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Being Led by the Spirit of God in Soul Winning

A successful soul-winning day starts long before you knock on the first door. Throughout each day, we should pray for God’s guidance, asking Him to fill us with His Holy Spirit and lead us to the right people who are ready to be saved. God knows who is searching for the truth of salvation.

🙏 Pray Without Ceasing & Seek the Spirit of God

Pray throughout the day and ask the Spirit of God to guide you in the right direction. Tell Him that you want to go where He leads—and truly mean it. Don’t just say it—commit your heart to it.

You need to have a strong desire for soul winning and leading people to Jesus Christ. If you lack that passion, you won’t be as effective in sharing the Gospel. Have faith that God will direct your steps and take you to the souls who are ready to receive eternal life.

God’s Will is for People to Be Saved—He Will Help You

✝️ God’s greatest desire is for souls to be saved. His love for the lost is infinitely greater than our own. Trust that He will send you to the right people at the right time.

Example: Being Led by the Holy Spirit in Soul Winning

soul winning being led by the spirit of god
Many people were saved at apartments like these in Longview, Washington.

I was soul-winning in Longview, Washington, with my good friend Ramon Velasquez. We had been knocking on doors for a couple of hours but had seen zero salvations. Everyone else had returned to the cars, but I felt an overwhelming urge to keep going.

I knew the Holy Spirit was guiding me to continue preaching the Gospel. I told Ramon, and he agreed to keep going. The others stayed back.

👣 Following the Spirit’s Lead

Ramon and I walked to the last apartment building. We went up the stairs and knocked on the final door. Ramon shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with two teenage girls. While he was preaching, a young man walked up the stairs. I stopped him and began sharing the Gospel as well.

Three Souls Saved in 30 Minutes

Because we followed the Spirit of God, we were able to lead three people to salvation in just 30 minutes. They received everlasting life! If I had ignored the urge to keep going, those souls might not have heard the truth of salvation that day.

Keep Praying for Salvations While Soul Winning

I was out soul-winning with Nathan Holmes in Battle Ground, Washington. We had been going for about two and a half hours in tough neighborhoods with zero salvations. Normally, we stop after two hours, but we decided to keep going—praying that God would lead us to the right person.

We Almost Stopped Again—But the Holy Spirit Urged Us On

soul winning tip led by the spirit of God
A lady named Jessica got saved at the duplex to the far right.

We were about to stop, but I felt a strong leading from the Holy Spirit to knock on just a few more doors. Nathan and I agreed.

We walked toward a Baptist church nearby, thinking they probably hadn’t been preaching the Gospel in the area. Most churches today don’t actively evangelize, and we wanted to reach the lost.

🏡 Finding the Right Place at the Right Time

We spotted some older duplexes that looked like great places for soul-winning. Nathan had been in Washington for some time without getting a salvation, so I told him to take all the remaining doors.

🚪 At the Last Door—God Gave Us a Soul

Nathan knocked on the last door of the day, and a young woman answered. Her name was Jessica.

A Former Mormon Finds the Truth in Jesus Christ

Jessica had been raised Mormon but knew that they were teaching lies. Nathan shared the truth of the Gospel and convinced her to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal salvation.

She had tears in her eyes as she called upon Jesus to save her. She said she felt a huge weight lifted off her shoulders.

📖 Bringing Her a King James Bible

That night, I took a King James Bible back to her. She was overjoyed to receive it.

Nathan and I rejoiced all the way back to the cars, praising God Almighty for His guidance. Without God, we would not have been able to win a single soul that day.

The Spirit of God Will Lead You—Trust Him

The Holy Spirit is with you. Let Him direct your steps as you go soul winning. He will take you exactly where you need to be—where someone is waiting to be saved.

There is no greater job than preaching the Gospel. You are working for the King of Kings, and He will always lead you in the right direction.

🙏 Thank you, Father in Heaven, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit! We love you!

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