Home / Articles / Church That Doesn’t Meet Qualifications In The Bible Is Not a Good Church

Church That Doesn’t Meet Qualifications In The Bible Is Not a Good Church

God’s church is the pillar and ground of the truth. Church is a very big deal to God, and He makes it clear in His holy Scriptures.

📖 1 Timothy 3:14-15These things write I unto thee, hoping to come unto thee shortly: 15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.

❌ Many Believers Fail To Understand Church

There are many believers who are saved and have everlasting life, yet they choose not to attend church.

Some even think they are attending church by:
✔️ Reading their Bible at home
✔️ Singing to God privately
✔️ Streaming a service online
✔️ Watching a service on TV

🚫 This is not church in any way, shape, or form.

📜 God Defines Church, Not Us

God created the church, and only God defines what church is in His Word.

📖 A church is a physical gathering of believers in Jesus Christ.

🏛 Virtual Gatherings Are NOT Church

  • God’s Word says: “Assembling ourselves together”
  • The church is not a virtual gathering!

📖 Hebrews 10:25Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

🕊 Church Is a Physical Gathering of Believers

You cannot be a part of a local church if you are on the other side of the world.

  • You may read sermons, but that’s not church.
  • You may listen to sermons, but that’s not church.

📖 Acts 7:37-40This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you… who received the lively oracles to give unto us.

Moses had a church in the wilderness because they gathered together physically.

⚠️ When You Won’t Go To Church, You Are Sinning Against God

Choosing not to gather with believers is a sin against God. He clearly commands us to assemble together.

Why Is It a Sin?

📖 Hebrews 10:25 commands us to not forsake gathering together.

God’s Command is Clear

✅ Church is the gathering of believers, not something we can redefine.
Virtual gatherings do not count as church in God’s eyes.

🏡 Home Churches Are Okay If Biblical Requirements Are Met

Home churches can be wonderful, but they must meet biblical requirements:

Key Requirements for a True Church:

1️⃣ A pastor or bishop who meets the Biblical qualifications
2️⃣ Teaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ
3️⃣ Believers gathering physically

If these requirements are not met, it’s not a real church.

💔 Why Do People Hate Church?

Many people dread going to church. Why?

Reasons People Don’t Like Church

  • False Gospels being preached
  • Works-based salvation taught
  • Lack of biblical teaching

✔️ There are good churches out there that still teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s your job to find them.

🚫 Don’t Let Offering or Money Stop You from Going to Church

Some people avoid church because they don’t want to give money.

💡 We pass around offering plates in our church but you don’t have to give anything.
✔️ Tithing is biblical, but giving is between you and God.

Note: God is our supplier. We don’t need your money. Our focus is on preaching the Bible.

🔥 Breaking God’s Commandment to Go to Church Doesn’t Lead to Good Things

Breaking God’s commandments doesn’t lead to blessings. Obeying His commandments leads to great spiritual rewards.

👗 Clothing and Offering Are NOT Reasons to Skip Church

Clothing for Church:

👚 Wear decent clothing—don’t come in offensive t-shirts.

Don’t make excuses for not attending because of clothing or offering.

❗ God Does Not Accept Excuses For Not Going to Church

God doesn’t accept excuses for not following His commandments.

Common Excuses People Use:

  • I’m too tired
  • Other things are more important

💡 Make church a priority! God never gets tired of helping you.

✔️ It’s Better to Stay Home Than Go to a False Church

It’s better to stay home than go to a church that teaches falsehoods about salvation.

Examples of False Churches:
Churches that teach you must be baptized to be saved
Churches that accept and support sodomy

Only Go to Churches that Teach the True Gospel

  • Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
  • Jesus Christ alone saves—no works can add to salvation.

🕊 Jesus Christ Bought the Church With His Own Blood

Acts 20:28Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

💡 Jesus values the church highly—so should you!

🔍 What’s the First Thing To Check in a Church?

When looking for a good church, don’t look for:

  • Fitness centers
  • Flashing lights
  • Stadium seating

💡 Start with a church that teaches you how to go to heaven—and that’s through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

📖 Acts 16:30-31Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.

🚨 Most Churches Won’t Teach You How To Be Saved

💡 A true church will teach you the Gospel and show you the way to heaven through Jesus Christ.

✔️ Search for a church that preaches the true Gospel.
❌ Don’t compromise on the truth of salvation.

💪 Find a Good Church and Stick With It!

Once you find a good church, stay with it. Continue to:

  • Learn
  • Serve
  • Share the Gospel

📖 A good church will help you follow God’s will and grow spiritually.

📚 Study the Bible on Your Own

Always read and study the Bible so you can know when a church teaches right and wrong.

💡 Don’t settle for a church that doesn’t match Scripture.

💬 Final Words

Finding the right church can be difficult, but it’s worth the effort!

  • Don’t compromise on doctrine.
  • Trust God to guide you to a Bible-based church.

🔔 If you’re struggling to find a good church, we welcome you to join us! We don’t have fancy things, but we have Jesus—and that’s all we need!

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Home / Articles / Church That Doesn’t Meet Qualifications In The Bible Is Not a Good Church

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