Below, you will find all of our Christian beliefs in detail. We’ve created this page so you can understand who we are and what we believe.
We put it all out there for you to see. We didn’t copy and paste this from other churches, denominations, or religions. We don’t make vague statements. We don’t apologize for our beliefs because we got these beliefs from God in His Bible.
True Words Christian Beliefs
- We are non-denominational. We do not follow any denomination. We follow the Bible.
- We are fully independent. We rely on no one else but God.
- Jesus Christ is our leader. No one else leads but Jesus Christ. We will always choose to follow him over anyone else.
- We are King James Bible only. Using the exact same Bible causes no confusion. You’ll know you have the perfect word of God in your hands with the King James Bible.
- We sing hymns, Psalms, and spiritual songs to worship and praise God.
- We believe in family integration within a church. This means everyone stays together at all times. Children of all ages should always be wanted and welcome in all church services.
- We believe in the faithful attendance of church services, soul winning, and other church events with the main goal of winning souls to Jesus Christ (the first works).
- We believe in soul winning. We will go out into the community and preach the true Gospel.
- We are here to preach the Gospel, baptize believers, and teach the Bible so we can understand and obey God in every aspect of our lives.
- We are not perfect people. We are sinners. We have messed up over and over again in our lives, but we’re saved (past tense) by the blood of Jesus Christ. Now, we want to do what God needs us to do, but we still mess up because we’re human. Sin is not okay so we must do our best to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
- We will stand up for God, and we’re looking for people who love God and want to obey Him.
- We will preach and teach the entire Bible from front to back. We love all Scripture even when it offends. We accept God’s words as they are and conform to what God says.
- We believe in the observance of the Lord’s Supper. The frequency of this observance is determined by the local church. We believe the only requirement to participate in the Lord’s Supper is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe church membership requirements should be the same as heaven’s membership requirements. The only requirement for heaven is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. If that’s good enough for heaven, this should definitely be good enough for any church on earth.
Here’s A Summary Of Our Beliefs
- The Bible, Old Testament and New Testament, is the inspired word of God without error. The original manuscripts were inspired, and the King James Bible is the perfect word of God in English. There are no mistakes within the words of the King James Bible.
- The King James Bible translators were not inspired themselves, but they were led by the Holy Spirit to give us a perfect Bible in English.
- The King James Bible is not the only inspired word of God in existence today, but it is the perfect word of God in the English language.
- All Bible versions do not say and mean the same thing. Compare them verse by verse and side by side. The King James Bible is very different from the modern Bible versions that have been corrupted.
- We know that modern Bible versions like the New International Version (NIV), New American Standard Version (NASV), English Standard Version (ESV), New Living Translation (NLT), New King James Version (NKJV), and others are corrupted.
- Bible doctrines are affected by the modern Bible versions. There is no such thing as minor Bible doctrines that do not matter. All doctrines within the Bible are very important.
- There is one God who exists eternally as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit who are each fully God but each are separate and distinct persons. God the Father is God. Jesus Christ is God. The Holy Spirit is God. God the Father is eternal. Jesus Christ is eternal. The Holy Spirit is eternal.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the only Son of God. He is God. Jesus is eternal. Jesus was made flesh.
- Jesus was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross, His body was buried, His soul went to hell, He arose from the dead in His body on the third day, His body did not see corruption, He ate and drank in His body after His resurrection, witnesses saw Him die on the cross, witnesses saw Him after He arose from the dead, and witnesses saw Him ascend into heaven.
- Salvation is by grace through faith. The grace comes from God. The faith comes from you.
- Salvation by grace and salvation by works cannot be related at all. If salvation is by grace, it cannot be of works. If salvation is by works, it cannot be of grace. We can ONLY be saved by grace. Salvation is by grace alone. It cannot be of works in any way, shape, or form. Baptism is a work. Repenting of sin is a work.
- The only requirement to be saved is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The sacrifice Jesus made on the cross is powerful enough to save you from your sins. No other works are required.
- Salvation is not of works in any way, shape, or form. No good works are required to be saved.
- Salvation is a gift of God that God preserves for you. You do not work for a gift. If you had to work for salvation, it would not be a gift. Working for it would mean that you earned it and that God owes you. God doesn’t owe us one thing. He’s already given us so much that we don’t deserve. And now he wants to give us the gift of everlasting life.
- Once you believe on Jesus to save you, you’re saved and receive everlasting life that cannot end. Yes, it happens in a moment, and it is not difficult at all to be saved.
- Water baptism is a good work that should be done immediately after you’re saved. If you have put all your trust and confidence on Jesus to save you, you’re saved. Then, you should be baptized. Baptism is a good work that you should do immediately after you’ve been saved by the blood of Jesus Christ.
- Repenting of sin is a good work that should be done after you’re saved. You cannot do good works until you are saved by grace through faith. Anything that is not done in faith is sin. You will continue to sin in this body, but you should ask God forgiveness immediately. You should walk in the Spirit so God can help you sin less in your flesh.
- Sin is doing anything against God’s commands for us. This also includes not doing something God commands us to do. For example, Jesus commands us to go out and preach the Gospel. If we aren’t doing that, we are sinning against God. We sin every day because we are in the flesh.
- No one in this life is sinless. All people sin every day.
- All people of all time are saved the exact same way and that is by God’s grace through faith. No one has ever been saved any other way.
- The unsaved who never believe on Jesus will be tormented in a literal hell for eternity. There is no way out of hell once you’ve been thrown into hell by God. God created hell and holds the keys to hell and death. Satan does not run hell. Satan is not in charge of hell.
- The rapture or resurrection will take place after the tribulation and before God’s wrath is poured out.
- Daniel’s 70th week is a 7-year period of time, but the entire 7 years is not the tribulation. The tribulation is over once the sun and the moon is darkened. After those signs, the tribulation is over and Jesus comes in the clouds to gather together all of the saved of all time prior to the rapture. The rapture includes all Old Testament saints.
- At this time, no one has a glorified body but Jesus Christ. No man has been resurrected at this time but Jesus Christ. Jesus is the first fruits. The rapture is the first resurrection. A final resurrection will take place after the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ.
- The second coming of Jesus Christ is the day of the Lord and the rapture or resurrection takes place on that day.
- Life begins at conception or fertilization. Life begins at fertilization. Anything that ends life after fertilization is murder.
- God made male and female. There are no other genders. There are not unlimited genders. The world can call it whatever they want, but it only matters how God sees it.
- God made marriage between a man and a woman. There are no other marriages. The world can call it whatever they want, but it only matters how God sees it.
- No one is perfect in the flesh. The flesh is not even close to the most important thing in life. Our flesh will pass away, but our souls can receive everlasting life through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Men are the leaders and teachers within the church. Outside of the church, all men, all women, and all children should be preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- God does reject people after He’s given them chances to accept Him. God is patient (thank God) and long suffering with all of us so you can know that the people He rejects truly deserve to spend eternity in hell.
- God is a God of love, but true love is greatly hating that which is evil and cleaving to that which is good. God gets jealous, God gets angry, and God has wrath upon people who won’t turn to Him. We should fear God with all that we have because He can destroy us at any time. God holds our breath in His hands.
- God does not love everyone no matter what. The Bible never says that anywhere. God hates sin, and He hates sinners too that NEVER believe on Him as the Savior. God throws those people into hell, and that is not an act of love towards those people. It is an act of love towards His people as He gets rid of wickedness when that wicked person is sent to hell. Most people don’t make it to heaven but end up in hell because they won’t change their mind and believe on God to save them. It’s simple and easy to be saved. Simply believe that Jesus will save you by faith in Him to save you.
- God’s nature doesn’t change. The God of the Old Testament is the God of the New Testament. God only changes His actions because of what we’ve done wrong. His nature is perfect and will never change.
- God created hell and is in charge of hell. Satan does not run hell. Satan will be thrown into hell for eternal torment so Satan obviously doesn’t have power over hell.
- We are not to look for revenge on others as God says He is the one who takes vengeance on others. We are not to take the law into our own hands. The government is responsible for implementing God’s laws and the punishments for breaking those laws.
- If a law goes against God’s law, we will always choose to follow God’s law over the laws of a government. God’s laws are always the priority. For example, if a government law says you will be put to death for attending church, the government will have to put us to death. We will follow God’s laws.
- As another example, quarantine is a valid Biblical practice for the sick and not for the well. If you are sick, quarantine goes along with God’s recommendation. If the government changes the speed limit to 20 mph, you should follow that law because it doesn’t break God’s law.
- The best works you can be doing are those of eternal significance. Preaching the Gospel is a great work because it has eternal significance. Reading and studying the Bible is a great work and that knowledge and wisdom will stay with you for eternity. Baptism, prayer, attending church, partaking in the Lord’s Supper, and worshiping God are all good works.
- We trust in God and seek Him first over doctors, medicine, and vaccines.
Here’s A Summary Of What We Reject
- We reject water baptism that includes sprinkling and pouring. Biblical baptism is going down into the water and coming up out of the water. We reject infant baptism. A person must believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save them. This is the only requirement to be baptized.
- We reject the man-made invention of “speaking in tongues.” There is a Biblical definition for tongues. Tongues are languages with order and structure. “Speaking in tongues” doesn’t include some unknown babbling with no structure or order. For example, the same word in babble MUST have a definition. Since none do, babble is not a language or a tongue. You cannot communicate with babble. This practice of speaking in babble is not within the Scriptures. Search them. It’s not there.
- We reject the idea of one universal church. God chose the local church to do His work. Church is a physical gathering together of believers. If you don’t have a gathering together of people who have believed on the Lord Jesus Christ alone to save them, you don’t have a church. The world can call it whatever they want, but it only matters how God sees it.
- We reject Calvinism and know that God gives everyone the choice and the chances to be saved.
- We reject Arminianism and know that God provides eternal security to the believer. You cannot lose everlasting life once you receive the free gift from God.
- We reject dispensationalism and know that all people get to heaven by God’s grace through personal faith.
- We reject the pre-tribulation rapture as it does not agree with the Bible and is a man-made doctrine. Revelation 4:1-2 is not the rapture. John is in the spirit so God can show him the things in Revelation which must shortly come to pass.
- We reject praying to humans and only pray to God Almighty. Praying to humans would be just like praying to rocks. They can’t do anything for you. God can hear prayers so we pray to God.
- Mary is not a mediator between us and Jesus Christ. This is a man-made doctrine not found in Scriptures and is pure evil.
- We reject the idea that Mary is still a virgin. She is not the queen of heaven. She is human. Joseph “knew her” not till she had brought forth Jesus. The Bible tells us that Mary did not stay a virgin. Jesus had physical brothers and sisters.
- We reject all forms of abortion including morning after pills, birth control pills, surgical abortion, and any and all other procedures that end life after conception. Children are a blessing from God no matter what you think or believe. Children are not a burden but a blessing.
- We reject sodomy and sodomites. Sodomites should not be allowed to attend church services. God rejects sodomy and sodomites, and we will stand with him and not with the world. Sodomy is an action and a decision that one must make. This is not natural and doesn’t happen naturally. It is not okay. A decision must be made and God calls sodomy and sodomites an abomination that He greatly hates.
- We reject liberalism, modernism, and worldliness. We choose to follow God and not the world. The “truth” in the world is usually the opposite of the truth in the Bible. The Bible is right and the world is wrong.
- We reject any so-called “Christian” denomination that doesn’t believe God exists eternally as three separate and distinct persons: 1) God the Father, 2) the Son of God, and 3) the Holy Spirit. Yes, the term “person” to describe God is biblical. Any denomination that doesn’t believe in the triune God of the Bible is worshiping a false god.
- We reject any so-called “Christian” denomination that adds works to salvation in any way. This includes the requirement to repent of your sin and be baptized in order to be saved. Acts 2:38 does not say this. You should repent (change your mind from unbelief to belief) and then you SHOULD be baptized “FOR” or “BECAUSE OF” the remission of sins. There are many people in heaven right now that were not baptized.
- We reject teaching from books, commentaries, and other materials in church. Preaching and teaching in church should come from the Bible alone. If a teacher does not know the Bible, they should not be teaching and relying on other “materials” to do the work for them. Churches need to be very careful of what they are allowing to infiltrate their churches and Sunday school classes. We need to be very careful and check the materials being used. It’s much safer to choose teachers who know and use the Bible alone. Man-made doctrines should not be taught at church.
- We reject women leading the church. God selected men to be the leaders within His church, and we will follow what God says no matter who it offends. God didn’t say men were better than women or women were better than men. And we don’t either. Women are amazing, but we trust in God’s plan over what we think or want. God did say for men to lead within His church. He is the boss. Men need to do their job and step up and lead the church like God commanded. Outside of church, women should be preaching the Gospel too.
- We reject racism in any way, shape, or form. No one chose their race before they were born. Race doesn’t matter at all in God’s eyes so we will follow God’s lead. God chose your gender and your race for you, and it is very good. We do not believe in treating anyone different over their race.
- We reject the use of the cross as an image to represent Jesus Christ and God. God says that He hates graven images. There is no image that God tells us to use to represent Him. Yet, churches everywhere put an image of the cross front and center. God is not happy with this.
- We reject false teaching as this leads to the worship of a false god. For example, a false gospel that includes works like baptism to be saved equals the worship of a false god. “You must be baptized to be saved. You must keep the faith your entire life. You must endure to the end.” All of these are false. God does not say any of those things so this is called preaching a false god, a false gospel, and another Jesus.
- We reject the damnable heresy that says you must stop sinning in order to be saved. Repent of your sin to be saved is not within the Bible anywhere. You don’t have to stop sinning to be saved. For example, an alcoholic can be saved right now if he/she would simply believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to save them.
- We reject Zionism that states all of the physical nation of Israel today will be saved. Not all of the physical children of Israel will be saved. Jacob and Esau were twins of the same flesh and blood. God loved Jacob and hated Esau. Why? Jacob had faith. Esau didn’t. The only dividing factor for all people, including physical Israel, is faith. If you’ve had faith at some point in your life, you will go to heaven. If you’ve never had faith, you will go to hell.
- We reject altar calls as they are not Biblical. An altar was used for offerings. We don’t need an altar any more. God takes His altar very seriously. Study the word altar in the Bible and you won’t want to take part in altar calls any more. Altar calls are showmanship within the church. God is not happy with this.
- We reject the man-made idea that instruments shouldn’t be used in church. God doesn’t say this anywhere. The church didn’t start in the Book of Acts. The church has been present throughout all ages just like the Bible says. The Book of Acts teaches there was a church in the wilderness with Moses.
- We reject the sale of any merchandise in the church and at church. This includes anything. Fundraisers, coffee, and Bibles are included. Jesus threw the people out of the temple who were selling animals for sacrifices within the temple. They were not selling bad or evil things, and yet, Jesus was very angry with them. Nothing should be sold in church. It doesn’t matter what it is or what you think. “Well, is this okay?” No, it’s not. It’s very simple. Nothing is allowed.
- We reject the idea that Sheol, Gehenna, and Hades are different places. Hell is hell.
- We reject vaccines.
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