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Bible Outline – 1 Samuel

The Book of 1 Samuel: The Rise and Fall of Kingship in Israel 👑


The Book of 1 Samuel serves as a pivotal narrative in the history of Israel. It chronicles the end of the Judges era and the beginning of monarchy in Israel with the anointing of Saul, the first king, and the eventual rise of David. Key themes include obedience, God’s sovereignty, divine intervention, sin, and redemption. Through the stories of Samuel, Saul, and David, the book illustrates God’s continuous faithfulness to Israel, while also highlighting the consequences of disobedience. It offers a profound understanding of how Israel’s leadership transitioned, culminating in God’s eternal plan for His people.

SECTION OUTLINE ONE (1 Samuel 1-2) 🌿

The birth of Samuel, his dedication to the Lord, the sinful behavior of Eli’s sons, and Hannah’s song of praise.

I. The Family of Hannah (1:1-2:11) 👩‍👦

A. Hannah’s Family Life (1:1-2)

  • Hannah, married to Elkanah, faces infertility while being provoked by her rival, Peninnah.

B. The Heartache and Prayer (1:3-8)

  • Deeply sorrowful, Hannah prays fervently for a child, vowing to dedicate him to the Lord.

C. Her Promise and Prayer (1:9-18)

  1. Hannah’s Vow (1:9-11):
    • She prays at the Tabernacle, promising to dedicate her son to the service of God.
  2. Eli’s Blessing (1:17-18):
    • Eli blesses her, and Hannah rejoices in her petition.

D. The Birth of Samuel (1:19-28)

  • God answers her prayers, and she gives birth to Samuel. True to her vow, she brings him to the Tabernacle to serve the Lord.

E. Hannah’s Song of Thanksgiving (2:1-11)

  • Hannah’s prayer is a powerful expression of gratitude, acknowledging God’s justice, sovereignty, and faithfulness.

II. Eli’s Wicked Sons (2:12-36) ⚖️

A. The Corruption of Eli’s Sons (2:12-17)

  1. Impiety and Greed (2:12-16):
    • Hophni and Phinehas exploit their priestly positions for personal gain.
  2. Immorality (2:22):
    • The sons of Eli engage in immoral acts with women serving at the Tabernacle.

B. Eli’s Response and Warning (2:23-36)

  1. Eli’s Attempted Correction (2:23-25):
    • Eli confronts his sons, but they remain unrepentant.
  2. Prophetic Judgment (2:27-36):
    • A prophet declares judgment against Eli’s house, foretelling the downfall of his lineage.

SECTION OUTLINE TWO (1 Samuel 3-5) 📜

Samuel’s call, Israel’s battles with the Philistines, the capture of the Ark of the Covenant, and its consequences.

I. God Calls Samuel (3:1-21) 🌟

A. Samuel’s Vision (3:1-9)

  • While serving under Eli, Samuel hears God’s call but mistakes it for Eli’s voice. Eli directs him to respond to God.

B. The Message from the Lord (3:10-14)

  • God reveals to Samuel that judgment is coming upon Eli’s family for their sin and disobedience.

C. Samuel’s Revelation (3:15-18)

  • The next morning, Samuel shares the vision with Eli, confirming the prophet’s words of judgment.

II. The Ark and Israel’s Battles (4:1-22) ⚔️

A. Israel Defeats and the Ark’s Capture (4:1-11)

  • The Philistines defeat Israel, capturing the Ark of the Covenant. Hophni and Phinehas are killed.

B. Eli’s Death (4:12-18)

  • Upon hearing the news of the Ark’s capture and the death of his sons, Eli falls and dies.

C. The Birth of Ichabod (4:19-22)

  • Phinehas’s wife, in her labor, names her son Ichabod, symbolizing Israel’s loss of God’s glory.

III. The Ark’s Plague in Philistia (5:1-12) 💀

A. The Ark in Ashdod (5:1-5)

  • The Philistines place the Ark in the temple of Dagon, but Dagon falls before it, and the city is struck with plagues.

B. The Ark Moves to Gath and Ekron (5:6-12)

  • The Ark causes turmoil in Gath and Ekron, afflicting their people with tumors.


The Ark’s return to Israel, Samuel’s leadership, and Israel’s victory over the Philistines.

I. The Return of the Ark (6:1-21) 🌅

A. The Philistines Return the Ark (6:1-6)

  • After consulting their priests, the Philistines send the Ark back to Israel, along with offerings.

B. The Test and Thanksgiving (6:7-18)

  • The Israelites rejoice at the Ark’s return, though 70 men are struck down for looking inside it.

II. Israel’s Repentance (7:1-17) 🔥

A. Repentance and Restoration (7:1-6)

  • Samuel leads Israel in repentance, calling them to put away idols and return to God.

B. The Victory Over the Philistines (7:7-11)

  • The Philistines attack, but God causes confusion, and Israel defeats them.

C. The Ebenezer Stone (7:12)

  • Samuel sets up a stone, calling it Ebenezer (“Stone of Help”) to commemorate Israel’s victory.

SECTION OUTLINE FOUR (1 Samuel 8-11) 👑

Israel demands a king, Saul’s anointing, and his victory over the Ammonites.

I. The Request for a King (8:1-22) 👑

A. Israel’s Demand (8:1-5)

  • The people demand a king because Samuel is old, and his sons are corrupt.

B. Samuel’s Warning (8:6-22)

  • Samuel warns the people of the consequences of having a king, but they insist.

II. The Anointing of Saul (9:1-27) 🌟

A. Saul’s Selection (9:1-2)

  • Saul, from the tribe of Benjamin, is chosen as Israel’s first king.

B. Samuel’s Confirmation (9:17-27)

  • Samuel anoints Saul and informs him of the signs that confirm he is God’s choice.

III. Saul’s Victory and Coronation (11:1-15) 🏆

A. The Crisis in Jabesh-gilead (11:1-11)

  • Saul leads Israel to defeat the Ammonites, gaining the people’s support.

B. Saul’s Second Coronation (11:12-15)

  • Saul is reaffirmed as king in a second public coronation at Gilgal.

SECTION OUTLINE FIVE (1 Samuel 12-13) 📜

Samuel delivers his farewell address. Israel continues to battle the Philistines. When Saul usurps Samuel’s position as priest and disobediently offers a burnt offering, the Lord punishes Saul by ending his dynasty.

I. Samuel’s Farewell Speech (12:1-25) 🎤

A. The Contents (12:1-13)

  1. Samuel’s Faithfulness (12:1-5)
    • Samuel reflects on his leadership and God’s provision.
  2. God’s Faithfulness (12:6-13)
    • Samuel recounts how God has been faithful to Israel.

B. The Choice (12:14-15)

  • Obedience to the Lord will bring blessings, while forsaking Him brings punishment.

C. The Confirmation (12:16-25)

  • Samuel calls for thunder and rain as proof of God’s displeasure.

II. Saul’s Foolish Sin (13:1-23) ⚖️

A. Saul’s Disobedience (13:1-14)

  • Saul offers a burnt offering, assuming the role of a priest, and is rebuked by Samuel for not waiting for his direction.

B. Israel’s Weakness (13:15-23)

  • Saul’s army is reduced to only 600 men, and Israel faces a severe weapon shortage.

SECTION OUTLINE SIX (1 Samuel 14-15) 🏹

Jonathan’s bravery, Saul’s disobedience, and the rejection of Saul as king.

I. Saul’s Foes (14:1-23) ⚔️

A. Jonathan’s Courage (14:1-8)

  • Jonathan and his armor bearer defeat a Philistine garrison with bold faith.

B. The Confusion (14:15-23)

  • The Lord sends a great earthquake, creating panic in the Philistine camp.

II. Saul’s Fast (14:24-46) 🚫

A. Saul’s Rash Command (14:24-26)

  • Saul forces his army to fast during the battle, weakening them.

B. Jonathan’s Intercession (14:27-46)

  • Jonathan, unaware of his father’s command, eats honey, and Saul nearly orders his execution.

III. Saul’s Failure (15:1-35) 🛑

A. Saul’s Rebellion (15:1-9)

  • Saul disobeys God’s command to destroy the Amalekites, sparing their king and the best animals.

B. Samuel’s Rebuke (15:10-23)

  • Samuel condemns Saul for his disobedience and informs him that God has rejected him as king.

C. Saul’s Remorse (15:24-25)

  • Saul acknowledges his sin but too late to save his kingdom.

SECTION OUTLINE SEVEN (1 Samuel 16-17) 🎯

David is anointed king and defeats Goliath.

I. David the Chosen (16:1-13) 🌱

A. Samuel’s Mission (16:1-5)

  • God instructs Samuel to anoint one of Jesse’s sons as Israel’s next king.

B. David’s Anointing (16:11-13)

  • David, the youngest son, is anointed king, and the Spirit of the Lord comes upon him.

II. David the Court Musician (16:14-23) 🎶

A. Saul’s Trouble (16:14)

  • Saul is tormented by an evil spirit, and David is brought to play music and soothe him.

III. David the Courageous (17:1-58) 🏅

A. Goliath’s Challenge (17:1-11)

  • The giant Goliath challenges Israel to send out a warrior.

B. David’s Victory (17:12-58)

  • David, armed only with a sling and stones, defeats Goliath, and Israel is victorious.

SECTION OUTLINE EIGHT (1 Samuel 18-19) 🔥

Saul’s jealousy of David, attempts to kill him, and the saving actions of Jonathan and Michal.

I. The Fury of Saul (18:1-19:17) 🔥

A. David’s Rise (18:1-7)

  • After David’s victory over Goliath, he gains great favor in the eyes of others.

B. Saul’s Rage (18:8-19:17)

  • David’s popularity makes Saul angry and jealous. He attempts to kill David five times—all are unsuccessful.

SECTION OUTLINE NINE (1 Samuel 20-21) ⚔️

David and Jonathan’s covenant, David’s flight to Nob and Gath.

I. David and the Prince (20:1-42) ⚔️

A. The Cause of David’s Fears (20:1-23)

  • David is convinced Saul intends to kill him.

B. The Confirmation of David’s Fears (20:24-42)

  • Jonathan’s actions confirm Saul’s intent to kill David.

II. David and the Priest (21:1-9) ✨

A. The Falsehood (21:1-2)

  • David lies to Ahimelech the priest, claiming Saul has sent him on a private mission.

B. The Favor (21:3-9)

  • The priest helps David, giving him holy bread and Goliath’s sword.

III. David and the Pagan (21:10-15) 🏙️

A. David’s Feigned Madness (21:10-15)

  • David seeks refuge in Gath and feigns madness to escape harm by the king there.

SECTION OUTLINE TEN (1 Samuel 22-23) ⛰️

David’s escape to Adullam, his victory over the Amalekites, and pursuit by Saul.

I. David in the Cave of Adullam (22:1-5) 🛡️

A. David’s Men (22:1-2)

  • David gathers 400 men who are in distress, indebted, or discontented.

B. David’s Move (22:3-5)

  • David moves to Mizpah in Moab, following Gad’s prophetic command.

II. David in the Forest of Hereth (22:5-23) 🌲

A. The Slaughter by Saul (22:5-19)

  • Saul orders the execution of 85 priests for allegedly aiding David.

B. David’s Sorrow (22:20-23)

  • Abiathar, one of the priests, escapes and joins David.

III. David in the Town of Keilah (23:1-12) 🏙️

A. David’s Assistance (23:1-5)

  • David defeats the Philistines attacking Keilah.

B. The Lord’s Answers (23:6-12)

  • David consults God through Abiathar, learning that the people of Keilah will betray him.

IV. David in the Hill Country of Ziph (23:13-23) ⛰️

A. The Chase (23:13-15)

  • Saul continues his pursuit of David.

B. The Covenant (23:16-18)

  • Jonathan reaffirms his loyalty to David, acknowledging him as the next king.

V. David in the Desert of Maon (23:24-29) 🏜️

A. Saul’s Pursuit (23:24-25)

  • Saul closes in on David, but is distracted by a Philistine raid.

SECTION OUTLINE ELEVEN (1 Samuel 24-25) ⚖️

David spares Saul’s life at En-gedi, Nabal’s death, and David’s marriage to Abigail.

I. David’s Mercy Toward Saul (24:1-22) ⚖️

A. The Resumption (24:1-2)

  • Saul resumes his pursuit of David.

B. The Realization (24:3-4)

  • David has the opportunity to kill Saul but chooses not to.

C. The Restraint (24:4-7)

  • David cuts a piece of Saul’s robe to prove his innocence.

D. The Rebuke (24:8-15)

  • David confronts Saul, showing him the piece of his robe and calling him to stop pursuing him.

II. David’s Marriage to Abigail (25:1-44) 👰

A. David and Nabal (25:1-13)

  • David requests provisions from Nabal, but he refuses.

B. David and Abigail (25:14-44)

  • Abigail intervenes, saves her husband’s life, and becomes David’s wife after Nabal’s death.


David spares Saul’s life again and flees to the land of the Philistines.

I. David Foregoes (26:1-25) 🔒

A. The Constraint (26:1-11)

  • David again has the opportunity to kill Saul but refuses.

B. The Call (26:12-16)

  • David and Abishai take Saul’s spear and jug, proving they had been near Saul without harming him.

II. David Feigns (27:1-12) 🔍

A. David’s Doubt (27:1-4)

  • Fearing Saul’s continued pursuit, David seeks refuge among the Philistines.

B. David’s Deceit (27:5-12)

  • David convinces the Philistines that he is raiding Israelite towns.


Saul consults a spirit medium, and the Philistines reject David’s help in battle.

I. The Medium (28:1-25) 💀

A. The Reason (28:1-8)

  • Saul seeks guidance from a medium after failing to hear from God.

B. The Results (28:9-25)

  • Samuel prophesies Saul’s defeat and death.

II. The Mistrust (29:1-11) ⚔️

A. The Desire (29:1-3)

  • David is invited to fight with the Philistines against Israel.

B. The Denial (29:4-11)

  • The Philistine leaders mistrust David, fearing betrayal.


David avenges the destruction of Ziklag, and Saul dies in battle.

I. David’s Vengeance (30:1-31) ⚔️

A. The Sorrow (30:1-8)

  • Ziklag is destroyed by the Amalekites, and David seeks God’s direction.

B. The Success (30:9-20)

  • David successfully recovers everything taken by the Amalekites.

C. The Sharing (30:21-31)

  • David ensures the plunder is shared equally among his men and others.

II. The Philistines’ Victory (31:1-13) ⚰️

A. The Method (31:1-6)

  • Saul and his sons are killed in battle, and Saul commits suicide.

B. The Mutilation (31:7-10)

  • The Philistines desecrate Saul’s body.

C. The Mission (31:11-13)

  • Men from Jabesh-gilead recover and bury Saul’s body.

Conclusion: The Fall of Saul and the Rise of David 🌍

The Book of 1 Samuel is a crucial turning point in Israel’s history. It demonstrates the complexities of leadership, the devastating consequences of disobedience, and the profound significance of God’s sovereignty. Through Samuel, Saul, and David, Israel is taught that kingship is not about power but about obedience to God’s will. The rise of David, the future king, points us to the ultimate King, Jesus Christ, fulfilling God’s promise for a just and eternal reign.

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