The Book of Joshua – Chapter-by-Chapter Outline 📖
SECTION OUTLINE ONE (JOSHUA 1-2) – Joshua Assumes Command & Sends Scouts 🏞️
Joshua steps into leadership, organizing Israel’s transition into the Promised Land.
I. THE MESSENGER (Joshua 1:1-18) – God’s Call to Joshua ⚡
A. The Lord’s Message to Joshua (1:1-9): Following Moses’ death, God commands Joshua to be strong and courageous, giving him the leadership of Israel.
- Israel’s Borders Defined (1:1-6): God outlines the Promised Land’s borders.
- The Book of the Law (1:7-9): Joshua must meditate on God’s Word for guidance and strength.
B. Joshua’s Message to the People (1:10-18): Joshua prepares the people for the upcoming journey and battle.
- Instructions to the Leaders (1:10-11): Joshua orders the leaders to prepare the people for crossing.
- Message to the 2½ Tribes (1:12-18): Reuben, Gad, and half of Manasseh reaffirm their commitment to assist in conquering Canaan before returning to their land.
II. THE MISSION (Joshua 2:1-24) – The Spies’ Task in Jericho 👀
A. Spies Enter Jericho (2:1-22): Two spies are sent to explore Jericho, where they are helped by Rahab, a woman of faith.
- Rahab’s Help (2:1-7): Rahab hides the spies from the king of Jericho.
- The Spies’ Promise (2:8-21): In return for her help, Rahab and her family are spared when Israel captures Jericho.
B. Spies Report Back (2:22-24): The spies reassure the Israelites that God will deliver Jericho into their hands.
SECTION OUTLINE TWO (JOSHUA 3-5) – Crossing the Jordan & Preparing for Battle 🌊
Joshua leads Israel across the Jordan River, prepares the people, and establishes a new covenant.
I. PREPARATION FOR CROSSING (Joshua 3:1-6, 8-13) – Israel Prepares to Cross the Jordan 💧
- Following the Ark (3:3-4): Israel is instructed to follow the Ark of the Covenant as they cross the Jordan.
- Purification and Selection (3:5, 12): The people are commanded to purify themselves, and 12 men are selected for a special task.
II. THE PROMISE OF VICTORY (Joshua 3:7) – God’s Assurance of Presence 🔥
- God assures Joshua that He will be with them as they conquer the land.
III. PASSAGE ACROSS THE JORDAN (Joshua 3:14-17, 4:12-19) – Miraculous Crossing 🌟
- The Water Stands Still (3:15-17): As the priests carrying the Ark step into the river, the waters part, allowing Israel to cross on dry ground.
- Memorial Stones (4:1-11, 20-24): Twelve stones are set up to commemorate the miraculous crossing.
IV. CIRCUMCISION AND PASSOVER (Joshua 5:2-12) – Renewal of the Covenant ✝️
- Circumcision of Israel (5:2-9): All Israelite males are circumcised to mark their renewed covenant with God.
- First Passover in Canaan (5:10): Israel celebrates their first Passover in the Promised Land.
V. THE COMMANDER OF THE LORD’S ARMY (Joshua 5:13-15) – Encounter with the Divine ⚔️
Joshua encounters the Commander of the Lord’s Army, often interpreted as a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ.
SECTION OUTLINE THREE (JOSHUA 6-8) – Conquering Jericho and Ai 🏰
Israel defeats Jericho and Ai but faces defeat due to Achan’s sin.
I. THE CONQUEST OF JERICHO (Joshua 6:1-27) – The Battle Plan 🏆
- God’s Instructions (6:1-11): Israel is commanded to march around Jericho for seven days, with the walls collapsing after their final shout.
- Victory at Jericho (6:12-21): Israel follows God’s commands, capturing the city.
- Rahab’s Protection (6:22-25): As promised, Rahab’s family is spared.
II. THE SIN OF ACHAN AND DEFEAT AT AI (Joshua 7:1-26) – Achan’s Disobedience 💔
- Achan’s Sin (7:1): Achan disobeys God by taking forbidden spoils from Jericho.
- Israel Defeated at Ai (7:2-5): Israel is routed as a result of Achan’s sin.
- The Cure (7:10-15): God reveals that Israel must purify itself by punishing Achan.
III. VICTORY AT AI (Joshua 8:1-29) – Israel Prevails 🏆
- Strategy and Ambush (8:1-29): Joshua follows God’s new plan, setting an ambush behind Ai, leading to victory.
SECTION OUTLINE FOUR (JOSHUA 9-12) – Southern & Northern Campaigns ⚔️
Joshua’s military campaigns against the Canaanite kings in both the southern and northern regions.
I. THE SOUTHERN CAMPAIGN (Joshua 9:1-10:43) – Defeating the Amorite Kings 🏞️
- The Gibeonite Deception (9:1-27): Israel is tricked into making a peace treaty with the Gibeonites.
- Victory over Five Kings (10:1-14): Israel defends Gibeon and defeats five Amorite kings, aided by miraculous events.
II. THE NORTHERN CAMPAIGN (Joshua 11:1-15) – Defeating the Northern Kings 🏰
- Victory in the North (11:1-15): Joshua defeats the kings of northern Canaan, ensuring Israel’s dominance.
III. OVERVIEW OF CAMPAIGNS (Joshua 11:16-12:24) – Summary of Israel’s Military Success 🏆
- Conquests and Kings Defeated (12:1-24): A summary of the cities and kings that were conquered.
SECTION OUTLINE FIVE (JOSHUA 13-17) – Dividing the Land 🗺️
The land is divided among the tribes of Israel.
I. THE PROMISE OF LAND (Joshua 13:1-7) – God’s Promise to Drive Out the Nations 🌿
- Joshua’s Task (13:1-7): God commands Joshua to divide the land among the tribes, as He will drive out the remaining nations.
II. THE PARTITIONING (Joshua 14:1-17:18) – The Allotment of Land 📜
- Caleb’s Request (14:6-12): Caleb requests the hill country to drive out the giants.
- The Allotment by Lot (15:1-17:13): Land is divided among the tribes of Judah, Ephraim, and Manasseh.
SECTION OUTLINE SIX (JOSHUA 18-19) – Further Division of the Land 📍
Remaining tribal allotments are decided, and land is distributed.
I. THE DELAY (Joshua 18:1-3) – Seven Tribes Yet to Receive Land 🏠
- The Remaining Tribes (18:1-3): Joshua challenges seven tribes to take possession of their land.
II. THE DISPATCH (Joshua 18:4-10) – Surveying the Land 🔍
- Surveying the Territory (18:4-10): Joshua sends men to map out the land for the remaining tribes.
SECTION OUTLINE SEVEN (JOSHUA 20-22) – Cities of Refuge and Final Words ⚖️
God’s provision of cities of refuge and Joshua’s farewell.
I. THE DESIGNATED CITIES (Joshua 20:1-21:45) – Cities of Refuge & Levitical Towns 🏙️
- The Six Cities of Refuge (20:1-9): Cities where those who accidentally commit manslaughter can seek refuge.
- Levitical Cities (21:1-45): The Levites receive towns spread throughout the tribes.
II. THE DIVISIVE ALTAR (Joshua 22:1-34) – A Dispute Over a Memorial Altar 🔥
- The Conflict (22:9-34): The eastern tribes’ altar is mistaken for idolatry, but the misunderstanding is resolved.
SECTION OUTLINE EIGHT (JOSHUA 23-24) – Joshua’s Final Charge 💬
Joshua’s farewell and final instructions to Israel.
I. FAREWELL TO ISRAEL’S LEADERS (Joshua 23:1-16) – Call to Faithfulness 🙏
- God’s Faithfulness (23:1-10): Joshua recounts God’s victories and calls for continued faithfulness.
II. FAREWELL TO ALL ISRAEL (Joshua 24:1-33) – Renewing the Covenant 🔑
- Renewal of the Covenant (24:14-28): Israel renews their commitment to serve God.
This Joshua Chapter-by-Chapter Outline provides a clear understanding of God’s promises, Israel’s victories, and the fulfillment of their mission in the Promised Land! 🌿📜
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