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Bible Outline – Mark

📖 Introduction: The Gospel of Mark – An Overview of Christ’s Ministry and Power

The Gospel of Mark stands as one of the most dynamic portrayals of Jesus’ life and ministry. Written by John Mark, this fast-paced narrative dives straight into the powerful moments of Christ’s life, beginning with the prophetic message of John the Baptist and culminating in Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension. Mark’s account emphasizes the authority and divine power of Jesus, focusing on His miracles, teachings, and the many challenges He faced. Whether examining His teachings on faith, the Kingdom of God, or His dramatic displays of healing, Mark offers readers an urgent call to understand and follow Jesus, the Messiah.

✨ Section Outline One: Mark 1 – The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry

I. Events Prior to Jesus’ Ministry (1:1-13)

A. The Witnesses of the Old Testament (1:1-3)

  • Malachi (1:1-2): The messenger is John the Baptist.
  • Isaiah (Mark 1:3): The message: “Prepare a pathway for the Lord’s coming!”

B. The Work of the Baptist (1:4-11)

  • John baptizes the Jewish multitudes (1:4-8): People confess their sins and are baptized.
  • John baptizes the Jewish Messiah (1:9-11): The Holy Spirit lights on Jesus, and God’s voice declares His pleasure.

C. The Wrath of the Devil (1:12-13)

  • Jesus is tempted by Satan for 40 days in the wilderness.

II. Events Early in Jesus’ Ministry (1:14-45)

A. The Promise of the Savior (1:16-20)

  • Jesus calls Andrew, Peter, James, and John, promising to make them fishers of men.

B. The Preaching of the Savior (1:14-15, 38-39)

  • Jesus preaches that the Kingdom of God is near.

C. The Praying of the Savior (1:35-37)

  • Early in the morning, Jesus goes to pray in solitude.

D. The Power of the Savior (1:21-34, 40-45)

  • Jesus heals the sick and cast out demons. He heals the demon-possessed man, Peter’s mother-in-law, and a man with leprosy.

✨ Section Outline Two: Mark 2 – The Criticisms of Jesus

I. The First Two Criticisms (2:1-17)

  • The Pharisees criticize Jesus for healing a paralytic and eating with sinners.

A. Jesus Heals the Paralytic (2:1-12)

  • Jesus heals a man who is lowered through the roof, and the Pharisees accuse Him of blasphemy.

B. Jesus and the Sinners (2:13-17)

  • Jesus eats with tax collectors and sinners, explaining that He came to call sinners, not the righteous.

II. The Final Two Criticisms (2:18-28)

  • The Pharisees criticize Jesus for not fasting and for violating the Sabbath.

A. Fasting (2:18-22)

  • Jesus explains that He is the bridegroom, and fasting is not appropriate while He is present.

B. Sabbath Observance (2:23-28)

  • Jesus defends His disciples’ actions, stating that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

✨ Section Outline Three: Mark 3 – Jesus’ Power and Authority

I. The Courage of Jesus (3:1-6)

  • Jesus heals a man with a withered hand on the Sabbath, prompting the Pharisees to conspire against Him.

II. The Compassion of Jesus (3:7-12)

  • Jesus heals the sick and casts out demons, but warns those He heals not to reveal His identity.

III. The Call of Jesus (3:13-19)

  • Jesus calls twelve disciples to follow Him and preach.

IV. The Critics of Jesus (3:20-30)

  • Jesus is accused of being possessed by Satan and warns about the unforgivable sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

✨ Section Outline Four: Mark 4 – Parables and Power

I. Jesus Relates His Parables (4:1-34)

  • Parables include the sower and the seed, lamp on a stand, and mustard seed, all illustrating the Kingdom of God.

II. Jesus Reveals His Power (4:35-41)

  • Jesus calms a storm on the Sea of Galilee, demonstrating His power over nature.

✨ Section Outline Five: Mark 5 – Miracles of Healing

I. Jesus Heals a Demon-Possessed Man (5:1-20)

  • Jesus casts out demons into a herd of pigs, healing a man tormented by evil spirits.

II. Jesus Heals a Woman and Resurrects a Girl (5:21-43)

  • A suffering woman is healed by faith, and Jairus’ daughter is brought back to life.

✨ Section Outline Six: Mark 6 – Rejection and Miracles

I. The Malice of the Nazarenes (6:1-6)

  • Jesus is rejected by the people of Nazareth due to their unbelief.

II. The Missions of the Twelve (6:6-13)

  • Jesus sends the disciples out to preach and heal.

III. The Martyrdom of John the Baptist (6:14-29)

  • Herod has John the Baptist beheaded at the request of his stepdaughter.

IV. The Miracles of Jesus (6:30-56)

  • Jesus feeds the 5,000, walks on water, and heals many.

✨ Section Outline Seven: Mark 7 – Teachings on Purity and Healing

I. The Holiness Message Preached by Jesus (7:1-23)

  • Jesus teaches that defilement comes from the heart, not from food.

II. The Healing Miracles Performed by Jesus (7:24-37)

  • Jesus heals a Gentile woman’s demon-possessed daughter and a deaf-mute man.

✨ Section Outline Eight: Mark 8 – Faith, Riches, and Predictions

I. The Provision by the Savior (8:1-10)

  • Jesus feeds a crowd of 4,000 with seven loaves and a few fish.

II. The Provoking of the Savior (8:11-13)

  • The Pharisees demand a sign, but Jesus refuses.

III. The Prediction by the Savior (8:31-38)

  • Jesus predicts His death and teaches the cost of discipleship.

✨ Section Outline Nine: Mark 9 – Transfiguration and Restoration

I. Transfiguration (9:1-13)

  • Jesus is transfigured on a mountain, revealing His divine glory to Peter, James, and John.

II. Restoration (9:14-32)

  • Jesus heals a demon-possessed boy and predicts His own betrayal and death.

✨ Section Outline Ten: Mark 10 – Teachings on Divorce, Children, and Riches

I. Jesus and the Subject of Divorce (10:1-12)

  • Jesus teaches about the sanctity of marriage and the indissolubility of the union.

II. Jesus and Little Children (10:13-16)

  • Jesus blesses the children, teaching that the Kingdom of God belongs to them.

✨ Section Outline Eleven: Mark 11 – Triumphal Entry and Cleansing the Temple

I. The Celebration (11:1-11)

  • Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly, fulfilling prophecy.

II. The Cleansing (11:15-19)

  • Jesus drives out the merchants from the Temple.

✨ Section Outline Twelve: Mark 12 – Parables and Teachings on the Law

I. The Parable of the Vineyard Tenants (12:1-12)

  • Jesus speaks about Israel’s rejection of God’s messengers.

II. Confrontation with Religious Leaders (12:13-37)

  • Jesus answers questions on paying taxes, resurrection, and the greatest commandment.

✨ Section Outline Thirteen: Mark 13 – The End Times

I. The Two Prophecies of Jesus (13:1-27)

  • Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple and the tribulation.

✨ Section Outline Fourteen: Mark 14 – Jesus’ Agony and Arrest

I. Events Preceding Gethsemane (14:1-31)

  • Judas agrees to betray Jesus, and Jesus institutes the Lord’s Supper.

✨ Section Outline Fifteen: Mark 15 – The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

I. Events Preceding the Crucifixion (15:1-21)

  • Jesus is brought before Pilate, and Barabbas is released instead of Jesus.

✨ Section Outline Sixteen: Mark 16 – The Resurrection of Jesus

I. He Arises (16:1-18)

  • Jesus rises from the dead and appears to His disciples, commissioning them to spread the Gospel.

✨ Conclusion: Understanding the Message of Mark

The Gospel of Mark emphasizes Jesus as the powerful Son of God who performed miracles, taught about the Kingdom, and ultimately sacrificed Himself for the salvation of humanity. Through His ministry, He redefined greatness, offering a radical understanding of faith, humility, and service. As you dive deeper into Mark’s account, you are invited to see Jesus not just as a historical figure, but as the eternal Messiah who calls us to follow Him and spread His life-transforming message of hope. Mark’s concise and fast-paced Gospel invites all believers to live out the challenge of discipleship and to boldly proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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