternal life. I know that I am saved.
  • I know that I am in Jesus Christ. He’s perfect. I am not. Please go back to Matthew Chapter 12.
  • Now, if I have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, can an evil spirit or devil possess me?
  • What do you think? IMPOSSIBLE. Really, Isaiah Saldivar? Have ye not read? Look at verse 29.

[9] Matthew 12:29 Or else how can one enter into a strong man’s house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house.

  • This speaks of devils. Can a devil enter into my body without first binding the Holy Spirit?
  • How can one enter into a strong man’s house except he first bind the strong man?
  • Let me answer these questions for you. A devil can’t enter into a saved man’s house or body.
  • This body of mine is the temple of the Holy Ghost. HE HAS PURCHASED ME.
  • You don’t have to turn there, but I’ll read from 1 Corinthians Chapter 6 verse 19.

[10] 1 Corinthians 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?

  • Do you think a devil is going to attempt to possess the temple of the Holy Ghost?
  • Isaiah Saldivar believes this PROVING he is a false preacher and a total and complete fool.
  • Now, let us allow the Bible to tell us what is actually happening to Isaiah Saldivar.
  • Look at verses 43 through 45 in Matthew Chapter 12.

[11] Matthew 12:43-45 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. 45 Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.

  • An unclean spirit is cast out of a man. It is gone. But guess what? The house is empty.
  • There is no salvation. A devil being cast out of a man doesn’t equal salvation.
  • In this Scripture, there has been no salvation of the soul. The Holy Spirit is not there.
  • There is no believing here to the salvation of the soul. It’s empty, swept, and garnished.
  • That unclean spirit gathers some more and says, “Come join me in this empty house.”

You see. MY HOUSE IS NOT EMPTY. My house is occupied by the Holy Spirit who is God.

  • UNSAVED PEOPLE who believe in a works based salvation start with an empty house.
  • And it’s no longer empty when you have Isaiah Saldivar casting unclean spirits into your body.
  • He doesn’t cast unclean spirits out of you. He casts them into you. Do you understand?

“Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself.”

  • “And they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”
  • This is that wicked generation in Matthew Chapter 12 that seeks after a sign. SAME ONE.
  • Isaiah Saldivar isn’t helping you. You’re helping him. You’re helping Satan. It’s a deception.

You’ve got an empty house. UNSAVED PEOPLE who are interacting with devils. What will happen?

  • They enter in and dwell there. It’s that simple. A devil can’t enter into the strong man’s house.
  • The Holy Spirit is stronger than any other and all other. There is no way to bind him.
  • These deliverance devils supposedly cast out devils, but devils don’t cast out devils.
  • Look at verse 24 in Matthew Chapter 12.

[12] Matthew 12:24-28 But when the Pharisees heard it, they said, This fellow doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils. 25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 26 And if Satan cast out Satan, he is divided against himself; how shall then his kingdom stand? 27 And if I by Beelzebub cast out devils, by whom do your children cast them out? therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.

  • And we know these deliverance devils aren’t casting out devils because they have devils.
  • Isaiah Saldivar teaches people that they can cast devils out of themselves.
  • Never saw that in the Bible. IT’S NOT THERE. And they even admit to having devils themselves.
  • THEY DO ADMIT TO THIS. Isaiah Saldivar says, “People tell me Christians can’t have devils.”
  • “A Christian can have whatever they want.”

He says, “What else are Christians not allowed to have? A donut? A coffee?”

  • He says, “Once you get saved you don’t get a license to live however you want and be protected.”
  • So much for everlasting life, right? So much for the words of Jesus Christ that he ignores.
  • So much for Jesus saying, “He that believeth on me hath everlasting life.”
  • Isaiah Saldivar believes in himself. He puts his own idiotic words above the word of God.

He says, “If you leave the door open, stuff can come in whether you are Christian or not.”

  • So he says that saved Christians can be possessed by devils. THAT’S IDIOTIC.
  • He says there’s no where in the Bible that says a Christian can’t have a demon. THERE ISN’T???
  • He’s just like Satan because his father is Satan. He is the father of lies.
  • Isaiah Saldivar is filled with lies and devils. He says that deliverance from devils is for Christians.
  • It’s not for the others he says. He says that deliverance from devils is for the saved.
  • Let me repeat that. Isaiah Saldivar says his ministry is to cast devils out of Christians.

So, how can someone with devils, as himself, cast out devils from someone else? Jesus says not possible.

  • THINK ABOUT THAT ONE. What does Jesus Christ say?
  • How can someone who has devils cast out devils? IMPOSSIBLE.
  • Jesus Himself says that these deliverance devils can’t cast out devils.
  • They admit to having devils because they think everything in this world is an unclean spirit.

For example, Isaiah Saldivar was doing a live stream and one of his chat followers is telling him that his eye is twitching a little.

  • Since his eye is twitching a little, the idiot says: “You have an unclean spirit on your eye.”
  • They say that they can see the unclean spirits. “I can see it on your eye.”
  • “Oh, something is at your belly. It’s there. It’s there. No, it’s over there. It’s on your nose.”
  • So, they proclaim to be able to see all the unclean spirits.
  • They say things like, “I have a devil right now. I need to cast him out.”

So they cast out their own devils according to them. WHAT A BUNCH OF FOOLS.

  • They say, “I have a devil. LEAVE NOW DEVIL. Leave now unclean spirit.”
  • And they repeat that for hours and hours until the dumb devil gets tired of hearing their ignorant mouths and leaves.
  • Anyone would leave these big mouthed idiots. I guess it’s a good strategy to get rid of devils.
  • Even the devils run from these idiots.
  • Hey, you can cast out your own devils if you’re as dumb as Isaiah Saldivar!!!

Isaiah Saldivar says that once we are born of the Spirit that we now live in the spirit world.

  • We should be seeing in the spirit world. He says these things. If you don’t, something is wrong.
  • He says it’s important that we see what’s happening in the spiritual realm.
  • After his so-called salvation, he was just crying all the time he says.
  • He was crying on the side of the road the next day. SO EMOTIONAL IS HIS SALVATION.
  • Playing on the emotions of people just like the oneness devil Pentecostals.
  • Isaiah goes to class and he says that he sees angels and demons over everyone’s heads.

He sees the invisible realm and doesn’t know what’s going on. He didn’t sleep for 3 days.

  • He says God opened his eyes to the spirit realm. He says we must see them to battle them.
  • He says that we must get involved in this spiritual realm by seeing the spirits.
  • He says that we need to be speaking to them. CAN YOU SAY EVIL? He’s a wizard.
  • He says we can’t see it because we’re distracted as we are on our phones so much.
  • He says looking down will never allow you to see the spirit realm. You have to look up he says.

Walk around all day looking up like an idiot. If we would just look up he says.

  • And you need him to pray a prayer of activation over you. THEN YOU WILL SEE HE SAYS.
  • Click the link to purchase his products and you will be activated bro!!!
  • Come on man. Who falls for this trash? Hundreds of thousands of people? WOW.

He says that he sees these evil spirits with his eyes. They superimpose themselves over the natural.

  • Quote: “It was superimposing itself over the natural. It was the natural realm and something over the natural realm. I knew it was something demonic.”
  • “It was a darkness over him like a dark figure, a dark cloud. So I knew there was a demon.”
  • He says he has the gift of discerning of spirits and he discerned it was a demonic spirit.
  • And if you would just pay him he could give you this gift too. Doesn’t that sound familiar?
  • You don’t have to turn there, but I’ll read Acts 8:20 to you.

[13] Acts 8:20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.

  • So Isaiah Saldivar just walks directly up to people without introduction.
  • And he says, “Satan, he is not your home. I bind this unclean spirit. You must leave this young man. He’s a temple of the Holy Spirit.”
  • He says, “I started praying the fire of God over him. I commanded the spirit to leave.”
  • Yeah right. If he walks up to enough people like that, he won’t be living much longer.

He says that the man immediately starts screaming, “NO, HE’S MINE. What do you want from him?”

  • He says that the spirit told him his name was Legion. And he fully delivered this man.
  • Whatever that means. FULLY DELIVERED TO SATAN.
  • What else does this false prophet teach? Of course he loves money.

He teaches that all the money that you didn’t tithe to God in the past should now be tithed to him because it is cursed money.

  • And, if you want to be free from this curse, he says you need to give that cursed money to him.
  • Yes, I suffered through watching many of his motor mouth videos so I could see what he teaches.
  • He should learn what commas and periods are when he speaks. Take a breath, man.
  • Take a breath. Relax. He must have the evil spirit of motor mouth within him.
  • Just like Ben Shapiro. It’s the same devil. Cast it out man!!!

Isaiah Saldivar will teach that we should never curse anyone and only bless others.

  • He will say that I am evil because I call him a clown, a fool, a serpent, and a viper.
  • He will say that Jesus teaches we should only bless others.
  • If we curse others, we are only helping the devils. IS THIS WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES?

Does the Bible say that we should only bless others? “Oh, bless you pedophile.” WHAT???

  • Are there examples of that in the Bible? There are many times in which God curses people.
  • Please turn to 2 Kings Chapter 2. 2 Kings Chapter 2.
  • There are many times in which God’s people curse others.
  • But Isaiah Saldivar acts as if that was only the Old Testament. And his devil followers believe him.
  • I am sure you remember Elisha cursing the little children. Look at verse 24 in 2 Kings Chapter 2.

[14] 2 Kings 2:24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.

  • I gave a sermon years ago in a false church and was told I couldn’t use that Scripture any more.
  • Please turn to Malachi Chapter 2. While you turn there, I will read from Nehemiah Chapter 13.

[15] Nehemiah 13:25 And I contended with them, and cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their hair, and made them swear by God, saying, Ye shall not give your daughters unto their sons, nor take their daughters unto your sons, or for yourselves.

  • We just saw Elisha curse the little children. Now see Nehemiah curse these people.
  • He fought with them. He smote certain of them. He plucked off their hair. He cursed them.
  • Look at verse 2 in Malachi Chapter 2.

[16] Malachi 2:2 If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the LORD of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

  • There’s just a few examples. We see Elisha, Nehemiah, and the Lord Himself cursing others.
  • The Bible is absolutely filled with curses from the Lord himself.
  • Isaiah Saldivar uses the same tricks of Satan because he works for Satan.
  • “We should love everyone no matter what. Love, love, love. Blessing, blessing, blessing.”
  • “Bless me with money. Bless me with gifts. Always positive. Never negative. No cursing.”
  • “No hate. Always love.” If you speak against Isaiah Saldivar, you must have a devil they say.
  • They want you to act like Richard Simmons. ALWAYS POSITIVE. Zig Ziglar.

You have the devil of doubt, the devil of negativity within you. CAST THEM OUT. They are evil.

  • This Isaiah Saldivar hasn’t read the Bible. MOST OF IT IS NEGATIVE.
  • What a joke. Deliverance devils. If you’re out there stuck in this, you better get out now.
  • Please turn to Acts Chapter 13. Acts Chapter 13.
  • They will say, “Since we’re in the New Testament now, we only bless people.”
  • Is the Book of Acts in the New Testament? Is Acts Chapter 13 in the New Testament? Verse 8.

[17] Acts 13:8-11 But Elymas the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstood them, seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith. 9 Then Saul, (who also is called Paul,) filled with the Holy Ghost, set his eyes on him, 10 And said, O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, thou enemy of all righteousness, wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord? 11 And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun for a season. And immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness; and he went about seeking some to lead him by the hand.

  • That’s a curse from the Apostle Paul that came from the Lord God Almighty.
  • But Isaiah Saldivar says that this is evil and will only bring a curse upon you.
  • For example, I curse all the evil abortionists out there. They can go to hell.
  • I curse all the pedophiles you nasty scum. You children of the devil. Go to hell.
  • I curse the psychopath reprobates. They are rejected by God. The rainbow people can go to hell.
  • If you don’t like that, I don’t care. GOD SAYS THE SAME.

We curse the enemies of God. Enemies of God bring a false Gospel. There’s their sign: false gospel.

  • And what does Isaiah Saldivar have? A FALSE GOSPEL. A false way of salvation.
  • His way of salvation is cursing God, tempting God, and going to a fake altar in a false church.
  • His way of salvation is signs, wonders, and miracles that he has received from devils.
  • Devils speak to Isaiah Saldivar. His way of doing things is for filthy lucre’s sake.
  • He puts on a show. He’s a motor mouth. He’s getting rich from his lies.

In his Satan worshipping church, they have the beat of the music going while everyone runs around like lunatics.

  • He stands there and repeats the same thing for minutes and hours. They even look like devils.
  • Here’s the thing if there are still people out there that don’t believe me.
  • If you’re out there and still believing Isaiah Saldivar, do this for me.
  • Search through the Bible yourself and see if Jesus Christ cast out devils as Isaiah Saldivar does.
  • Please turn to Matthew Chapter 8. Matthew Chapter 8. Searching the Bible takes work.
  • That’s probably already too much work. They don’t live by the Bible. Look at verse 16.

[18] Matthew 8:16-17 When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick: 17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

  • Jesus cast out the spirits with HIS WORD. Isaiah Saldivar doesn’t speak the words of Christ.
  • In every instance that Jesus cast out devils, it didn’t take more than a few seconds.
  • I’ll read the last Scripture I have for you today. Mark Chapter 5 verse 8.

[19] Mark 5:8 For he said unto him, Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.

  • Jesus didn’t need a big building, flashing lights, smoke, a huge crowd, a video camera, donation links, drums, loud music, boom, boom, boom, and a big show to cast out a devil.
  • He just says ONCE, “Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit.”

He says once, “Hold thy peace, and come out of him.”

  • He says once, “I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him.”
  • Paul said ONCE, “I command thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.”
  • That’s it. There isn’t a 10-hour long session of yelling, “I command thee,” 98643 times.
  • That turns into chanting. ENCHANTMENT. Hypnotism. Trances. Witches and wizards.

Jesus gave His apostles special power to cast out unclean spirits. We aren’t apostles.

  • He didn’t give Isaiah Saldivar special power to cast out devils.
  • He can’t even understand the simplicity of the Gospel message.
  • Jesus commanded us to preach the Gospel, baptize, and teach all things.
  • He didn’t command us to act like wizards and witches like the deliverance devils out there.
  • And that’s exactly what they are and what they do. They are playing evil games with people.

One thing Jesus commands us to do is call out false preachers like Isaiah Saldivar.

  • He’s an evil little minion of his father Satan, and I’m sick of him.
  • He’s out there fighting against us. He’s fighting against people truly getting saved by Jesus Christ.
  • You won’t find Isaiah Saldivar’s clear gospel as you will with us. We preach the Gospel.


  • The Bible doesn’t say go find Isaiah Saldivar and have him deliver your soul to Satan.
  • Don’t go find a deliverance devil to save you. They will give you a devil.
  • And another and another. If you want devils, go see Isaiah Saldivar.
  • If you want to go to heaven, don’t listen to that fool.
  • And when you start babbling in so-called tongues, then you know for sure you have a devil.
  • When you start shaking because Isaiah Saldivar put his hand on you, you’ll know he just gave you a devil.

The Bible says it’s easy to be saved. Put all your trust in the works that Jesus Christ already did for you.

  • He died on the cross. His body was buried. His soul went to hell. He paid for all your sins already.
  • He arose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of His Father.
  • He was dead but is alive forevermore. THANK GOD for Jesus Christ.
  • Isaiah Saldivar points everyone to himself, but we know that we must decrease.
  • Jesus Christ must increase. WE PREACH JESUS CHRIST HERE. We don’t want your money.
  • We just want you to go to heaven because Jesus died for you and wants you there too.
  • Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. Salvation is a free gift from God.

Let’s pray.

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4 responses to “Deliverance Devils”

  1. Philip Menne Avatar
    Philip Menne

    I always felt one needed to repent of their sins as a reflection of salvation and the act of repenting was an indication you were saved. You helped make it clear to me that repentance in and of itself is of works and has helped me know more so than ever before there is nothing I myself can do to be saved except only by the freely given gift of God through belief and faith in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.
    These verses come to mind:
    Acts 3:19 – Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;
    2 Chronicles 7:14 – If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
    2 Peter 3:9 – The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
    Luke 13:3 – I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
    Acts 17:30 – And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
    Acts 2:38 – Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    Ezekiel 18:21-23 – But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. (Read More…)
    Revelation 2:5 – Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.
    Proverbs 28:13 – He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.
    Matthew 4:17 – From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
    Romans 2:4 – Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Hello Philip! Great to see you my brother. Still using those headphones you gifted me! I use them to listen to the Bible and sermons constantly. I thank you again for those. As you already know, repentance for salvation is a change of mind to believing in Jesus Christ. I love all the Scriptures you’ve given there. Here is a sermon you probably have already seen:


      I also love Acts 19:4 which gives the definition of the baptism of repentance. It is a baptism of repentance. Or a complete change of mind to fully believing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

      Acts 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.

      When people changed their mind and believed on Jesus Christ, then John baptized them. Hope this helps some more or helps others that might be reading this.

      I hope you are doing well out there!

  2. Janene Avatar

    Hi Josh, yes I watch a video from Isaiah before and it was very questionable. Some of the stuff I heard I was like what.

    Thank you for exposing these false teachers.

    1. Joshua Tapp Avatar

      Hello Janene!

      Yes, I truly believe Isaiah Saldivar is possessed by devils himself. He even admits to being possessed by devils. This means he has never believed on the Lord Jesus Christ. He believes in other things such as his greatness.

      Yes, we will continue to expose false teachers. During soul winning last night, Alex and I were accused of being false preachers by a man who says that we must follow the Sabbath day on Saturday to go to heaven. He then continues and said that we must be perfect in this life to be saved. He then tells me that if we sin willfully that the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross doesn’t apply to us. I asked him, “Have you ever sinned willfully? Have you ever done something you knew was against God’s words?” He said that he has. I told him that everyone has and according to him that everyone would be going to hell. Now, who is the false preacher?

      Hebrews 10:26-27 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

      We know that this speaks of animal sacrifices if we would read the entire chapter and the entire book. It is important to not sin, but if we do and we will, we are already saved by Jesus Christ.

      The false preachers trip and fall over the Scriptures. God put them there for that reason.

      Hope you have a good day!

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