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Bible Outline – Jonah

🌊 The Book of Jonah: God’s Call, Mercy, and Compassion 🌊

The Book of Jonah is a powerful and captivating story that highlights God’s mercy, compassion, and His patience with humanity. Jonah, a reluctant prophet, is called by God to preach to the people of Nineveh, a city known for its wickedness. Jonah’s disobedience, his subsequent time in the belly of a great fish, and Nineveh’s repentance all play significant roles in illustrating the magnitude of God’s grace and forgiveness. The narrative demonstrates that God’s love extends even to Israel’s enemies, offering a profound lesson on the importance of compassion and the willingness to forgive.

🌟 The Book of Jonah Outline: God’s Reluctant Prophet and the City of Repentance 🌟

SECTION ONE (JONAH 1-2): Jonah’s Refusal and God’s Power


A. The Order (1:1-2)

  • God’s command to Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against their wickedness.

B. The Objection (1:3)

  • Jonah refuses and boards a ship going to Tarshish, in the opposite direction.

C. The Ordeal (1:4-17)

  1. The Furious Storm (1:4)
    God sends a violent storm to stop Jonah from fleeing.
  2. The Fear (1:5-7)
    • Sailors pray to their gods and throw cargo overboard to lighten the ship.
    • The lot falls on Jonah as the one responsible for the storm.
  3. The Fault (1:8-16)
    • Jonah confesses he is running from God, advising the sailors to throw him overboard.
  4. The Fish (1:17)
    • God arranges for a great fish to swallow Jonah, saving him from drowning.


A. Jonah’s Despair (2:1-6)

  • Jonah prays in the belly of the fish, sinking to the bottom of the sea.

B. Jonah’s Dedication (2:7-9)

  • Jonah renews his vow to serve God, acknowledging His deliverance.

C. Jonah’s Deliverance (2:10)

  • God commands the fish to vomit Jonah onto the beach, delivering him from the depths.

SECTION TWO (JONAH 3-4): Nineveh’s Repentance and Jonah’s Resentment


A. Jonah’s Commission (3:1-4)

  • For the second time, Jonah is ordered to preach to Nineveh.
  • He warns the people that God will destroy their city in 40 days if they do not repent.

B. Nineveh’s Confession (3:5-9)

  • The ruler and the people of Nineveh humble themselves and repent of their evil ways.

C. God’s Compassion (3:10)

  • God shows mercy and spares Nineveh from destruction, demonstrating His forgiveness and grace.


A. Jonah’s Twofold Complaint (4:1-9)

  1. About God sparing Nineveh (4:1-3)
  2. About the sun’s glare (4:4-9)
    • Jonah’s complaints about God’s mercy, his own discomfort, and the death of a vine.

B. God’s Manifold Compassion (4:10-11)

  • God rebukes Jonah, teaching him that His compassion extends beyond Jonah’s limited understanding to the people of Nineveh.

🌟 The Book of Jonah: A Lesson in Mercy, Repentance, and God’s Compassion 🌟

The Book of Jonah delivers a timeless message about God’s mercy, the power of repentance, and the boundless love God offers to even the most wicked. Jonah’s reluctance to preach to Nineveh and his eventual anger at God’s forgiveness of Israel’s enemies teaches us a profound lesson about compassion. This small but powerful book reminds us that God’s grace is extended to all people, and that repentance and a humble heart can lead to salvation. Jonah’s story reveals that God’s compassion is far greater than human understanding, and His desire is for all to come to repentance and experience His love.

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