Bible Outline Genesis

If you want to study the Bible in a different way, you can make an outline of each book as I have done below for the Book of Genesis. This helps you to know where things are happening in the Bible. Open your Bible, read, and make an outline. Study the outlines so you can find Scriptures you need quickly.

Genesis11God creates the third heaven, paradise, and the earth.
2On the first day God creates light and dark, day and night.
3On the second day God creates the first and second heaven.
4On the third day God creates earth, seas, grass, herbs, and trees.
5On the fourth day God creates the sun, moon, and stars.
6On the fifth day God creates sea creatures and fowl.
7On the sixth day God creates the land creatures.
8On the sixth day God creates man in His image and gives them dominion over the earth.
9God gives green herb, seeds, and fruit for food to man and beast.
Genesis21God finishes heavens and earth and rests on seventh day.
2A mist comes up from the earth to water the ground and man is formed from dust.
3God plants the garden of Eden in the east and puts man there.
4God commands man to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
5God sees that it is not good for man to be alone.
6God forms every land beast and air beast and Adam gave them names.
7God creates woman from the rib of man.
8A man shall leave his father and mother, cleave to his wife, and be one flesh.
Genesis31The serpent questions God’s words and tempts the woman.
2The woman takes fruit of the tree, eats, and gives to her husband to eat.
3God curses the serpent, then the woman, and then Adam. Adam names the woman Eve. God clothed Adam and Eve.
4God kicks Adam and Eve out of the garden. Cherubims and a flaming sword keep the way of the tree of life.
Genesis41Adam and Eve have Cain and Abel. Cain and Abel bring offerings to the Lord. God rejects Cain and accepts Abel.
2Cain slews Abel his brother in the field.
3God questions Cain about Abel.
4God curses Cain and sets a mark upon him.
5Cain leaves the presence of the Lord and dwells in Nod. Cain and his wife have Enoch. Enoch has children.
6Lamech, six generations from Cain, takes two wives Adah and Zillah. Lamech slays a man.
7Adam and Eve have third son named Seth. Seth has Enos and men begin to call upon the name of the Lord.

I hope you enjoy studying the Bible in this outlining method as much as I do. Yes, it takes a lot of work to complete an outline of the entire Bible. But you will learn the layout and organization of the Bible along the way.