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Bible Outline – Luke

Introduction: The Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ (Luke)

The Gospel of Luke offers a detailed and compassionate account of Jesus Christ’s life, ministry, and mission of salvation. Written by the physician Luke, it portrays Jesus as the Savior of all people, emphasizing His mercy, teachings, miracles, and ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

🌟 Section Outline:

Chapter 1: The Birth of John the Baptist and Jesus Foretold

  • Zechariah’s prophecy of the coming forerunner (John the Baptist).
  • Angel Gabriel visits Mary, announcing the birth of Jesus.

Chapter 2: The Birth of Jesus and Early Recognition

  • Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, visited by shepherds and angels.
  • Simeon and Anna recognize Jesus as the Messiah at the Temple.

Chapter 3: John the Baptist and the Baptism of Jesus

  • John the Baptist preaches repentance.
  • Jesus’ baptism and the Holy Spirit’s descent.

Chapter 4: The Temptation of Jesus and Early Ministry

  • Jesus resists temptation by Satan in the wilderness.
  • Begins preaching in Galilee and is rejected in Nazareth.

Chapter 5: Calling of the First Disciples and Healings

  • Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to follow Him.
  • He heals a leper, and forgives the sins of a paralyzed man.

Chapter 6: The Choosing of the Twelve Apostles and Teachings

  • Jesus appoints the twelve apostles.
  • Preaches the Sermon on the Plain, emphasizing love for enemies.

Chapter 7: Miracles and Teachings

  • He heals the centurion’s servant and raises a widow’s son.
  • John the Baptist’s disciples inquire if Jesus is the Messiah.
  • A sinful woman anoints Jesus’ feet.

Chapter 8: Parables and Miracles

  • Parable of the Sower and the lamp under a basket.
  • Jesus calms the storm and heals the demon-possessed.

Chapter 9: The Sending of the Twelve and Peter’s Confession

  • Jesus sends the twelve disciples to preach and heal.
  • Peter confesses Jesus as the Christ.
  • Jesus’ transfiguration on the mountain.

Chapter 10: The Sending of the Seventy-Two and the Good Samaritan

  • Jesus sends 72 disciples to proclaim the Kingdom.
  • Parable of the Good Samaritan on loving your neighbor.
  • Mary and Martha: the importance of sitting at Jesus’ feet.

Chapter 11: Teachings on Prayer and Woes to the Pharisees

  • Jesus teaches the Lord’s Prayer.
  • He condemns the Pharisees and teachers of the law for their hypocrisy.

Chapter 12: Teachings on Hypocrisy, Worry, and Watchfulness

  • Jesus warns against hypocrisy and urges trust in God’s provision.
  • Parable of the Rich Fool: the dangers of greed.

Chapter 13: Repentance and the Narrow Door

  • Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath.
  • Parable of the Mustard Seed and the yeast.
  • Jesus laments over Jerusalem.

Chapter 14: Teachings on Humility and the Cost of Discipleship

  • Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath.
  • Parables of the Great Banquet and the cost of following Jesus.

Chapter 15: Parables of Lostness

  • The Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Prodigal Son.

Chapter 16: Parables of the Unjust Steward and the Rich Man

  • Parable of the Shrewd Manager: the wise use of wealth.
  • The rich man and Lazarus: the consequences of selfishness.

Chapter 17: Teachings on Forgiveness, Faith, and the Second Coming

  • Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one returns to thank Him.
  • Teaching on the Kingdom of God and the coming of the Son of Man.

Chapter 18: Teachings on Prayer, Humility, and the Rich Young Ruler

  • Parable of the Persistent Widow.
  • The Rich Young Ruler: the difficulty of entering the Kingdom of God.
  • Jesus heals a blind beggar near Jericho.

Chapter 19: Zacchaeus, the Triumphal Entry, and Cleansing the Temple

  • Jesus meets Zacchaeus, the tax collector, and transforms his life.
  • The Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.
  • Jesus cleanses the Temple from merchants.

Chapter 20: Authority Questioned and Parable of the Wicked Tenants

  • Jesus’ authority is questioned by the religious leaders.
  • Parable of the Wicked Tenants: rejection of God’s messengers.

Chapter 21: Prophecies of the End Times

  • Jesus predicts the destruction of the Temple and talks about the Great Tribulation.
  • Parable of the Fig Tree: signs of the Kingdom of God’s arrival.

Chapter 22: The Last Supper and Jesus’ Betrayal

  • Jesus celebrates the Passover with His disciples.
  • Jesus predicts Peter’s denial.
  • Judas betrays Jesus, and He is arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Chapter 23: The Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus

  • Jesus stands trial before Pilate and Herod.
  • He is sentenced to crucifixion, mocked, and executed.
  • Jesus dies on the cross, and the veil of the Temple is torn.

Chapter 24: The Resurrection and Ascension

  • Jesus rises from the dead, and appears to His disciples.
  • The road to Emmaus: Jesus reveals Himself to two followers.
  • Jesus ascends into heaven, and the disciples worship Him.

Conclusion: The Gospel of Luke and the Salvation of Humanity

The Gospel of Luke unfolds the life of Jesus Christ, emphasizing His compassion, mercy, and sacrifice for the salvation of humanity. Luke’s account captures Jesus’ teachings, parables, and the powerful message of the Kingdom of God. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus opened the door to eternal life for all who believe in Him. The Gospel of Luke calls believers to follow Jesus’ example of love, humility, and faith.

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